Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,366 Exquisite Revenge

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There are many embarrassing things in this world. Tao

And when someone vows to give an answer to something, it turns out that the answer is inconsistent with the reality. While being slapped in the face, the other party has to ask for answers. This kind of embarrassment will undoubtedly make people want to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

In general, under such circumstances, the normal reaction of most people is not to admit their mistakes and failures, but to find other excuses reflexively without thinking.

But this is undoubtedly wrong, because when the excuse you used to cover up is exposed and the mistake is verified, the embarrassment of being forced to admit your mistake will make people stand on their toes and deduct three bedrooms and one living room.

And more importantly, errors in all your views will cause your failure.

"Hey, you little girl didn't just read two detective books and then go to the murder scene to become a detective."

Officer Megure looked at the flustered and laughing Sera Masumi with a speechless look on his face.

"No, I, I have solved many cases, okay?"

Officer Sera Masumi Ichimegure questioned and quickly said: "That's right! It must have been caused by a car!

Just transport the person here in a wheelchair first, and then tie it to the car with fishing line.

Then if you start the car and reverse it, the reaction force of the wheelchair will..."

"Unfortunately, we have already inspected Ms. Hirakawa's car regarding this."

Takagi looked at Sera Masumi, who was still throwing out his hypothesis, and smiled apologetically: "There are no scratches from fishing lines or other signs of manipulation."

"Yeah, I can testify to this!"

Conan said in a cute voice, adding insult to injury: "When I ran over, no one had a chance to do anything."

After that, we went upstairs. Sister Xiaolan and Mr. Guard were helping to watch the scene, so it was even less likely that anyone would do anything. "

"What's more, if Mr. Kamizumi had to be tied to the car in advance, there wouldn't be such a troublesome operation at all."

Officer Megure retorted: "Just let him lie down next to this broken window, and then drive him downstairs with a rope.

There is no need to go through all the trouble of transporting people here in wheelchairs. "

"It's true, I'm just too stupid." Sera Masumi covered her face and looked annoyed, but in fact her eyes were quietly glancing at Karasawa and Conan aside.

Seeing Sera Masumi's pretentious and poor acting skills, a trace of doubt flashed across Karasawa's speechless eyes.

Because as he said before, it stands to reason that if he is here, Sera Masumi's attempt to test Conan's behavior by making his own mistakes is simply useless. Tao

This is why he already knew the answer, but let Sera Masumi do the reasoning first.

The purpose is to see what the other party plans to do and whether there are any changes in actions.

But the other party still chose to make a mistake, which made Tang Ze a little confused.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why Sera Masumi deliberately made mistakes was because he was involved in the temptation!

Because he had met Kudo Shinichi when he was a child, and because his mother had become smaller, Sera Masumi became suspicious after seeing Conan.

Before the police arrived, Conan's performance also allowed her to collect some preliminary information.

And then Conan's "Master" call even more attracted Sera Masumi's attention to Karasawa. Tao

Because this means that the two may have an extraordinary relationship, and even Karasawa may know Conan's identity and even act as a relayer of Conan's reasoning.

So Sera Masumi made the mistake deliberately, and what she wanted to see was whether Karasawa was really capable!

She kept her eyes on the two of them the whole time. If they had a private communication or Tangze suddenly took out his phone to check the text messages, he would then start to deduce the correct answer.

Then, there is a high probability that Karasawa is just a fool, simply a tool that Conan pushed to the front desk when it was inconvenient to show up.

In this way, she can directly transfer the target first

, instead of testing the keen Conan, he instead tested the average Tangze.

If you are really a fool, it should be very simple to trick the other party and so on.

But if the other party makes correct reasoning without relying on Conan, then it proves that the other party is also a difficult person. Tao

Then we have to figure it out slowly.

Not only that, the relationship between the two also needs to continue to be tested.

After all, the other party called him master, and Tang Ze needed to find out whether he knew Conan's true identity.

If Conan simply recognized his master as a way to cover up his reasoning ability that was far beyond his years, then it wouldn't matter, he just needed to be careful.

But if there is a connection between the two, then she also needs to take a long-term approach. After all, if she is not careful when facing a famous "criminal", the details may be revealed by the other party.

After all, the other party is a "famous criminal" with many rumors. If he really made his name by relying on his own strength, it proves that the other party cannot be underestimated.

Tangze didn't know that the secret code agreed between him and Conan made the other party suspicious of the relationship between the two of them. Tao

It is precisely because of this that Sera Masumi, who originally gave up the temptation after seeing Karasawa's arrival, chose to deliberately make mistakes in reasoning and take the same actions as in the original work.

It was as if the ripples originally caused by his wings were restored to the original result due to the ripples caused by another change.

It's like the original "2+2=4" has become "1+3=4". Although the results are the same but the process is different after all.

But how did Karasawa know that Sera Masumi's actions had not changed at all, but it was because of their secret signals that Sera Masumi had a different purpose.

But even Tang Ze couldn't figure out this kind of personal matter, so after a short period of contemplation with no results, Tang Ze decisively gave up and focused on the matter in front of him.

After all, Hirukawa Toshiko saw that their reasoning failed, and he had already begun to bite his nose.

"The method mentioned by this detective lady is indeed a very interesting magic mechanism, but it's a pity that it is all made up."

During the moment when Karasawa was brooding, Hirakawa Toshiko also began to feel proud when he saw that Sera Masaki's reasoning failed and could not uncover his own tricks.

"To be honest, I'm disappointed in your criminal case handling abilities."

Hirukawa Toshiko looked at Megure and Takagi and said strangely: "You would actually listen to the reasoning of a young girl like playing house. You are really wasting taxpayers' money."

Hearing Hirukawa Toshiko's words, Officer Megure's face turned red and white. It was obvious that the unpleasant words made him lose face.

"I can't pretend I didn't hear this."

When Karasawa came back to his senses, he heard Hirukawa Toshiko's words, suppressed the doubts in his heart and said directly: "Although the little girl did not succeed in reasoning in the end, it does not mean that her thrust was wrong.

If we say she is 90% right, as for the 10% difference, it may be due to carelessness or lack of experience..."

Speaking of this, Karasawa gave Sera Masaki a meaningful look, which made the other person feel guilty and smiled awkwardly at him unconsciously.

"Brother Karasawa, you're saying that the idea of ​​solving the case is correct, but it's just missing something, right?"

After hearing what Karasawa said, Officer Megure looked excited as if he had found reinforcements and said, "Then stop being so pretentious and explain it in detail quickly."

"There is nothing wrong with Ms. Sera's previous reasoning, she just overlooked something."

Karasawa pointed to the window: "The missing thing is the two paint buckets that fell over there."

After Karasawa finished speaking, Hirukawa Toshiko, who was originally aggressive, panicked instantly and turned extremely pale.

And everyone's eyes instantly fell on the paint can that fell next to the broken window. Tao

"Used those two paint cans?" Officer Megure said in shock: "Brother Karasawa, do you think you could have pushed the victim down the stairs if you had used those two paint cans?"

"That's right."

Tang Ze nodded, walked to the window, squatted down, and motioned for everyone to look at the large piece of yellow paint: "Look here, there are traces of a lot of paint spilled, right?

And there were traces of something that had been placed against the wall.

Now I put the two paint buckets horizontally according to these traces, and you will know. "

Karasawa placed two scattered paint cans across the edge of the wall, and the two gasoline barrels fit perfectly.

"The two gasoline barrels placed sideways exactly match the marks on the wall!" Officer Megure said excitedly when he saw this. Tao

"Please, you two, step on the paint bucket with your feet to hold it in place, and we'll try again."

"Then I'll leave the electric wheelchair to you." Officer Megure and Officer Takagi each stood on one side with one foot on the paint bucket and said.

Tang Ze walked to the electric wheelchair and pulled it to the elevator door again.

"Get ready, I'm going to let you go."

Tangze turned on the forward switch of the electric wheelchair, released his hand and watched the wheelchair move forward.


The advancing electric wheelchair hit the previous depression of the gasoline barrel. Tao

This time, the speed of the electric wheelchair was obviously the same, but because the vertical wall the wheelchair hit turned into two round gasoline barrels, the situation changed completely.

After the electric wheelchair's leg hit the oil drum, the cylindrical structure on the surface caused the upper part of the electric wheelchair to tilt significantly.

And because the oil tank separated the electric wheelchair from the wall, leaving a distance between the two, the reaction force immediately threw the dummy above it, and it was accurately caught by the decentralized forensics personnel with a cloth.

"That's the situation. If it hits a wall, because the force-bearing area is the same and the angle problem will not cause the wheelchair to tilt so much.

However, if a gasoline can is used, the legs of the electric wheelchair will get stuck under the paint can, and the wheelchair will tilt at a greater angle than if it hits the wall.

When the handrail hits the wall and produces a reaction force, the person on it can be easily thrown away. "

Tang Ze paused and added: "Of course the prisoner didn't have two people to fix the gasoline barrel, so he chose another method."

He splashed a large amount of paint on the wall and then placed a gasoline can on it. When the paint dried, it could naturally fix the gasoline can.

Although this kind of fixation is not very reliable, it is enough.

There is no need for the gasoline barrel to be very strong. It only needs to be ensured that the gasoline barrel will not be blown away by the wind before the electric wheelchair hits and goes up. The latter will deviate from the position designed by the prisoner.

And being weak also has the advantage of being weak. When the electric wheelchair hits the gasoline barrel, the gasoline barrel will also loosen due to the force of care.

In this way, the gasoline barrels will also be scattered around the wall due to this reaction force.

The human traces will be eliminated, and the police will not pay too much attention to the problem of gasoline barrels when investigating. "

After explaining all this, Karasawa glanced at the pale Hirakawa Toshiko and said, "After you confirm that Mr. Uizumi fell to his death in front of you.

You pretend that you saw a suspicious figure flash past on the rooftop, making everyone unconsciously want to check the situation on the roof.

And in this way, you can also let the elevator stopped on the 6th floor go down to the 1st floor. "

After Karasawa finished speaking, Officer Megure on the side immediately picked up the intercom and said: "Chiba, please let the elevator go downstairs to the first floor!"

"I know!" Chiba followed the instructions and pressed the button downstairs. After the elevator started, the fishing line shrank significantly.

"After doing this, the fishing line tied under the foot frame of the electric wheelchair will naturally be turned by the downward pull of the elevator, and then turn around and move forward in the direction of the elevator."

Tangze's words were like a prophecy. Following his words, the electric wheelchair actually turned around and slammed into the elevator door.

"Remember to tie

A rubber band on a fishing line? That's what the prisoners prepared to recover the fishing line. ”

Karasawa patted the electric wheelchair and said, "Because the fishing line was thirty centimeters short, when the elevator went down to the first floor and it was not long enough, I started to pull the rubber band that was hooked on the inside of the elevator and fixed on the mirror.

The sharpness of the fishing line combined with the pulling force can easily cut the rubber band.

So when the prisoners and their companions entered the elevator, the interior of the elevator had been restored, and neither the fishing line nor the rubber bands were left.

After that, as long as you arrive at the rooftop with everyone, you can use any excuses and quickly press the elevator buttons on the sixth and second floors before getting out of the elevator, and the plan is complete. "

"Speaking of which, after we arrived at the rooftop, Aunt Hirukawa was a little scared and held the elevator door open, not daring to come out."

Conan used a childlike tone to add the most ferocious sword, and then showed an expression of sudden realization: "Ah! I understand, Aunt Hirukawa, you took the opportunity to press the elevator button at that time, right!!"


Facing Conan's backstabbing blow, Hirukawa Toshiko's face turned pale and she no longer had the arrogance she had before. She looked at the man who had said everything with a look of fear.

At this moment, she was really scared, because the trick she thought she could protect herself had been slowly revealed.

What awaited her afterwards was an ending that she couldn't bear and was afraid of.

PS: The design here is that Sera Masumi basically knows Conan's identity, but it has not been confirmed yet. Otherwise, there is no way to explain the reason why the other party dug a hole to test Conan as soon as he saw Conan in the original work.

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