Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,371 The Serian who Gonghuo

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Maori Detective Agency. Aya chatted along the way, and Sera Masumi almost learned the basic situation of Hattori Heiji from Ran.

"Hey~ It turns out he is the son of the head of the Osaka Police Headquarters." Masumi Sera exclaimed: "Not only that, he is also a high school detective. He is really amazing."

"Well, Hattori-kun once said that there is Hattori in the west and Kudo in the east." Xiaolan said with a smile: "The two of them are very famous figures in Kanto and Kansai."

"So, he is Kudo Shinichi's rival?" Sera Masumi said with a smile.

"That being said, they only had a duel when they first met." Xiaolan smiled slightly: "Recently, the two of them have worked together to solve cases~" Ling

"Well, just think that two people add up to one." Mouri Kogoro, who was reading the newspaper, shook the newspaper and said seriously: "Follow me, this famous detective who is one of the best in neon lights."

Compared with "Sleeping Kogoro", they are two completely different levels! "Speaking of this, Mouri Kogoro couldn't hold back his pretentious posture before, and he laughed triumphantly.

Looking at Moori Kogoro laughing, Conan on the side complained speechlessly: "It's a pity."

"Sleeping Kogoro" is also worth two. ’ Of course, this was just a complaint in his mind, because he was also used to Mouri Kogoro’s narcissistic character.

"Then what's the matter with Hattori-kun coming here this time?" Sera Masaki asked curiously.

"That's not clear." Xiaolan shook her head and said, "He said he would wait until reality meets him." Ling

"In my opinion, it's probably because they brought some troublesome cases here." Mouri Kogoro warned in an elder's tone: "Don't quarrel between those in the east and those in the west."

"The east and the west..." Masumi Sera touched her chin and pondered for a moment, then asked enthusiastically.

The question of "killing people and killing people": "Then I would like to ask Kudo-kun in the east and Hattori-kun in the west, who is the real detective?" This sentence made Conan instantly turn into beet-eyed. Obviously, this question also affects Got to him.

On the contrary, Xiaolan found it a little difficult to answer after hearing this, so she could only smile and said: "I think it should be just as powerful."

"No, but if we have to compare..." Conan touched his chin and said proudly: "Of course it's from the east..." Ling

"It's from the west!!" Before Conan could finish his words, a male voice with a Kansai accent came directly from outside the door.

Hattori Heiji roughly opened the door and said with an unhappy look on his face: "I, the high school detective Hattori Heiji from Kansai, am naturally much better than the one from the east!"

"Idiot!!" Hattori Heiji rushed over with a look of displeasure on his face, leaned over to look at Conan and yelled: "You guys are getting more and more outrageous, and people can't stand it anymore!!" 'Who told you to steal outside? Listen to others.

’ Conan cursed and complained.

"Then, where is that girl?" Aya Hattori Heiji stood up and asked: "Where is the female detective who has been inquiring about Kudo's guy recently? Where is she?"

"She's standing right here!" Xiaolan smiled and extended her hand to introduce Sera Masumi next to her: "She is Sera Masumi's classmate."

"But let me make it clear in advance that I am not asking around about others." Sera Masumi said with a slight smile.

Seeing Sera Majun behind him, Hattori Heiji was so frightened that he quickly took two steps back and looked at the other person in surprise: "So, it turns out you are a girl!" Obviously, although Hattori Heiji also saw the other person just now, But because the other person's image looked too much like a boy, I didn't match the other person's identity.

Hattori Heiji took two steps closer, looked at Sera Masumi and said with shame: "For girls, the breasts seem a bit too inconspicuous..." Xiaolan smiled awkwardly at this, and Sera Masumi said angrily: "This It's all just temporary! Aya will be able to grow at an astonishing speed in the future! After all, although my mother is very thin, her breasts are still quite big, so I won't worry about this problem!" Speaking of this, Masumi Sera smiled. Asked Xiaolan: "You think so, Xiaolan!" Xiaolan, who was already embarrassed because of the topic they were talking about, couldn't help but couldn't help hearing Sera Masaki's words that she hoped she could testify. Smile awkwardly.

After all, she had never met Sera Masaki's mother, so how could she testify for her. Xiaolan smiled with an awkward but polite smile, then quickly changed the subject and said: "Speaking of which, why are you alone, Hattori-kun? Where did you go with Ye-chan? Didn't she say she would talk to you before? Did you come together?" Ling

"She got off the car and went to buy curry on the way." Hattori Heiji said with a helpless smile: "Someone gave their family some vacuum-packed curry from a restaurant in Kanto as a souvenir. As a result, Aunt Jinghua seems to be addicted to eating, but there is no such restaurant in Kansai, so this time she specially asked Kazuye to come to Tokyo this time to help her bring back this limited product that is only available in Kanto. As a result, when she was on the bus , she accidentally missed the family restaurant, so she came over after she finished buying curry."

"Given the current relationship between you two, it's not appropriate to call you aunt. You should call me aunt."

"Mother" is right. Karasawa, who pushed the door open and walked in, looked at Hattori and joked with him as soon as he opened his mouth: "Also, as a boyfriend, if your girlfriend gets out of the car in a hurry and you don't follow her, this is dereliction of duty." "

"Don't talk nonsense!" Hattori Heiji said shyly and embarrassedly: "The title you mentioned is too early!" Aya

"What about the next action?" Karasawa put his arm around Hattori Heiji's shoulders and said with a narrow expression: "Ignore your girlfriend and come here on your own. This is a proper straight man's behavior. I mean, I and you are childhood sweethearts, and I know your That’s why I don’t mind because of your personality. If it were an ordinary girl, you would have been turned away by the other party.”

"That's because the bus door suddenly opened, and then Kazuya jumped off the bus without even waiting for me to react!" Hattori Heiji retorted angrily: "I just wanted the jurisdiction at that time, but there was nothing I could do."

"Even if what you said makes sense." Karasawa retracted his arm around Hattori Heiji and greeted everyone with a smile.

"Tang Ze Criminal, why are you here~" Xiao Lan was a little surprised when she saw Tang Ze, but she still said hello with a smile.


"Yes, I promised this boy that I would treat him to a big dinner." Karasawa pressed Hattori Heiji's head and said with a smile.

"I thought it was for the case." Conan on the side knew that Hattori Heiji was invited by him, but he still said this deliberately.

"It's partly the reason for this." Hattori Heiji was about to speak after hearing Conan's words, but suddenly the cell phone in his pocket rang, interrupting him.

Hattori Heiji took out his mobile phone and answered the call directly after seeing the caller: "Hey, Kazuha, have you bought the curry over there?"

"No, hurry up, come here and help, Heiji!" On the other end of the phone, Toyama Kazuha's voice said in a hurry.

After hearing his sweetheart's somewhat panicked words, Hattori Heiji immediately asked in a panic: "What's wrong? What happened!? Aya, didn't you just go to that family restaurant to buy some curry!!"

"I'm at that family restaurant right now, but I heard from the store owner that someone seemed to have died in the bathroom." Heye looked at the scene and said in fear, "It's a mess here now."

"You, you mean someone died there!?" After hearing what Toyama Kazuha said, Hattori Heiji quickly asked: "Is it a murder!?" After hearing Hattori Heiji's words, everyone was also attracted to pay attention. Li, quickly looked at the other party and listened to the conversation between the two.

"This cannot be determined yet." Ayanoyama and Ye looked at the source of the chaos and said: "But there is a very tall foreigner in the restaurant and everyone is not allowed to leave, so I have no choice but to leave now."

"I understand the situation. Just wait over there. I'll rush over right away!" After Hattori Heiji finished his explanation, he hung up the phone and looked at everyone when he heard Ye Yinghe: "You have all heard the situation, right? , now I want to go find He Ye!"

"Then should we do this?" At this moment, Sera Masumi walked to the crowd and suggested: "Let's take advantage of this case to compare and see who is more powerful between the east and the west. What do you think? How about this proposal?"

"Eh!?" Conan and Hattori Heiji were both stunned when they heard Sera Masumi's words, while Sera Masumi continued with a smile: "Hattori-kun, of course he is in his own group. Aya and Kudo-kun, just You need to let Conan keep in touch with the other party on his mobile phone and describe the details of the case to him. Then the problem of the other party's absence can be solved. Then the two of them can also duel, right?" Speaking of this, Masumi Sera crossed her arms. Gong Huo said: "Of course, if you are good friends and you don't want to decide who wins or loses, I won't force you." Hearing Sera Masumi's words, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but smile. He stood up and said, "What are you talking about? Such a rare opportunity cannot be missed!" Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji's desire to win was already ignited. He looked at Conan provocatively and said, "Who is Kudo and me?" That's it

"Detective". "

"No one is the one, I am!" At this moment, Karasawa slapped Hattori Heiji on the head: "Two defeated generals are fighting here.

What does "second in the world" mean? Aya, just with your frivolous mentality of treating murder cases as a competition, you will never be able to surpass me! "

"That's right!" Mouri Kogoro also echoed: "Karasawa Criminal and I are evenly tied for first place, and you two brats are only competing for third place at most. What's the matter? You're so contentious." 'Believe it or not!

Who gave you the confidence to speak like this? ’ When Conan and Hattori Heiji heard what Mouri Kogoro said, they complained about each other in their hearts.

After all, Mouri Kogoro is so shameless, he is obviously a dog-headed detective. If the overall situation were not the most important thing, they would really want to expose the illusion that he is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

On the other side of Aya, Karasawa looked at Sera Masumi and said, "And you too. Even if I was lectured by Officer Megure about this incident in the last case, I still don't remember it this time. You can't do something like a murder case. Treat it as child's play, both of them were aware of the mentality problem before, but as soon as you provoke them, they got into trouble again."

"I was wrong." Serang Zhenchun on the side smiled and quickly gave up.

"Yeah, like an idiot." Conan, who was holding his head in his hands, looked at Hattori Heiji with a smile and made a stab at him.

"What!?" Hattori Heiji was furious when he heard this, lowered his head and shouted at Conan: "You are the idiot!"

"Okay, okay, why are you arguing with a kid?" Tangze said, "Do you still want to go find Kazuye?"

"Of course I want to go." Hattori Heiji looked at Karasawa who was going out and quickly followed him. The moment Ayaru turned his back to Sera Masumi, his expression instantly became serious.

There seemed to be no problem with what he said before, but in fact there was an undercurrent surging behind it. Under the provocation of Sera Masumi's words, he unknowingly had the idea of ​​competing with Kudo Shinichi.

But fortunately, Tangze stopped them in time, otherwise he would have really played into the opponent's hands. Although what Karasawa Criminal said was a bit heartbreaking, it did successfully wake him up. In the end, the other party's words to educate Sera about innocence seemed to be preaching to the other party, but in fact they were also told.

‘He’s a troublesome guy. ’ Hattori Heiji glanced at Sera Masumi behind him, and secretly became more vigilant in his heart.

"Sister Xiaolan, let's go and take a look." Conan saw everyone going out and suggested.


"Well, of course I want to go and take a look." Xiaolan nodded, then looked at Mouri Kogoro who was sitting behind the desk reading the newspaper and said: "Dad, do you want to come with us to take a look?"

"I don't want it, just go ahead." Mouri Kogoro waved his hand in disgust and said, "Just leave this kind of unpaid work to Karasawa Criminal. I still have to wait for clients in the office."

"Obviously you don't have any customers." Xiaolan couldn't help complaining about her father.

"Then what if I go out and a client comes to entrust me with a job!" Mouri Kogoro heard his daughter's complaints and immediately retorted with a beard and eyes.

"Okay, let's go then." Xiaolan, who was used to her father's personality, didn't react at all. She said goodbye to her father with a smile and followed Conan out of the office.

With two boys, two girls and one child, this configuration is just perfect for seating. After everyone got in the car, Karasawa asked Hattori Heiji to call Kazuha and ask her to send her the detailed address, and then drove towards the curry shop.

Soon everyone arrived at Rice Flower 3-chome, and without even looking for it, they saw a police car with flashing red lights parked in front of a restaurant and some people gathered around to watch the excitement.

After Tang Ze parked the car, he led everyone towards the cordon.

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