Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,407 The Dark Tracker (Secret War)

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Slow applause echoed in the parking lot, showing the appreciation of those applauding.

"That's right. Since the criminal has helped us catch the criminal, we naturally don't have to pursue him anymore."

Belmod was still facing a female criminal. She took out a cigarette from her pocket and put it to her mouth to light it: "Although he roughly guessed that we had other purposes for finding the murderer, he didn't know what we were looking for. Something.

And it’s normal for us to be able to get the memory card before him by working together inside and outside, right?

After all, this is what we earned with great difficulty by sacrificing our companions~"

Although he said to endure the pain, the frivolity and indifference in the other party's tone clearly demonstrated his cold-blooded ruthlessness.

"Is it actually a memory card!?"

After hearing Belmod's words, Conan's expression changed: "It seems that there is very important information hidden in it, and it may even be fatal to you!"

"Haha~ You guessed it right. If you don't have a reward, you can clear up the confusion, although it doesn't mean much to you."

Belmode smiled charmingly and slowly exhaled the smoke: "Perhaps out of self-protection, the spy brought the list of spies of the existing organization with him.

Unexpectedly, the other party was killed before the organization was ready to kill him, and the memory card hidden in the amulet was also taken away.

Fortunately, although it took a lot of trouble, I still got it. "

"Change one question to another, coolguy~"

Conan wanted to ask again, but Belmode interrupted him before he could speak. She smiled and said: "I have already answered your question, shouldn't it be time for you to answer my questions as well? "

"What do you want to ask?" Although Conan still had countless questions to ask, she also knew that if she didn't answer the other person's question, she would definitely not answer her own question.

So no matter how urgent it is, it seems that I have to suppress the urge to ask in my heart and ask.

"I want to know, coolguy, how did you find me?"

Belmode said with a smile: "I am quite confident in my infiltration. You shouldn't be able to discover me."

"I also have my own methods."

Facing Belmod's temptation, Conan's lenses reflected the cold light, and his inner alarm rang loudly.

Obviously, the other party has begun to doubt Tang Ze.

Because Conan's appearance here at this moment is too sudden and unreasonable. If the only explanation can be said, it is what Tang Ze told him.

First of all, Tangze knew the inside story. Secondly, Tangze went to the forensic department in person and handed the evidence into her hands.

With the other party's super sense of smell, you may be able to detect something strange.

Faced with Belmod's suspicion, Conan's appearance did not change at all, and he still had the serious expression he once had.

"During that search meeting, I noticed that you had sneaked in."

Conan looked at Belmode and said, "I saw you finally got into Gin's Porsche and left, so I understand that there must be something you need in this case.

In this case, I naturally can't let it go easily.

Fortunately, the "master" who protected my identity, Tang Ze Criminal, in my eyes was the person most likely to find the prisoner as soon as possible.

So I secretly placed a bug in his car, hoping to hear the latest developments about the case at any time and find the prisoner one step ahead.

But then I unexpectedly learned that he actually saved Administrator Matsumoto Kiyonaga, which also let me know who the impostor was. "

"And then you eavesdropped and learned about Karasawa and Matsumoto Kiyonaga's plan, and lurked at the Metropolitan Police Department and finally discovered me." Belmode asked curiously: "How did you do it?"

"It's just a gamble, or an insurance policy."

Conan put his hands in his pockets and took out the lies he had concocted a long time ago, and said seriously: "I assume those two situations.

The first thing is that you don't know that your companions have been exposed, so I only need to "sit back and watch" and watch you fight with the Metropolitan Police Department, and then see if I can add insult to injury.

But in the second case, if you knew about it, your style would definitely not allow members of the organization to be captured alive.

So I was wondering what on earth you would do.

After contacting the impostor, I realized that maybe you had given up on him. "

Conan stared at Belmod with sharp eyes: "You are really cold-blooded. You clearly had a chance to let your companions escape, but you used them as bait for sacrifice."

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who let him be discovered? And the memory card must be obtained."

Belmode took a puff of cigarette and spit it out with a charming look, not caring about Conan's threat: "Actually, we realized when the "criminal" crossed the search headquarters to contact the local criminal arrest prisoner. Something is wrong.

Although we don’t know whether the other party suddenly found the prisoner and had no time to notify him, or whether he suddenly acted like this for some other reason, we still smelled something bad.

So the organization immediately took out insurance instead of fully trusting Ireland to destroy the memory card.

It turned out that our guess was right, Ireland was really discovered, so we had to activate our backhand to silence him and take away the memory card. "

"Is that guy who sneaked into the Metropolitan Police called "Ireland"?"

Because Tang Ze arrested the prisoner in advance, the police did not arrest another suspect who had harmed one of the victims.

Without this link, Belmod would naturally not be able to disguise himself to test the other party. When Conan discovered it, he would reveal the member's code name and purpose to Conan.

This was the first time the two met at this moment, and it was also the first time Conan learned this code name from Belmode.

"Don't think about it. Even if you know this code name, it's meaningless."

Belmode smiled, but his beautiful eyes were full of cold indifference: "After all, information about dead people is worthless.

What's more, as Ireland is always against him whenever he disagrees, Gin will be even less merciful. "

"Are you really going to silence yourself..."

Conan looked at Belmod after hearing this, his face full of solemnity, constantly thinking about the information revealed in the other person's words: "You said you are right...the two of them have a grudge?"

Although it is only a few sentences, the information contained in it is not small.

In Belmod's almost explicit words, Conan realized that in this operation, Gin seemed not only to destroy the memory card to silence him, but also had the idea of ​​eradicating dissidents.

"Haha, let's get rid of it quickly~" Belmod spread his hands charmingly, and the next moment, gunshots were fired from the outside into the underground parking lot.


Although the sound had been weakened layer by layer, it still reached the ears of the two people.


Hearing the gunshot, Belmode said calmly: "It seems like it's a draw this time. We lost manpower, and you didn't get what you wanted."

"But you're still here." Conan said with sharp eyes: "The outcome has not yet been determined, and there is still a chance to get the memory card."

"I can't give you this~" Belmode smiled charmingly, not taking Conan's words to heart at all: "And you alone can't keep me~guy~"

"That's right~ Then how about adding me?"

Along with the sound of yawning, a lazy male voice sounded from behind Belmod. Belmod's expression changed and he turned to look at the man warily: "Aoji?"

"We meet again, Belmode." Qing Zhi greeted lazily.

"You're really well prepared, guy~"

Although Belmod's tone was still relaxed, his expression became serious.

"Now that we know you are interested in this case, we naturally want to join in the fun."

Qingzhi yawned and said lazily: "But I'm lazy, if you are willing to hand over the things..."


The answer to Aokiji's words was the crisp sound of plastic breaking. Bellmode was very decisive and broke the memory card directly the moment he saw Aokiji.

"Now, does it count as a draw?" Belmode threw the memory card that was broken into two pieces into the ground in front of the two of them, and then crushed it further with high heels after it landed.

"Alala, we really forced a tie." Qing Zhi scratched his head and said: "You are so decisive, doesn't it make me look lazy?

Hmm... How about a glass of "absinthe"? "

After the words fell, Belmod's right hand subconsciously touched the pistol at his waist.

"If possible, I still hope that you can continue to be "lazy"." Belmode said carefully.

"Don't be so arrogant. I think there is still some possibility of cooperation between us."

Qingzhi smiled and signaled Belmode to relax.

"Cooperation is no longer necessary." Seeing that Aokiji had no intention of taking action, Belmode stopped being wary and instead slowly walked around the exit and distanced himself from it.

"Dingling bell~"

During this brief stalemate, Conan's cell phone suddenly rang, and a text message was sent to Conan's cell phone.

Looking at the person who sent the text message, Conan reached out to open the text message. The next moment he saw the content, his pupils shrank violently, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

And his reaction also attracted the attention of the two people in front of him.

"Ah la la, it looks like something terrible has happened."

Aokiji took out the phone from Conan's hand as he spoke, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes after reading the text message.

But this fleeting sharpness made Belmode feel stressed in an instant.

"Your companion before your death was really amazing. According to the investigation of fingerprint comparison records by my companion, he actually discovered the identity of the boy you were interested in."


As soon as Aokiji finished speaking, Belmode's eyes changed instantly, and the worry and concern appeared in front of their eyes without concealment.

And Conan also came to his senses in this exclamation, and said helplessly: "Please, Mr. Aokiji, please finish telling the information."

"I'm not too shocked to see you, so I want to cooperate with you."

After Qingzhi smiled, he resumed his lazy tone again: "But he was silenced before his death, and it seems that he did not pass on the information."

After hearing Aoki Pheasant's last words, Belmode also came back to his senses and responded: "Are you testing me?"

"Testing shouldn't count. After all, your preference for him is obvious to all, otherwise I wouldn't have let you go last time."

Qing Zhi looked at the complicated-faced Belmode and said, "Then, let's start our first cooperation based on Conan, right?

Although Ireland was indeed silenced by your people, there is no guarantee that the news of this child's identity has not spread.

So, please help us find out the news there?

After all, you don’t want to watch Conan get killed, right? "

"Only this one time."

Belmode naturally knew Qingzhi's plan, but in the end he watched Qingzhi coldly and agreed to the other party's request.

This is a conspiracy. As long as her weakness is Conan, she can't just sit back and watch him being put in danger.

And once the two parties cooperate for the first time, it will be like opening up an opening in the future, there will be a second and third time, and then the situation will get deeper and deeper.

Once a person's bottom line is broken, there will be no bottom line from now on. After all, he will continue to decline.

How could Belmode not understand this truth, but she still did it.

After agreeing to the other party's request, Belmode no longer guarded against the two of them and turned to leave, "If there is no news, it means it's okay. I will find you if there is any situation.

But don’t even think about coercing me into doing things this way next time. "

"Isn't it good to leave yourself a way out?"

Qingzhi yawned and said, "You should know how many enemies you have.

Maybe one day, you will be completely wiped out. "

"Oh, I'm stuck in the quagmire, how dare I hope for light." Belmod waved his hand without looking back, exhaled smoke and crushed the cigarette butt.

Watching Belmod leave, Aoki looked at Conan and said, "Shall we leave too?"

"Well, where is your car parked?" Conan looked at Qing Pheasant and asked.

"On the nearby street, I haven't had time to get a ticket or a fine before this moment passed." Qingzhi said with a smile.

"The area around here should be Miyamoto Yumi's sister's territory. If you happen to meet him, I will intercede for you." Conan said with a smile.

"Then it's up to you."

The two of them chatted and laughed as they walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department's underground parking lot and walked towards where each other parked their cars. They seemed relaxed and casual, but those words were just to dilute the seriousness before.

Although they had the upper hand in the confrontation with Belmod, it still took a lot of effort.

After all, they were also afraid that Belmod would notice that the Aoki Pheasant this time was not the same person they saw before.

After all, the opponent is a master of disguise, so he has to guard against this.

In addition, although getting what the organization wants from the other party is also their goal, in fact, both of them plan to return empty-handed.

After all, they did not have the upper hand in intelligence, and the other party had already sneaked into the Metropolitan Police Department and used bait to attract attention and get the things in their hands.

But even so, they must take action.

After all, as an enemy, if the opponent wants to get it, they must destroy it even if they can't get it.

It's a pity that they didn't expect that the other party's purpose was also to destroy, but they succeeded in achieving their goal.

However, thinking about the final unexpected situation and the initial cooperation with the other party, the two felt that it was not completely fruitless.

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