Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,417 Mom’s Friend

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Under the leadership of Masayo Yamada, Karasawa and the two quickly found the apartment manager.

After revealing their identities and intentions, the apartment manager cooperated and led the two to Miss Hiroko's home.

"Ms. Sasaki's home is right here."

After entering the yard, the middle-aged administrator took out the spare key, opened the door and said, "You two, please come in."


After thanking them, the two entered the room, and the apartment manager said goodbye to them and left.

The house Hiroko Sasaki rents is a luxury apartment with a courtyard. It can be seen that the other party is not short of money, and it is indeed suitable for the status of a translator.

After the two put on gloves, they began to search each other's homes.

"Miss Hiroko's passport is still in the drawer."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out his passport from the drawer: "Looking at it this way, it can at least be confirmed that Ms. Hiroko has not gone abroad."

"There are surveillance cameras here."

Tang Ze saw the computer screen placed on the other party's desk: "From the shooting angle, the camera should be in the eyes of the decorated owl at the door."

"Miss Hiroko is a woman who lives alone, so it's normal to pretend like this." Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought for a moment and said.

"It's normal to install a camera, but it's a little unusual to have the eyes disguised as an owl."

Karasawa said: "Generally speaking, the very existence of installing surveillance cameras will inhibit the occurrence of crime.

Therefore, everyone will not hide the camera, but will place it conspicuously at the door.

In this way, a thief who wants to break into an empty door will easily notice that there is a camera installed in this house, and will give up the idea of ​​breaking into the empty door.

But if the cameras are hidden, they will not be able to curb crime. "

"In that case, Ms. Hiroko doesn't want others to know that she is taking precautions?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki thought.

"Well, it does make sense."

Karasawa nodded, agreeing with Koshimi Nanatsuki's point of view.

However, before the two of them could take the next step, they suddenly saw four women appearing in front of Miss Hiroko's house from the surveillance camera, and Masayo Yamada, who had not come with them before, still followed the three with a guilty conscience. behind a woman.

Farther away, there were three boys and a girl holding toy weapons and facing forward with wary expressions.

"It seems we were discovered when we entered."

Tang Ze stood up and walked out the door, "Let's go and explain things clearly. The other three people happened to be here too, so we can also ask about the situation."

When the two people left the room, they saw three women looking at the two people who came out of the house.

Yamada Masashiro stood behind them with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at Karasawa.

"What are you two doing!" Mrs. Madoka scolded.

"This is Miss Hiroko's home!" Mrs. Lily said, stroking her glasses.

"We will call the police!" Mrs. Nanami glared at the two of them.

"We'll call the police!" Yamada Masayo agreed, looking at Tang Ze and the two of them with guilty consciences on their faces, and fearing that they wouldn't help her keep her secret.

"Well, actually we are criminals." Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out his ID from his arms and showed it to everyone.

"Eh!?" Several ladies had expressions of surprise on their faces, obviously shocked by their identities.

"Anyway, this is not the place to talk. Let's find a place to talk in detail."

Tangze looked at the ladies, raised his chin, and pointed at the four children standing further away: "They also need to find a place to stay, so as not to delay our conversation, right?"

After hearing Tangze's words, the ladies nodded and finally led the two of them to the park nearby.

After letting the children play on the slide in the park, several people sat on the park benches.

"Miss Hiroko, didn't she go on a trip?" After sitting down, after a preliminary self-introduction, Madoka Fu

The person was the first to ask questions.

"We don't rule out this possibility, but we don't rule out that he was involved in a certain case." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "That's why we will investigate first."

"Um, are you Mrs. Yuri Hashimoto?" Karasawa looked at the woman wearing glasses and smiled: "This brooch of yours is quite beautiful, it looks very delicate."

"Huh?" Yuri Hashimoto was stunned for a moment, then said: "'s from Italy..."

Tangze nodded and said immediately: "We want to know what happened when you went to the barbecue.

Mrs. Lily, from the time Ms. Hiroko said she wanted to go out into the mountains to take pictures and until the time she sent the message, have you ever acted alone? "

"I don't remember much about this, but I might have gone to the bathroom or looked for the children..." Yuri Hashimoto was stunned for a moment when she heard Karasawa's question, and then said with some uncertainty.

"Why are you asking this?" Mrs. Lily said uneasily after hearing Tangze's words.

"It's just because of work needs." Tangze explained with a smile.

"Where are you, Mrs. Nanami?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned around and asked Mrs. Nanami again.

"I'm almost like this..." Mrs. Nanami said after hearing this.

Karasawa pretended to ask the other two people again, and under the testimony of Masayo Yamada, the two of them stated that they had never left alone.

This is of course no problem, after all, the photos posted by Masayo Yamada on the wall also confirm this.

"In other words, you two have been away from everyone for a while, right?" Karasawa said.

"What do you mean!?"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Mrs. Nanami stood up immediately: "Could it be that you suspect that we did something to Hiroko!?"

"How is that possible!" Mrs. Lily stood up excitedly after hearing this.

"You are going too far. Hiroko and we are very good friends!" Although Madam Madoka was not included in the suspicion target, she also stood up.

Seeing the other three people standing up to confront Karasawa, Yamada Masashi had no choice but to stand up and echo Mrs. Madoka's words.

However, when he met the eyes of Karasawa and the two men, Yamada Masashiro, who was originally so aggressive, immediately retracted his head like a little quail.

Tang Ze and the two also knew each other's difficulties, so they didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Please calm down, we are just following our work practices to eliminate your suspicions."

Tang Ze explained something and then decisively changed the subject, "Speaking of which, I wonder if you all remember what you did with the bottle of champagne when you were having a barbecue?

Miss Hiroko Sasaki brought a bottle of champagne, but it disappeared without knowing when. "

"Champagne?" Mrs. Lily said in shock.

"Did we drink?" Mrs. Maranka also looked confused.

The four people looked at each other, and in the end no one recalled who drank the champagne.

Just when everyone was silent, a boy who was playing with the topic suddenly ran over.

"Mom, can I go over there and play?" the boy ran over and asked.

"Xiao Lu, let's play around here." Mrs. Yuanxiang refused after hearing this.

"It doesn't matter, I have this." Xiao Lu said holding the mobile phone around his neck.

"You can only play nearby." Mrs. Madoka hesitated and explained.

"Does a child have a mobile phone at such a young age?" Tang Ze smiled.

"Xiao Lu will be five years old after his birthday this week." Mrs. Yuanxiang explained: "Let him bring his mobile phone, so I can feel more at ease."

The conversation ended here. The four ladies let the children play nearby for a while, then called the children to go home.

Before leaving, Masayo Yamada came over to apologize to the two of them, saying that it would be bad if they didn't cooperate and hoped they wouldn't mind.

Neither Tang Ze nor the two of them paid much attention to this, after all, this was something the other party had said in advance.

Looking at the four people

After leaving with the child, Koshimi Nanatsuki couldn't help but sigh: "It's not easy for moms and friends."

And just as Tang Ze and the two stood here watching the four people leave, a car came and stopped in front of Mrs. Madoka and Mrs. Lily.


The driver, a handsome-looking man, leaned out, smiled and waved to Mrs. Lily's daughter.


After seeing the people in the car, Miyu happily ran towards the man.

But who would have thought that before the girl ran to the car, she accidentally fell to the ground.


Seeing her daughter fall, Mrs. Lily exclaimed and ran over to see her daughter's injury. Upon seeing this, the teacher on the other side quickly got out of the car and ran to Miyu's side.

"Sorry, it's all my fault."

Miyu's teacher apologized: "If I hadn't called her out in advance, this wouldn't have happened."

"No, it's okay, just a little scratch." Mrs. Lily looked at her daughter's wound and said, "By the way, you have a band-aid on the passenger side..."

"Okay." Teacher Miyu hurriedly ran to the car and took out the band-aid from the car.

Mrs. Lily took the band-aid and put it on her daughter, temporarily treating the wound and stopping the bleeding.

And this scene completely fell into the eyes of Tang Ze and the others.

The two of them looked at each other, watching the man send Mrs. Lily and her daughter home, and then blocked the road that the other party must pass when leaving.

Looking at the two people who suddenly blocked the road, Teacher Miyu quickly stopped the car.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at the two people blocking the road in front of him, the man lowered the window and stuck his head out to look at the two people and asked.

"I have something to ask you." Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out his ID and looked at the man with a smile.


Mrs. Lily's house.

After questioning the man, the two visited Mrs. Lily.

"Is there a problem?"

Holding the cat in her arms, Mrs. Lily said impatiently.

"I would like to ask just now how did you know that Funada-sensei, who is a tutor, has Band-Aids in the passenger compartment of the car?"

Tangze's words made Mrs. Lily, who had been impatient with the two of them holding the cat, suddenly turn back and look at the two of them, with panic visible to the naked eye.

"Actually, we thought it was a little strange, so we just asked Kawada-sensei." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile, "You and Funada-sensei seem to have a different kind of close relationship."

As soon as Koshimi Nanatsuki's words came out, Mrs. Lily stood up from the sofa in shock.

"Why would the criminal investigation investigate this kind of thing..." Mrs. Lily hugged the cat with a guilty look on her face and did not dare to look at the two of them.

"No, I still want to avoid any misunderstanding." Tang Ze said: "The purpose of our investigation is not to investigate the relationship between the two in depth.

Compared to this, we heard Funada-sensei say before.

When the two of you were having a tryst in the car one night, it seemed that you were discovered by Miss Mitsuko? "

"But so what? Are you saying that I did something to Hiroko just to keep this secret?"

Mrs. Lily walked around the room angrily, and immediately said: "Don't be joking! If that's the case, I'll tell you directly.

In fact, Nanami is the most suspicious! "


When Karasawa heard Mrs. Lily's words, he knew that the fortress had been breached from the inside. Obviously "mom's friend" sounds nice, but in fact everyone only has a superficial relationship.

They usually have a harmonious relationship, and they can be consistent with each other when they are together, but once something happens in private that will implicate themselves, they will end the relationship without hesitation.

But there is nothing critical about such a relationship, not to mention that he has a vested interest.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "Excuse me, what's going on?"

"Actually, I saw Hiroko and Nanami meeting secretly in private."

Mrs. Lily said excitedly: "The two of them seemed to be quarreling. I think something must have happened between them. "


"Who said that!?"

At Mrs. Nanami's house, Mrs. Nanami looked very angry when faced with the questioning from Karasawa and the others: "I have never had a quarrel with Hiroko!"

Also because Mrs. Nanami was so excited, her son ran over after a while and asked what was wrong, and was finally comforted by the other party.

Seeing the other party's excited retort, Tangze did not continue to ask further questions, but focused his attention on the exquisite vase next to him: "By the way, this vase is really exquisite. It looks like it was just bought?"

"This is a gift from someone else. Is there any problem?" Mrs. Nanami said with a smile.

"This painting is also very good." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the painting on the wall and smiled: "This one also looks very new. I bought it recently, right?"

"I bought this painting for 5 million yuan!" At this moment, Nanami's son Takahiro suddenly pointed at the painting and said, "Aunt Hiroko also said it's great!"

"Your Majesty, there's no need to talk about this." Mrs. Nanami hugged her son and said, "Is there anything else you two want?"

After hearing the other party's implicit eviction order, the two of them left without further entanglement.

"That painting must be a fake." Nanatsuki Koshizui looked at the closed door and said, "I happen to know who owns the authentic one, which means it can't possibly be worth five million."

"That's it." Karasawa nodded and looked around. He didn't rush out of Nanami's yard. Instead, he looked at the corridor that formed the side of the house and the yard.

There were cardboard boxes stacked there, and Karasawa flipped through them and finally found the mailing box that contained the painting.

"That's it, write down the sender on it." Karasawa called to Koshimi Nanatsuki.

"Understood, we will investigate this person later, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki took out his notebook and said with a smile.

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