Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,464 Goodbye Toru Amuro

"I see."

Hearing Tangze's words, Conan nodded and immediately understood the situation Tangze wanted to create.

After pondering for a moment, Conan had a plan in mind: "I will look for the opportunity."

"This matter cannot be rushed."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "Just follow the usual rhythm. Although he is said to be lurking around you, spying on your information.

But think about it from another perspective, you are also by his side, and the flow of information is mutual.

Maybe you can also capture some of the information revealed in his words, and then find an opportunity to ask questions at the right time.

This will also prevent the other party from doubting where your information comes from. "

"To be honest, what you said is a bit difficult." Conan grinned after hearing this: "This degree is a bit difficult to control."

"Take your time." Tang Ze took a sip of coffee and said, "We have the advantage now, there's no rush."

"That's true."

Conan smiled when he heard this and said: "Now that Gin and Vodka have become wanted criminals, it will be much easier to target them in the future.

If you work harder, you might be able to catch all the guys from the black organization in one fell swoop! "

"Still early."

Tangze said: "We don't know the true identity of "that Lord". Even if we wipe out the current enemy, the other party will be in pain for a while at most.

As long as the leader is there, and with the other party's financial resources and connections, sooner or later the organization can be built again. "

"This may be the reason why so many agencies knew the existence of this organization, but did not destroy it, but sent so many intelligence agents."

Conan also sighed with emotion when he heard Tang Ze's words: "There is still a long way to go."

"Well, don't worry, at least we can be happy now." Tang Ze said with a smile: "This battle was a great success."

"That's true." Conan also laughed after hearing this: "It's worth celebrating."

"I can finally go on a vacation with a light body." Tang Ze stretched his body and said, "I have to relax well this time."

"Yes, I want to have a good rest when I go to Izu Plateau Villa for vacation this time." Conan said happily.


Karasawa, who was stretching, was stunned when he heard Conan's words, "You said you were going to the Izu Plateau villa for vacation?

When did Detective Maori become so generous? "

"Hey, didn't you know?"

Conan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and said with a strange look on his face: "Sonoko said that because he encountered such a terrible thing on the Suzuki before, he invited us to go to the Izu Plateau villa area for a vacation as compensation."

"What else is there to say?" Tang Ze touched his chin and said in deep thought: "This is probably an excuse Yuanzi made to ask you to go play."

"I think so." Conan smiled and said: "After all, I haven't heard that the Suzuki has such generous compensation conditions.

But I thought Yuanzi would tell you, but you didn’t know? "

"I guess I told her sister." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Now that I have a vacation plan, I don't have to think about where to go. Let's get together again on Sunday."

"Well, see you on Sunday." Conan finished the cake and stood up with a smile, "It's almost time, let's go."

"Well, let's go."

After the conversation was over and the desserts were eaten, it was naturally time to leave.

Sitting in the car after the separation, Tang Ze couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose.

He originally thought that after finally finishing the main plot, he would be able to relax a little and take a rest this week. Who knew that Conan would send him "good news".

Going to the Izu Plateau villa area for vacation sounds nice, but with the foursome of Maori, Sonoko, and Conan here, it's just a luxury to live in peace.

But with the case right in front of him, how could he just sit back and ignore it? At least this case was already known to him before it even happened.

In this way, although his vacation was ruined, at least he would still have a chance to get the reward for preventing the case.

This is the only bit of relief in being forced to work.

With a long sigh, Tangze planned to drive directly back home.

After arriving home, Ayako hadn't returned home yet. Yonehara Sakurako was making dinner in the house, so he lay down on the sofa and became lazy.

After emptying his mind, Tangze felt that his whole body was relaxed. Sitting quietly and wasting time without thinking about anything was also a kind of rest.

Slowly, sleepiness began to rise, and Tangze fell asleep without resisting the sleepiness.

He woke up again when the door opened and the sound of Ayako's footsteps could be heard, while Yonehara Sakurako whispered to remind Ayako that she was asleep and signaled her to move more gently.

"It's okay, I'm already awake."

Hearing the muffled conversation between the two, Tang Ze stood up from the sofa and said, "I just squinted for a while."

"Mr. Karasawa, you are awake." Yonehara Sakurako saw Karasawa getting up and smiled: "The food is ready, you can eat."

"I'm going to change clothes." Ayako smiled at Tang Ze: "You go and eat first."

"Then I'll take my leave first." Seeing the two of them preparing to eat, Yonehara Sakurako bowed slightly and prepared to say goodbye.

"Be safe on the road." Tang Ze didn't do much to persuade him to stay. He just warned him and watched the other party leave.

He went to the kitchen to wash his hands, and after waiting for a while, Ayako came out in her pajamas.

Today's dinner made by Yonemoto Sakurako is a traditional Japanese home-cooked meal, grilled fish and fried tempura with egg tofu, one meat and two vegetables with appetizing Ochazuke rice.

This was a simple and not luxurious dinner, but in the increasingly hot weather, the two of them enjoyed it very comfortably.

In hot weather, it’s easy for people to not eat, which is why the dishes with a list of flavors make people more appetizing.

And the sourness brought by the plum in Ochazuke rice is also the finishing touch. If you eat the plum halfway through the meal and lose your appetite, the sour taste will instantly whet your appetite.

"By the way, did Sonoko tell you about going to Izu Plateau Villa for vacation?" Karasawa asked while eating.

"Sonoko sent me a text message this afternoon, saying that as compensation for being on the Suzuki, he made an appointment with Xiaolan and the others to go on vacation, and asked if we wanted to go together."

Ayako smiled and nodded when she heard this: "I originally said I would come back and ask you, but why did you already know in advance?"

"I met Conan in the afternoon. I found out about it in advance while chatting."

Tangze said casually: "I think this proposal is good. To be honest, I was originally thinking of taking you out to relax for a while, but since Yuanzi has plans, why not follow her advice first?"

"Okay, I haven't been to Izu Plateau for a long time. It's not a bad idea to stay for a couple of days." Ayako agreed without much thought after hearing this.

After all, the people we went to play with were either our sisters or old acquaintances. Although it would be nice for two people to date alone, it would be more lively if there were more people.

"Okay, I'll reply to Yuanzi later and we'll set off together on Saturday." Tang Ze nodded with a smile, finally deciding on the itinerary for the rest day.

After the two of them had eaten, Karasawa took the initiative to clear away the dishes, and then took Ayako for a walk.

Although the weather is a little hot now, it is not midsummer after all, and there is still a cool breeze blowing at night.

The two of them strolled in the nearby park, feeling the breeze blowing from time to time, and closed their eyes in comfort.

After dinner and a walk, the two of them went back, took a shower, sat on the sofa and watched a variety show before going straight to bed.

Because there were cases waiting for me on my days off, the next few working days seemed a bit uneventful.

However, Karasawa, who knew that he had nothing to do these days, was fishing like crazy, not going if he could, and being lazy whenever he could. Except for being called by Nanatsuki Koshimizu on Friday afternoon to deal with documents, Karasawa It’s like living a vacation life in advance.

Of course, he couldn't match her, so the most he could do was go out bowling and go on a date with Ayako to watch a movie or something in the afternoon.

And comfortable days always pass quickly, and time soon came to Saturday.

On this day, Karasawa specially drove a seven-seater car and picked up the four Sonoko at the Maori Detective Agency.

"I'm so sorry that we asked you to come specially to pick us up." After getting in the car, Mouri Kogoro said with an embarrassed smile: "We even changed cars specially."

"It doesn't matter, you can sit in a car like this." Tang Ze said with a smile: "Otherwise, you have to take a rental car."

"That's true. This saves me a lot of worry." After speaking, Kogoro Mouri volunteered and said, "Let me drive when we come back."

"No problem." Tang Ze naturally welcomed someone driving and immediately agreed.

"But Yuanzi, you don't have to ask us to go on vacation specifically to compensate us." Xiaolan looked at her best friend and said.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, calling you guys on vacation is just incidental." Yuanzi said this and blinked nonchalantly and said with a smile: "Actually, we are going to do special tennis training."

"Special training?" Ayako heard the younger sister's words and asked curiously: "Sonoko, is your school's tennis match about to start?"

"No, there is actually a grander event than the tennis competition!"

Having said this, Sonoko excitedly raised the smartphone in her hand and showed it to Xiaolan and Ayako.

In the video, Kyogoku Makoto, who is wearing a white tennis uniform, is smiling and facing the camera while holding a tennis racket.

"Ah, it's Mr. Kyogoku!" Xiaolan was pleasantly surprised after recognizing the person in the video.

In the video, Kyogoku smiled and said: "How are Sonoko doing recently? I am doing karate training recently.

I sent this video message because I hope that when I return to China, I invite you to be my opponent. "

"What!" Xiaolan said excitedly after hearing this: "I just want to have a tennis date with you!"

"That's it!"

When Yuanzi said this, she started to act like a nymphomaniac, and her eyes seemed to have red hearts, "It's just me and him on a world tennis date~"

"It's Ah Zhen. I haven't heard you talk about him for a while recently." Ayako smiled after watching the video and said, "It seems that your development is going quite smoothly now."

"Hehe, that's because A-Zhen is competing abroad, and we all communicate through text messages." Yuanzi smiled and said: "Besides, sister, you have moved out, so naturally I don't have the chance to tell you this~"

"But if it's a tennis date, it doesn't matter if you don't do special training, right?"

Conan on the side said rationally, and this originally meant that he woke up from the fossil state instantly and looked at Conan with an unhappy face: "You idiot, I am a member of the tennis club!

How could he be defeated by a tennis novice so casually? "

‘I think even if you train for 100 years, you may not be able to beat your boyfriend. ’

After Tangze heard Yuanzi's unconvinced words, he silently complained in his heart.

After all, with Kyogoku's skills, even if he is a novice, the period of training abroad will definitely make him a master.

After all, tennis is just a sport of "eyes, body, and hands" in the final analysis, and Kyogoku's motor nerves are the foundation.

With Kyogoku's true strength, if Sonoko hit a smash ball, the tennis ball would have flown out of her ear before Sonoko could even react.

Of course, no matter how straight a man Kyogoku is, he can't be so brainless. He probably just plays tennis with Sonoko.

"Then you can also ask the seniors in the tennis club to help you with special training." Xiaolan suggested: "And you are still in school, so you can ask for advice at any time."

"Tch, they are all too weak." Yuanzi said disdainfully: "There is no way they can help me improve my strength."

"Then I'm afraid we can only ask Tang Ze Criminal to help you with special training." Xiaolan looked at the driver after hearing this and said: "Recently, my father and I are not very good at tennis, and only Tang Ze Criminal is better. ”

"I can't do it either." Tang Ze shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have any skills in playing tennis. I just rely on my physical fitness. Sonoko can't learn it."

"You don't need to worry about it." When Sonoko said this, he looked at Mouri Kogoro and said with a smile: "You think so, Uncle Kogoro!"

"It's okay, I just found a special supervisor to teach her." Mouri Kogoro said with a smile.

‘Special supervision? ’

After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Karasawa and Conan couldn't help but glance at Moori Kogoro, wondering who the foreign aid he invited was.

But for some reason, Tang Ze had a hunch that the person he was calling was definitely someone they were familiar with.

After all, Mouri Kogoro's connections, apart from his group of cuckold friends, are only the supporting characters.

However, looking at the mysterious looks of the two of them, Tang Ze did not ask any questions. It was obvious that the two of them were planning to let it go. There was no point in asking. They would arrive at the villa area soon, so they could just go and see it. .

After driving for nearly 20 minutes, everyone arrived at the Suzuki family's villa.

After assigning rooms for accommodation, everyone put their luggage and toiletries in their respective rooms, and ate some snacks such as bread. Yuanzi happily led everyone to the tennis court next to them.

There, they also met the "special supervision" that Kogoro Mouri called.

——Toru Amuro.

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