Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,472 Trajectory

Regarding the problems encountered by scientific research in various places, Tang Ze has plans, but he has no intention of taking action yet.

After all, there is still a murder case to deal with in front of us, so we have to put aside anything else for later.

After arriving at the crime scene, Tangze asked everyone to disperse and conduct their own investigations on the crime scene.

Whether it's footprints, suspicious dropped items, blood stains, etc., they are all under their inspection.

It seems that the crime scene is under a bridge, but in fact, if we really want to investigate, there are countless things that need to be investigated.

But the hard work was not fruitless. By spraying luminol and black cloth, they found blood stains on a stone on the slope.

"found it!"

Looking at an almost bloodless bulge on the stone, a short-haired woman from Kesouyan excitedly held up a wound comparison tool and said, "The shapes of the wounds are also consistent!"

"The body is there"

Tangze touched and muttered: "Maybe he hit him on the head midway, and while the other person was unconscious, he chased the escaping deceased to the bottom of the bridge, and then strangled him to death."

One clue after another was put forward and investigated in depth, and then one by one was eliminated.

First of all, we determined that the dirt under the shoes was the dirt from the crime scene, and then we checked to see if no one was responsible.

There is a way. After all, Tang Ze is also a technician, so he can naturally help.

It is well known that Neon's household registration information is very bad. Is there a unified ID card? In special cases, a driver's license is used instead of an ID card.

But many young people were ultimately discouraged by the result.

Of course, Ayanooji Fumimaro also came to attend the funeral.

It is working time at noon, and I am also the direct leader of everyone, so naturally I have to go off work directly without finishing my meal.

I remember every detail of that room, the swing outside the yard, the details of the sofa in the living room on the first floor. "

I used to draw very few professional design drawings like that. In later years, I also specialized in interior design, and I drew a lot of those things.

Unfortunately, the identity of the other party is still a mystery, and our clues have not reached the bottleneck yet.

After getting off work in the morning, Tang Ze asked everyone to put various belongings of the Arashiyama girl under the table. That was the direction of our investigation in the morning.

Faced with that situation, Tang Ze didn't have any headaches.

Because although we didn't make any discoveries, it was even less of a victory, and this little discovery didn't bring us any substantial clues.

I had someone help me find a dormitory and took a nap. It was during the unusual off-duty time in the morning that I gathered everyone in the small office of Kesouyan.

"You doubt that he can bring the case to the bottom of the case." When it came to that, Ayako couldn't help but warned: "Even so, you must pay attention to the danger."

But after all that tossing, the afternoon had not passed yet. Shi Xiao and everyone discussed having lunch first before continuing to investigate the case.

Ayako sighed with emotion on the phone, and then couldn't help but question: "He said there is no way that the judgment is accurate."

"A single-family villa?" Fumimaro Ayanodaji looked at Tang Ze and said, "Can you see anything else?"

Looking at the design drawings from the same angle, Tangze said: "That house is very important to "Arashiyama Girl".

In this case, the identity of the "Arashiyama Girl" who is the least suspected is still an unsolved mystery. The identity of the other party will definitely be found, and the relationship between the two will definitely be clarified.

Before discovering that, Kiyota Wainai immediately reported to Ayanooji Fumimaro and provided paper and pen to "Arashiyama Girl".

The case that time was not that simple. The prisoner used some trick to solve the problem and strangled the person to death without retribution.

Mrs. Shibata had organized the funeral before, hoping that her husband could be buried as soon as possible.

"But it's not difficult just based on those." The big fat man said with an embarrassed look on his face: "After all, there are so many pet shops in Tokyo..."

"I am a professional, and I draw using the "eight-point perspective" method, which is a type of perspective painting."

However, there is no way to determine the identity of the prisoner.

That's why the office was built in the middle to facilitate the overall discussion before various results came out.

Because I am still a criminal, I was provided with a marked accommodation room, and the amnesiac woman sat behind the table in a daze after the trial, and spent the whole morning sitting there.

Shi Xiao looked at Ayanodaji Fumimaro's puzzled expression and explained: "He thinks that those houses are all composed of small and large, looking up or down, and they look like real houses.

"It's not." Tangze smiled and said, "Do you remember this and feathers? Sister Asawazi hasn't detected its ingredients yet.

Tang Ze looked down at the gravel tunnel under his feet and said, "It's a pity. This area is full of gravel. There is no way to collect footprints."

"Have you decided on your career..." Ayanooji Fumimaro touched the chipmunk under his shoulder: "It seems that there is no need to investigate the design companies in Kyoto.

"Is there anything else besides this?" Tang Ze asked.

Of course, most of it is a comparison of the DNA sequences of the "Arashiyama Girl" and the deceased. Unfortunately, the answer does not have any degree of similarity, ruling out that there is no blood relationship between the two.

"There is a way. There is too much evidence." Tang Ze nodded in agreement and said: "You will also try your best to find the single-family house in your own way."

In addition, even the clothes worn by the "Arashiyama Girl" at that time have been authenticated.

It's a pity that the other party's clothes are niche products, not low-luxury clothes, and are basically not available in the country, so it is possible to find the other party's identity through this.

"Don't worry." Tang Ze smiled and said, "It will be fine."

That is a basic skill in art. In addition to painters, architects and designers will learn it.

As for the time of the incident between 6 and 7 a.m., you were working in the workplace at the dispatch location. Because you were counting inventory alone in the warehouse at that time, no one could help you prove it.

At most, excluding accurate options is a way to move backwards toward the correct option.

Speaking of Kesouyan's small offices, they are not the same in Tokyo. For example, the layout of Kesouyan in other places is based on the layout of the Tokyo headquarters.

That was a small discovery. It must have been the short-haired male researcher Fa Huan. That evidence was probably missed.

Depending on my level of unfamiliarity, there is a small chance that I am an architect or interior designer. "

In addition, there was a white feather stained under the clothes.

This is a type of owl called a desert owl, and my habitat is not in the Blue Mountains, but in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

In that case, even Tang Ze found it less difficult.

In addition, we also extracted the blood type of "Arashiyama Girl", but unfortunately the other person has the common blood type A. There is a way to find out the other person's identity based on the common blood type.

The ingredients of the chewing gum are also special chewing gum, the saliva is from "Arashiyama Girl", and the wrapping paper is the universal wrapping paper of Sakura Sugar Factory, which is also sold nationwide.

Karasawa looked at the design drawings Ayanooji Fumimaro brought over, but there was a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

"You've been waiting for this." Ayanodaji Fumimaro said with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Ayanooji Fumimaro, Karasawa returned to Kosouyan's office again and showed the other party's hand-drawn design drawings and our previous goals to all the members.

Of course, the details need to be confirmed and compared with the database of the primary school veterinary medicine department.

At this point, the special investigation seemed to have come to an end, and Tang Ze also placed his hope on the lives of the young people from Kesouyan.

While eating at noon, Karasawa also contacted Ayako, who had not yet returned to Tokyo. The other party was not in danger yet. She had not finished lunch and was ready to take a rest.

"In that case, is the prisoner really the "Arashiyama Man"?" One of the fat men adjusted his glasses and asked.

"I bought green tea and wanted a magazine." Tangze looked at 12:05 noon before taking it.

Before the autopsy, Shibata Mingming's body had not been pulled back by his wife.

Because we basically know how to find the real house from those design drawings.

Although the information about the deceased has not yet been found out, there are still no clues about the murderer.

It's rare that the leaders don't pay attention to it. The group of young people in Kyoto are also holding their breath and want to prove themselves, so they are also full of motivation.

"Just judging from the information we have now, the other party is very suspicious."

The only breakthrough point is not the "Arashiyama Girl". If the identity of the other party can be confirmed, this will definitely be a breakthrough in the development of the case.

"Sir, is he going to let you go to Tokyo to find a single-family house?" The big fat man had a look of disbelief on his face.

However, before hearing Tang Ze's plan, all the researchers present were wailing and breaking up.

I originally thought that no one related to the case would show up, such as someone who had no conflict with the deceased, but there was absolutely no one.

"You found that outside Arashiyama Girl's shirt pocket." The fat man held up an evidence bag and said, "Big shopping ticket."

"Your job is not to find out those things." Tang Ze looked at everyone and smiled: "End the operation."

Then "Arashiyama Girl", who was obviously thinking about everything, ended up drawing, and it was a very professional house design drawing.

Seeing the coffee spilled all over the table, Kiyota Wainai quickly ran out to find a towel, but when she came back, she found that the "Arashiyama Girl" was actually using the coffee to draw something under the table.

Karasawa also asked Mrs. Shibata who the two of them were outsiders based on the "Arashiyama Girl" convenience store ticket incident. The first person to learn that there was turmoil in their hometown was Kyoto eight years later.

"Spit the gum out of the wrapper after chewing it," said an older researcher holding a large tray.

First of all, I learned from the big ticket in the other party's pocket that I had been to Tokyo Station during the day on the day of the incident. "

"Totally enough." The short-haired male researcher nodded.

And our efforts are fruitless.

The small office is more like a multi-functional conference hall, located in the middle of the Science Research Institute, and connected to various testing rooms such as fingerprints, blood stains, and item composition analysis.

I went to Shibata Moming's funeral.

Of course, it was almost seven days before the results of those tests came out, but Tang Ze was not idle during that period.

After giving a group of people a mouthful of chicken soup, everyone stopped taking action, but Tang Ze was at a leisurely pace.

If he took the Shinkansen to Kyoto immediately before buying anything, is it impossible to arrive in Arashiyama after 6 o'clock, the presumed time of death? "

To be honest, the funeral was not rushed, but everyone understood it before attending the funeral.

"Of course, the matter has been investigated to the forefront." Shi Xiao said with a smile: "No matter whether I am a prisoner or not, you will try your best to restore the truth and help me regain my memory."

"It can be wrong. Those paintings all show the same house."

Before saying a few words of comfort to Ayako, Tangze chatted with her for a few more words. He didn't hang up the phone until he finished the meal in a blink of an eye.

"Just relying on those clues, it's entirely possible to find out where the other party is from, right?" the big fat man said in frustration.

"If it's wrong, then we'll have to rely on your other physical evidence." Tangze smiled meaningfully.

"You know it's hard, but it's really the slowest way to identify "Arashiyama Girl."

Of course, I didn't regain my memory, but I reacted instinctively.

Because the Arashiyama woman's amnesia was related to that murder, the Kyoto police temporarily provided her with a residence and sent Kiyota Wainai to guard her.

The deceased’s parents are still alive, he has no brothers or sisters, and he has basically no contact with other relatives.

At that point, basically all the evidence that could be recovered from the crime scene was found. Shi Xiao did not let us stay any longer and took everyone back to the scientific search and research before collecting the evidence.

So the people who came to worship were basically friends of the two of us, and within half a day no one came again. No wonder everything was kept simple.

Tang Ze looked at the crowd and said, "And it's not like you have any clues.

It all starts with a cup of coffee.

The opportunity was that when my guard, Kiyota Sona, was impatiently trying to talk to me, she accidentally frightened the stunned "Arashiyama Girl" and spilled her coffee.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to find the identity of the "Lanshan Girl" if the other party has a work card or a driver's license.

There is only one way to survive. Although our investigation has come to an end, "Lanshan Girl" took the initiative to provide clues.

Ayako didn't seem a little bit sad when she learned that after investigation, she was not eliminated but was the smallest suspect in the current case.

It’s not that it’s likely to be a product bought from a pet shop. Also, the room painted by “Arashiyama Girl” does not have a birdcage, so there is a small chance that the person has been to a place like a pet shop. "

Before receiving Karasawa's call, Ayako was also very concerned about the case. After all, we met this amnesiac woman together last night.

Although blanket investigation is a stupid method, it is the only way to do it now. "

"I never thought it would be like that..."

Although a very small number of options are meaningless, there is no gain at all.

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