Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,475 The Truth

Reina and Rina.

The two girls quickly became friends because of their similar names.

Although their jobs are different, one is a reporter and the other is a criminal, the two can help each other.

Because of this, Kiyota Rina still has a very good relationship in the press club, and when taking photos, she immediately thought of him and asked them for help.

After all, reporters all have cameras and it’s easy to take pictures.

But she never expected that a major suspect who was suspected of being the murderer would actually react to her friend's photos.

What's even more outrageous is that when she took the photo to find her friend, her friend said that he didn't know this man at all after seeing the photo of Shibata Takaaki.

This situation immediately confused Qingtian, because she never expected such a situation.

If the two knew each other, all this could be explained, but what should we say about this situation now?

After Kiyota Rina informed Karasawa and the others about her friend's words, the two people who learned the news were also puzzled.

The cool wind blew under the person, picking up the hair.

"Everything has begun." Tian Gao Mingzi shook his head. Before answering the question and saying that sentence, he turned around and jumped over the railing resolutely.

"Seeing his wife killing someone in front of his eyes, his spirit was shocked and he lost his memory." Shibata looked at Karasawa and said quietly.

No matter how hard Tian Gao Mingzi struggled, he could only watch himself being pulled off the rooftop bit by bit by eight little women.

You're not exactly pretty, but you're still pretty ugly. You're not a pretty boy, but your make-up is mismatched with a white shirt, which doesn't sound intellectual.

"This is important." Tang Ze shook his head Mingming, and simply looked at his wife behind him: "You just want to know why he did this..."

"Whatever, as long as they make good use of the tools of Kesouyan, they can also do it."

Looking at the pair of fateful mandarin ducks, Shibata couldn't help but sigh.

Just when Tian Gao Mingzi was about to turn over, the unfamiliar shout in front of him shocked Fang Gui Guzi's body.

But I became even more angry, saying that I wanted to kill you and your husband...

"Really..." Tian Gao Mingzi nodded intermittently, her voice choked up before she could stop herself: "I'm sorry, it was you who picked on him."


When I heard your words, I got a little angry. During the push, you pushed me to the ground and my head hit the stone.

Before looking at the photos, Fang Gui closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

Shibata said: "I'm afraid you are the culprit!"

Kiyota Wainai nodded when he heard this, and immediately opened the computer and played the photo.

"That rope really matches the strangulation mark on the deceased's neck!" Fumimaro Ayanooji suddenly said before comparing it in his mind.

But in the face of Shibata's aggressive questioning, before Tian Gao Mingzi could speak, Karasawa Mingzi on the side rushed over and stood between the two.

"Let go." Fang Guiguzi looked at her husband, who had a ferocious expression because of too much exertion, and said, "You are worthy of his saving."

On the other side, Fumimaro Ayanooji also took advantage of Fang Gui to pull down and grabbed your shoulder and other arm.

Ayanodaji Fumimaro looked at Fang Gui who was about to leave and thanked him: "It must be yes, I guess you are still in the fog."

After hearing Fang Gui's judgment, Ayanodaji Fumimaro immediately chose to execute it. After confirming that Fang Gui Guzi was in the company, he immediately drove towards the apartment where the other party lived.

It's still hard for two little women to pull a man weighing about 100 pounds, not to mention Shibata's physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people.

Tian Gao Mingzi nodded and said hurriedly: "You originally wanted to tell Takemoto that you planned to return to your husband.

"Low Ming..." When Tian Gao Mingzi saw her husband, her breathing suddenly became slower.

The first picture stopped behind the photo of a boy named Rena, and Shibata's attention stopped behind the work badge on your chest.

It's better to wait for Tian Gao Mingzi to react, and your body will be pulled down by a small amount.

Guan Shao, you will be waiting for him at this house for many years! "

"Sorry, there are no cases waiting for him to take charge."

Tang Ze Mingming grabbed his wife's arm and pulled her down hard. His face turned red and he said with difficulty, "He can die."

Shibata smiled and waved goodbye to Ayanooji Fumimaro, got out of the car and retreated towards Tokyo.

You will discuss those issues with your subordinates before going back. The last time we met was probably not at the exchange meeting. "

Hearing Ayanodaoji Fumimaro's words, Fang Gui and Fang Gui were also surprised. When the other party hung up the phone with a clear face, Fang Gui looked at Ayanodaoji Fumimaro and said, "I'm afraid it was during the brain fingerprint examination. These photos related to the case are so confusing. Tang Zeming regained his memory.

"What are you talking about!"

You look at your husband behind you and dare to look at me because you owe him so little.

But it's a pity that one was immersed in grief and had to come out, and the other wanted to escape everything, and in the end a smaller tragedy occurred.

First of all, I think the instrument was accurate. In that case, what caused Karasawa to react to a beautiful woman?

"Also, do they still remember when you went to find Akiko Tadaka? You wore a work badge under your neck when you were working!"


"You wanted to go back to him."

"Tagako Akiko, whoever killed Takeshiba Tarei, come and praise him!"

"Sure enough, that day he went to the place where her husband met Rei Takeshiba." Fumimaro Ayanooji looked at Takako Akiko and said.

Thinking of her wonderful life, Tian Gao Mingzi lost the idea of ​​​​starting everything.


"It's used, husband!" Fang Guiguzi looked at her husband who wanted to take the blame for her, and her face was full of guilt: "It's's you who did it..."

Regarding the choice between the two, Shibata has no opinion whatsoever.

But at the moment when my hand was about to grab the other person's arm, a hand next to me suddenly stretched out and grabbed Fang Guiguzi's hand tightly.

Not everything has changed from this moment.

If you are scared, just use your work permit...

And we are all half-length photos of the same template, at least we only have the same clothes.

The man walked quickly towards the rooftop. Behind him, he could see the low-rise buildings of Kyoto and the nearby mountains.

The rooftop of the apartment is a place where no one sets foot, and today we welcomed an unexpected guest there.

"It's true, come to the United States and kill me!"

Fang Gui looked at the shocked Tian Gao Mingzi and smiled and said, "You want to write something like "the prisoner committed suicide out of fear of crime" under the closing report."

"That's true. Karasawa Mingming is the prisoner, but I saw the murder weapon."

But...I am willing.

But the bad thing is, after many hardships, the two of us were finally willing to face the difficulties together.

Fang Gui smiled and said: "And you didn't gain much that time, and you found very few problems in the expansion of scientific research and research.

Ever since these criminal investigations came into our relationship, you knew that what you had done might have been hidden for a long time.

Outside of here, no one is waiting for me to come home.

"That's right, you didn't do it!!" Karasawa looked at Fumimaro Ayanodaji who was standing aside and stretched out his hands: "Mr. Criminal, slow down and arrest you!"

"Everything has come to an end." Tian Gao Mingzi cried: "Let go, you are the one responsible for him, let you die."

Sorry, everything is your fault..."

"Yes, yes..." Tang Ze Ming still admitted, willing to accept that reality.

In that situation, Tian Gao Mingzi was still struggling to get rid of the hand that was holding him alive, but Fang Gui knew better than to pull the opponent down, and the hands holding the opponent's arms began to slip away a little bit.

He must be here. You need to go to Tian Gao Mingzi's house to find you immediately. I guess Tang Ze Mingzi is also here! "

Karasawa was immature and wanted to refute, but Fang Gui came to the United States and interrupted me, "Memory can lie. This has not been proven in subsequent tests. He did not see Takekata Guigu at all." 's appearance."

I am heavily in debt because I am willing to give up Tangze's humble status!

While the two of them were still digesting the result, Ayanooji Fumimaro's cell phone suddenly rang. Before I answered the call, I said, "What's going on?"

It was a beautiful scenery, and it was definitely the wrong place to stand outside and enjoy the wind, but although the man walked quickly, he walked towards the back beautifully.

And you have a work badge hanging under your neck and a faint smile on your face. It doesn’t look like a very unusual half-length photo.

Immediately call Tian Gao Mingzi's company and ask if you are at the company today. Be sure to prepare news for you.

"Yes, it is like that!"

"But how to explain the current situation..." Kiyota Rina said blankly.

"Bye now..."

"Not only that, even the murder weapon we prepared didn't react at all." Ayanokouji Fumimaro frowned and said, "Things are getting more and more confusing."

Seeing that Fang Guiguzi was about to fall and his veins were bursting, Tang Ze was desperate but capable.

Just like looking for and using them, Shibata kept summarizing the characteristics of those people in his mind and classifying them according to various conditions.

In the current situation, asking the other party to reveal the truth would actually make Tian Gao Mingzi think about committing suicide.

Karasawa looked at Shibata with a low voice and said, "You killed me!"

"Reiko, have you thought about what happened today." Karasawa looked at his wife and said.

I'm sure Karasawa Mingzi couldn't have cheered up more at that time, and I'm sure Tian Gao Mingzi didn't escape. We will all reach that ending.

"Has he seen Wainai, but he didn't react to your photo? It's because you have the same murder weapon under your neck." Shibata said calmly.

Looking at his happy wife who was kneeling on the ground, Tang Ze Gaoming squatted down and hugged his wife: "It doesn't matter, you forgive him, you will wait for him!"

"Even if it takes a while, you will buy this house back anyway."

That case turned out to be beautiful, and such an ending was really perfect.

Thoughts flashed by, and I sorted through the portrait photos one by one to summarize the commonalities and similarities.

And Tangze Gaoming saw your actions when he found his wife on the rooftop, so he was naturally unprepared for his suicidal thoughts.

"There is nothing you have neglected in coming to the United States." Shibata said: "Take a look at this photo of his friend."

People always hate to avoid problems, but when a problem occurs, they must face and solve it with joy. In the end, there will only be the result that they are more willing to face.

And my husband, I happened to see this scene..."

So the moment I saw my wife turning around, I rushed over in a roundabout way.

"The murder weapon is a work tag!?" Before hearing Shibata's words, the two of them immediately called up Reina's photo, and then saw the tag hanging under the other's neck.

"I still think so, and there is a high probability that Shibata Takaaki is not the prisoner." Tang Ze said: "After all, if you want to strangle a person, you can't have no impression of his face."

You smiled at your husband with tears in your eyes and said the first goodbye.

Stepping down the steps of the rooftop handrail, Fang Guiguzi held the guardrail with both hands and planned to climb over.

Opening his eyes, Shibata said: "Kang Ze Ming did not react to the person, but to the murder weapon!

"You're looking forward to it." Ayanodaji Fumimaro said with a smile: "This will be the last time we meet again."

While struggling to get up, I fell onto the bridge, and you were frightened at that time.

The work badge on his friend's chest was not the reason why Karasawa was so immature and unresponsive! "

"Is there really nothing wrong with the machine?" Kiyota Rina couldn't help but ask.

"You can't thank him enough, Shibata Criminal."

At this moment, Tian Gao Mingzi's eyes were bright, and his face was full of despair.

"Well, see you last time."

"Eh?" Tian Gao Mingzi looked at her husband in disbelief, "What did he say..."

Tian Gao Mingzi choked up and said: "But now that I think about it, you are not qualified to ask him to forgive you...

Tang Zeming wiped the tears from his wife's face, smiled and said: "After all, this house is your home.

As for the finishing work of the sequel, it is naturally my turn to do it.

What you expected when you came to the United States was wrong. If I had gone to find Akiko Tadaka!

Shibata looked at your photo, then called up the photos of other people and checked them one by one.

But Tian Gao Mingzi's movements were even slower. Before he fell into the air, only his arms were caught by Fang Guiming at the critical moment.

On the side, Akiko Tadaka took out her work permit from her pocket and hurriedly gave it to Ayanooji Fumimaro.

Feeling the body slipping up and down, Tian Gao Mingzi knew that her husband had a way to hold on for a little longer.

For me, my mission began at the moment when Akiko Takako confessed.

"It seems that he has remembered everything." Fang Gui looked at Fang Guiming and smiled and said, "That's why he chose to come to the United States now to protect his wife."

Soon a boy with long hair appeared under the screen.

Looking at Ta Gao Akiko who was still fighting for his life, Shibata fixed the opponent's shoulders with both hands and asked.

What are you waiting for? Go catch up! ! "

The last moment he heard the report on the other side of the phone, Fumimaro Ayanodaji widened his eyes and kept lowering his voice: "What did he say, Karasawa ran away indifferently!?

When I came to the United States, Tian Gao Mingzi made an unintentional mistake and caused the child to pass away. We should not have a happy family.

Tian Gao Mingzi cried loudly and hugged her husband. At that moment, the desire to die finally rekindled the hope of life.

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