Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,499 The Corpse in the Treasure Box

Lying in bed.

Seeing the meager reward for settling this case, Tangze felt as expected.

After all, he had opened the floodgates this time. He had discovered Kaitou Kidd through his super sense of smell long ago, but he still allowed him to complete the theft of gems.

And after that, he had no intention of arresting him and watched the other party slip away.

This act of betrayal obviously weakened his case reward this time, allowing him to only get the Phantom Thief skills for one year.

However, Karaze doesn't use many escape techniques. With his physical fitness, there are many techniques that are not useless, but he can still do it with brute force even if he doesn't have any.

So 2 years of escape skills are enough. After all, there are very few occasions where he can use it in criminal cases.

Most of the time, people see him running away, and there are very few situations where he needs to run away.

The final evaluation is also more interesting.

Judging from the evaluation, his behavior of letting the enemy run away was obviously inconsistent with the consistent principles of the detective system.

Looking at the bald old man wearing a kimono and glasses, Hattori asked.

Speaking of which, although that person is a marginal character in Takagi's plot and appears only a few times, he is also a nameless supporting character.

Although you have only met Conan Heiji, you are familiar with Kudo Shinichi. You know that Conan Heiji was a little inferior when they first met.

As soon as I exited the door, I saw Koshii Itsuki, who was usually sitting on the sofa drinking tea and lazing away. Although he was also making tea now, he was missing a book on "Criminal Psychology".

After all, the show is so popular, and the relevant people participating in the show will naturally have conflicts of interest. This is naturally more likely to be the cause and motive of the murder.

The first is the deceased. The other person’s name is Masanori Karasawa, who is known as the main town in the neon dessert world (Note 1). He is a legendary dessert chef and a review judge on the show.

And according to the usual procedure of previous programs, Tian Minzhengde will treat the audience to eat desserts made by me during the program.

However, the whereabouts of the other party have not yet been determined. Considering that the place of death of the other party is in the treasure chest of the show's theme, it seems to indicate that the murder case has nothing to do with the people related to the show.

"Wrong." Tian Min nodded Zhenchun.

But as Wada Min became strangers, Koshizui Kazuki gradually became clear that there was no serious relationship between the two, so he and Takagi inquired about each other's information.

The student has been able to guess the fruit used in the opponent's dessert, so he cannot taste the dessert that failed in this competition.

After all, if you are discovered, your credibility will be completely ruined.

That gap is simply disappointing.

The treasure chest was filled with red apples, and the corpse was lying in it.

After all, Rimai Radio is also a place with few cases and frequent murders. It is an exaggeration to say that there are many murders.

Arriving at the scene, it turned out that all the eight strangers were there. In addition, Li Yuanzi and Tianmin Zhenshun were also at the scene.

It may not be a branch line elsewhere, but Tian Min can guarantee that those people were at the scene of the case that happened at Rimai Radio.

And until then, the theme of this competition will be revealed. "

However, that also brought some trouble to Hattori. I spent more time fishing for fish. After all, Ichitsuki Koshikoshi studied inwardly, so it seemed very kind of him to waste the other person's time by fishing for fish.

"Actually, you don't think Xi Ping Kurimura is weird at all."

Early on the seventh day, Hattori had breakfast and got off work as usual.

When the show is finished, the host of the show will use the key given by the director to open the lock.

But because the eight were representative detectives from the eight regions of "East, West, and South", even if they had never met Kudo Shinichi, they still regarded me as their imaginary rival.

Immediately, Ogi pointed to the thin woman next to me with a scruffy beard and medium-long hair: "This is Fang Gudu. It is said that I am the one who padlocked today."

But the person who caused all that happened was completely amused, watching the eight people being involved in the involution with schadenfreude.

"The expert in picking low-grade fruits is Fumi Kasugaji."

But what makes you feel even more heartbroken is that even then we still surpassed each other.

"The body has not yet completely heated up, and there are no obvious wounds on the front of the head. It seems that the injury is not fatal."

Hattori observed the edge of the huge treasure box: "The blood was stuck from the inside, which means that the deceased probably died when his head hit the edge of the box when he opened the box from the inside.

Tamaki Masumi recalled: “Each time, experts who are good at selecting high-quality fruits would stuff them full of fruits as ingredients for the topic.

Before that, the chief director of the program will put another lock under the treasure chest and read it back to the experts.

Obviously, this means giving all the decision-making power to Tangze.

The crime occurred at a radio station in Japan. Hattori couldn't help but sigh when he heard about that location.

Usually when you know that even Takagi has become Tian Min's apprentice, and his behavior is very wrong, this sense of urgency becomes more obvious.

Any reward for solving side cases starts with two years.

When he heard the news, Hattori had no choice but to accept it.

So I called Takagi again.

Takagi pointed at the young man and woman standing aside and said with a smile: "As for the one with long hair, he should also know him. It's Mr. Kenzaki who plays the detective Umonji."

As he spoke, Ogi pointed at the fat man who was undergoing criminal questioning and motioned for Hattori to take a look.

It would be bad if he lost to the other two, but if one day the college student Takagi surpassed him, it would be really shameful.

Hattori didn't care about the small loss, because compared to letting Kaitou Kidd help, the big loss was nothing.

I didn't see the possibility of the fruit in the treasure chest until Kasugaji Fumito removed the lock. "

"According to Sonoko, when the show is over, this ancient iron treasure box will be delivered to the show site."

"There are mistakes." Takeki Masumi nodded and smiled: "Although that method is troublesome, only those who don't have the key have the right to see the outside content.

"But Yuanzi and Dalan also said that even the staff of the TV station knew which fruit to use for the question in this box?" Takeki Masumi said: "And the process is very simple."

"Yes." Hattori nodded and said, "Besides this, the people involved in transporting the treasure boxes in the program are not suspected. Didn't they collect our information?"

Takagi looked at the notebook and said, "According to the current direction of the investigation, I will definitely have the least motive to kill if Mr. Karasawa discovers that I leaked the topic to make money."

Even if he had no intention of taking precautions, Hattori could still have prevented all the cases before they happened, and I could delay talking about those things.

The murder scene was also very strange. The body was actually lying in a small treasure box.

What cannot be foreseen is that when Takagi and Koshimizu Kazuki meet again, a new round of involution storm may form, which is completely a vicious circle.

Although I still avoid being involved in the case, I am not just a supporting role. I may be the murderer.

Before Ogi discussed the direction of the search with Hattori, he decided to investigate around the relevant personnel of the entire program.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the information Tian Min obtained was not omitted.

Before that, experts will remove the lock and the box will be returned to the TV station.

"You understand the situation." Tian Min nodded, then looked at Omu: "Where are the other relevant personnel?"

"The person wearing the white chef uniform is this time's challenger, Sister Wua Enomoto."

"We are also old friends." Hattori smiled and said, "After all, that was the first time I was involved in a case."

As a result, he went from lying flat on his back to becoming the king of scrolls, carrying a book with him wherever he went.

When he heard the words of praise from Takagi's master Hattori, Koshizui Ichitsuki sat still.

And if you don’t guess right in life, you won’t have that benefit.

"Can you tell me more specifically?" Tian Min asked after hearing this.

"Of course." Takagi nodded and said, "The one who came into contact with the treasure chest, Toshii Mitaruoka, is a staff member of the Japanese radio station. He was born fat.

And among the low-risk celebrity professions, except for Okino Yoko, most of them do not have a protective aura.

"So that's it. Although that method is considered clumsy, it can indeed keep the secret secret." Hattori touched his chin and said: "You remember that when communications were advanced, similar methods were used to exchange important intelligence documents."

Therefore, even if no one wants to peek during transportation, there is nothing you can do. "

"You know the situation of the corpse, so let's talk about the whole story." Hattori looked at Takagi and the two and said, "They just tell it from their perspective."

When asked about the news about Takagi Kudou Shinichi, it was obvious that he was boasting and using himself as a stepping stone.

The top priority is the pastry chef named Kurimura Xihei.

"Understood." Takagi nodded and said: "The matter starts from the end of the program that Sonoko participated in through Uncle Shirou's relationship..."

But since the case hadn't happened yet, he just didn't accept it. Hattori quickly sorted out his bad mood and set off with Aso Minoru.

Although some are popular, some programs are a hit.

Of course, the system does not encourage Tangze's behavior, otherwise it would not reduce Tangze's rewards.

As a trend-setting radio station, Rimai Radio has always pursued novelty in its programs.

This leisurely look made Koshimizu gnash his teeth, his head hurting, and he deeply despised Hattori's leisurely posture.

In that program, the deceased suddenly changed his location after the recording. It was because of this that the program chose Mouri Daishichiro, who was supposed to be an audience member, as the guest to save the scene.

The theme of each duel is decided by the organizer, and the theme is locked by a special treasure box. The players not only depend on their strength, but also some luck, and whether the ingredients they choose for the competition are suitable for this fruit.

But Kenzaki Shuya, who was already alive, seemed to have noticed everyone's gazes. He turned his head and looked over, smiled, waved to everyone, and walked towards that direction.

From that perspective, Hattori shot himself in the foot.

Before that, I'm afraid the murderer had stuffed him out of the box. Do you think the two of them had the same judgment? "

"What's the condition of the body?"

After the deceased finished speaking, he became a suspect who might be related to the case.

But Tian Min was also very weak in reasoning, which made Koshisui Itsuki feel less stressed.

Before Takagi finished introducing the opponent's brief situation, Takagi said when talking about the opponent: "The next dessert duel will be strawberries, and I just happened to bring ice cream and jelly suitable for strawberries to the competition."

After learning about that incident and facing another challenge, Tian Minping no longer had any worries or sense of urgency.

Xiaozhixia is no longer such a program. Before the understanding was completed, Takagi on the side also investigated and initially screened out the relevant persons in this case.

My guess must be wrong. I'm afraid the Mori father and son and Takagi were at the scene of the crime.

Normally, apart from the early lottery, I have never seen a 1-year skill reward.

Eight days passed in a flash, and Hattori's life became peaceful. He had to deal with work every day, and now he was not drinking tea.

And judging from the current situation, the other party is obviously the beneficiary. He must have been found out and did kill without the weakest motive. "

Because of this, Hattori quickly eliminated the other party's suspicion.

I seem to be keeping the lock on the TV station's side. I must have backed up the key to the lock on the TV station's side or tampered with it.

However, before Tian Min was unprepared, a murder occurred.

"There are traces of wiping blood on the edge of the treasure chest."

Aso said that when he sensed the temperature of the corpse, he said, "The corpse hasn't become hot yet, at least it hasn't been dead for more than half a day."

After absorbing the one-year escape technique experience from this punishment, Hattori quickly digested it and then hurriedly retreated into sleep.

Time passed day by day, whether he was aware of it or not. During this period, Hattori did not contact Takagi to investigate from the side, but he did not find any activities that might cause the case.

Before it is full, the treasure chest will be closed and locked and sent to the TV station.

Note 1: Important town: A town that occupies an important strategic position. It also generally refers to a town that occupies an important position in other aspects. Nowadays, it also refers to an important person in a certain field.

Although knocking from the side will be discovered, the person involved will sometimes feel that what he wants to do is nothing unusual.

"Did he mean cheating?" Tian Min heard this and said, "He has brought ingredients that match the theme fruits eight times in a row. It is indeed worthy of belief.

In line with the mentality that if you have done something bad, you can also make your competitors do something bad. Koshizu Kazuki even called Conan Heiji specifically to tell him about the incident.

Obviously because of Hattori's words, Koshimizu Kazuki also changed his increasingly lazy style and became entangled with the two rivals you identified.

But after all, he had never met Kudou Shinichi, so the sense of urgency was only brought about by Tamin Heiji.

The other party is a middle-aged woman with a four-character beard, and she is also the eight-time champion of the current show. Her constant winning has made my dessert shop popular, and even recently opened another branch.

The show adopts an arena system, and the champion accepts the challenge of the previous opponent.

And the one you came to participate in today is not the most popular dessert duel event.

But for this kind of friend and enemy, the system's criteria for judging have become vague and ambiguous, and in the end, it is an attitude that allows him to rely entirely on his heart.

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