Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1501 Techniques

"Are you two the only ones entering the warehouse?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at the two of them and said, "If no one enters from behind, then the suspect is among the two of you."


Hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Taruoka Toshii and Furiya Watari immediately looked flustered.

"To be honest, I have actually entered the warehouse to check the treasure chest."

After hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, Kasugaji Fumi on the side suddenly spoke.

And his words instantly surprised everyone, and they all showed surprise.

"Does Mr. Kasuga have one too?"

Although he was surprised by the other party's behavior, Tangze also expected it in his heart.

After all, in Ke Xue's case, either the murderer is directly identified, or there are "one of the classic three" or more suspects.

On the contrary, there is basically no choice between the two, so it is not so difficult to understand when Kasugaji Fumi takes the initiative to say that he entered the warehouse.

Speaking of the serious look on Mouri Daichiro's face, he touched his chin and said, "It's not about the length of Sister Yoko's hair in front.

"Yes, in fact, after Mr. Takeki came to see me, I have always been worried about what he said."

"Hey, are the fruits outside the treasure box always full?" Takeki Masumi came back to his senses after hearing this, and looked at Dalan and the others and asked.

Kasugaji Fumi explained: "Of course, it must have taken a lot of effort to find the treasure chest. After all, you are still too young to see the situation inside the warehouse."

"Ah..." Omu was stunned for a moment before hearing Conan's words, and then said without any surprise on his face: "Could it be that..."

Obviously in this day and age, hair extensions have not yet become a common technology.

Thinking of this, I feel a little uneasy. After all, if it is true as Mr. Takeki said, there is malpractice for personal gain.

"No, the lock under the treasure chest is very strong, so you went home directly before checking it." Kasugaji Fumi shook his head and said.

Seeing everyone nodding, Mouri Daishichiro covered his face as if he hated iron and steel: "Really, how come they discovered such an important thing!"

Looking at the time Kasugaji Fumi exited the warehouse in the video, Chen Xian looked at Kasugaji Fumi and said, "Why did he stay outside for so long?"

"Why are you asked to retreat!"

"Haha, brother-in-law, what he says is really boring. You haven't felt full of kindness yet." Yuanzi laughed after hearing this.

"Well, we haven't found anything anymore. Don't we have to go back and verify now? Didn't they find nothing or anything unusual in what they just investigated?" Conan looked at Takagi and asked.

"Which puzzle?" After hearing what Mouri Daishichiro said, Takagi looked up with a puzzled look on his face.

Mouri Daishichiro straightened his suit and said proudly: "You still have to appear at the critical moment."

When Mouri Daishichiro heard Conan's words, he looked calm and calm, "It's just a joke for a young man, you'd better follow along quickly.

"This big ghost looks just like he did when he was with Hattori-kun."

"Ah, Mr. Chen Xian, did he just think of the same thing as you!?" Chen Xian Zhenzhen saw the expression on Chen Xian's face, hugged my shoulders and asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Looking at Yuanzi's narrow expression, Dalan waved her hands and said, "It's like I've seen him somewhere before."

Hearing Yuanzi's words, Conan was suddenly startled. A look of sudden realization appeared on his face for a moment, and he immediately understood the prisoner's method of unlocking the lock.

Of course, those fruits will also be wasted, but will be given to the audience in a lottery before the show starts.

After hearing Conan's words, the corners of Chen Xian Zhenchun and Takagi's mouths also turned upward.

"You checked the lock under the treasure box very sloppily outside the warehouse, and you also took some bad photos with your mobile phone, intending to send them to Mr. Xiaolan."

"In short, the number of suspects has shrunk to eight, and they are still very small." Mouri Daishichiro said: "The only ones we are looking for are the eight of us who are less likely to be suspected."

While Chen Xian was looking at Takeki Masumi's face in a daze, Conan looked at the forensic personnel who were taking photos and collecting evidence and asked, "Let me ask, did they not find the apple in the treasure chest when they just investigated?"

As soon as they arrived at the small entrance of the Eighth Warehouse, they saw Takeki Masumi and Chen Xian being stopped at the door by Officer Ogi to argue.

But when I saw you today, Sister Yoko’s hair became long again!

"What's wrong with him?" Yuanzi asked worriedly.

And when Da Lan finished speaking, it was as if there was not a flash of lightning in the minds of Takagi and Takegi Masumi, and all the fog in their minds was split open.


"He checked the lock and found nothing?" Conan looked at Kasugaji Fumi and asked.

It was simply out of our imagination for us two idiots to want to see the crime scene. "

"After all, it comes from the sea."

"Absolutely not." Takeki Masumi spread his hands and said, "Let alone the murderer, I don't even have a clue about how to unlock the door."


Conan looked at the two of them and smiled: "You have all been reminded of the "hair extensions". Now we don't know the method. The problem is how to prove it."

Although the video was slowed down, the previous time frames were basically still, and there was no one around at all. It took until the seventh day for any staff to move the treasure box out.

Sonoko's voice came from in front of him, and before Mouri Daishichiro turned his head, he saw Sonoko in a white cloak opening the curtain and walking back: "Of course it's because filling the treasure chest with fruits will look bad.

Yuanzi looked at her bad girlfriend with a narrow look on her face and said, "What, what, he was acting suspiciously just now~ He must be attracted to you, right?"

"There should be something wrong with just going up!"

Then once the news gets out, you may not be the first to be believed. "

"Humph, this woman is a returnee from overseas, so he doesn't feel this way." Mouri Daishichiro snorted hotly after hearing this.

"No matter how late we are, we will still retreat to the warehouse."

But thinking about it carefully, I have never seriously checked whether there is any problem with the lock used by the TV station.

Thinking of that, Takagi felt neither pity nor regret. His mind was just trying to win over others, but he didn't grasp the key points.

The bad thing is that the juicer in the kitchen set of a TV series has not been cleaned. "

After Yuanzi's words fell, the eight people present showed a tacit smile on their lips that was determined to win.

"Have they identified the murderer?" Dalan asked, looking at his father and others.

But this smile seemed so meaningful.

'Just go and clean your face...' Conan complained in his heart after hearing this: 'And your current criminal is not here...'

Conan smiled wickedly and said: "Slow running means useless. When you come to handle cases, you must have no identity and no background."

"And because the fruits prepared for each competition are low-level and rare fruits, few people will come to camp just to get these fruits." Da Lan added with a smile.

"Through the surveillance video, you haven't seen it very vaguely yet."

"Wave waves." Da Lan came back to her senses and said: "When you see Wu Mu's running back, you always feel that there is no sound of waves in your ears, as if you have been cast by magic."

"Hmph, does he know all that?"

"Omu, open the door and let us retreat." Conan smiled and said: "Good or bad, you don't have anything you want to confirm."

Chen Xian looked at the eight people and said: "Mr. Taroka, Mr. Fukitani, and not Mr. Kasuga. Among the eight of them, the murderer of Mr. Xiaolan should be hidden.

Conan smiled when he heard that and said: "Invite the eight of us to come and enjoy a "magic show". We can't leave before."

Thinking that it was almost synchronized, Takegi Masumi and Takagi turned around together and ran towards the inside.

There were only four of us including the driver Mouri Daishichiro, so Chen Xian proposed to give the place to Takeki Masumi, in order to take a step back to get in touch with the other party, and to get rid of this inexplicable strange feeling of déjà vu. Something happened.

In order to make the treasure box too light, I didn't delay in lowering the bottom of the treasure box. "

Producer Toshii Taroka said that I had to attend the press briefing on that case.

"Ah, dad should be talking about xten." Before Dalan heard her father's words, although she felt that my topic and case were "a donkey's lips are a horse's mouth", she still explained.

Even if he complained, it was just a slander. If he really wanted to expose Daishichirou Mouri, he should have slowed down his anger, so Conan just slowed down his pace.

In fact, when we came to watch the dessert showdown, Sonoko asked for seven places.

"Compared to this puzzle, those things are still big things." Mouri Daishichiro said with a solemn expression.

"He almost stayed out for at least half an hour."

This growth rate is a bit too scary! "

"Hey, it doesn't matter, brother-in-law." Yuanzi waved his hand boldly and said, "Those are big things."

"Not sure." Takagi heard the words and replied truthfully: "On the contrary, when I came over just now, I heard a young employee being scolded badly.

"Huh?" Sonoko, who was originally quarreling with Dalan, was surprised when he heard what Mouri Daishichiro said: "Uncle, why would he say that?"

"Judging from Sister Yoko's hairstyle, you should have used hair accessories to cleverly hide the hair extensions."

And I am afraid that I have been leaking the questions to the champion Kuricura Xihei because of some manipulation under the treasure box. "

"After all, Mr. Kenzaki, my signature line as the host is not "Look at those fruits that are so full that they are overflowing.""


Looking at the hateful tiger fangs exposed at the corners of Takeki Masumi's mouth, Takagi looked stunned and always felt that the other person's figure was so strange, but no matter how he recalled it, he still grasped the key points of the memory.

"Haha, let him go and hand us over."

"You just invited us to take a short rest outside the room, but the eight of us have been complaining and wanting to go back quickly." Ogi replied.

And when he looked at the other person at that moment, the tiger teeth that would be exposed in this smile, although Takagi still didn't think of it, it seemed that he had seen the other person somewhere before.

Speaking of the first thing, Mouri Daishichiro had no words yet and started to roar a little: "Now they've all ruined it for you!"

"Oh? What's the reason for this?" Conan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"What a hot joke..." Chen Xian, who was trembling from the heat, couldn't help but complain: "I'm so old that I'm losing my teeth."

Chen Xian raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and immediately looked at Omu: "Are these eight suspects still out there?"


Hearing the words from the man's mouth, Mouri Daishichiro wanted to repeat them, but found that I couldn't even repeat the difficult words, let alone understand the meaning.

Hearing the words of the two people, Mouri Daishichiro was surprised: "Did you notice it at all?"

"By the way, why are there so few fruits stuffed outside the treasure box?"

"What on earth is he talking about?" Takeki Masumi also looked at Mouri Daishichirou with a blank expression.

After laughing twice, Atom suddenly found that his bad bestie beside him was still staring blankly in the direction of the exit.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Yuanzi said something, and then looked at Chen Xian and said: "As a brother-in-law, he should follow him to have a look. You can see that the expressions of the eight of them are so synchronized."

Even though the explanation didn’t make sense, because I didn’t deny it later and didn’t take the initiative to speak out until I was slowly checked, it didn’t sound like I was guilty no matter how I looked at it.

Kasugaji Fumi looked at the surprised people and explained the reason why he did this: "Although I am very confident in the lock I put on, I am sure that it is definitely locked.

While everyone was talking, they had not yet arrived at the crime scene again, but after a careless inspection of the purse lock hanging under the treasure box, they found something.

Obviously in the live broadcast later, your hair was still very short.

Mouri Daishichiro stretched out his index finger and explained seriously: "Returning from the sea, is this the ocean?"

Hearing this, Takagi said honestly: "Mr. Shitani said that I haven't eaten since morning until now, and I hope you can eat more slowly.

"That's right." Chen Xian heard this and said with a smile, "Thank you both for your help."

"Hey, they really know, right?"

"Yes, it's a brief description." Yuanzi said complexly and clearly: "It doesn't mean it's commonly known as hair extensions!"

Conan nodded and immediately watched the surveillance video again.

"Yes, when I was watching the show, there wouldn't even be two or eight treasure boxes that would spill out when I opened them." Dalan nodded.

"Although there were indeed no apples squeezed out by the corpse when the treasure chest was opened, they were all put back before you took the photo." The middle-aged forensics officer wearing glasses answered truthfully.

"The two of them also discovered it."

"How the murderer opened the lock is also a mystery." Takeki Masumi said with his arms crossed: "I will definitely know how to unlock the lock, and maybe I can take a step back and lock the prisoner."

Mr. Kasuga said that the dog at home still needs to be fed and he should go back quickly. "

"Hair extensions?" Mouri Daishichiro on the side didn't notice at all. Instead, he grabbed his hair and repeated doubtfully, the confusion on his face still not dissipating.

Mouri Daishichiro looked at the piles of red apples in the treasure box and said, "Obviously the contestants in the competition have used all ten."

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