Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1519 The Vanishing Romance Novelist (1)

Tang Ze glanced at Conan, feeling speechless at Conan's strong curiosity.

But he didn't say much more. Perhaps it was his unusual curiosity that led to the current Conan.

And to be honest, he was quite curious about what they were studying.

Although Kesouyan is also engaged in science-related work, it is more about tracing the essence of objects and restoring the truth.

Their biological research institute studies the human body and conducts research into unknown fields. The two directions are completely different.

After all, he and Conan are both very curious people. When encountering novel things, they always want to understand and make up for their fears.

"Okay, let's ask the doctor!" Conan agreed without hesitation when he heard Takahashi Naoko's invitation, and even smiled in a cute way.

Naoko Takahashi smiled slightly and immediately led everyone out of the ward and towards the research institute.

As soon as he entered the research institute, Tangze smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

In addition, there was a faint smell of blood in the dissecting room.

Even though Karasawa didn't activate his sense of smell, his sensitive sense of smell still allowed him to smell the smell that filled the research room.

However, Karasawa didn't make a fuss. After all, this was a biological laboratory, so it wasn't surprising that there would be biological samples.

"Come and take a look at this."

Naoko Takahashi came to a microscope and smiled, extending her hand to indicate.

After the three of them took turns, Xiaolan looked at the samples on the microscope slide and asked curiously.

"Haha, don't be shocked when you say it. This is a slice of human heart." Naoko Takahashi showed a meaningful smile.

"Heart, heart slices..." Xiaolan was frightened after hearing Takahashi Naoko's words: "Is it from an animal..."

"No, it's human."

Naoko Takahashi shook her head and said seriously: "But don't worry, these are donor remains obtained through official channels.

They all voluntarily donate their bodies in the hope that their bodies will develop to treat diseases.

They are great people because a lot of people give up on donating their bodies just by hearing about our research process. "

As if seeing everyone's curiosity, Naoko Takahashi said with respect in her tone: "We will use a microtome to slice the donor's body, and then observe his cell tissue.

As you saw before, you put slices of the heart on a glass slide and look at them under a microscope.

This observation is like seeing a real heart. "

"This is all for the advancement of medicine."

Tang Ze said with admiration on his face: "I have to say that the donors of these bodies probably took a lot of courage to make such a choice during their lifetime."

"That's right."

Naoko Takahashi nodded and said: "What we are studying now is the difference between normal cells and cancer cells. In the future, we may be able to detect cancer cells in advance and prevent the occurrence of cancer."

"But I still feel a little uncomfortable." Xiaolan covered her mouth and couldn't help but take two steps back, but unconsciously bumped into the table behind her.

On the shaking table, a glass bottle staggered and fell down.


Seeing Xiaolan's actions, Takahashi Naoko exclaimed and immediately rushed towards the glass bottle, trying to avoid the glass bottle from falling.

Karasawa, who was standing next to Xiaolan, reacted faster. When Takahashi Naoko Kyouhu was born, he quickly lifted the glass bottle up with quick eyes and hands.

When he saw the label on the glass bottle, Karasawa's pupils shrank unconsciously and he understood why Takahashi Naoko was so nervous.

Because this is a bottle of sulfuric acid!

If this bottle of sulfuric acid had just fallen to the ground, I am afraid that several people standing nearby would have been affected by the splashed sulfuric acid.

If you are lucky, it will only spread on your clothes. If you are unlucky, it will cause catastrophic destruction if it reaches your skin.

The adults were okay, because their height determined it, so even if the injury was in the leg, Conan was just a primary school student.

If the sulfuric acid fell and splashed, it might directly hit Conan's face.

"It's so leisurely." Tang Ze looked at Conan with a happy face and smiled: "You were almost disfigured."

"Can you say something nice?" Conan on the side rolled his eyes when he heard Tangze's words, looking unconcerned.

But a drop of cold sweat dripping from his forehead still revealed Conan's inner unrest at the moment.

"Be careful, there are a lot of dangerous drugs in here!"

Seeing Karasawa lifting the sulfuric acid, Naoko Takahashi who came from the side breathed a sigh of relief and quickly put away the sulfuric acid bottle.

"I'm really sorry." Seeing that she had almost caused a big trouble, Xiao Lan apologized quickly.

"It doesn't matter. It's your first time coming to the laboratory. It's normal to not know this."

Naoko Takahashi shook her head and said apologetically: "It's us who should be sorry. We are used to random experiments, and some dangerous goods are not properly stored for easy access during experiments."

"Anyway, it's fine."

Seeing that Xiaolan still had an uncomfortable expression on her face, Tangze immediately smiled and said, "Thank you Dr. Takahashi for showing us around the laboratory. Considering the time, Xiaolan's father should wake up, so we'll leave."

"Ah, yes, let's go back quickly." After hearing Tang Ze's words, Xiao Lan quickly spoke in agreement.

"Then I won't keep you."

Naoko Takahashi also knew that what had just happened made the girl in front of her a little uncomfortable, so she did not force her to stay. She finally touched Conan's head and said with a smile: "If you still want to visit, you are welcome to come back at any time."

"Thank you, doctor." Facing Naoko Takahashi's kindness, Conan smiled cutely, showing off his cuteness.

After everyone said goodbye to Takahashi Naoko, they left the research room and returned to the ward where Mouri Kogoro was.

Because of the anesthetic, Mouri Kogoro was still awake, so the three of them waited in the ward and started chatting.

Later, the anesthetic wore off and Mouri Kogoro woke up.

Because only one foot was injured, Mouri Kogoro only stayed in the hospital for one night before Karasawa drove him home to rest.

A week passed quickly, and Karasawa drove Mouri Kogoro and others to the hospital for a re-examination next time.

"There are no problems with the pulse and temperature, and the operation was successful."

After a busy examination, Yananuma Motoko came to the ward, looked at the examination report above and said with a smile.

"Thank you." After hearing the good news brought by Yananuma Motoko, Xiaolan thanked the other party gratefully.

"Then take care." Yananuma Motoko smiled and nodded, waving goodbye to everyone.

When Yananuma Motoko left, everyone turned to look at Mouri Kogoro on the hospital bed, only to find that the other party was tearing a piece of paper.

"Dad, what are you trying?"

Xiaolan saw her father's actions and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Suicide note." Although Mouri Kogoro's expression was a little embarrassed, he still pretended to be calm and said.


Hearing what Mouri Kogoro said, the three people on the side were shocked. They didn't expect that the other party actually wrote a suicide note.

"It's just a small fracture operation on the foot. Do you need such a thing?" Xiaolan looked at her father in astonishment and asked.

Conan on the side was also speechless. He didn't expect that Mouri Kogoro would have such a big reaction.

"What do you mean it's just a minor surgery?"

Mouri Kogoro tore the suicide note in his hand into more pieces and said angrily: "No one knows what will happen during the operation.

For example, after I took the anesthesia, I originally thought that nothing would happen, and I just needed to have a good sleep and everything would be over.

Who knew that as soon as the operation started, I felt someone cutting my leg with a knife, and there was a slight sting.

After I complained about the pain, I learned from the doctors’ conversations that my body was more resistant to anesthetics than the average person.

Although this kind of physique can wake up faster when faced with bad guys using anesthetics, it also allows me to use more anesthetics during operations.

If it hadn't been for surgery, who would have known about this kind of accident? "

"Is there such a thing again?" Xiaolan looked surprised after hearing what Mouri Kogoro said. She didn't expect that there would be such an episode during the operation.

On the side, Conan glanced at Mouri Kogoro guiltily, and then looked at Karasawa, and immediately "the eyes look at the nose, the nose looks at the heart" and did not dare to participate in the conversation between the father and daughter.

On the side, Tang Ze looked at the guilty Conan and almost died laughing in his heart.

Normally, with Conan's character, he would have been criticized and echoed, but now it is obvious that he is the culprit of Kogoro Mouri's "highly resistant to anesthetics" physique.

In fact, the anesthesia needle invented by Dr. Ali is already very advanced.

After Kudo Shinichi became Conan, considering that Conan would need Kogoro Mori to stand in front of the stage to solve cases in the future, Dr. Agasa also improved the matter of drug resistance, greatly eliminating the problem that cumulative use would produce drug resistance. side effect.

But it won't cause damage to the human body, but it can't withstand Conan's high frequency of anesthesia.

The consequence of overuse is that even if the resistance is very small, the huge "number of needles" still brings a certain degree of anesthesia resistance to Kogoro Mori's body.

Fortunately, it was an improved version of the anesthetic needle. If I had to replace it with an ordinary anesthetic, the resistance would have been maxed out long ago.

When Kogoro Mouri goes to the operating table and finds that the anesthesia is useless, he will probably die of pain on the operating table. Then the suicide note may actually be used...

No, the issue that may need to be considered before this is not resistance.

After all, if it were an ordinary anesthetic, Kogoro Mouri's usage rate would have been a corpse long ago, and Karasawa could have directly arrested Conan based on the pinholes on his neck that were riddled with holes.

And just when Xiaolan was speechlessly complaining about her father, there was suddenly a knock on the door of the ward.

The three of them looked at the door of the ward in unison, curious about who would come to visit at this time.

After all, Sonoko and others had already come to visit before and after the operation. Logically speaking, no one should come to visit this time.

However, out of curiosity, Xiaolan opened the door, and then she saw Akagawa Yumi, whom she had met once before, standing at the door.

"Mrs. Akagawa?" Xiaolan looked at the hesitant Akagawa Yumei in front of the ward door and asked curiously, "Why are you here?"

"I remember that you are the famous detective "Sleeping Kogoro", right?" Akagawa Yumi looked at Moori Kogoro with an indelible sadness on her eyebrows and asked.

"I am really the famous Maori!"

Mouri Kogoro said shamelessly in a serious manner, with a serious face: "Madam, what can I do for you!?"

"Detective Mori, my husband disappeared almost four days ago!" Akagawa Yumi looked anxious.

"Wait a minute, why do you use such an ambiguous word as "almost"?" Karasawa stopped Yumi Akagawa and said.

"Because I'm not sure if he disappeared five days ago."

Akagawa Yumi said: "That day I was busy helping him go to the editorial office to deliver a finished manuscript, so I didn't come to the hospital all day.

All I can be sure of is that when I came to the ward four mornings ago, my husband was no longer in the ward. "

"Excuse me, who is your husband..." Mouri Kogoro looked at Akagawa Yumi and said hesitantly.

"Ah, Dad, you had just finished the operation and were still under anesthesia and didn't know the situation. Here's what happened..." Upon hearing this, Xiaolan hurriedly stepped forward and told the other party the story of how she and Akagawa Liang got to know each other.

"So this is it, Mr. Akagawa, the romance novelist?" Mouri Kogoro pondered: "I heard from Xiaolan that Mr. Akagawa's legs were broken in a car accident. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be able to run far."

"I originally thought he went out in a wheelchair, but this morning, my husband's wheelchair was found in the backyard of the hospital!" Akagawa Yumi said anxiously.

"Calm down first and explain clearly the cause and effect."

Xiaolan saw that Akagawa Yumi was talking nonsense, so she comforted him and said, "Apart from my father, Karasawa is a "famous criminal" in the Metropolitan Police Department, and he will definitely be able to help you find Mr. Akagawa."

"Really!?" After hearing Xiaolan's words, Akagawa Yumi looked at Tang Ze, her eyes lit up, and she quickly begged: "Please Tang Ze Criminal, you must help me find my husband!"

"Please organize your language first and tell us what the specific situation is."

Tangze spoke to comfort him: "Take a deep breath, calm down, and explain in detail the cause and effect of the matter and how you realized something was wrong."

"Okay, I know."

Akagawa Yumi took a deep breath after hearing Karasawa's words, then calmed down and said: "My husband is a writer. In the past few days, I always thought that my husband was because he still had two works that he had not written. Finished, the deadline is approaching again.

So he sneaked out of the hospital and went to the restaurant where he usually went to write manuscripts to concentrate on writing...

He often does this, so I got used to it and didn't pay attention at first.

But I couldn't get in touch with him for several days, so I was a little worried, so today I went to the restaurant where he usually goes to check out the situation.

But after I asked the hotel front desk, I learned that he never went to that hotel at all! "

"Then you found your husband's wheelchair and thought something had happened to him, right?" Tang Ze said after hearing this.

"That's right!"

Akagawa Yumi said with a worried look on her face: "I even suspect that my husband may have been killed!"


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