Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1522 The Vanishing Romance Novelist (4)

"So that's it. I didn't expect that the flaw would be noticed in such a subtle place..."

After listening to what the two said, Naoko Takahashi couldn't help but sigh: "Although if you ask about this evidence, I can quibble.

But if you just suspect that I am the murderer, that is enough, right? "

Karasawa nodded, then looked at Naoko Takahashi and asked in a deep voice: "Dr. Takahashi, what kind of grudge do you and Mr. Akagawa have?

Why kill him in such a cruel way? "

"Because I can't forgive him."

Naoko Takahashi heard Karasawa close her eyes, and the scene when they were together seemed to flash through her mind: "Before he wrote a book and became popular, I had always relied on me to support him.

As a result, after her book became popular, she immediately kicked me away and found a young lover to get married.

I am not willing to accept that all my years of emotional investment have resulted in such a result.

He made me miss my wedding date, but he gained fame and fortune, and then married a college graduate who was 15 years younger than him.

So I kept forcing him to divorce and get back together with me! "

"So you keep threatening him and putting pressure on him?" Tang Ze said with a serious face.

"But so what? It's better to push him further and further away."

Naoko Takahashi smiled sadly: "He even started to avoid me. Later, I found him again, but I still couldn't win back his heart.

Later, when he was accidentally admitted to this hospital due to a car accident, I was also surprised, but I thought this might be an opportunity for us to get back together.

But he turned a blind eye to my advances and suspected that I had been following him, causing him to have a car accident.

In addition, he also kept his promise and had no intention of writing down every detail of my time with him in his book..."

Speaking of this, a strange smile appeared on Takahashi Naoko's sad face: "So... I had no choice but to let him enter the book by himself."

At the end of the sentence, Naoko Takahashi burst into laughter.

But when everyone present looked at her crazy look, they couldn't laugh at all.

Because he couldn't love him, he killed Mr. Akagawa in such a horrific way. Among the many cases that Karasawa solved, this can be said to be among the best.

"follow me!"

Looking at Naoko Takahashi who was looking crazy, Officer Megure stepped forward and took out the handcuffs, cuffed the opponent's hands, and escorted Naoko Takahashi away with Takagi.

Looking at each other's back, everyone's expressions were solemn.

"Let's go too." Seeing a group of criminals entering the room and starting to tidy up the bookcases, Tang Ze motioned for everyone to leave this depressing place.

"Dad, if you fall in love with that female doctor, maybe you will be made into a book." Xiaolan couldn't help but sigh as she pushed Mouri Kogoro out of the hospital.

"It doesn't matter if it's a book. Who made her look so beautiful?" Mouri Kogoro said with a rippling look on his face.

"Dad!! Do you know what you are talking about?"

Xiaolan originally wanted to beat up Kogoro Mouri because her father looked like a pervert to Dr. Takahashi when he was in the hospital.

But she didn't expect that her beating had no effect. Instead, she said such frivolous words as "if you die under peonies, you will be a ghost even if you are a ghost."

Unable to hold back her anger, Xiaolan finally gave her father a set of serial blasters, causing big bumps on his head.

"Are you awake?"

Raising her fists, Xiaolan looked at her father with a murderous look on her face.

"Awake." Holding the bag on his head, Mouri Kogoro had a look of pain on his face.

Tangze and Conan also laughed out loud when they saw the farce between Maori and his daughter. Their hearts that were filled with gloom because of the case also became lighter at this moment.

"Just a moment, I'll drive over." Tang Ze said with a smile, "I'll treat you to a big dinner later."

Although the blood and cruelty of this case cannot be forgotten, delicious food can soothe a wounded heart and make people relax.

Because the weather was still relatively cold, Karasawa chose a sukiyaki shop to take advantage of this bad luck.

In the middle of the journey, Mouri Kogoro got carried away and wanted to drink, but was suppressed directly by Xiaolan.

Although he whispered that he was only injured in his leg and that drinking would have no effect, he finally gave up angrily out of fear from Xiaolan.

There is a reason why Karasawa didn't call Ayako this time, that is, he didn't want to tell Ayako about the case.

Because this case was so egregious and anti-human, he didn't want Ayako to be emotionally affected by this case.

And there are probably a number of insiders from the Metropolitan Police Department who have the same idea as him.

This case will probably be handled in a low-key manner, and even reporters will not let them know about it.

Even if by chance one or two well-informed people want to inquire, the highest level of the police will personally come forward to put pressure on his superiors to ensure that this shocking case will not spread.

After all, this case was too horrifying. Although the killing method was simple, the "death by a thousand cuts" method was a bit excessive.

If the news spreads, it will definitely cause panic, and criminals like Takahashi Naoko will also become the center of public opinion, and the public opinion will probably be two extremes.

After all, with the urinary temperament of some neon people, seeing how beautiful Naoko Takahashi is, they might give her the title of "Poison Rose" and start to crazily worship stars.

Don't think it's impossible. In his previous life, there was a perverted murderer who kept having plastic surgery while on the run. He was called "the most handsome criminal like a caricature" and then published a book that became very popular.

And there is someone who wants to marry the other person. This distorted view of the world makes Tang Ze complain endlessly, and he is not afraid that the guy will come out and kill you.

The Metropolitan Police Department probably also considered that some idiots would cause such a disturbance, so they kept the case very tightly under wraps to ensure that nothing would happen before the case was closed.

Although they didn't drink, Mouri Kogoro was the only one who was unhappy. Karasawa and the three of them were enjoying themselves drinking soda and eating sukiyaki.

After eating, Karasawa helped send Mouri, Kogoro and the other three back home.

After this re-examination, it was enough for Mouri Kogoro to just recuperate at home, and his injury was over.

And Karasawa finally knew why Mouri Kogoro was injured. It was obviously because of this "big case" waiting for them to deal with.

If they don't go now, Akagawa Ryo might actually "hide" in the hospital as time goes by for Naoko Takahashi to transfer the body.

By then, this case will become an unsolved case that will never be solved.

It can only be said that in order to trigger a case, Kogoro Mouri broke his leg in exchange for participating in the case.

This not a loss!

But the only thing that makes Karasawa strange is that since Kogoro Mouri was injured in this case, it seems that the original plot trajectory was for Conan to solve it.

Logically speaking, this should be a case in the Conan plot.

But Tang Ze didn't have the slightest impression of this tragic and cruel case, which made Tang Ze very strange.

However, he only struggled with it for a moment and quickly put it behind him.

The case has already happened, and it is impossible for him to go back to his previous life and trace the root of the case to whether it is a branch plot or a main plot, so he might as well let nature take its course.

After bidding farewell to the Maori family, Karasawa drove back home. Ayako was watching TV in the living room after dinner.

"Is there another case today?"

Hearing the movement at the door, Ayako looked at Karasawa who was walking towards the bedroom and asked.

"Well, what we encountered in the hospital was not a big case. It was solved quickly."

Tangze brushed it off in an understatement and changed the subject with a smile: "But when everything ended and it was dinner time, I thought about sending the Maori family back now. Xiaolan still had to cook, so I might as well eat outside. a little."

"Yes." Ayako nodded and smiled when she heard this: "That's what we should do. After all, Detective Mori accidentally broke his bone after drinking together. We need to help him more."

"Don't worry, everything checked by Detective Maori is fine today. All you need to do is rest and recover." Karasawa said with a smile.

"Well, this is good news." Ayako couldn't help but said happily after hearing Karasawa's words.

"Don't talk about that, if there is nothing else to do this week, let's go out for a walk if we have time." Tang Ze said with a smile: "I guess it will be more leisurely later."

"So sure?" Ayako joked after hearing this: "I don't believe it."

"If there is really a case then, why don't we just leave it to others to handle it." Tang Ze smiled and said, "It's not like the world will change without me."

"This is quite pertinent." Ayako thought for a while and smiled: "Then we can discuss where to go to play this Saturday and Sunday."


Tangze agreed with a smile and already had plans for the subsequent itinerary.

The reason why he planned to go out with Ayako in advance was because he felt that the previous case had caused Mouri Kogoro to break his leg.

We have to calm down for a while and wait for Mouri Kogoro to recover before triggering the case.

Even though the timeline is a bit fast, it doesn't mean that Kogoro Mouri will get out of the wheelchair and jump right away.

Of course, he will not put all his hope for peace in the peaceful days after the case is over.

According to the hidden patterns he discovered, the blank period after some major cases will indeed be longer than usual, but it won't be much longer, at most three or four days.

But this time is enough. Tangze also has two leave cards, one for seven days and one for three days. If he uses the shorter one, he can rest for about a week.

This plan is perfect.

After talking to Ayako and arranging the follow-up schedule, Karasawa went to wash up.

In fact, there was no need to take a shower every day in this weather, but Tangze just wanted to get rid of the bad luck.

It can be seen how much negative emotions this case brought to Tang Ze.

However, this case is a bit of a shock, but the reward is very generous.

While taking a shower, Tang Ze counted the rewards gained this time.

[The missing romance novelist]

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining forensic science (5 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for getting 500 destiny points]

Comment: In this case, you are facing an opponent who has a different concept of life than ordinary people. Perhaps because she has dissected countless similar species for many years, she no longer has any resistance or awe when facing the corpses and deaths of the same species.

It was precisely because of this that she was able to use such an extremely cruel method to dispose of the lover she killed by cutting him into pieces and file it into a book.

Such cruel methods are beyond the understanding of normal people. You have never even thought about this method of disposing of corpses.

But combined with some clues in the case and the details of the relationship between the opponent and the deceased, you still successfully locked in the opponent, realized the way the murderer disposed of the body, and arrested the opponent.

Somehow, you are favored by fate!

The reward for this case can be said to be the highest reward ever received among the murder cases that Karasawa has solved. It not only gave 5 years of forensic skills to upgrade to (B level) [13/20], but also gave Destiny point.

Tang Ze also experienced a few more difficult branch cases before he received double rewards.

But like the "Ke Xue" case triggered by Mouri Kogoro, this is the first time he has received such a generous reward after solving it.

That's right, Karasawa reviewed the story and found that if he hadn't been there, the plot would have been about the three of Mouri and Kogoro facing this difficult prisoner.

And because he saw Mouri Kogoro injured and felt that he was not simply injured, and also needed help, he unknowingly participated in the case.

Therefore, this case is most likely to be the Ke Xue case.

It's just that Tang Ze didn't have any impression of such a curious and bloody case, which made him scratch his head.

Could it be said that this is some uncastrated content? Or did it evolve from this world?

When Karasawa thought about this, it was not impossible. After all, this was a real world, and there was no rule that people like Mouri Kogoro had to live the life in the plot.

At least Karasawa knew that Conan, Mouri Kogoro and others had a lot of peaceful daily life, but these things were not very important, so they just passed by.

However, this case also gave Tang Ze a vague feeling that the world was moving away from his original understanding, and a quiet sense of urgency arose in his heart.

But Tang Ze knew clearly in his heart that this was just a matter of being used to smooth sailing before, but now he saw that the future was foggy, so there was a gap.

However, Tang Ze quickly adjusted his mentality and planned to face these unknown challenges with a normal heart.

Of course, before that, what Tangze wanted to do was to take a good rest and relieve the pressure in his heart.

During the following working days, Karasawa was almost always fishing, and soon Friday came. Karasawa skipped work in advance and took Ayako, who had finished dealing with things, to go to Karuizawa for vacation.

Although it was not that he didn't want to go to places he had never been to at first, considering the need to rejuvenate his heart, Karasawa and Ayako finally chose this salty vacation.

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