Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1524 The Lost Drunk

Tangze didn't care much about some information about friendly forces because of the prophet.

As for Conan's question and Sera Masumi's answer, Karasawa actually already knew the answer.

The other brother Sera Masumi was referring to was Haneda Hideyoshi, whom they had just met before.

"But my other brother seemed to be doing some important work, so he never told me where he was."

Facing Conan's inquiry, Sera Masumi smiled and explained: "But he has always been the object of my reasoning, and later he said that my reasoning was still somewhat lacking.

But if you and Tangze Criminal are here, we can give timely reminders and corrections. "

"It's mainly Master. I'm still learning." Conan smiled after hearing Sera Masaki's words: "When Master is away, I occasionally call Brother Shinichi for help."

Sera Masumi smiled slightly when he heard the words, but smiled and said nothing when faced with Conan's words.

And that "I see through you" look made Conan couldn't help but wonder if his identity had been exposed, so that's why the other party said that.

If Karasawa on the side knew what Conan was thinking, he would definitely tell him that your guess was correct.

But his mind was not on this at all at the moment.

To be honest, the "leave card" ended a long time ago, but he has never used the leave card since then, but no case has ever occurred.

But today he not only picked up Yuanzi, but also Xiaolan and Conan.

Although Mouri Kogoro did not come because of his leg injury, Kyogoku Makoto seemed to be coming here too.

This had to make Tang Ze wonder whether there was a case waiting for him.

After all, even though the last case was quite bad, I still gave myself a long vacation, so I should go back to work.

But looking at the current situation, there was no sign of any case on their side, which made Tang Ze scratch his head.

To be honest, he is not afraid of something happening, but he is afraid that something will not happen, because this means that the case may have happened quietly somewhere, and when Tang Ze and others find out, they will only have to face a corpse.

However, it is impossible for Tangze to search for cases on the streets now. He can only wait and see if there will be any subsequent events that may trigger the case.


Just when Karasawa was thinking about possible countermeasures for the case, Kyogoku suddenly coughed twice, then looked at Sonoko shyly and said, "By the way Sonoko, the clothes you are wearing were accidentally washed. ?”

"Eh? Is it damaged by washing?" Yuanzi looked at his clothes subconsciously after hearing this.

She was wearing a green off-shoulder top today, which looked like normal clothes.

"Because your neckline seems a bit low..." Kyogoku coughed shyly, "But if this is the case, wouldn't your underwear be seen by others..."

"This is called an off-the-shoulder design."

After hearing Kyogoku's true words, Sonoko was shy and a little angry: "I wore it so low on purpose! Because I was wearing revealing underwear!"

"Revealing underwear..." Kyogoku muttered a few words, and then said in shock: "If you put it this way, are these worn specifically to show to others!?"

"That's right!" Yuanzi faced the embarrassment on his sweetheart's face: "That's it..."

"You kid, don't ask the lady such embarrassing questions!"

Karasawa on the side couldn't stand it anymore and hugged Kyogoku's neck and joked: "This is what Sonoko dressed up specially to welcome you today!"

Hearing Karasawa's words, the innocent Kyogoku's face instantly turned red. Even under his dark skin, it was clearly visible to the naked eye.

"Okay, don't make any more trouble." Seeing that Karasawa was trying to explain to the two of them on the surface, but in fact he was acting as a fun person to observe the shy expressions of the two, Ayako stopped Karasawa's actions angrily. .

And Tang Ze also knew that going too far was not enough, so he chose to give up and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Ah Zhen, I see there is a blood stain on your right hand. Was it injured during the fight just now?"

"No, this was me outside just now..."

Kyogoku Makoto heard Karasawa's words and waved his hand. Just when he was about to explain, a woman wearing pink clothes and glasses suddenly walked over and looked at Kyogoku Makoto with a concerned look on her face:

"I was really embarrassed just now. Are you not injured?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter, I just suffered some scratches." Kyogoku smiled when he heard this, and then said: "It doesn't matter to him, right?"

"It's okay, after all, he brought it upon himself." The woman smiled and said, "Now my companion has put him in the car."

"What happened?" Yuanzi asked curiously after hearing this.

"Just now when I was changing clothes, I was pestered by a man who was with this lady, so I punched him." Kyogoku explained with a smile.

After hearing what Kyogoku Makoto said, everyone present smiled with shame, not because Kyogoku Makoto hit someone, but because they admired that there were still people who dared to take Kyogoku Makoto's fist.

"Don't look at him like that, but he is a physical education teacher in a junior high school."

Just then a woman in a white suit came over: "Although he is a good teacher with good behavior at ordinary times, every time after drinking, Mr. Tanba seems to become a different person."

After saying this, the two realized belatedly that they had not introduced themselves yet, so they quickly introduced themselves.

The first person with blond ponytail was the math teacher, Monna Michiko, and the person with short black hair who came after him was the physics and chemistry teacher Masaki Subami.

Perhaps because they have been teaching all year round, both ladies wear glasses.

"Speaking of which, how is he now?" Menna Michiko looked at his companion and asked.

"He must have fallen asleep in the car now." Masaki Subha replied: "He was still mumbling things like "That bastard, I'm going to kill him" in his sleep..."

"Haha..." Hearing Masaki Sububa's words, Sonoko showed an awkward yet polite smile.

"What are we going to do now?" Masaki Subha looked at his companions and asked.

"Yes, I originally planned to steal him to teach us how to bowl..." Michiko Mennai hesitated: "But with his condition now, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it..."

"If you want to bowl, we can give you some guidance."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "But I just heard you said that you asked your companion to sleep in the car?

To be honest, sleeping in the car is a safety hazard, especially for a drunk person.

If he blocks his airway due to vomiting and there is no one around, he is in great danger. "

Karasawa's words were not simply worried about the man who had a conflict with Kyogoku, but after the two ladies appeared, he realized that this was probably the lead to the murder.

Of the three of them, only two people showed up now. Considering that Kyogoku had some conflicts with him before, Karasawa had a bad feeling.

Because of this, when he heard that the teacher Tanba who was not there was sleeping in the car, he changed the topic to the other party's safety.

The purpose is to be able to see the person who is most likely to be the victim first.

Of course, what he said is not a lie. Sleeping in a car, if not an RV, is indeed dangerous. After all, it is a small and confined space, and there is a possibility of hypoxia.

And similarly, it is best not to leave a drunk person alone, because once the vomit blocks the respiratory tract and there is no one around, he will die quietly and painfully.

"Ah, then let's hurry up and find him first." After hearing what Tang Ze said, Menna Michiko hurriedly said.

"I put him in the car before." Masaki Suba also said after hearing this: "I don't know if it's better to put him on the sofa here."

"I'll go help." Tang Ze smiled and said: "The other party is drunk after all. It's probably a bit difficult for you two women to move a big man."

"Then I'll go too..."

Kyogoku spoke when he heard the words, but before he could finish his words, Karasawa stopped him: "If you go there, you are not going to help but to cause trouble. Don't forget to punch me.

He talks like a drunkard and makes no sense. If he starts fighting with you again, you will have no choice but to punch him again and knock him out and bring him here. "

"That's true..." Kyogoku scratched his head in embarrassment after hearing Karasawa's words.

"It's enough for me. I'll be back soon." Tang Ze smiled and said, "You guys have fun first, we'll be back later."

"Okay." Everyone nodded after hearing this, and Tang Ze took an umbrella and went out with the two teachers.

The three of them walked all the way to the parking lot and arrived at the place where they said they would park.

"This is the car." Menna Michiko said this and opened the door with the car key. "Hey, where is Tanba-sensei?"

"Not in the car?" Masaki Subaba followed closely and glanced inside the car, with a look of astonishment on his face: "Did he run out?"

"No way!" Mennaichi Michiko said in a panic: "It's raining so heavily, where did he go!?"

"That is to say, if you are not in the car, you should come to the bowling alley to find us." Masaki Subami said.

"Isn't it possible that after you left, you got out of the car and passed out drunk somewhere..." Menna Michiko couldn't help but guess.

"Don't be kidding, it's raining heavily now!" Masaki Subha heard Menna Michiko's words and said anxiously: "Anyway, we'd better find him quickly. If it's like what you said, it will be really dangerous!"

"I called and asked others to come and search for them." Tang Ze frowned and looked at the two of them.

"Thank you so much!" Menna Michiko said with grateful expressions on their faces.

Karasawa waved his hand and said no more. After the call was connected, he told Ayako about the situation here and asked her to bring someone to help find someone.

When Tang Ze hung up the phone, he looked at the many vehicles parked in the rain and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

It would be okay if the drunk man could be found in the car, but now that he is not in the car and there is no sign of him around, he can basically be sentenced to death.

Thinking of this, Karasawa glanced at the two people around him and knew that he had to find the missing teacher Tanba as soon as possible. In this case, there might be a glimmer of hope.

It is not difficult to know from the previous conversation between the two that after the conflict with Kyogoku, the drunk teacher Tanba was sent to the car to rest.

After that, it was probably Mena Michiko who came to the bowling alley first and asked Kyogoku to apologize, and Masaki Subami followed closely behind.

Both of them had time to act alone, but neither of them was probably particularly long.

In addition, it is easy to kill but difficult to escape guilt. Therefore, under normal circumstances, prisoners will choose various methods to prove their innocence.

Considering that the two originally planned to play ball in the bowling alley, Tangze speculated that the prisoner might have arranged some kind of delayed killing mechanism to prove his innocence.

After all, only when the deceased died, and she had a solid alibi, could she successfully escape guilt.

So what Tangze has to do now is to race against time to find the missing victim and see if he still has a chance to survive.

Of course, if not, then catch the culprit early and solve the matter.

This was also the best response he could think of.

"Anyway, tell me the other person's facial features first." Tang Ze looked at the two of them and said.

"I have a photo here!" Menna Michiko heard this and quickly took out her mobile phone and took out a photo of a man in sportswear.

"Good, I've written it down."

After reading the photo, Tang Ze wrote it down, then looked at the two of them and said, "Let's search separately first, and if you see my companions later, show them the photo.

Then just tell them to look nearby. "


The two of them nodded after hearing Karasawa's words, and the three of them spread out to search for traces of Teacher Tanba.

Soon everyone in the bowling alley came out one after another. After Michiko Monna passed the photo of Mr. Tanba to everyone, the group held umbrellas and searched for Mr. Tanba in the rain.

With the participation of everyone, the entire parking lot was quickly searched, but there was still no trace of the other party.

"He won't go to some store to drink again, right?" Menna Michiko couldn't help but guess.

"It would be fine if that were the case, but if you pester others like before, I'm afraid you will be in big trouble." Masaki Subha couldn't help but said.

"Anyway, let's expand the search scope. If you have any news, please contact us anytime." Sera Masumi said after hearing what the two people said.

The group of people nodded when they saw this, and walked out of the parking lot towards the shop outside.

But no matter whether it was a restaurant or an izakaya, they could not find the missing teacher Tanba.

"You can't find anyone anywhere?" Xiaolan said with a worried look on her face.

"Don't talk about finding someone, I haven't even seen this person passing by in the stores I went to." Tangze said.

"It's the same direction from my side." Sera Masazumi agreed.

"Me too." Conan said next to him.

"It's the same here, he didn't get back to the car either," Menna Michiko said.

"The phone seems to be turned off as well." Masaki Subami looked worried.

Hearing this, everyone looked slightly worried, and a bad premonition seemed to surround everyone.


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