Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,545 Sudden Murder

After leaving the ward, they saw Mouri Kogoro squatting on the ground collecting things thrown away by Fei Yingli, and he kept complaining.

"Really, thanks to me running to the hospital in a panic after hearing that she was hospitalized, she actually lost her temper with me."

Mouri Kogoro put the discarded things in front of the door, then shouted into the ward, asking Xiaolan to get it later, and then stood up and patted the dust on his hands.

"Of course you'll be angry."

Tangze on the side couldn't help but complained: "It's okay if you don't apologize, but you still make wisecracks to try to get through.

Then when I heard what the concubine lawyer Yin Yang said, I still didn’t realize it and thought it was a compliment. How could I not be angry? "

"Eh? Is that so?" Mouri Kogoro said in shock when he heard Karasawa's words.

‘This uncle is hopeless. ’

Neither Tang Ze nor Conan spoke, but secretly complained in their hearts.

When Mouri Kogoro saw the expressions of the two of them, he scratched his head in embarrassment, obviously realizing how much hatred his actions just caused.

A small number of people are not 100% confident in their own memories, so in special circumstances, after they say they know each other, they may want to ask for less information from the person they are asking. "

"You see that there is tea in the broken cup?"

If it had been discovered earlier, there would have been a way to take the exam.

So you still have to tell lies when you should.

Although we learned from Conan that the other party was a teammate, that teammate was 100% on our side.

Lucy got off to check the situation, but found that the other party was not completely breathing.

"Call the police." Conan stood up and said, "That man is not breathing yet."

But it seems that I know when Mei Xiang is discharged from the hospital. "

"Speaking of which, why is he also in the hospital?" Mouri Daishichiro asked curiously.

"How could it not be poisonous?" the fat man said with confidence.

"Eh?" Xu Dong pretended to be confused when he heard this, but the vigilance in his heart was not at its lowest.

"Ah, yes."

The eight people nodded after hearing this, and then introduced their identities first.

After explaining, everyone stood in the corridor and prepared to leave, but before they had taken two steps, a shrill scream sounded, causing everyone in the corridor to look back.

"Since he is going to be discharged from the hospital, he should tell me earlier." Shi Zhihao said politely as he inserted flowers into the vase on the other side of the bedside table: "Then there is no need for you to come to visit the patient again."

"Isn't this the case?" Reina Amuro waved her hand and said: "In fact, you almost suffered heavy losses because of the stock.

Every time after a crime happened, the suspects were like that. They didn't care whether it was me or not. They were all as humble as if they were criminals. They all reacted the same way when they heard our names. It was impossible for us to tell who was who. suspects.

"Nanlang, did you hear that?" The man in the yellow hooded jacket repeated his name, then shook his head and said, "You mean it in a bad way, do you know who I am, am I young?"

"do what..."

Karasawa used his actions to prove what the special person's reaction was. Compared with his calm and confident answer just now, it revealed flaws.

"Please worry, one of the two people beside you is the famous Daishichiro Mori, and the one who examined the corpse is Mr. Conan, the "famous criminal" of the Metropolitan Police Department."

I subconsciously turned my head to look at the girl who was excitedly waiting for the elevator to land, and the shock on her face became intense.

"The deceased died of suffocation caused by cyanide, so there is a small chance that it is not a homicide."


"To be honest, you lent money to this woman, but now I have found someone." Karasawa smiled and asked, "Does he really know?"

That made Conan, who turned his head specifically when he heard Toru Karasawa's words, sigh.

The first are the two people we met in the corridor. The one in yellow clothes and glasses is a thin man named Lu Qianjuanyue, while the fat man in red clothes is Shifang Shizhi.

"That's too bad. If that's the case, please go and get eight cups from the shelf over here." Low-board Juri pointed to the cabinet next to her.

"You want to know their identities, so now please tell us what they did after that."

Lucitor smiled and said: "We are both professionals, please rest assured."


"You know who this is." Xu Dong replied with a blank expression on his face after hearing this, and his expression did not change at all.

"He is really an upright person." Tian Lu Daoyue said after hearing this.


"As for the tea bag, can't I just use the one I bought for visiting the doctor today?" Shifang Shizhi pointed to the tea bag he put here.

Sudong on the side heard Mouri Daishichiro helping me to rescue me, and he was relieved. At the same time, he still didn't understand that Karasawa Tohru just lost.

"What about the teacher and Conan Criminal?"

The middle is not some four hexagrams, such as who liked whom in junior high school, and who disliked whom.

Speaking of which, Lucien Lingcai took a sip of tea, and then she was poisoned.

Having said that, Toru Karasawa looked up at Sudong and said with a smile: "That's why you say he's so bad, Sudong, he's still not at the same level as Master at such an old age.

"Yeah, no one asked you in the corridor just now if you knew each other." Tian Lu Daoyue said.

At that moment, the big girl at the elevator entrance next to everyone suddenly shouted, causing Tang Zetou to tremble uncontrollably.

Before hearing Conan's words, the eight men looked at each other in disbelief.

"You also bought some lemons here." Lucy Lingcai said with a smile, holding up the lemon in her hand.

The same goes for your husband. He just wanted to be a nouveau riche. When your son took the test, he thought he had a cold, but it turned out to be the flu.

"He is a very lucky boy," said Oita Juri with a smile.

"You don't have a "memory palace". If you are an acquaintance, you will be able to determine it in an instant." Conan said: "You have no memory of the person he just mentioned. He seems to have disappeared. Have the police found my whereabouts?"

But before Tang Zetou saw Sudong's expression, the corner of his mouth slightly turned down with a smile: "He is really awesome."

Isn't it surprising that Conan looked so fierce when he mentioned poison? After all, it would be surprising if the poison was caused by cyanide. On the contrary, it would be surprising if it was.

After hearing the news about Nan Lu Qianjuan from Conan, Toru Karasawa did not continue to ask for details. Instead, he praised Lu Qian without pointing out: "It is worthy of the famous Conan Criminal, even such big talk There is no ability in it.

"Is eight enough?" Tian Lu Daoyue asked.

Before a few people finished making tea, they stopped chatting. The seven of them ended their discussion about the group photo of the seven of them in junior high school.

"You?" Lucitor smiled and said, "You heard that someone you didn't know was hospitalized, so you came here to visit me.

"Hmph, don't take such a big devil's words seriously."

Before finishing those words, Karasawa straightened up and started talking to Sudong without any explanation.

Obviously, he judged Lucifer's actions before seeing that the other party was not on guard. He quickly completed his psychological preparation and performed his acting skills smoothly.

Regarding that result, Conan just complained a little bit in his heart, and soon stopped paying attention to it.

Tian Lu Daoyue looked at his companions and said immediately: "You haven't seen each other outside the corridor since then. You came outside the ward before and mentioned the person they mentioned..."

We cannot cooperate when we are not sure, but we must also remain vigilant. This will allow us to probe for clues that will eventually lead to the United States wanting to cooperate or kill each other.

"Ah, it's him..." Tianlu Daoyue looked at Karasawa Tohru and recognized me. Then I looked at Conan who was checking the body and said, "They want to move..."

Conan looked at the bright red tea and asked: "In short, the deceased died of poisoning. That matter is not confirmed yet.

"Ah? Isn't this Teacher Maori?"

I turned my eyes to look at Conan, only to find that he didn't mean to look at me at all. He was chatting with Mouri Daishichiro and Lucido, explaining why the two of them were there.

Tang Zetou watched the seven mother and son retreat into the elevator. He smiled and turned to look at Lucy and explained: "The main reason is because your mileage number is also "zero", so the countdown of the child waiting for the elevator just now made you think it was a shout. and yours."

I looked at the two men walking towards us and asked, "Are you sorry to disturb me? Do they know about a hospital patient named Nanlang Wenyan?"

"That's a mistake." Tian Lu Daoyue said with a smile: "Let's just treat it as a delayed tea party to celebrate the discharge."

"Stop talking about this." Lu Qianjuan said with a smile: "Anyway, it's really too bad. He can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, right?"

At this, Koban Juri just smiled. At that time, Amuro Reina also walked back with a kettle. When she saw the two of them, she smiled and said: "They are both here too. Now you can have a tea party." , just now, you go to the nurse station and ask for cold water."

"Did he say that Kusuro heard what he said?" Oita Juri said in surprise when he heard his companion's words.

Tang Zetou knocked on the door and asked, but someone responded. Conan on the side said "I'm sorry" and then opened the door.

Next, ask them to introduce themselves to you, and then describe to you what they did after the deceased was poisoned and died.

"Yeah." Xu Dong nodded with a change of expression.

"That's enough, no one over there is using it." Oita Juri explained with a smile.

"Excuse me, what happened outside?"

Do you know that he admits to knowing me? "

‘Bourbon? ’

Might as well let you know why they drink tea in the hospital. "

In Conan's words, Torumu Karasawa is a double-edged sword. Before the cooperation is completed, he must resist the other party's temptations.

Hearing Toru Karasawa's words, the eight people present were shocked, and the expressions on their faces were also of the same frequency.

Tang Zetou watched the two people leave before turning to look at them with a smile and asked: "Suddenly, no one must have said a name to him and asked him if he knew it. How would he react?"

Just by hearing the name, you knew he knew him. "

What came into view was that eight men were gathering around a blue man lying under the floor, shouting "Lingcai" continuously.

As for the one in the middle wearing a hospital gown, it is the person you are visiting today, Oban Juri, and the one lying on the ground who is not dead is called Lucifer Lingna.

Just when Lucy was secretly reflecting on her actions, Toru Karasawa seemed to have seen through Sudong's special thoughts.

"So that's what it is." Tang Zetou said suddenly after hearing the two people's explanations: "Anyway, it's really bad for people to have trouble."

Maori Daqi Beppu Huare, who was on the side, snorted and said disdainfully: "Regardless of whether I have seen him or not, there are very few guys who know his name.

"How could it be!" The eight men were startled when they heard this, and Tang Zetou looked at the eight people standing here and was stunned for a moment: "Ah, what a coincidence, those are the two people you just asked. .”

"If you have any photos, this is troublesome." Tang Zetou thanked them before bidding farewell to the two of them.

But after hearing Lucitor's words, Xu Dong could not help but secretly complain.

"Is it true that it can't be used? Are those new cups?" Tian Lu Daoyue asked reluctantly before opening the window.

Conan was shocked at first when he saw Amuro Tohru, and then realized that the other party was an ally who had hidden his identity. He was relieved and began to speculate whether the other party coming to this hospital might be because the organization sent him to investigate the death of Kusuda Rikudo.

Speaking of which, Karasato smiled and looked at Sudong: "By the way, you heard these nurses say that Sudong also came to that hospital later.

"He is still the same, he hates squeezing a little lemon when drinking tea." Lucie Juanyue said with a smile.

"If he doesn't have a picture of this person, you guys must be able to remember something." The fat man wearing a red jacket replied.

"You know that name too." Juri Koba said with a smile: "After all, you live in a single room, so you don't have so much time to chat with patients."

Realizing that it was a mistake, Conan and the others immediately ran in the direction of the scream, and finally stopped behind a ward.

Looking at the other party's reaction, Conan's lips slightly lowered and he looked at Toru Karasawa and asked, "What's wrong with him? Didn't he react badly just now?"

"He asked you?" Maori Daqi Beppuka replied: "I'm probably just like these little aunties just now."

The three of them turned to look, only to find that the person behind them was Toru Amuro.

Just when the three of them were silent, a familiar male voice suddenly sounded from behind Moori Kogoro.

"It's a woman named Nanlu Xijuan. Do you know that he knows me?" Tang Zetou asked, staring at Sudong's face.

"It doesn't matter. You always use soda to clean off the tea stains before using it, so it looks like new." Juri Oita replied with a smile.

"The scream just now came from over there, right?" Standing behind the door, Mouri Daishichiro was very sure.

Obviously, even if the deceased was in the extremely unfavorable environment of the hospital, there was no possibility of saving him.

Lucie Criminal had obviously thrown out the information about Nanlang Wenyan to help me divert my attention, but when I thought about Toru Karasawa being deceived, my attention was still focused on myself, who had exposed the flaw.

"No, I bought a small amount of this tea. You can choose whatever you want." Koban Juri said with a smile.

"Eh? Why is the number "zero"?" Maori Daqi Beppuka said in surprise: "You remember that his name should be "Toru", right?"

And I immediately calmed down, and before clearing my bad mood, I tried to communicate with Conan secretly without looking at each other, so as to avoid the other party finding out the clues.

Even some people only know the ID number, but after mentioning the name, they know who it is. "

"Missing... It seems that if the money comes back..."

Life is like walking a tightrope, if you take one wrong step, you will fall to the bottom. "

"Because the "transparent" in "transparent" means that there is nothing." Karasawa explained with a smile: "That's why I call you "zero". Anyway, it is the nickname you got when you were a child, and there is no basis for it." It makes sense."

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