Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1587: True Organization’s Nightmare (2)


The sniper rifle was spitting out flames, and the sharp sniper bullets had already cut through the air and were speeding towards the target.


The tires were blown out in an instant, the car lost its balance and began to swing wildly, making a screeching sound from the tires.

During the shaking, Curacao realized that something was wrong and tried his best to slow down and try to stabilize the car. However, the front of the car tilted and the rear of the car hit the front of the Ford and went straight towards the large truck that had the accident on the bridge.

Because the guardrail wall beside the bridge had long been smashed by the previous truck, and with another collision, the truck, with half of its body suspended in mid-air, fell directly to the sea below with the Curacao car.

Realizing that something was wrong, Curacao quickly stood up and stepped on the open car door. In mid-air, he used his strength to jump toward the sea below.

Watching the other party jump into the sea, Shuichi Akai retracted his sniper rifle and took out his phone: "Let her escape, and I'll leave the rest to you."

"Understood." James's voice came from the phone, "By the way, did you tell Zoo the information and did they take any action?"

"We haven't seen any action yet." After Akai Shuichi answered, he looked at the speeding silver Mazda and immediately said, "I'll hang up now. I'm going to meet another partner."

"That's why it's such a surprise, even the glider thief Kidd isn't."

"But even so, don't get upset too soon."

"If we all intercept them, even if there is one less person, the success rate will not be too high."

"Have you two ever done sea fishing?"

Originally, we planned to leave directly, but when we got out of the car, we each received text messages from Tang Ze.

Even if you lose your memory, if I catch you and wait until you recover your memory, you will definitely gain nothing! "

Too slow, really too slow.

Putting the phone away, the silver Mazda was parked in front of him. Toru Amuro hurriedly walked out of the car to the bridge and looked at the sea below, but there was no trace of Curacao.

Chikurasuo said calmly after hearing this: "If that is true, there is no way to explain why the other party's intelligence network is so small, so that it can repeatedly gain the upper hand when fighting the enemy."

I'm afraid everything is just like what the other party said. From the very beginning, we planned to "prey the mantis before the cicada."

As for Zoo, our style is equally tough. When we encountered the white organization several times in succession, we were ruthless and ruthless, as if we wanted to kill them all.

You have seen a chase battle in the world that can be called a short movie~

But now there is no movement at all, leaving Chicuraso and Toru Amuro confused.

Based on Guan Shuhong's current situation, if the white organization would lead a city-wide search, many innocent people would be injured. "

"You are wearing the mask of the zoo organization "Akainu" (Chapter 1552), which means that his identity information has not been leaked."

"Shuichi Uizakai seemed to have been hit in the head by gravel and vehicle debris that fell together. He was stimulated and lost his memory when he saw the colorful lights in the amusement park next to him."

Guan Shu naturally knew about the situation, and what I said was actually asking for my opinion, asking me if I wanted to tell Kizaru about my identity, and Toru Amuro's answer meant that I agreed.

But even so, it is a mutual benefit for the two to exchange identities and help each other within the organization.

Jingxiu opened his mouth to inoculate Tohru Amuro and said, "You guys know how to start a fight, which means Gin and we will have no scruples."

Of course, before the initial plan is completed, everything worth it is just talk.

You are not cooperating with you, and he is worried about cooperating with you. The two of them cannot be each other's horns outside the organization. "

After hearing Toru Amuro's words, Jingxiu nodded, but he did not hesitate to pass on the news to the other party.

Can he guarantee it?

After all, Chi Curacao has had little contact with Guan Shu, and he knows that our outward behavior styles are timid and tactful.

Later, when Jing Xiuyi was escaping, Jing Xiuyi passed a message to Kizaru Zhongbo, telling the other party whether your information was seen by Jing Xiuyi and you were trying to escape.

Tang Ze nodded and said, "Since one of them has found out the information about Guan Shu, they are hiding it from him.

The only thing he meant was that the other party had lost his memory, which was probably something no one had expected.

Although Toru Amuro was asking, he was also making his position known, hoping that the zoo organization would eat that little fish.

Toru Amuro said in a serious tone: "Is it because you are afraid that the giant tooth shark you caught will swallow both the human and the bait?

"Although the opponent jumped into the sea to hide his figure, you still found me because you had the advantage of vision in the air."

"What?" Toru Amuro asked immediately after hearing this.

When Tangze said that, he spread his hands and said, "When you tell the truth, you were planning to arrest the other party, but something unexpected happened."

Just as the two of them were thinking silently, "Karasawa" landed sharply on the ground with his hang glider, and the hang glider was folded in front of his back, leaving no trace behind.

That is also a bad thing for Guan Shu. After all, you are being watched closely by Gin now. You must really kill Gin to support Toru Amuro, and the rope tied under your neck will be completely cut off.

"You know his concerns. He is worried that there will be too few manpower on your side and bloodshed will occur."

Karasawa looked at Toru Amuro and said: "How about that, you promise him that at least you will not take action in that plan?

Amuro Toru said with a serious expression: "You are the confidant of the organization's No. 7 figure "Rum", and you are a small fish.

To put it bluntly, I'm afraid even a dog's brain would be knocked out of his head.

If you contact the other party rashly now, it will definitely become the key evidence that kills Guan Shu.

Tangze had a meaningful smile on his face: "An opportunity to implement your plan."

Big fish eat both small and small fish as bait, but if you want to catch small fish, you have to use the big fish you caught as live bait. "

The police should not be so slow to retrieve what information the other party has browsed, so only the zoo organization stopped Jing Xiuyi from browsing and reminded him to wear a mask to prevent his identity from being exposed. "

Looking at Toru Amuro getting into the car, Chicuraso extracted a lot of information just by relying on the disguise mask under his face: "With Shuichi I's ability, browsing information is your weakness.

There was a hint of resistance in Toru Amuro's words. It was not the plan that I had agreed upon after going back on my word, but that I felt that using bait to catch Gin and the others would be a head-on confrontation.

"He is evil without thinking."

That means the other party has already left a front door for jumping. "

As the saying goes, enemies are jealous when they meet, and that time it was a head-to-head confrontation, so I'm afraid there was no scruple in the fight.

Gin's words can be said here. He is very cruel and vicious. Once he gets into trouble, he will kill the enemy or give up. He will have no scruples at all.

Jing Xiuyi's words shocked the two people present. They were not only shocked by the piece of information about Jing Xiuyi's amnesia, but also shocked by the meaning behind the piece of news.

It turns out that the other party didn't appear, but was always in the world, so the two of them didn't notice it!

Tang Ze looked at the two people with a smile when he heard Chikurasuo. He did not follow Chikurasuo's words, but instead talked about a completely unrelated topic, "There are not many fish outside the small sea. If you want to The types of fishing are the same, and so are the baits.

The ambulance and police sirens that passed by were getting louder and louder. This was Yijiuliu. The two people immediately got out of the car and left the scene.

Our side had just finished fighting with Jing Xiuyi, forcing the other party to flee in panic and jump into the sea.

"So what are they going to do?"

Even if the opponent does not have a hang glider and cannot take advantage of the air, the field of vision will be limited.

"That's unusual, isn't it?"

Amuro Toru nodded after hearing this: "If we don't have you as an internal response, and we are sure that we really don't have any small actions, you can't delay arranging manpower to support us."

"It must be like that. Is there any problem?" Amuro Toru's eyes flickered for a moment when he heard this, and then he nodded.

Hearing Amuro Toru's angry words, Karasawa scratched his cheek and said: "After all, you are still very vague about their strength.

The key is that such an arrangement will also arouse some belief within the organization. Originally, it would only be the belief that once the emperor and the courtiers, in order to win over people's hearts, the new leader would naturally have to re-employ the next person to suppress.

When they saw each other put away the hang glider in front of their backs, both of them looked shocked, and then they looked astonished.

Jing Xiu smiled and said, "Of course, you also want to know about his information. Did he contact him himself or..."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Yeah~ I must say, the hang glider is really useless in the city~

But the problem was that there was no message from Jingxiu. Kizaru, who was well prepared, acted like an important minister and completely gained Gin's trust.

After all, in such an organization, it is natural for you to doubt anyone who says a word. Even if Toru Amuro reveals his identity, it is still possible.

In fact, we have really succeeded. The situation of Jing Xiuyi is under our control, which basically shows that the other party has not fallen into the hands of the zoo organization.

But what makes me wonder is why no one from the other party has shown up yet?

In the past, the zoo organization hid in the dark, and then ended up attacking the white organization before it found traces, or took advantage of the situation to beat up the lost dog when the FBI and other organizations took action.

However, the situation turned out to be more dangerous than Jing Xiu thought.

I even believe that when I informed the other party of the news, the news was also received simultaneously.

"It's definitely an opportunity."

"Sorry, sorry, you're a little late~"

"What's the result?" Chikurasuo asked straightforwardly if he heard any nonsense.

So at that time, the other party should be with Gin and others who received the news, discussing how to deal with these traitors, so it was natural to contact the other party at that time.

Jing Xiuyi almost caught the fish out of his mouth, but since the other party found us and told us that something unexpected happened, it means that Jing Xiuyi's amnesia made us have other thoughts.

So as soon as it's over, you plan to wait for those "praying mantises" to miss, and then act like "oriole" to catch this "little cicada". "

"Our energy is weaker than you think."

Before Toru Amuro heard what Chikuraso said, his expression was clear and he said: "The police console is a local area network, but the other party can jump back in and help you cut off the console.

The two of us chased and intercepted him, but no one took action from Zoo at that time, so we were sure to catch Guan Shuhong immediately.

If it was out of his trust in Ihide, Kizaru's claim that he was determined to endure the pressure was revealed, and he might have pretended to be loyal.

"Understood." Toru Amuro nodded: "But is he sure you didn't become a frightened bird and run away?"

Before a moment of silence, Chicuraso was the first to speak: "I just thought that it would be a long time before you guys agreed on the bad plan, and it would appear."

"That's what they planned to do later."

The consistent style of the zoo organization is to reach the most critical node with a particularly precise and sharp scalpel when things develop and conflicts reach their lowest point, and their actions that time were as sharp as usual.

Considering that we have all replaced the faces of members of the zoo organization, it is obvious that the two members we replaced are also hiding in the dark and continue to retreat in secret.

"He wants to use I Shuichi as bait?"

"I'm sure they have no way to contact me. This means the contact is broken. If you come forward rashly, it will only arouse your belief." Amuro Toru said after hearing this.

"Since he has been here a long time ago, why is he helping?" Amuro Toru didn't seem angry when he heard the sarcastic words.

Guan Shuhong is a confidant of Rum, the seventh leader of the organization, so he can be considered a small fish after all.

Even just one minute is enough for you to get information about his identity.

As for how they will act, they will consider it themselves, but the ultimate goal is the same for everyone. Is there a problem? "

So before the two of them got onto the bridge, they found an open space and waited quietly.

Since he is a guarantor, he will naturally doubt anything he says, so only one of his own members can vouch for the testimony, so that we can trust each other.

And that area is my territory, so I naturally want to watch the two sides make trouble, because this will hurt few innocent people.

In the blink of an eye, Tangze could tell that Jing Xiuyi seemed to have lost his memory, which meant that Jing Xiuyi had been under the other party's surveillance all along.

"You know that, but since they helped you intercept the information, you can't act with Gin and us if there is no risk of being exposed."

If you want to contact him, you have to wait until Gin is lured to the public by Jing Xiuyi, and then find a way to contact him.

I'm vague about the opponent's driving skills. Without the help of the opponent in the middle position, the eight of us may not be able to win Guan Shuhong.

Because in our plan, killing Gin is just the first step, and there are not many things to do in the sequel. There must be no one in the organization at that time, and there will be very few bad things done.

"Zhongbo, I haven't sent the information about the intelligence interception to the other party yet."

As soon as they met, Gin took out his gun and looked like he was going to deal with the traitor.

But in such a short period of time, if you want to confuse whether the other party has amnesia or not, you can do it alone.

What if the other party didn't test him in that way?

Long before receiving a text message from Ihideu briefly explaining the situation, Kizaru received a notification from Gin, asking you to meet up.

"But do you two think that is an opportunity?"

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