Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1595: True Organization’s Nightmare (10)

To put it simply, [Sealing Gu] is like a rigid robot, and "Detective" is its external brain.

If there is no external brain, it will not be able to make flexible judgments. Once you mention the keyword or reveal it in writing, it will take effect directly.

For example, if you are talking to your boss about internal matters within the organization, you will definitely have to talk about something that involves "silencing".

With the "detective" here, the other party can only make a judgment, so you can naturally speak out without any scruples.

But if it is a program set by [Sealing Gu], you will be "blocked" if you tell it. This is its shortcoming and shortcoming.

It's really a "sealing". Without intelligent judgment, you can't even say a single bit of information.

After explaining the restrictions of [Sealing Gu] and arranging everything for Curacao's follow-up, Tangze looked at Curacao and said, "Do you have any questions now?"

"No more." Curacao shook his head and looked at the man in front of him: "Then what should I do next?"

"Just evacuate, as for me~"

After Tangze heard Curacao's words, he laughed frivolously again: "How about helping you arrange a nice funeral so that the organization will no longer hunt you?"

If we are the ones getting beaten by then.

In that case, hiding one's identity would be of little use, and it would definitely affect the white organization's judgment of Zoo.

Ginjiu and others could not have imagined that except for the FBI's Akabu Xiaojin, there was no sniper who had joined the "special forces" in the amusement park to join the battlefield in front of Jing Xiuyi.

The FBI implemented a back-to-front containment approach on that one-way street, and the white organization had enough manpower to try to break through.

Bell loaded a clay bomb into the fuel tank and then took photos of the fatal injuries under the doll's body.

The fact that both sides were playing very anxiously was obvious from the other side's perspective.

This person is so smart that he is almost a monster, so it is no wonder that the gin often fails in our hands.

The farther the distance, the lower the requirements for the sniper's ability. And without Kiki's restraint, the threat level of Chicuraso's sniper also becomes smaller and smaller.

The breakout of Gin and others had no effect. The support of the small force made our convoy very small. Just relying on the rampage of cars and the lead of two cars equipped with self-exploding bombs was enough for Kamel and others. The rat is afraid.

Watching Karasawa leave and the blazing fire, Toru Amuro took out his cell phone and found the missed call from Bu Xiaomode, and ended contacting the other party.

After everything was filmed, Bell detonated the bomb directly in front of the car.

I saw two out-of-control cars spinning and crashing into each other, forming a wall blocking the small troops in front, directly blocking the escape route of Gin and others!

The large number of people made us think that the organization may be short of manpower or something.

By the time FBI and Gin and the others took action, I didn't have anyone around to pick a suitable sniping position.

So you didn't have time to collect evidence, but the police came very slowly. In order to avoid trouble, you just blew up the car and destroyed the body. "

"Understood, I'll leave the sequel to you." Kizaru nodded upon hearing this and said, "You know how to forge the perfect fabric."

If you have more people, they will use that one, and Jing Xiuyi has shown up again before. "

Under the driver's seat of the car, a doll similar to Jing Xiuyi was lying there quietly.

Coupled with the members of the Zoo organization who radiate heat guns, it is really difficult to reassure Antimode.

Bell, who set up a bad sniper rifle 300 meters away, blew up the self-destructing car at the beginning with his first shot. Waiting for Kiki's reaction, Bell blew up another parallel car with his seventh shot.

The less traces are left, the less information can be summarized. Sooner or later, the secret will not be revealed.

And that kind of thing is either over or over. Once the investigation is over, I'm afraid it will stop or start.

What's more, that prop is still the most popular prop in the box for thousands of years. There are really few occasions to use it, so I will naturally use it without any hesitation.

In addition, many people sent the photos and remarks to Amuro Toru's mobile phone and downloaded them. When the time comes, they will be damaged if they are taken out and used directly. "

When they made a surprise attack from the "SAt" encirclement, many Bell pilots used hang gliders to take shortcuts in the sky to intercept the opponent.

After saying that, he waited for the two of them to say something else, then said goodbye in a roundabout way and left.


I landed from a helicopter only 10 minutes ago.

"He killed you?" Kizaru said in shock.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and it seemed that no one could do anything to defeat the other. However, the FBI side was tight or fast and conservative, while the white organization was retreating like crazy.

That’s wrong, it was a prop called [Fake Death Doll] that Bell obtained very early on (Chapter 698).

But what about Gin?


When you encounter an opponent like that, you can deduce the future direction based on a little information, and you don't have the execution ability and front-end staff to prepare.

According to what Bell told me, Toru Amuro described the man's facial features and said, "It seems that Bu Xiaojin's defection was a temporary act, and there hasn't been a brief fight between the two."

Bu Xiaomode's worries were unfounded.

Definitely you need evidence. The one they took more makes us doubt that they really killed Jing Xiuyi.

After all, if the two of them were undercover, and if Xiuyi Hope was alive, then a confidant like the seventh-in-command would know very little information.

Jing Xiuyi's solution was very slow.

"It's a bad thing." Antimode nodded after hearing this and said, "It's enough to kill the traitor. Also, Bob, don't blame you for reminding him. Just keep your word and leave evidence that he's the worst."

Therefore, before the two of them restrained each other, the white organization could finally take a breath.

In reality, the situation was even better than Antimode thought.

Looking at Bu Xiaojin who was still about to ask a question, Bu Xiao took the lead and blocked your question: "You have calculated very few possibilities, neither bad nor good.

"It's just a panic. It's just a puppet to die for."

Hearing Kizaru's words, Curacao couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. After a moment, she came back to her senses and looked at the man in front of her seriously, and said in a serious tone: "Have you already calculated all this?"

"Yeah, it depends on whether you have any contact with the Zoo organization, but you may not be able to succeed."

At this time, I was not as weak as I am now, and the effect of the item I got was very weak, but I never had the right time to use it.

What kind of tactician is that? You have to know that you just lost your memory yesterday, and the other party has not anticipated that possibility and made further preparations.

So since you can change "easy" to "complex" mode by using that prop, why should you be stingy?

Fictional things are subject to investigation, and generally, we are still in the process of being active.

He quickly asked: "How is the situation here with them?"

The longer it takes, the less likely it is that "SAt" will arrive.

Of course, before I got the prop, I didn’t just throw it outside the warehouse to eat dust. Instead, I thought about how to use the prop.

Gin can't protect himself now, and they won't be able to contact Antimode later.

As for Bu Xiao, before watching Ii Shuichi leave, he notified Kizaru and Bourbon to meet on a remote road in the amusement park.

On the side, Toru Amuro took the evidence bag from Karasawa's hand, while Bell looked at the two of them, waved his hands and said, "Then you can move forward."

"Bourbon, it's time to contact them." Antimode breathed a sigh of relief before answering the call.

‘It seems you came at the right time. ’

Worry, no one was hurt, you can't guarantee them that.

Therefore, from various perspectives of the small game, Jing Xiuyiming will definitely die in front of us, which is very good and bad for us.

However, the stalemate was broken instantly before Bu Xiao arrived!

Hearing Bu Xiaomode's words, Amuro Toru smiled and replied: "This man suspected of being a Zoo organization saw Xiuichi Ii being shot by you, and he was also injured and ran away.

Having said that, Bell handed the two of them an evidence bag: "Outside is Jing Xiuyi's DNA sample.

"Sorry, the intercom was hit by a bullet later." Toru Amuro said: "When Kizaru was dodging the bullet, he knew where it fell."

It was heard that it was a while before the explosion. Bourbon and Kizaru, who heard the movement, also rushed over.

It must make the other party realize that the Zoo organization has enough people. Even if it is just a guessed direction and possibility, it is still a threat.

A total of less than 10 minutes passed between the conversation and the meeting between Bell and Toru Amuro.

Bu Xiaojin's solemnity also appeared for a moment, and then slowly dissipated.

"How many times has he done this?" When Jing Xiu heard the words of the woman behind him, his scalp went numb.

At the same time, you can also take a step back and get the appreciation of the boss below.

Kizaru on the side added: "The other party has always wanted to take Bu Xiaojin away, but Jing Xiuyi trusted the other party, and that's why he gave you a chance.

"Leave it to him." Jing Xiu nodded, gave Bu Xiao blood and hair as requested, turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

"Damn it, I never thought that Jing Xiuyi would actually defect." Antimode said with an ugly expression.

‘It’s strange that the organization has been failing. ’

Therefore, Gin and the others, who had the upper hand at the time, naturally broke through more and more slowly, but the other side was just a group of people, attacking from behind and in front just to contain them.

"Just now, a man suspected of being from the Zoo organization showed up to disrupt the situation. It was despite your efforts that we succeeded."

In that case, the pressure on Bu Xiaojin to hide would be greatly increased, and the difficulty of hiding could not be said to be slightly reduced.

"That's...I Shuichi!?"

It's a pity that this man was left behind, but he was only injured and allowed you to escape. "

The conversation between the two seemed to have ups and downs, but in reality it only lasted a few minutes.

Before Gin gave the order to kill Ii Shuichi, I was still flying around the world trying to break out.

And he thinks that you have figured out everything just because you have made some preparations for various plans. "

After all, Kikil is also a sniper, and the distance between the two sides is only 400 meters, so Chicuracao's distance advantage can be used.

After all, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. No one can guarantee that the lies you fabricate will always be exposed, not to mention that the person investigating is the "Change Demon Man" who is proficient in intelligence collection.

But for sure as a teammate, this is obviously very reliable and reassuring.

Tangze said: "The real Jing Xiuyi is still alive, they can just use that to make a report.

Therefore, despite the speed and the large number of people, the convoy of Gin and others was still retreating under the road.

Looking at the crowded battle above, Bell judged the situation through the sight of [Night Crow] and contacted Chi Curacao to learn about the situation.

That thought suddenly flashed through Jing Xiuyi's mind.

On the other hand, Jing Xiuyi will also become a dead person and a thing of the past in the eyes of the white organization, and naturally he will no longer be pursued.

"What a bad job. Now they should slow down and join you."

Because Antimode will retreat from the investigation.

So that hole can definitely be opened.

Although you know that Gin and others have experienced hundreds of battles and have faced pursuits on a few occasions, the situation that time was really wonderful.

And one of the plans I thought of was the one behind my eyes.

Use [Fake Death Doll] as Bu Xiaojin's stand-in.

After all, we haven't had a new member for a long time, and suddenly someone appears who may be a traitor to our organization.

Of course, there will be deaths that will affect the overall situation, but it will make the situation more serious.

There is a way, who told FBI that we are soldiers and we are thieves.

The current situation is that Chi Curacao's sniper prevented us from self-destructing the car to break through, but very slowly the enemy also had more people to fight back.

Bu Xiaoke wanted to make a mistake and let the white organization guess the truth.

The FBI will soon be able to capture so few of us under fierce firepower, but we can't delay!

In addition, the identity of "Peach Rabbit" can also be concealed.

And I prepared for my delayed car parked outside.

The impact of Jing Xiuyi's death was not very harmful.

"Those small details must be mentioned sparingly. How is the situation now?" Bu Xiaomode

Seeing the figure under the driver's seat being engulfed in flames, both of them were shocked.


Usually it's Antimode, who knows Conan's identity, but the relationship between me and Conan is very bad.

The first one is to make the organization think that Bu Xiaojin was killed by Bu Xiao and Bourbon, so that the two people can prove their loyalty.

Antimode's joy only lasted for a moment, and soon she became worried, "Gin and we were ambushed, and we are still being hunted. We know we can escape smoothly."

Tangze waggled his index finger: "No, no, I just speculated on this possibility."

After all, as an enemy, the opponent is definitely a difficult person to deal with.

I first used a pistol equipped with a silencer to shoot backwards at the car body. Soon, a still-bad seven-hand car became riddled with holes.

"Worry, we've already been prepared for that."

The plan to fake death must be carried out. Bell will even let Bu Xiaojin live in seclusion for a period of time to reduce the impact, and then think of ways to conduct a few covert operations before letting you appear quickly.

After all, he accepted a traitor here, and soon a man codenamed "Peach Rabbit" came out. A fool would guess that he had no contact with Jing Xiuyi.

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