Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1599: True Organization’s Nightmare (14)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Inside a dilapidated container at the dock.

The remaining defeated soldiers led by Gin are hiding here.

Of course, the container is just a disguise, and there is actually a hole underneath the container.

Gin only visited it once after it was built, and then it became a piece of information in my mind.

Because this is a "safe house" prepared when they are desperate. Not only is the remote location convenient for them to escape, but it is also close to the dock, making it easy for them to escape at any time.

But since the time when this stronghold was established, Gin never came again.

Because he hasn't been embarrassed for a long time.

Just when Gin was in a trance, the elevator suddenly operated, causing Gin to subconsciously pull out the pistol next to him.

"It's really miserable this time."

Belmod's voice came from the elevator, causing Gin to put down the gun in his hand.

Every organization has inevitable power struggles.

First of all, Antimode's status in the organization is already high, and he and Gin are both considered old men of the organization.

"You have an opinion." Gin gritted his teeth and showed his complacency, but in the end he spat out a few words and accepted Antimode's "bad intentions".

Groans of pleasure and the doctor's busy breathing filled the entire stronghold.

The doctor became firmer when he saw Gin's injury, and finally obeyed my order and walked towards the two of them.

Antimode opened his mouth and looked around the crowd: "Don't they have anyone to recommend? Or maybe they can't recommend themselves."

That's what Kikil thought, and that's what he said, and those words instantly made Gin's face turn pale.

You know, Ji Jier was very happy to see Min Feimo De. The two of them could not quarrel whenever they met.

Obviously, Gin was still very suspicious, and he was willing to trust the two of them even after seeing them in person.

It’s definitely nothing that requires showing up,”

"Of course, after receiving your news, I immediately summoned the doctors and asked them to meet at the nearest point, and we will bring them over in various ways."

In order to prevent the police from finding out the identity of the body, you first detonated the car and burned the body.

Therefore, both emotionally and rationally, Antimode should go.

After that, I was the "talker", and when the next two people appeared, I was the first one and the seventh one.

But I still couldn't hold back the excitement in my heart, because then my status in the organization would take a further step back.

"Damn note..."

On the other hand, Toru Amuro was excited. Since Min Feimo sent someone from among us to host the game, I knew the opportunity was coming.

Therefore, Curacao should be an organization betrayed by Zoo. "

Looking at the furious Gin, everyone present had different expressions before digesting the news.

But since it happened, and I am the person in charge, I need to be responsible for the success of that operation.

So after hearing Antimode's words, everyone nodded consciously.

At that time, I'm afraid everyone would be convinced if we sent people to airborne.

Quiet, the stagnant water is especially quiet.

Under Toru Amuro's slightly expectant gaze, Antimode turned to look at himself and said, "If he doesn't mind this meeting, how about he take charge of the game now?"

That kind of humiliation made Gin feel like he was losing his mind.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"Why you betrayed me is not important anymore."

"You can do it, so...bourbon."

In essence, Min Feimo De does not have the right to weaken Gin.

In the silence, Antimode lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke from her red lips: "I just added a wanted warrant, it's nothing. I'm afraid the information on each of you is in various countries." There are confidential files listed.”

"Bell, Bourbon, how is the situation here in Curacao?"

"Bad job."

You came at the wrong time, and Zoo's person escaped immediately before he was injured.

Although Jimin Fei worked hard for Gin when he was on the battlefield, it means you just hate the other party.

There is a way, who made your partners Cohen and Ireland die under Gin's leadership, and he was also injured every time.

No one knew how to say it, because the blow they received was too huge.

Silence is still silence.

If you change someone else, it will always be worse, right?

Before dealing with the injury, Gin took several core members to an empty room in the stronghold.

"Bell and the others have taken care of their injuries and come here." Gin said, "Antimode, the eight of them will come with you first."

Antimode called a doctor: "Let's talk later. Anyway, he will spend less time than Vodka and the two of us."

"He'd better take care of the injury to his ear first."

"Forget the sarcastic remarks, have you brought the doctor?" Gin said with a sinister expression and an impatient tone.

"Don't be angry. Where will you be from this situation?"

After that, Gin used iron-blooded methods to intimidate, and coupled with the fact that Xia Li had achieved a series of results, there was naturally a problem.

However, when the "iron hammer" inside directly hit Gin with a black nose and swollen face, my iron-blooded methods came into use.

"Indeed, and the information you sent later is also true."

"Although you didn't contact "this person" and asked me to send someone to take charge of the situation, except for everyone here, it seems that there is no suitable person to take this responsibility."

But before successive victories, the problems of the past are suppressed, and this power struggle will naturally come to an end.

After all, the power of gin was still there, and it was the time of rage, and we wanted to touch each other's brows.

But Min Fei had never been suspected. Although he could basically prove himself now, it was still a disadvantage compared with the two people who had no "stain".

"But you have suffered heavy losses because of your betrayal, and that is a fact."

After all, I don’t have any teammates to cooperate with me, so I can make the people in the organization cry when I act before taking the position!

But there will be no negative impact if Antimode relays it. Even if the gin is no longer full, everything will transition smoothly.

No matter how much we value the inner circle members, we are still in the minority, and setting an example will inevitably make people feel chilled. In the future, I am afraid there will be fewer people who have no different intentions.

The room fell into a depressing silence before Vodka limped back into the room and sat down.

With enough doctors on staff, the stronghold became busy.

Whether it is ability, merit or loyalty, everyone present has gone through many tests.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

These doctors were all trained in tissue culture. Naturally, they had nothing to fear when they saw the miserable situation. They all carried medical kits and went to treat the wounded.

So Gin I must be rewarded.

Gin Jiure said calmly: "Are you interested in finding out why a dead man betrayed you?"

"So who did he choose?"

Min Feimo De couldn't say those words, but if someone jumped out with a long eye, he would probably offend Gin to death.

One of them seemed to be an acquaintance of Gin. When he saw the blood on Gin's face, he quickly ran to him and planned to check the wound.

But out of loyalty to "this person" and rational judgment, Gin also knew that he must take the stage now.

Hearing Bourbon's words, although Gin was praising him, his subordinate took a roundabout way and picked up the phone to open the photos and watch the video at the same time.

This is a decisive failure, and we cannot ignore the various hidden dangers within the organization.

"Yes, after all, he is wanted publicly. During that time, Gin should be more restrained."

Because among that group of people, there were very few people who were not qualified to preside over the game.

But after all, the other party is the leader of the entire organization, and Gin has made great contributions to the organization. It would not be too harsh to personally blame a hero for his failure.

It is determined that after arriving, Bourbon has not told Antimode about the matter, and you may have contacted "this person".

Because of my recent series of losses, "this person" is disappointed in me.

With his ordinary relationship with "this person", Antimode has always had an ordinary status in the organization.

Toru Amuro used his mobile phone to pull up photos to show the evidence: "No one in the Zoo organization wanted to contact the other party, but the two didn't seem to be together, so conflicts also occurred at that time.

No one thought much about it through Antimode's words, but a man with a brain like Kiki urged with patience: "Slow down, even he doesn't care, anyway, as long as it's Just gin!”

Was there something unexpected that happened in the middle of amnesia..."

At that time, Bell shot and wounded Curacao. You chased him all the way and killed Curacao when the opponent was about to steal the car.

At the same time, Gin heard Antimode's words and was convinced that everything Antimode did was directed by "this man" from behind.

Wan Belmod turned to the four doctors behind him and said, "You guys, help the seriously injured members first."

Naturally, Min Feimode couldn't say those words, and he was also the most suitable person.

Bell said: "It must be a battle with members of the suspected Zoo organization. I'm afraid you also have such difficulty and difficulty in succeeding.

In that case, what can Gin do to fight with me?

"What's the matter?" Gin's eyes flashed with violence when he heard Bourbon's words.

Vodka and Kikil are not pure thugs, so naturally they may fall down, leaving Bell, Antimode and me alone.

But now, I can only be responsible for some dirty work if I can show up, and those who need to show up are related to me because I am wanted.

There are no photos and videos taken by you ahead. "

Well, Jimin Fei is looking for trouble unilaterally, while Antimode is calm and calm, as if he is looking at a barking Chihuahua, and they are not paying attention at all.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After that narrow escape, those who survived must be promoted and rewarded, and they must also give us an explanation.

It is inevitable to feel discouraged, it is human nature.

Antimode agreed: "I must have no intention of betrayal at that time, and the real information should be passed on.

"But have you ever been confused about why Curacao betrayed you?"

The gathering point where Keir and Bourbon went to pick up the doctor was further away, so they might have to wait a while. "

I hadn't expected that kind of situation since Toru Amuro, so I was unprepared and before I stabilized my mind, I accepted the request with a fierce expression.

Belmod was not angry when he heard Gin's unkind tone, and said directly: "I'm the closest here, so I brought them here first.

But now, Kiki can't say that even if Antimode is the leader. It's obvious that he has pushed Gin to the lowest level.

And although you can understand the undercurrent behind that incident, now that Gin is about to take the stage is not something that Kiki would like to see.

"Since "this person" doubts you, it is natural for you to accept it."

Before hearing the news from Toru Amuro, the whole room could almost hear a pin drop.

"Your ears are not injured at all, but the problem is." Gin's voice was hoarse like rust: "Give me vodka first and I haven't treated the injury yet."

Even if he could avoid facing Gin, the fight for power was an outcome that no one could foresee, so there was nothing to worry about.

Those inner circle members may be important individually, but if the people as a whole are unpopular, the entire front-office and intelligence manpower requirements will be affected.

When he saw Curacao, who had been shot in the head, being burned by flames before the car exploded, Gin was satisfied and put down his cell phone and handed it back to Bourbon.

"Then you need an 'agent' for that part."

Gin's eyes turned red and he roared, unable to suppress the violence in his heart.

On the surface, Min Feimode's arrangement is reasonable, but in reality, those words are suspected of dividing the power of my leaders.

In the silence, Gin asked urgently.

Bo Ben brought the topic to a minefield and lit a fire below: "Nothing else is bad news. Do you think Gin doesn't need to know..."

"It hasn't been successfully solved yet."

"You saw a message posted on the electronic screen in the mall on the way here."

Antimode was not being honest when he spoke. Even though there are still some members in the organization who do not have alcohol code names, our achievements and prestige are comparable to those sitting outside the room at this moment.

After a while, the elevator went up again, and Bell and Bourbon led the doctor up to the stronghold one after another.

Everyone looked at Gin, waiting for him to speak.

Even "this person" knows that being surrounded and suppressed by the state machine is not a blessing, and it is a crime other than war.

But there is nothing I can do, because the successive defeats have not made everyone feel satisfied, and the reality is there, and Antimode is just expressing the opinions that everyone dares to express.


Toru Amuro said hurriedly: "The news is that the Metropolitan Police Department has not classified him as a "terrorist" and has even published his photo."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Hearing Min Feimode's words, Gin stopped talking but stopped. The doctor on the side quickly came over with a medical kit and finished treating Gin's ear wound.

"Yes, brother, what are you talking about?" Vodka on the side was still aware of the seriousness of the situation, and echoed in comfort.

Antimode was still comforting the other party in the last sentence, but as soon as the words changed, the real purpose was revealed: "During that time, he was recovering from his injuries, and I will leave it to you to do the things that need to be revealed.

It was determined that Antimode would do that, not "this person" instructing him behind his back.

So in the end it may not be me and Antimode, but based on my understanding of Antimode, the other party is more likely to be willing to accept it, so I may be the best.

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