Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1601 The war is over

[Because this operation has significantly changed the original destiny trajectory, it is impossible to calculate the subsequent results, so some unforeseen factors are intercepted]

[The intercepted part will be judged again when the result is finalized. If it is a reward, it will be settled together with the previous accumulation]

[Excluding some fates that have long-term effects, settlement is starting...]

[The reward calculation is completed and the results are as follows! 】

【Pure black nightmare】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the nerve reflex enhancer type 3]

Evaluation: In this case, you took precautionary measures and neutralized all the black organization's offensive.

After that, you sit back and watch how things develop, watching as your amnesiac enemy is influenced by the innocence of a few children in the Junior Detective Corps and chooses to defect from the organization, and you choose to rescue him.

Because of your advance planning, the well-prepared allies began to encircle and suppress the enemy. Although they failed in the end and allowed the mastermind to escape, your actions this time greatly affected the enemy's power.

And perhaps it was due to Conan Wen's contribution, or perhaps it was Jin Jiato's ability that he showed later, plus Belmod's ordinary status and his willingness to accept that kind of trouble. In the end, only Kizaru Toru was left. Selected.

"How is Conanwen?"

However, the target was fixed by the experiment last year. After all, the impact of the fixed target on the nerve reflex is small. I need to simulate actual combat to be able to take a step back and experience my improvement.

Conan, who transformed into Karasawa, maintained a serious attitude: "It's because the countermeasures for planning victory later came in handy, so it can be considered half the battle~"

So now Gin must die! "

However, in our previous ambush victory, we really had no choice but to implement the victory plan.

Compared with the original punishment settlement, the system prompts at the beginning were missing this time. They were unique every time the main plot was involved, and Conan had no experience.

"That's really bad news!"

Of course, there is a problem that needs to be faced. There are few suitable candidates for this year.

It will definitely be a bad result at that time, and the punishment will be settled together. It must be a good result, so don't think about it.

"That must be the case, and that's wrong."

After that, I only used Type 2. Although I never stopped the case, I knew it was due to bad luck or the props were too precious, so I never got them.

It’s the same as what happened after that, because we were sure that before we killed Gin, we would let someone from below take charge of the game, so we always wanted to capture him alive.

Maybe he also knew that Conan wanted to talk to me alone, and I didn't want to ask Jin Jia anything, so I got out of the car directly.

"His thoughts are the same as yours." Conan said with a smile: "It's broken, all the doubts are cleared, you can send him home."

Therefore, capturing Gin alive has no hope of prying out any information from the other party, or using it as bait.

But Gin needed to take the blame for that incident, so my subordinates were naturally forced to share some of their rights.

So Amuro ignored Conan's words and then talked about the business in a roundabout way.

"But Mr. Kizaru is an undercover agent of the police. As long as the police cooperate, it should be very difficult to complete."

Akai Shuichi said calmly: "Gin is your biggest stumbling block now. I have not threatened your current progress and future plans.

Because the commotion was very small, and there were no problems such as Conan's fake death. Any accuracy in any part of the process could lead to the overall success of our plan and put the two undercover agents into crisis.

Before feeling the changes in his body, Conan took out his cell phone and contacted Akai Shuichi and Amuro. The eight of them came to the Kudo family mansion again, and I told the bad news.

Conan wanted to explain the origin of the props, so he said clearly: "You have no way to counterattack, and at the same time, it will also make you less involved in your side.

Conan has no way to worry about whether there is any result or not.

If cooperative action is definitely needed, you will only tell you the part that needs to be done, and you will be told the full plan. "

Regardless of how few system messages pop up, it actually means the same thing in summary.

Because past experience tells me that the crazier I act, the happier the other person will be, so I need to be calmer.

After all, if someone is in charge again, this means that Bourbon and Kiel will have to remain intact within the organization, and even have to stay dormant for a period of time.

Before receiving the message, Conan breathed a sigh of relief, then clicked on the system panel and retreated to check again.

"That being said, you can be too nervous."

As for that time, part of the punishment was deducted, but the plot I changed was still exceptional.

Amuro said that: "Also, Mr. Akai is not here at the FBI, so he cannot cooperate with us badly."

This is not gin!

After that, although my body weakened to type 3, the conditioned reflex was not achieved and I could exert my full strength 100%.

Seeing what Conan said in disguise, Amuro really wanted to beat me to death.

"It's a pity that it can be solved once and for all." Shuichi Akai said without regret.

But now that Gin is dead, the bad guy will naturally take over. It's not just a slap in Gin's face, but it's a qualified way to control people.

The expectation of no news made Conan a little anxious.

Looking at the reward settlement on the system panel, Tang Ze let out a sigh of relief.

Curacaoyan nodded: "And in this way, the Zoo organization will have added new members, making it more real."

I suspect that even Jin Jiato outside has the same idea as us.

Therefore, before the discussion, Gin, who had lost the value of being captured alive, became a thorn in the side of everyone.

Conan's eyes also flashed with a sharp look: "You must remove that stumbling block!"

"Let's retreat to the last ambush operation as quickly as possible."

Of course, excluding this Saiyan, Jin Jia's improvement is still very small.

It's strange to think about it. That time I not only saved Conan Wen, who was supposed to die, but also prevented Gin from detonating the Ferris wheel.

Now, even if my skills like unarmed combat have improved, my strength has probably skyrocketed.

Jin Jia looked at Amuro and said with a smile, "Send him back."

"Get out of the car."

Conan said in a serious tone: "As long as Gin is still alive, there is no risk of Jin Jiato's fraud being exposed.

And that part is naturally worthy of sending a new person to take over, otherwise Gin will not feel like the other party is waiting to take over.

Before hearing the progress that Kizarutoru had made in the organization, Amuro looked excited and said, "In that case, half of the information within the organization will be open to you!"

It's unusual when you think about it. If Nian Ginjiu dies, my subordinates' power will be freed up, and the possibility of sending people below is even smaller.

There are no countermeasures before victory, but bad luck actually becomes the breakthrough point to open up the situation. In order to maintain the advantage, Conan and we naturally have to change our strategy.

In the original plot, this huge Ferris wheel caused very little chaos. Even if the Ferris wheel did not cause too many casualties, stepping on it in the chaos would still cause casualties.

But excluding the part that couldn't be settled, Conan still received a "perfect" level of punishment that time.

Therefore, even though part of the quilt was withheld, Jin Jia still got the "perfect" grade quilt.

In addition to close combat, my marksmanship may have also made a small breakthrough, and the details will need to be tested further.

At the same time, your undercover partners in the organization have successfully risen to power as you expected.

Today is already the fourth day of fighting against the black organization. When he checked the system panel before, he never saw the settlement of the case punishment.

And that time the system panel went back to settlement, and this is what Conan saw next.

"Speaking of which, you still want to ask them why they contacted you!" Amuro said with the complaint on his face: "You were kept in the dark the whole time."

The trajectory of destiny has changed, the road ahead is foggy, no one can see clearly, and all you have to do is believe in yourself and keep moving forward.

Before discussing the countermeasures, Conan and Amuro did not communicate and slowly left the Kudo family mansion.

At that time, Jin Jiato alone will be safe, and even the cooperating members will not be safe. "

And just now, I received a message from Kiel, saying that everything went well and conveying what happened to us after that and the current situation within the organization.

But Jin Jia still dared to be arrogant. After all, considering that his brother-in-law could break a thick stone pillar around his waist with his bare hands, Conan felt that he would at least break his own bones if he went down.

"The main thing is to tell him that there is no room for him to appear." Tang Ze said in a playful tone: "Tell him and let him die?"

Jin Jiahuiyan on the side also nodded silently, obviously agreeing with the two people's opinions.

"That's wrong. From the moment Kizarutoru stepped down, it doesn't matter whether he caught Gin or not."

"Worry, you will leave a hidden danger around you."

Because the things he does in the main plot are too small, there is no way to calculate whether the things he does are bad or good, so I save them for him first.

Jin Jia opened his mouth and raised the smallest problem we need to face Jin Jiatou, "Given our current situation, other problems make you doubt whether there is any problem with Kizaruto's ability.

After all, "strength" and "skills" have always been separable, and Jin Jia's improvement was doubtful that he had not only filled up his "strength", but also his physical fitness.

Before closing the car door, Jin Jia was the first to ask.

This means that I have to face the situation of taking advantage of my own people. "

You have brought a "black" nightmare to the enemy!

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate.

Jin Jia's words were already very venomous, but he had to take his image into account before changing his appearance. Even the "Tang Ze" image he deliberately created made me let go. His venomous tongue made people crazy.

Taking advantage of someone else's efforts, Conan immediately used the weakening agent. At that time, my body and nerve reflexes reached type 3, which was a complete match.

And that punishment [nerve reflex weakening agent type 3] was also very much in line with Conan's wishes!

Because judging from my long-term experience, the reason why a case is settled is basically not because the case has not been started.

To end the last action as soon as possible, Gin must die!

But there was a way. At that time, we also knew what consequences the elimination of Gin would have within the organization.

Seeing that Amuro was talking about serious matters, Conan could only give up the idea of ​​teasing each other, and then seriously analyzed the current situation with the two of them.

In short, gin at that time could exert less value alive than dead.

Amuro even believed that I did it on purpose, so that I could not be as vicious as I wanted.

So I finally got the prop that I had been thinking about for a long time.

"If Nian Kizaru Toru needs to gain a foothold in the previous sequel, it will be troublesome if it requires some merit."

"But you might actually kill us."

They should also know that Gin is not that difficult to deal with. You have no doubt that my suspicious character will make a sudden attack at some point to check whether Toru Kizaru really killed the target.

"He's talking about the Zoo organization?" Curacaoyan was suddenly startled: "Is he sure you are reliable?"

After all, the new official will be the most popular person after taking office. If the other party is willing to cause trouble in order to gain power, he will naturally be able to do too much as an undercover agent.

But regarding how to change the previous countermeasures, we all need to face a problem of avoidance or avoidance.

But now that all of them have been stopped, all the casualties have been borne by Gin and others. Looking at Conan's plan alone, those who should be saved were saved, and the enemies were also killed. It cannot be called a young quilt at all.

For example, if the explosion is too strong when closing the distance, it will cause my reaction to be overreactive, but after that weakening, there will be no such problem.

"You knew he would ask that question." Conan smiled, started the car and said, "You are still alive, and you haven't refused to join you."

Now I am no longer a clue, but the smallest time bomb, but if it breaks out, it may destroy all the advantages you have gained later, whether it is difficult or not.

Curacaoyan frowned and said: "On the contrary, if these people who will be targeted by the organization are people who are beneficial to the white organization, you should try your best to protect us."

But things on our side haven't come to an end yet. I'm sure things have changed. This is not a matter between Jin Jiato and Mizuyu Reina.

And once he no longer has that kind of intention, regardless of whether his ultimate goal is to kill the other party, at least he must hold back once it is over. To put it bluntly, it is not his intention.

And if you choose from the existing candidates, you naturally don't have any worries about that. Gin saved face and lost your husband, so that victory is over.

I'm sure someone will be sent directly from below to take charge of the small bureau. We can't say that all our actions were in vain.

It cannot be said that the completion level reached the "perfect level" that time because it was good or bad, but because the lowest level was only that far away.

Later, when I heard Jin Jia tell what happened, I just knew that Conan Wen had faked his death, but he didn't know how to arrange it, so he naturally had to ask vague questions.

But I thought that the final goal was actually achieved, allowing Toru Kizaru to successfully take down the position.

But the most important thing is that before I suffered a small loss that time, I will come back with revenge in the future.

Amuro just rolled her eyes at this, and then ignored the other party's words.

"There is a way to do this. Who can make Ginjiu not have a loyal brother who is willing to block the gun for me~"

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