Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1619: Haunted House Murder Case (End)

"S-stop joking!"

After hearing Karasawa's testimony, Yada Hidetaka panicked, and then a look of anger appeared on his face, "How could I be a prisoner!

Didn't I say that? I was suspended in mid-air by a rope, and you were here soon!

In this case, I have no choice and no time to kill! "

"No, you don't need to come down from mid-air to kill Mr. Ogino."

Karasawa rejected Yada Hidetaka's rebuttal in a calm tone, and immediately said: "First of all, this is a haunted house that welcomes guests, and you don't know when the guests will come.

Under such circumstances, it would be a bit unwise and bold to walk in the opposite direction with a light.

So, you devised a trick that would kill Mr. Ogino even if you were hung in the air by a rope.

And this trajectory does not require you to do it yourself, you only need to use this thing to kill people! "

At this point, Karasawa took out a piece of strange-shaped glass fragments. The glass was basically rectangular, but one of the corners was sunken, with a regular semi-circular arc.

"Brother Karasawa, the round part of the glass is indeed a bit strange, but does it have anything to do with the murder?"

Officer Megure took the glass in Karasawa's hand and looked at it carefully, but he didn't see any clues.

"In that case, how about we come and demonstrate on the spot?" Tangze suggested with a smile after hearing Officer Megure's words.

This proposal was naturally approved by Officer Megure. After all, this was also a necessary process for solving crimes at the scene.

After all, the methods used by these murderers are more bizarre than the last, and it is inevitable that there will be loopholes in just relying on words.

So Officer Megure asked Takagi to cooperate with Karasawa in setting up the scene, and removed the original "grave" used by the deceased, and found a brand new grave to put in its place.

As for the deceased, he bought a watermelon instead.

"The length of the cable and the position of the lighting have been determined, and they are all arranged strictly in accordance with your requirements," Takagi reported to Karasawa.

"That's good. This really needs to be a little more strict. If it's just one centimeter away, it will fail." Tang Ze nodded and said, "Then let's get started."


After listening to Karasawa's explanation, Takagi already knew what to do next, so he trotted to the long rope with a noose and pulled hard.

The long rope is passed through the pulley bearing on the ceiling, and the other end is tied to the lighting placed in the pontoon corridor in the distance.

The rope as a whole was at a right angle of ninety degrees, and when Takagi pulled the vertical line hard, the line fixed in the air by the lighting was directly pulled down.

The lighting lamp slid down from the pontoon corridor. Because of the rope, it did not fall directly in free fall, but began to move towards the bearing like a swing.

Due to the kinetic energy caused by its weight and the length of the cable, it is naturally impossible for the light to stop when it reaches the bearing, but swings farther away under the action of kinetic energy.

The next moment, the lighting with terrifying kinetic energy directly smashed the watermelon at the grave.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and the scene where Ogino Taka's head was hit by a lighting lamp unconsciously appeared in their minds.

"As you have seen, the murderer used this method to make the light fall like a swing and kill Mr. Ogino."

After Tangze saw the technique demonstrated, he explained: "And the broken semicircle of glass is evidence that the murderer used this technique.

Because the lighting lamp is very large, if you want to use this method to use the lighting lamp as a murder weapon, you must ensure that the lighting lamp does not fall to the ground midway.

However, it won't work if the light is tied very firmly, because then the light will be fixed to the cable.

And when the murderer has no way to untie the rope, he can easily discover the truth about the murder method, and there is no way to fake it into an accident.

Therefore, the murderer chose to drill two holes in the outer glass of the lighting lamp to let the cable pass through as a means of fixation.

One advantage of this method is that the glass will shatter after the lighting is impacted, so there is no need to untie the rope by hand. "

"Let the rope pass through the glass hole to fix the murder weapon, and then use the principle of a swing to use it as a meteor hammer. This method is really cunning and cruel."

After listening to Karasawa's explanation, Officer Megure finally understood the method of killing, but doubts arose: "I know the method of killing, but how do I take down the cable after killing someone?"

"It's very simple. You just need to pull the cable to cut off the excess part, and then tie it to the rope around your neck."

After Tang Ze explained, he said: "By the way, I would like to add that this strategy may accidentally injure tourists.

Therefore, we must confirm whether there are other tourists passing through before we can implement it accurately.

And the only one who can do this is Mr. Yata, who is hanging in the air and looking down at the surroundings! "

"These are all your guesses!!"

Yada Hidetaka looked at Karasawa and glared: "Do you have any evidence!"

"If there is evidence, of course there is."

Karasawa looked at Hidetaka Yata and asked for help. He smiled slightly and said, "The evidence is hidden on your back."

After the words fell, Yada Hidetaka showed a look of horror on his face. He subconsciously took two steps back, but was directly locked by Officer Megure and Takagi.

"let me go!!"

Yada Hidetaka struggled fiercely, but how could he break free when controlled by two people.

Soon, the two took out a coil of cable from their backs.

"This is the rope you cut."

Tangze said: "From the time the crime occurred to when I asked you to take off your makeup, I didn't let you out of sight the whole time.

So you don't have time to hide this rope, so you can only hide it here as a last resort. "


Seeing that the most critical evidence was discovered, Hidetaka Yata knelt directly on the ground: "I almost succeeded, almost, I succeeded, damn it!!"

‘Almost? It’s a hundred million points difference! ’

Hearing Yada Hidetaka's words, Karasawa was speechless. He really didn't know who gave him the confidence.


Yamanashi Mihui cried and looked at Yada Hidetaka and asked with confusion: "Why!? Why did you kill Agui!?

The two of you have nothing to do with each other. How did he offend you? ? "

"He didn't offend me in any way, but he shouldn't be engaged to you."

When Hidetaka Yata said this, he looked at Mihui Yamanashi and told everyone a piece of news that shocked everyone: "Yamanashi, actually I have always liked you!"


Yamanashi Mihui heard Yada Hidetaka's words and looked at him blankly, with a look of disbelief on her face: "I fell in love with you at first sight from the first time I saw you.

But you didn't even look at me, and in the blink of an eye you became good friends with Ogino and Yokoi.

After that, you and Ogino got engaged, and I was completely desperate.

So I originally planned to kill Ogino and then blame Yokoi, and you will be mine..."

Speaking of this, Yada Hidetaka's face showed a twisted and perverted smile, which made Yamanashi Mihui feel chilly in her heart.

"You're going too far!!" Mihui Yamanashi cried with an emotional breakdown.

"Haha, but now I can't get you."

Yada Hidetaka's expression became more and more abnormal: "But it doesn't matter, I have also considered the possibility of failure..."

Speaking of which, Yada Hidetaka took out a knife and rushed towards Yamanashi Mihui with a roar: "Please come with me to the underworld!!"

But doing this was tantamount to asking for death. When he heard what Hidetaka Yata said, Karasawa had already guessed what the other party was thinking.

So when Hidetaka Yata took out his knife and took two steps forward, Karasawa stopped in front of Mihai Yamanashi with a quick step.

The gentleman's stick flashed in the air and directly knocked the dagger out of the opponent's hand. However, Tang Ze did not let go of the opponent. The moment he passed by the opponent, he bent down and slashed diagonally at the opponent's leg with the stick in his right hand.


A painful howl came from Hidetaka Yada's mouth, but Karasawa showed no mercy. He turned around and kicked Hidetaka Yada straight away.


Yada Hidetaka hit the wall and fell heavily.

"Brother Tangze, you're a bit harsh today."

Looking at Yada Hidetaka who fainted directly on the ground, Officer Megure said that the attack was a bit harsh, but he had a smile on his face and did not look angry at all.

Obviously, Officer Megure was just doing a superficial job to maintain the image of the police.

In fact, I probably think Tang Ze did a good job and taught this scumbag with perverted and twisted thoughts a severe lesson.

Moreover, the beating the other party received was in vain. Who dared him to commit murder with a knife in front of the police?

Because of the prisoner's dangerous aggressive behavior, it was inevitable that he would be a little ruthless during the arrest.

Looking at Yada Hidetaka who fell to the ground and moaned in pain, Takagi ran over and cuffed his hands behind his back.

"What a disgusting guy!"

Sonoko looked at Yada Hidetaka with a look of disgust: "Does he think that just because he has eliminated two love rivals, people will like him!?

That's wrong, a girl wouldn't fall in love with someone just because of something like this. Where did he get his confidence from? "

"People like this have abnormal psychology. Don't look at each other with ordinary people's thoughts." Tangze shook his head slightly as he watched Hidetaka Yata being pulled up by two criminals and escorted to the police car.

At first glance, this kind of person has a dark and twisted heart because of his living environment. Then he suddenly falls in love with someone while living in his own world, and then he feels self-centered and takes actions that he thinks can get him.

As everyone knows, when he had such an idea, he had already completely failed.

This case ended here. Yamanashi Mihui really collapsed after learning all the truth.

She never thought that her sweetheart would be killed just because she was engaged to her.

This may become a lingering haze and grudge in her life.

As for whether you can get out, it may depend on whether you can meet the right person to heal the scar.

But looking at Kenji Yokoi next to him, Karasawa felt that the opponent shouldn't have to worry about this problem.

At least there is Kenji Yokoi who likes her and can take care of her.

I'm afraid he never expected that he, a passerby, would become the final winner of this tragedy.

Of course, only Kenji Yokoi knows how he feels when he loses a good friend in exchange for his own love.

Watching Hidetaka Yata being taken away by criminal, the three of them watched the police car disappear around the corner of the street.

The method of this case is not difficult, but seeing a real "ghost head on a grave" among the graves in a haunted house is quite disturbing.

Because of this, although the queue was almost over, Yuanzi completely lost his patience for fun and left the exhibition directly.

"Didn't you say that the vampire is not that scary?" Ayako looked at her depressed sister and said, "There is still time now, why don't we go play together."

"forget it."

Yuanzi sighed after saying this: "Although there are no intuitively scary scenes, vampire stories are the type that are extremely frightening if you think about them.

I have faced the most terrifying picture today, and I don’t want to feel the feeling that becomes more and more terrifying the more I think about it.

Otherwise, combined, I'm afraid I'll have nightmares at night. "

Although Ayako on the side did not speak, she kept nodding her head in agreement, clearly feeling the same.

In this regard, Tangze could only follow their wishes. After all, he positioned himself as a companion, so naturally he could no longer encourage them to play.

At this point, Tangze has already tasted the "bad consequences" that the case has brought to him.

Because she was a little scared, Sonoko had already planned to take Ayako to sleep with her at night. Naturally, Karasawa could only stay alone at night and spend the lonely night.

But that was at night, and the most important thing now was what to do after leaving the haunted house.

Because the original plan was shattered, the three of them fell into a state of doing nothing.

"There seems to be no place to go." Yuanzi looked at the time and said, "It's already 4:20. I'm going to do other things. I'm afraid it'll be lunch time if I get there."

"How about going to eat directly?" Ayako suggested.

"Um, isn't it a little too early?" Yuanzi said hesitantly, "At this point, many restaurants probably haven't opened yet."

"Then let me take you somewhere." Tang Ze thought for a moment and said, "I heard that a tea restaurant opened in Chinatown. I'll take you to have tea."

"Tea restaurant? Tea?" Yuanzi asked in surprise: "What is that, a tea room?"

"Anyway, just come with me." Tang Ze said with a smile, "I think you will be satisfied."

"Then I'll leave it all to my brother-in-law." Yuanzi hesitated for only three seconds before choosing to believe Tang Ze.

After all, in her heart, Tang Ze has always been a very reliable existence, so although she didn't understand the meaning of the words in the other person's mouth, Yuanzi still chose to trust Tang Ze.

After all, the other party had never done anything wrong when he brought her food before, and I believe it will be the same this time.

After the three of them decided on their next itinerary, Tangze drove straight towards Chinatown.

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