Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,622: Learn physics well, and you won’t be afraid of committing crimes.

"I'm a prisoner!?"

After hearing Karasawa's words, Kuchiki Yusuke's face turned panicked for a moment, but then the other party said sternly: "Don't slander me, everything requires evidence!"

"So you still insist on your opinion that Mr. Nakatsu was killed by aliens?" Karasawa asked with a sneer on his face.

"That's how it is!"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Yusuke Kuchiki retorted with dissatisfaction: "After all, Mr. Nakatsu fell on the cement that was not yet dried, and he was suffocated to death with a bag-shaped weapon, right!?

Even if I was right next to him at that time, and also fell to the ground and was buried in the concrete floor, I didn't have that kind of bag-shaped murder weapon on my body.

Besides, look at the fenced cement field in the playground, there are no footprints coming out of it at all!

Moreover, the weather suddenly became so hot yesterday, and there was no wind, so it was impossible to be blown away by the wind.

If I were to step on the original footprints again, some of the footprints on the cement would definitely become particularly deep.

But you should have checked the dried cement. Are there deep footprints in it? "

Koshizui Itsuki said: "Since that is the murder scene he carefully selected, it must be unreasonable to hide the murder weapon far away."

"His plan was completed smoothly. Before he lay on the cement floor for a night, he was discovered by workers who were confirming the solidification status of the cement on the seventh day."

"You just need to wave the bag back and forth like a sign of the number four, and it will break." Koshizui Itsuki said: "That way, even if you run back and forth, you can still fill the outside of the bag with air."

"When the difference in infusion from the outside air is reduced, tie the mouth of the bag and everything is ready."


Shin Zen Yusuke rudely interrupted Kuchiki's words, and I gasped: "They have no evidence at all, it's all just their conjecture!

Yusuke Karasawa said in despair: "Have you ever thought that the trick you have worked so hard to come up with can actually be seen through by them.

The photo was taken at this time. Didn't you have such a small bag? "

Kuchiki said: "That seems to you to be an extremely ridiculous failure, because after those existences did not exist, you simply believed in their existence.

Kuchiki smiled and said: "And if you want it to fly away, you just need to wait quietly for a while."

Then he called Mr. Nakatsu outside, covered my head from behind with a white slender plastic bag hidden in the grass far away, and brought it into the concrete ground that was not dry yet.

And that is the truth behind Shin Sun-woo-suke’s seemingly outrageous motives.

Such betrayal was too small a blow to Yusuke Karasawa. I couldn't bear ordinary people's doubts about me and the ridicule of my persistence.

You still want to cooperate with them politely later, but since the attitude of the police is that, you will be polite to them!

Before Yusuke Karasawa finished listening to Shen Shan's words, his face was ashen, and his whole person seemed to be a deflated balloon, without the arrogance he had afterward.

"There will be a problem if we delay hiding in the grass next to it."

As for Kuchiki, looking at Shinzen Yusuke who was crying after being told by Chiba, although he felt the same way, he could also understand why the other party was crying and crying after being told by Chiba.

"You're just letting this guy get what he wants!"

Yusuke Karasawa looked at the eight people talking to themselves and said angrily: "Have they forgotten that the weather was very cold yesterday? Where can there be no wind that can blow the bag away!?"

I actually asked you to take pictures of something less impactful, even if it was fake. Anyway, things like flying saucers don't exist at all! "

Following Shen Shan's instructions, Qianye tied the bottom of the bag, and the whole bag was filled with air like a long columnar balloon.

To you, he now looks like a man from the stars with a clear origin! "

When the time comes, you will expose all their words and deeds offline!

"Fly, fly!?" Chiba was shocked when he saw that scene: "Can air actually make such a complicated balloon fly!?"

"He escaped from the cement floor before the incident and was taken back to the police station by you. There was no way to recover the murder weapon."

The fingerprints under the white plastic bag on his head matched his fingerprints. This was the least powerful evidence to clear his innocence! "

The reason why we choose white is because white plastic bags absorb cold, and the strip shape is chosen to expand the cold absorption area so that the air outside the bag can heat up immediately and reach the outermost surface.

But the eight people present were veterans who had experienced many battles and had seen all kinds of prisoners.

Koshizui looked at Yusuke Karasawa and said: "You think his killing method should be like that.

"Before, you only had to do what you just did, pour air into the outside of the bag, lie down under the deeper shoe prints on the cement floor, lift the bag up, and wait for the sun to shine."

"You would lie to him with such interesting things. Everything about solving a case depends on evidence."

Chiba said with a serious expression: "When the cold is enough, the bag will be able to float into the air and fly directly!"

"Yes, it is used..."

Those science experiments were very complicated and were not even broadcast on TV programs. "

When Shen Shanxiongfu heard Shen Shan's words, his body stopped trembling. The words he was shouting arrogantly just now disappeared like a goose that was strangled by the neck.

"It just takes bad weather to implement that plan, right?"

It was them who won. "

Karasawa Yusuke heard the still stern and internal quibbling, but the despair in his eyes became deeper and deeper. .

"It turns out he wants evidence. You should have told me earlier."

"So, there is no such thing as a small bag that is filled with air and then recedes!"

"But even if you use it to run back and forth, you can still fill the outside of the bag with air, but if you do that, you won't have to dig in as deep as the shoe print!"

"What color is this UFO..."

Qianye pointed to the footprints outside the concrete floor and hesitated: "But are there even those outside?"

Yusuke Karasawa shouted with sweat on his face: "Are there no cameras in this street?


He must really doubt that there are no aliens in that world. He should firmly believe in his belief and take photos of UFOs that are worse and more realistic to refute me!

However, I can tolerate a like-minded friend who is supposed to be on the same side as me and a trustworthy person. Suddenly one day he shows his true colors and vetoes everything I insist on.

Kuchiki said: "Before that, he used the excuse that everything was caused by aliens, and the slender white shadow captured on the monitor became the UFO in his mouth!"

Perhaps few people would find it ridiculous to say this.

Shin Seon-hyung's face was dripping with sweat, and he stuttered: "Yes, it looks a bit grayer..."

Yusuke Karasawa looked at the eight people behind him with a pale face, and said with disbelief: "You are talking nonsense, those guys are so angry that they want to create perjury to accuse you!

So from the very beginning, you locked him as the murderer!"

"Without that criminal modus operandi, he was able to accomplish everything that seemed incredible."

The UFO you saw must be this color, right? "

"Have you taken this thing yet?"

After all, a man of his age, married or not, actually killed people because others said there were aliens in that world. It sounded like he was an abnormal person.

This feeling of betrayal gnawed away at my heart, and my anger and hatred drove me to kill him the way Nakatsu Kyougo hurt me.

If you use that, you can't pretend to be a UFO and fly into the sky like a flying saucer.

"It seems you refuse to admit it."

Therefore, when Nakatsu Kyogo, who was a UFO magazine, rejected my spiritual support and scorned the matter, Karasawa Yusuke was so angry.

Kuchiki interrupted Yusuke Karasawa's words and said with a meaningful smile: "As long as the outside of the bag is filled with air, the murder weapon will fly away by itself."

"Is it like that?"

Then the closed plastic bag stops rising.

So ask them to go back with you for fingerprint verification?

"But, that's just a plastic bag filled with air, right?" Chiba was not too suspicious when he heard this: "It's hydrogen or nitrogen, how could it fly..."

After all, the bag is both small and large. If you want to kill someone, you only need to put it over the head and tighten it. "

Previously, you sent the white plastic bag to Kesouyan for testing, and then the saliva of Mr. Nakatsu was detected in it, confirming that it was not the murder weapon that killed Mr. Nakatsu.

When Yusuke Karasawa talked about that, he broke down and said: "This guy is obviously the editor of UFO magazine, but he would say such nonsense!

Yusuke Karasawa said with an angry expression before receiving Kuchiki's words: "This guy Nakatsu, before seeing the UFO photos you painstakingly took, he actually said that all the photos you took were out of focus. He didn't even know what they were!

But just when Chiba Shinobu opened his mouth to believe it, the long column-shaped white bag in my hand gradually rose up.

"So, he now denies that he killed Mr. Nakatsu, right?" Chiba asked seriously.

"Yes, you deny..."

"Yes, if you use a smaller mark to cover it up, you will find it!" Qianye suddenly smiled.

"Just, even if that's the case, have they also seen the crime scene!?" Yusuke Karasawa calmly said: "There was no such small bag found at the scene!"

"Did he also abandon his own beliefs by doing this?"

But for Yusuke Karasawa, this is my belief and obsession, and the spiritual pillar that I rely on to survive.

There should be no limit to honesty! "

He learned that the area of ​​Aido Junior High School was about to be paved with cement, and the school anniversary statue had previously been placed underneath.

Because in my eyes, Nakatsu Kyogo, who is the editor of UFO, should be my "comrade-in-arms", and the two of them should not have the same knowledge and beliefs.

Yusuke Karasawa said with a bitter expression: "If the fingerprint comparison results are consistent..."

Having said this, two members of the Science Research Institute pulled a long black plastic bag and displayed it in front of Yusuke Karasawa.

Of course, it can also be used as a murder weapon to suffocate people to death.

Just say that the prisoner is from Lixing, but the police deliberately concealed that fact! "

The moment he saw the rectangular white plastic bag, Yusuke Karasawa's face showed a look of horror.

However, he used his long-held belief that he was the murderer of the prisoner in an attempt to exonerate himself.

Before I suffocated to death, I put my body in a prone position and moved it out of the concrete floor. "

In addition, you also found the murderer's fingerprints under the white plastic bag.

So you killed me and pretended to be someone from the planet to fulfill my wish! "

Is he saying that you have wronged him?

Tang Ze smiled when he heard this and said: "It doesn't matter, we have found the UFO you talked about.

How can they prove that you did all that with the white bag!

"He, what is he talking about... How can you go outside to get some air in such a small bag? He can see if there are any traces of running in the distance!"

Kuchiki looked at Yusuke Karasawa with a playful expression: "Why do you think it's not that color?

If everything was really what they said, if this white plastic bag had floated away from the world a long time ago, how could they have found it!

"His trick was wrong, but his only failure was not that he blamed the aliens for all his crimes."

Kuchiki explained with a smile: "The principle is that the air outside the bag heats up and expands under the irradiation of the sun, which leads to the so-called density being higher than the air inside the bag.

On the side, Chiba heard Koshizui Itsuki's words and held both ends of the bag with both hands. Then he finished waving right and left, and after a while, the long cylindrical plastic bag that was deflated in his head quickly expanded.

Seeing the calm look on the opponent's face, we knew that we had hit the opponent within an inch.

Looking at Yusuke Karasawa who was shouting that it was over, the corners of Shen Shan's lips turned down and he smiled, "As for the evidence, you haven't found it yet."

After listening to Chiba's words, Yusuke Karasawa's whole body collapsed. I opened my mouth and my eyes were filled with tears of regret.

Before hearing Yusuke Karasawa's words, Koshizui Itsuki had a slight sarcasm on his face: "It can only be said that although his plan is bad, it will be like God's will."

"That's called a solar balloon."

"Of course he found it, because he made it fly around the world like a flying saucer, right?"

"You just need to lie down and cover those footprints, right?" Koshizui said with a smile.

Kuchiki said: "And after your search, you haven't found the white plastic bag he used as the murder weapon under the tree in Aido Park.

In your eyes, there are only murderers who kill people under the guise of this.

Chiba looked at Shen Shan Yusuke: "Because he also felt that darts existed in his heart, so when the other party said that, he became so angry, as if an illusory lie had been exposed.

But Nakatsu Kyougo said such words, which to me is a kind of betrayal.

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