Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1624: Murderous Magic Show (2)

The great magician of the century, Dongzhou Qi, appeared in the dome!

After arriving at the Little Arena, as soon as I entered the door, I saw a huge promotional poster posted outside.

It can be seen that the magician named Dongzhou Qi seems to be really famous. Tangze even saw many young people taking photos under the giant poster.

Of course, Tangze and the others didn't bother to do this, because they all took photos directly with real people.

Yes, as the host, since Robert is very interested in Dongzhou Qi, the magic master, they naturally have to arrange a meeting between the two parties.

With the influence of Tang Ling Group, this is an easy thing.

"Today is truly my lucky day!"

After meeting Robert, the three of them walked towards the magic backfield, but the middle-aged Robert was as excited as a child: "Not only can I meet the famous magic master Mr. Dongzhou today, but I can also chat with you, Mr. Tang Ze , what a pleasure it is for me!

I have read all the novels you published, and I have even paid attention to the real-life cases that were solved by you. You are simply a modern "Sherlock Holmes"! "

"Thank you very much. I just completed my work." Faced with Robert's enthusiastic praise, Tang Ze was a little unable to resist. After all, the other party's enthusiastic fan appearance was too familiar.

The small lock on Tang Zeqi's chest, which was bound by the chain, was closed by Hoshino Teruko. Before Hoshino Teruko finished what she did, she pulled hard to show the audience that the small lock had not been locked yet.

Moreover, it was the first time that he met Tang Zeqi today, so he probably didn't do anything at all.

Because family troubles are not pleasant at all, you need to be in a strong mood to ensure that the subsequent performance can progress smoothly. "

"Uncle, you are serious!" The young woman looked at Tang Zeqi with a sincere face and said, "You and Dongzhou truly love each other!"

That’s right, we’re running out of time!

However, even the handsome assistant took out the middle square, leaving only Dongzhou Qi's head and feet in place, while the middle body square filled with swords was pulled out directly.

Judging that Zhu Leiqi fell into a deep coma due to lack of oxygen, Keiko immediately took a series of rescue measures and called Ayako to go under the car to get the oxygen tank in the trunk.

The magic show ended very slowly before I could take my seat, and there was no reason for me to leave the two people around me and act alone.

"How do you feel?" Keiko asked in English with a smile when she saw Dongzhou Qi's confused expression.

"Dad, he's gone too far!"

Teruko Hoshino, who was dressed as a bunny boy, tied Tang Zeqi up with chains, then smiled at the audience and said, "Everyone who is an experienced audience should know that that is a fixed part of every magic show performed by Magician Zhu Lei, and it is also a regular part of Magician Zhu Lei's magic show. Look, I’m tired of watching bad shows!”

"Sorry, Uncle Kunihiko..." Hoshino Teruko apologized to Hoshino Kunihiko with an apologetic look: "Your father may not be too angry..."

However, just seven seconds before Keiko's relaxed mood appeared, Tang Zeqi in the coffin still did not appear on the stage.

But even so, Tangze still sped up to the lounge where Dongzhou Qi was, hoping that the other party would divert his attention to Mr. Magician, whom he was about to meet.

"It doesn't matter, you were the one who was rude."

At the same time that Keiko jumped off the stage, Hoshino Teruko's expression became calmer. You looked at Hoshino Kunihiko and said in horror: "Victory, dad, I'm still outside!!"

Because the door to the lounge was ajar, Keiko and the others approached slowly and blurred out the scene outside.

The wood seemed to be dripping with flammable fuel, and as soon as Hoshino Teruko's open flame came into contact with the wood, it instantly ignited a raging fire.

When everything was ready, Hoshino Teruko took out the ignition tool and stepped back under the wood above the coffin to light it.

Seeing that, a thought flashed through Keiko's mind, but her body ended the action slower than her mind.

"The audience's reaction was really calm. It seems that the exciting scene made the Chinese guest unbearable."

But even so, if a randomly selected audience member could perform such a miraculous magic performance, he still won a lot of applause.

However, Tang Zeqi even changed Dongzhou Qi's hands and feet. Just looking at Dongzhou Qi's expression, it seemed that he was not generally comfortable outside.

Tang Zeqi heard the woman's words and scolded: "When will it be his turn as an old drunkard to stop preaching to you!

Along with the cheers of the audience, Teruko Hoshino shouted passionately: "Now please enjoy the thrilling escape magic - escape from the fire of hell!"

Before that, Robert took out a white cloth and wrapped Tang Zeqi's entire body before placing him in the coffin.

Under the promotional poster, Tang Zeqi was seen angrily scolding the young woman standing next to the man: "You're such a half-assed guy, what a joke!"

Your man will definitely marry him. If you dare to elope with him, you will let him completely survive in the magic world! "

If so, Keiko was really afraid that the other party would die as soon as the ambulance came over.

And Tang Zeqi seemed to know that Tang Ling Group's contacts were not to entertain the Li people next to him, so he directly invited the excited Dongzhou Qi to the stage.

Because it was separated from the fire source, only the flames ignited on the lower surface of the coffin were left, so the fire extinguisher slowly extinguished the flames below.


I had just been paying attention to the two assistants, and neither of them made any big moves. After listening to Dongzhou Qi's words, Keiko became a little worried when she learned that it was Tang Zeqi's specialty.

Seeing his son's high attitude towards Hoshino Kunihiko and even apologizing for me, Tang Zeqi was as angry as a volcano erupting: "You can't tell him what happened today!

"It's as if the bad guy is being manipulated. His body is doing some actions on the outside." Dongzhou Qi scratched his head and said, "But the expression on the inside and the reaction of the audience seem to be quite exaggerated?"

"That's wrong, it's very exaggerated." Ayako covered her mouth and snickered twice, then quickly described my subsequent performance.

Because people are guessing where Mr. Karasawa escaped from and where he will appear from!

That was just for the effect of the show, but also to remind the assistant that he had performed a magic trick dangerously and successfully.

Seeing Dongzhou Qi's excited expression, Keiko couldn't help but let go of her inner feelings while smiling evilly.

"Just watch, Mr. Zhu Lei will show up soon!"

When I just watched the performance, I had been paying attention to some of Tang Zeqi's safety magic tricks to avoid anything unexpected happening.

Hearing what her father said, Hoshino Teruko covered her face and ran away crying.

But the effect was also very bad, at most it made the guests present scream in surprise and exclaimed that it was irritating.

Where was that time? The world? Or the auditorium? "

'problem occurs! ’

This is not the kind of safety magic where the performer has to appear immediately before the flames are strong.

But under the circumstances at that time, Tang Zeqi directly ordered us to treat him, so naturally we had no choice but to stay here any longer.

"Dongzhou!" Robert saw his boyfriend running away in tears and quickly chased after him. Only two middle-aged women were left in the lounge, and the atmosphere became lighter and lighter.

The first magic trick Tang Zeqi played was very small, and he performed a magic trick in which a long sword penetrated the box.

Seeing the fire grow bigger and bigger under the stage, Keiko's originally relaxed heart started to feel like a roller coaster again!

Tang Zeqi's magic seems to be eye-catching and safe magic. Each magic trick is safer than the last, and each one is more terrifying than the last.

Hoshino Kunihiko's expression changed slightly when he heard Hoshino Teruko's words, and he quickly ran to the front of the curtain to get the fire extinguisher.

"Yes, and your son's magic tricks are so popular no matter which one they are, he can't be independent at all, right?" The long-haired middle-aged woman who was drinking from a bottle of wine at the side also continued. Echoed with a smile.

Once that time is exceeded, the magic may go unintended and the performer will not be safe!

The first eight people who were seated in the audience didn't wait too long, and the entire venue went dark.

Seeing that, Keiko looked solemn and showed no sign of shame. She directly took out the [Weak Potency Relief Injection] and gave Tang Zeqi a shot.

Before that, Hoshino Teruko covered Tang Zeqi's eyes with a band and guided him towards the coffin placed under a pile of wood.

Tang Zeqi in the room took two deep breaths, then adjusted his bad mood and looked at the eight people and said: "I'm sorry for letting them see the rude scene. Can't the meeting you arranged be put before the magic show?

Before doing a little inspection, Huizi immediately took Zhu Leiqi out of the coffin: "Call an ambulance slowly and find another ventilated place!!"

At the same time, Keiko also came behind the coffin that was engulfed in flames.

After all, I'm a bit cold-blooded, and I'm used to keeping a distance from people I know personally. But after all, the other person is a distinguished guest, and I can't be a bad person, so I can only divert trouble to the east.

"Yes, Dad!" Hoshino Teruko looked at her father and echoed: "Hui is very mean to you. You have seriously considered planning to spend the rest of your life together!"

As soon as the eight people approached the lounge, they heard angry roars outside.

If you thought that he would be your old partner in the future, you would have told him to pack up his things and get out! "

"Maybe that's not the magical thing about magicians." Keiko agreed with a smile, and then heard Tang Zeqi finish performing a magic trick under the stage, so he dropped the topic and turned his attention to the stage again.

At the same time, Hoshino Teruko's expression became horrified off the stage.

Before Tang Zeqi reset the eight grids of the magic box, he opened the door of the magic box and extended his hand to signal: "Thank you for your cooperation. Now please take a seat and have a rest."

"Hoshino, that old drunkard, don't you know what he is talking about!?"

Keiko got down and kicked open the coffin lid, then leaned down to check on Tang Zeqi in the coffin.

In fact, before I saw a few people arguing in the lounge, my instinct reminded me to consciously prepare for possible cases.

It's also bad that Keiko's strength before weakening was small enough. Coupled with the pulling force when retracting the hook, it might not be possible for one person to pull out the coffin.

"What follows is the finale of your magic show!"

Because there was no fire extinguishing tool in hand, Keiko directly chose to launch the hook of the mechanical smart watch to fix the coffin. Then, with a loud roar, she used her arms to pull out the coffin that was engulfed in flames!

And the place where Mr. Zhu Lei appears every time is the same, which is why I always get tired of watching that magic!

After all, it sounds like it’s someone else’s housework, and it’s really not appropriate for us to show up there.


Dong Zhouqi walked up to the stage and returned to his seat amidst the applause of the audience. Looking at my confused eyes, he seemed to still know what kind of performance he was showing inside after all the troubles he had made outside the box.

In addition, Keiko also checked Tang Zeqi's back and found that the entire front was covered in blisters caused by low-temperature burning.

"Not breathing yet!"

Ayako was not happy when she heard Tang Zeqi's intention to see off the guests. After all, she had seen the quarrels that followed, so it was appropriate to go over and have a casual conversation, so she started to say a few polite words.

At the same time, Hoshino Kunihiko and Zhu Leishan also rushed out with fire extinguishers with the safety valve unplugged. When they saw the coffin pulled out by Zhu Lei, they immediately put out the fire.

The amazing "dismemberment" performance directly attracted bursts of exclamations from the audience, and everyone could not help but cheer for that magical scene.

But it was clearly not in position yet, but Dongzhou Qi's hands were still waving intermittently.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to have ignored these things because of his excitement. Tang Ze only needed to respond.

However, relying on her own magic skills, Keiko was able to distinguish between these seemingly different magic tricks, but in fact they were just blinding tricks.

Keiko on the side translated with Dongzhou in English, and the eight of them left the front desk in a roundabout way and went to the VIP auditorium backstage.

"It's Sister Suzuki, you must be eight. You really made them laugh. A little family trouble makes it less enjoyable."

The eight people standing at the door were also discovered by people inside, and the atmosphere became increasingly awkward.

The middle-aged Dong Zhouqi excitedly walked towards the tall box, but Tang Zeqi thrust several swords into him.

The moment the small fire was lit, it aroused exclamations from the audience. Regardless of whether they had watched the performance or not, the huge flames still couldn't help but worry about Tang Zeqi. .

However, the safety factor of the first magic was the same as that of the subsequent magic, and the risk was very small, so Zhu Lei had always paid close attention to it.

"Get the fire extinguisher slowly!!"

"It's amazing!" Dongzhouqi exclaimed after listening to Ayako's description: "When you were outside, you didn't feel that your body was too out of place, but how could you not behave like that!"

"Want to marry your boy!?"

That's because a small fire in the coffin caused hypoxia and small area burns on the other side. These are life-threatening!

As an ardent fan of Dongzhou Qi, Dongzhou Qi exclaimed excitedly: “It’s about to be the dullest moment!

Next, lights came on one after another, and Zhu Leiqi appeared from the center of the stage, arousing cheers from the audience.

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