Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1631 The same situation

"W-what are you talking about?"

Hearing Tangze's words, Xianbo Kazade said with an unnatural expression: "You are not the person involved, and you have not seen it with your own eyes. There should be a limit to your nonsense, right?"

"You are indeed the person involved, but as the person involved, you lied."

Karasawa looked at Senba Kazoku and said calmly: "Mr. Hiyama did come to the door to receive you, but you gave him the excuse of wanting to borrow the bathroom."

"Bathroom!?" Officer Megure looked confused, but after hearing Karasawa's words, Senba and De's pupils shrank violently unconsciously.

"Yes, he borrowed the bathroom, but it was not because of physiological phenomena that made him say that."

Karasawa looked sharply at Senbo and Dedao: "It's to recover the murder weapon!"


Hearing Karasawa's words, Officer Megure was stunned for a moment, and the atmosphere at the scene also dropped to freezing point in an instant.

"Anyway, let's go to the bathroom and take a look first." At this moment, Conan said with a smile.

After hearing this, Okiya Aung explained: "These glass fragments scattered under the ground at the crime scene have "FUA" and "R" printed on them.

In the end, this guy said something about paying your medical bills and asking you to spare me.

In that case, there is a danger that the gashapon will not be discovered. "

As long as the bodyguard mistook the movement under the roof as a colored ball being thrown, the bodyguard would leave the scene very slowly before confirming it.

so! So you smashed this guy's head with Han Yan too!

Conan looked at Senba and De, whose expressions were horrified, and stared at each other with sharp eyes.

"And when uncle took off his clothes just now, the shirt outside seemed to be put on in a hurry." Takagi said silently at the side.

So his planned killing plan should be like that.

"Did he confirm that Kunihisa Hiyama didn't do that?"

But it's a pity that the gashapon containing Karasawa is stained with honey, so you found it very slowly by relying on your sense of smell.

That kind of sliding is a 360-degree roll, but the honey-colored half at the bottom keeps sliding against the ground.

"Forget it. Even if it's in the water, there won't be any large pieces that will break apart. It's still a relatively safe move."

And he took advantage of the two of us to leave the house and hid the murder weapon at the bottom of the verandah of the main house.

"Yes, I took advantage of you being hit in the leg by a car and being hospitalized to lie to your son and daughter-in-law with sweet words."

"I see, I actually left such a message."

If that's the case, you should be covered in blood. "

Then Mr. Hiyama, who was unprepared, was beaten by him with Karasawa's socks.

Then use scissors to cut, and the glass can be cut smoothly like cutting. "

When Officer Megure heard Senba Kazutoku's words, his eyes narrowed and he confirmed again.

It does not mean FUSAE BRAND (Fusae brand), but if you rearrange the combination before removing "FUARD" from it, the remaining letters form "SENBA" Senba. "

Conan said: "If you replace the outer marbles with light ones, they won't be fatal."

When Officer Megure said that, he felt that something was not right, "But I was chased into the bathroom changing room at that time. In that critical situation, I was able to use scissors flexibly to remove these big things under the cup. Can you cut out the letters?"

Dr. Ali stood up and explained so slowly and hurriedly, stopping Officer Megure from wanting to continue the experiment, but it was just because the experiment was not safe.

"Besides, before he finished killing the person, he couldn't go directly to the nearby bathroom to take a shower to wash away all the blood stains on his body."

When you just observed, you found that there is no water gutter on the edge of the eaves of the roof away from the house.

But if the socks are still wet, if he puts on the slippers, it is natural that the outside of the slippers will be wetted by water before he changes his shoes and leaves.

Then open the small window here, and you can get the gashapon we threw on the roof before. "

"That's wrong. Just now you were standing outside waiting for a while and you saw the gashapon falling out of the drainage pipe." Takagi confirmed.

When Conan went to see Senba and De, my face was not covered with hot sweat, and my lips wanted to say something, but the words came out tremblingly.

"Let's go with you." Before Ogi took out the handcuffs and cuffed them to Xianbo and De, he escorted them to the police car in the house.

Following Takagi, he lowered the toilet seat. The gashapon filled with honey and pinballs did not roll and fall as expected. Instead, it slid rapidly under the toilet seat.

I'm afraid the main reason is that I want to break the cup designed by Sister Ayusaye, so I stepped forward so slowly and hastily.

Takagi put the gashapon under the toilet seat, and then raised the toilet seat to a slope: "But that ball will become like that."

Seeing Dr. A Li's actions to stop him, Takagi and Conan looked at each other vaguely, with a meaning that even women could understand in their expressions.

Of course, even with you, his murder weapon has been hidden for too long. After all, these ants are not carrying food in groups yet, so it is only a matter of time before it is discovered.

"Eh? Is this the gashapon he just threw under the roof?"

"Where's the blood!?"

"That should be a chemical-mechanical effect."

After all, in order to facilitate the flow of rainwater, the drainage pipe is not vertical at the end, so it will block the gashapon. "

This does not mean that the colorful balls that jump up and roll up will fall into the drainage channel, but the gashapon that sticks to the uphill slope will retreat into the drainage channel like water.


"Officer Megure probably didn't see it just now. If it is a colored ball, it will roll down directly due to the vertical angle of the roof."

"Because it was too difficult to be discovered."

Could it be that Omu handed it to him? "

Obviously, Hiyama Kunihisa is not too worried about Takagi discovering whether there is a gashapon shell under me.

Conan said: "The murderer must be able to recognize his name at a glance, so he should find a way to break it.

But unfortunately, he was forced to retreat in the end.

This guy is a developer on the surface, but what he does behind the scenes is not at all like a Yakuza gang. "

Officer Megure took the gashapon, looked at the thing and still couldn't believe it, and said: "But is it really impossible to kill people just by relying on that kind of thing?"

Then under the fragment of the slippers that can be inserted and pulled back, there is the letter "D" printed on it.

"What's going on here?" Officer Mu Mu looked at the crowd curiously and said, "Don't be so pretentious."

"Of course it's confirmed."

But if it is definitely in water, the water molecules will intervene between the glass molecules and embrittle the entire glass structure.

Conan said that and pointed in the direction of the toilet: "The liquid under the body only needs to be wiped clean with toilet paper, and then thrown out of the toilet and flushed, the evidence will not be destroyed.

Although he rinsed his body with water to eliminate the obvious blood stains and smell, the reaction of the blood would be completely eliminated just by rinsing it with water once.

"Yeah, what if it's all over the body."

After all, the movement caused would inevitably lead to detection by the bodyguards, so it was necessary to use colored balls to mislead the bodyguards.

"Mr. Senba, doesn't he have anything bad to say now?"

Conan said: "After all, the place he is in provides him with a convenient environment. He cannot take off all his clothes directly outside the bathroom to avoid blood stains on his clothes."

"It's not useless. This is the death message left by the deceased."

In addition, the glass fragments underneath the slippers clearly penetrated in the direction of the heel, but the blood was stained on the back half, which means that there is a small chance that these bloodstains belong to Mr. Hiyama.

First he fatally wounded me on the head.

"You can add something else."

"Is it really possible to cut glass in the water?" Although Officer Mumu heard Han Yan's words, he was still not doubtful, "Can you demonstrate it?"

"Because the honey sticks to the marbles, it will make the gashapon heavier, so naturally it will be so difficult to roll."

Xianbo and De opened his clothes and showed it: "But they also saw that there was no trace of blood anywhere on your body!?"

When Officer Megure saw the thing in Conan's hand, his face was full of disbelief: "Why is this gashapon within reach of the big window?

"In that case, his motive for the murder was really because of the land acquisition by Mr. Hiyama?" Officer Megure saw Senba Kazutoku's confession and asked about the motive.

Everyone told me that this was an important grocery store passed down from your grandfather's generation. Who knew that when you came back to the grocery store after coming out of the hospital to look at it, it was smashed to pieces.

Before taking Karasawa back in the bathroom, he took off all his clothes and called Hiyama Kunihisa over with the excuse of "Should the water in the toilet be turned off?"

That’s why I threw the cup with the letters cut out at Mr. Senba, but no one thought that the cut out letters were the focus. "

Especially, hiding is too big a child. "

"But, you definitely don't have the time to leave the message directly, right?" Officer Memu was aware of the senior between us, and continued to explain before listening to the explanation.

"You are here for a demonstration, so please buy Okiya-san the marbles you can buy at a convenience store."

Hearing that, Xianbo and De looked at Han Yan and gritted his teeth, with an expression on his face as if he wanted to eat Takagi alive.

Mr. Hiyama, who was already young, became even more panicked before he was attacked and fled directly to the changing room in the bathroom opposite.

Do you think these blood stains should be all over his body? "

Okiya said: "Mr. Xianba, the reason why I threw the easter egg and gashapon from the inside of the wall to the roof at the same time was not to cover up the sound when they hit the roof.

Faced with Conan's questioning, Senba and De were still willing to plead guilty, "If you beat me to death, the amount of bleeding should be exaggerated!

Okiya Ang echoed: "In that case, the lethality will be slightly increased. The layer of honey attached to Mr. Hiyama's head wound is not the worst proof!"

"Please allow me to keep it a secret and reveal it later."

Senba and De looked at Officer Megure and said, "You asked me specifically after you were planning to kill the old guy Hiyama.

Conan continued: "Because the news of the employer's death calmed the bodyguards, so in order to confirm what he said, we left the work station and retreated into the room.

"There is indeed no blood under his body, but that can prove whether he committed murder."

"In the end, does the scissors held in Mr. Hiyama's front hand have any effect?" Officer Megure said thoughtfully, touching his chin.

"Arrived?" Hearing this, Officer Memu scratched his head and became even more confused.

You think he originally planned to rinse the socks stained with Mr. Hiyama's blood and honey together with his body outside the bathroom.

"Takagi-kun, is that like that?" Officer Megure asked Takagi again rigorously.

Xianbo and De said with a bitter smile as if they were resigned to their fate: "When you were taking a shower in the bathroom, even the tiles on the floor were stained red by this guy's blood."

Dr. Ali heard the conversation between the two and said quickly: "You can testify that it really doesn't make sense."

It's a pity that you are just a grocery store owner after all, and you came up with too few strategies. In the end, you were not able to hide the truth.

Apart from this, there should be no blood on his body.

"Well, considering the time, it's time to arrive." Okiya Ang said with a smile.

And before the gashapon is transferred into the drainage channel, it will quickly retreat again and then fall into the pipe like rainwater, and then roll out from the outlet of the drainage pipe.

At that time, I tried to throw a cup to resist him, but unfortunately it had no effect.

Xianbo and Dere laughed and said: "And the reason why you were hit and hospitalized was because this old bastard Hiyama asked his men to do it!

Tangze smiled, then took off his shoes and put on slippers and walked into the room: "Now let's go directly to the bathroom opposite the victim's bathroom.

"As long as this Karasawa is removed from the socks, it can be used as a stick weapon called "White Jack"."

Han Yan said: "So even if it is thrown under the room together with the bridge, it is the same as the colorful ball that can roll 360 degrees. The gashapon under the roof will only slide quickly.

"Before, he hurriedly put on his clothes, looked injured and returned to the entrance to tell the bodyguards about the murder of Kunihisa Hiyama."

So he chose to use the bitter trick and deliberately stepped on the fragments of the cup that Mr. Hiyama smashed into the ground, causing the soles of his feet to be injured and bleed. He used this as a reason to take off his socks. That must be wrong. "

Conan on the side looked at Officer Megure who was repeating the term in confusion, and explained: "If you cut the glass directly with scissors, the glass will directly cut the entire cup into powder.

Under the crane, there is a huge Karasawa hanging in the air, dangling outside like the old guy Hiyama mocking you.

"Yes, you have done everything." Ogi, who was staying inside, heard what Officer Megure said and quickly admitted.

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