Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,308 The Day of Hattori Heiji’s Confession

Amidst the constant apologies from the administrator, Tang Ze and others left the monkey park.

After this farce, the two girls had no intention of continuing to play. They simply wandered around the area. After admiring the beautiful scenery nearby, they returned directly to the city of Kyoto.

Although the monkey episode is a bit unpleasant, Arashiyama is still a good tourist attraction relatively speaking.

Not only is it big enough and the scenery is good, but it also has historical buildings and a variety of choices.

In addition, there are enough places to play around, and there are many hotels and restaurants nearby. These alone are very convenient.

And not only can you enjoy cherry blossoms, but you can also enjoy maple trees in autumn, which is also a big advantage.

There are scenery, historical sites, and even temples, so you can experience different tastes in spring and autumn.

Even with the unpleasantness caused by the monkeys, the four of them decided to come here again to enjoy the maples when autumn comes, and to visit places they had not been to today.

Of course, forget about the Monkey Park. If you can't punish those bullies, just don't mess with them. Besides, it's too disrespectful for people to get angry with animals.

Although he ended his trip and returned to Kyoto ahead of schedule, it was better to say that it was just what Karasawa wanted. After all, the more time he had, the more time Hattori Heiji would have to prepare.

It's a pity that the motorcycle helmet blocked his face, otherwise Karasawa really wanted to use the micro-expression technique to carefully appreciate Hattori Heiji's expression at this moment.

Returning to Kyoto, the two found an open space and parked next to it.

"Where are we going next?" Taking off his helmet, Kazuye looked at the three of them and asked curiously: "Sister Ayako, what are your plans?"

After all, it was Tang Ze and the others who invited him this time, so naturally he had to ask them about their plans.

"Sorry, Kazuha-chan."

Ayako on the side knew Karasawa's follow-up arrangements for Hattori Heiji, so she naturally wanted to provide a good assist: "My company here just told me that there is an urgent matter that we need to deal with, so I won't be able to play with you later. Already."

"Eh?" Heye said regretfully, "I still want to play with you, Ayako-sister, for a while longer."

"It's not a good thing to have unfinished ideas."

Karasawa smiled and said: "This will make you look forward to the next trip more. You can just return the motorcycle Hattori to the fixed location after you use it.

I will send the address to your mobile phone later, and then you can take He Ye for a walk. "


Realizing that the time for confession had arrived, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but become nervous.

However, Karasawa did not give Hattori Heiji any chance to hesitate, and the motorcycle immediately caught fire and evaded him.

Of course, it actually just disappeared from the sight of the two people. As soon as they turned to the side street, the two people stopped the motorcycle.

Soon, the black Mercedes-Benz parked on the roadside opened its door, and a bodyguard in a black suit stepped out and took over Tangze's motorcycle, and disappeared after a while.

"Let's go to Sannoji Temple."

After getting in the car, Karasawa immediately handed over to the driver, and the car turned around and set off towards Sannou Temple.

"What's the way you can see without getting close?" After getting in the car, Ayako looked at Karasawa curiously and asked.

"Don't worry, you'll know when you get closer." Tang Ze smiled mysteriously.

"You're still lying, please tell me quickly." Ayako couldn't help but pinch the soft flesh of Karasawa's waist, but Karasawa couldn't resist and quickly told him his arrangement.

"So, Sannoji Temple is actually equivalent to a live broadcast?"

Ayako had a strange look on her face when she heard this, but her suppressed smile still betrayed her inner joy.

Obviously, although this method was a bit beyond her expectations, this arrangement was very much in line with her wishes.

When she thought of the young couple confessing their love, and they could watch the whole thing through the screen, Ayako couldn't help but smile like an aunt on her face.

The crowd has rushed to the scene, but the person involved on the other side is still there without any action.

Seeing the two figures of Karasawa disappearing quickly, Hattori Heiji felt his pressure suddenly drop.

Feeling the close contact between the beauty behind him and him, Hattori Heiji felt that the back half of his body was numb for a moment.

Even Kazuye felt the stiffness: "What's wrong with you? Your body is suddenly so stiff?"

"Ah, nothing."

Hattori Heiji was shocked when he came back to his senses. He retracted his words as soon as he spoke, but thinking of Karasawa's threat, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, Kazuha, can you accompany me to a place later?"

"Heiji, do you have a goal?" Heye asked curiously.

"Well, that's right." Hattori Heiji scratched his face and said, "It's sort of planned."

"Okay, Heiji, where do you want to go?" Kazuha didn't have any doubts, and asked with a relaxed smile after hearing Hattori Heiji's words.

"You'll know when you get there."

Hattori Heiji greeted Kazuha to get on the car and drove the motorcycle in the direction of Sanno Temple: "That is a very important place to me, so I want to take you to see it too."

"Eh?" Toyama Kazuha was stunned when he heard Hattori Heiji's words, "Is there a place important to Heiji in Kyoto?"

For a moment, Kazuye's heart was in turmoil. Based on the time she had spent with Heiji's childhood sweethearts, she really didn't know that Hattori Heiji had this secret.

"Wait a minute... Speaking of Kyoto, this seems to be the place where Heiji's first girlfriend fell in love!"

Because he had encountered a case in Kyoto some time ago, and it also involved Hattori Heiji's search for his first love at that time, Kazuha was still very impressed by this incident.

Hearing what Hattori Heiji said, Kazuha immediately became alert.

"Probably not?"

He Ye comforted himself like this, but the motorcycle kept driving towards the distance.

As the journey progressed, Heye's heart sank more and more.

Because these roads are gradually becoming familiar to her, and the only roads she can be familiar with in Kyoto are places she has been to before.

And unfortunately, she remembered the road.

This is the road leading to Sannoji Temple.

For a moment, Yuan Shan and Ye were confused.

Thinking of what Hattori Heiji just said was important and even planned, Kazuha's bad feeling became stronger.

He Ye couldn't help but think wildly, and even the image of the other's first girlfriend flashed through his mind.

"We've arrived."

Hattori Heiji stopped his motorcycle and took off his helmet. He looked at Kazuha nervously and said, "Let's go in."

"Isn't this Sannoji Temple?"

Yuan Shan and Ye could no longer hold back and asked, "Why did you bring me here? You're not bringing me to meet your first love, are you?"

Hearing Kazuha's words, Hattori Heiji couldn't help being surprised, and then he became nervous instantly. His calm brain actually ignored the news that Kazuha didn't know the inside story of his first love, and responded directly: "Yes, my first love..."

"What the hell, you bastard, you asked me to accompany you to pick up your first love... Are you kidding me?"

Hearing Hattori Heiji's words, his heart beat like a knife with Ye, and he kept asking questions in his heart, but on the surface he couldn't say a word.

But the whole person's expression darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But once the words were spoken, there was naturally no way to take them back.

Seeing Kazuha's suddenly hurt expression, Hattori Heiji, who came back to his senses, wished he could give himself a slap.

Obviously, he also realized that due to the information gap, what he just said had caused heavy harm to Heye.

But now that the matter has come to an end, Hattori Heiji is already riding a tiger, and if he doesn't confess, he may not be able to resolve the misunderstanding at all.

And in this case, what will happen next, even Hattori Heiji, who is not emotionally intelligent, knows that the result will definitely be very bad.

Alienation is certain, even if someone takes advantage of you...

Tang for a time

Sawa's words kept flashing through Hattori Heiji's mind, which boosted his morale and gave him the determination to "fight to the last resort."

"Anyway, just come with me first."

Forced into a desperate situation, Hattori Heiji also showed his courage as a man. He grabbed Kazuye's hand before she could open her mouth and pulled Kazuye towards the temple.

"Wait for me here, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Walking all the way to the cherry blossom trees in the temple, Hattori Heiji pointed at Kazuha without waiting for anything to say, and shouted in a very serious tone: "You must not move!! Hara! Ground! Stand! OK!"

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed the sky red, and the breeze blew under the cherry blossom trees in the ancient temple, bringing bursts of cherry blossom rain.

But Kazuha, who was here at this moment, had no intention of appreciating this beautiful scenery. He just looked at Hattori Heiji's retreating back, feeling that the other party was leaving him.

"Is he going to bring his first girlfriend to me?"

"How will I face him later?"

"It turns out he doesn't like me at all..."

Thoughts kept flashing in Heye's mind, and her heart became lower and lower.

She even wondered if she shouldn't have come to Kyoto, otherwise she wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing.

For a moment, she had the idea of ​​​​escape from Kyoto and this sad place.


While Toyama and Ye were thinking wildly, Hattori Heiji suddenly appeared and threw a ball at her.

Hattori Heiji asked Karasawa to help prepare this ball. It was at the door of the room in the nearby temple. He ran over and quickly found the ball there.

When the ball rolled on the ground and came to Heye's feet, she subconsciously stopped the ball and stared blankly at the ball at her feet.

The expected picture was completely inconsistent with the actual picture. I didn't know what Hattori Heiji was doing and I was stunned for a while.

Subconsciously, she picked up the ball on the ground, and the familiar feeling of déjà vu became stronger.

"I wonder if you are still willing to sing the "ball song" for me again? "


Hattori Heiji's words made Kazuha stunned for a moment and made a confused sound: "What do you mean?"

"Do you still remember that you were dressed up by a relative and came to Sanno Temple to look for me, but when you didn't find me, you just stood under this tree, shooting a ball and singing?"

Hattori Heiji explained: "I was actually present at the time, but I didn't recognize you.

Later, I kept looking for that girl from back then, and I didn’t realize it until the Sannoji case we went through together some time ago.

You are..."

Although not all the words were spoken, Hattori Heiji believed that Kazuha had understood what he wanted to express.

However, this is a confession that only occurs once in a lifetime, how could it end so abruptly?

Hattori Heiji believed that if he didn't fully express his feelings here, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

At this moment, Heiji's abdomen seemed to return to the nights he spent tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Repeated confession deductions, the courage he mustered up and wasted in vain again and again seemed to be reincarnated, constantly playing out in his brain.

And unlike the previous simulations that had no results, this one is a one-time reality!

And Hattori Heiji, at this moment, showed his courage as a man and seized the opportunity!

The courage that he didn't know where to vent day and night came back again, and Hattori Heiji said decisively: "That is my first love, it was, and it is now!"

After speaking the words, Hattori Heiji's twinkling eyes finally turned firm. He looked directly into Kazuya's panicked and shy eyes and said, "Now, can I ask you to be my first love again?"

This time, it is not the heartbeat of ignorance and longing, but the first love that only happens once in life! "

Facing Hattori Heiji's serious eyes, he became panicked because he was shy.

The chaotic Yuanshan and Ye gradually calmed down.

When she heard Hattori Heiji's words of confession, her eyes were filled with joy, and her heart beat gradually turned into joy.

"I..." Kazuha met Hattori Heiji's focused gaze, and the shyness on his face finally turned into joy and emotion: "I am willing..."


Hearing that his sweetheart agreed to his confession, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but feel happy, and subconsciously approached Kazuha who was standing under the cherry blossom tree.

Under the romantic scene, the tender and charming Kazuha, with a shy face, struck Hattori Heiji's heart in an instant.

He instinctively took He Ye's hand and pulled him in front of him.

Kazuha looked up at Hattori Heiji's once sharp eyes that were now full of tenderness, as if he had already foreseen what was going to happen next.

And looking at the face so close at hand and the eyes that were quietly closed, Hattori Heiji rarely relied on his brain, but Fu Ling lowered his head and kissed her.

"Ah! Kiss, kiss, kiss!!"

On the road outside Shanneng Temple, a shiny black Mercedes-Benz was parked here. The driver's seat in front was blocked by the fender, leaving only the two people behind the car enjoying the world of eating melon.

When he saw Hattori Heiji's bold confession, and the words of the confession were in line with the romance that belonged to the two of them, Karasawa quietly gave Hattori Heiji a thumbs up in his heart.

Although this kid looked very happy and was even more timid when preparing in advance, when it really came to a critical moment, he really didn't lose his chain at all.

It can only be said that he is a guy who has experienced many cases and crises. Even though he has little experience, his good psychological quality still allows him to execute the confession perfectly.

But now, Hattori Heiji has embraced the beauty, and Karasawa and the others are enjoying themselves.

Well, win-win!

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