Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,310 Continue to figure it out~

Looking at the intimate movements of the two of them almost touching each other at the end of the meal, Tang Ze could already foresee a series of events that would start when the two adults discovered that their relationship had changed.

It's nothing more than asking each other, and then colluding to blackmail the two of them into confessing their relationship honestly, and finally learning the various reactions of the two of them after learning about their relationship.

Of course, the reaction of beating mandarin ducks can be eliminated directly. After all, the parents of both families are happy with their thoughts.

But that’s what makes it more interesting.

Presumably, the two families will sit together to discuss the matter at that time, but the person involved will have to listen to the corresponding guidance in front of his parents and familiar uncles and aunts.

It's interesting to think about.

Looking at Hattori Heiji who was indulging in happiness, Karasawa decided not to tell Hattori Heiji.

Let him enjoy the beauty of love for the time being.

As for the embarrassing thing of being able to deduct three bedrooms and one living room when meeting his parents, naturally it is better not to tell him.

After all, if you are mentally prepared, it will not be fun.

Although he can't see it, it doesn't stop him from digging a hole for the young couple~

Moreover, it would be pointless if the two of them were on guard and started to hide their suspicions.

So the fun man Tang Ze decided not to intervene this time and let the situation develop.

Although I definitely won't be able to watch the live broadcast, it's not like I can't find out what happened from Shizuka Hattori in the future.

After all, he was also the driving force behind the friendship between Qin and Jin. Hattori Shizuka thanked him before it was too late, and he definitely didn't mind telling him about the two of them.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze couldn't help but wipe the corner of his mouth with a smile as he looked at the two of them.

"What are you planning again?"

Hattori Heiji, who was joking with Kazuha on the side, felt a chill, and then immediately looked at Karasawa opposite him with caution.

"Hey, you didn't even look at me just now, why did you suddenly accuse me of my innocence?"

Karasawa looked at Hattori Heiji's vigilant look. Although he was surprised on the inside as to why the other party suddenly sensed his plot, on the surface he still pretended to be unhappy and retorted.

"Hmph, I saw it out of the corner of my eye."

Hattori Heiji heard this and sneered: "When you looked at us two laughing just now, you had very bad intentions."

"Karasawa Criminal, you're not setting any trap for us again, are you?"

After hearing what his sweetheart said, Kazuye on the side also looked wary: "Please don't, Sister Ayako, you have to watch Karasawa Criminal carefully and don't let him tease us again!"

Obviously, just after Hattori Heiji had confessed to her, Karasawa appeared later with a face full of teasing, which also aroused her vigilance.

Obviously, she was also afraid of what Tang Ze would do again, something embarrassing that would make people want to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

"Of course not, you misunderstood."

Although he was surprised by Hattori Heiji's vigilance, this kind of trap is something that everyone must go through. There was no need to dig a hole. The young couple would eventually reach that point.

"Really?" Hattori Heiji said suspiciously.


Seeing that Hattori Heiji still didn't believe it, Karasawa said directly: "Actually, I just want to help you today.

We'll stay one night, and Ayako and I will fly away tomorrow. "

"Eh? Want to leave? Where to go?"

Hearing Karasawa's words, Hattori Heiji believed that the other party would not bother them anymore. After all, they stayed for one night and then left, and there was no time to think about it.

"Let's go to the country of Yu." Ayako said with a smile: "Karasawa said we haven't gone out together for a long time recently, so we took a vacation and went traveling together."

"Wow, are you going on your honeymoon?" He Ye Wenyan said with longing in his eyes, "It would be great to travel overseas~"

"If you have time, you can go together." Ayako said with a smile.

"We are still students, we don't have that time." He Ye Wenyan's cheeks turned red, obviously worried.

A little shy.

"You can plan it first." Tang Ze said with a smile, "We can implement it during the winter vacation or summer vacation."

"We'll talk about it later, we'll talk about it later..."

Seeing that the travel plan was finally implemented, Hattori Heiji quickly started to shirk the situation. Apparently, he was a bit thin-skinned as he had just confirmed his relationship with Kazuha, and he was a little shy at the thought of the two of them traveling.

If it were an experienced driver, he would not miss such a good assist opportunity.

However, thanks to Ayako's explanation, the two young men breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is indeed gratifying to have confirmed their relationship, it is indeed overwhelming to have a friend next to them who constantly teases them.

After feeling reassured, Heye's gratitude became even stronger.

After all, in He Ye's opinion, Tang Ze and the two of them, who originally planned to fly directly to the country of Yu, came to Kyoto specifically for their matters, which is indeed worthy of their gratitude.

But how could the innocent Kazuha know that the two of Karasawa encouraged Hattori Heiji to confess their love purely for the sake of this melon.

And if he had known that Hattori Heiji's confession scene was broadcast live throughout the entire process, he would probably have scolded the two of them for their bad behavior at this moment.

Of course, He Ye, who had no idea now, was still full of gratitude.

After a pleasant meal, Hattori Heiji discussed with Kazuha and finally decided to stay here for one night before returning to Osaka.

So after dinner, we casually walked around the streets until about eight o'clock, and then the four of us went back to the hotel.

Of course, when it comes to accommodation, the boys must share a room with the girls. Even if Karasawa wants to share a room with Ayako, Kazuha will come over and beg to let Ayako share a room with her.

Even if the two have confirmed their relationship, it is still too fast for the two young people to move into a room so quickly.

Not to mention Kazuha, even Hattori Heiji was a little timid, fearing that if he accidentally fired his gun and went back, his father and the father from Toyama would join forces and beat him up.

After the two parties separated, they went back to the house. As soon as the girl entered the house, Kazuye started to giggle.

"Congratulations, Kazuha-chan." Ayako looked at Kazuha with a smile and said, "Finally you got what you wanted."

"Hey, thank you, Ayako-sama."

Heye Wenyan said happily: "I didn't expect that I would be confessed to by that guy Heiji today.

It's like a dream, it feels so unreal, hehehe..."

After saying this, Kazuha just lay down on the bed and started to giggle. Ayako couldn't help but smile: "Would you like me to pinch you to see if it hurts?"

"Well, let's try..."

To say that love really makes people crazy, Ayako's joking words, after thinking about it for a while, Kazuha directly agreed.

Ayako had no choice but to go over and pinch Kazuya's face, and said helplessly: "Does it hurt?"

"A bit..." After Kazuye took off the collar, he still couldn't help but giggle.

"I don't care about you, you can continue to have fun." Ayako smiled helplessly: "I'm going to wash up first, you can just be in a daze for now."

"Yes." Kazuha nodded, then looked at Ayako and said, "Sister Ayako, thank you."

"Why are you saying thank you all of a sudden?" Ayako was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise.

"Actually, it goes without saying that I know that there must be a reason for Heiji to confess to me this time."

Kazuo smiled and said, "It must be Tangze Criminal who is pushing him behind the scenes.

I wasn't sure before, but after hearing what Karasawa said that Heiji planned this trip to Kyoto, I knew it must be Karasawa Criminal who was behind it.

After all, Heiji didn't have the guts to plan all of this carefully. Otherwise, he should have confessed long ago, and he wouldn't have waited until this day.

After all, it has been a long time since the last case at Sannou Temple.

If he had the guts, he would have said so. "

"You know Heiji quite well." Ayako couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"Of course, he and I grew up together."

Kazuha smiled and said: "The main reason is that when Karasawa Criminal said those words, Heiji's expression was a little unnatural. It was the same as when he was lying. I could tell at a glance."

Hattori Heiji was just a little embarrassed at the time and was too embarrassed to claim "credit", but then Kazuha saw through it.

It is said that a woman is a detective when she is in love. Sure enough, her understanding of her sweetheart is beyond the reach of ordinary people.


Ayako looked at Kazuha, who had been enjoying herself for a year, and smiled meaningfully: "Then, does this also prove that your eyes have always been on Hattori-kun?"

Ayako's words instantly "sinked" Kazuha. In an instant, her face turned extremely red and she stammered and couldn't speak a word.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Ayako saw that Kazuha was too shy to speak again, so she stopped teasing Kazuha and turned around to wash up.

Compared with the harmonious girls' room, the boys' room seems less peaceful.

Karasawa, who entered the door with his back foot, had just closed the door when Hattori Heiji, who entered the door with his front foot, waved his claws like a wild beast and rushed towards Karasawa.

But Karasawa's reaction was so quick. Before Hattori Heiji's hands even touched Karasawa's body, he accurately stopped him with his same claws.

The two hands intertwined and started wrestling in an instant.

"You seem to be very angry. Is it because I ruined your good deeds by living in the same room with you?"

Faced with the constant exertion of Hattori Heiji's hands, Karasawa was able to resist the opponent's power with ease, while still teasing him.

"No need to say more nonsense!" Hattori Heiji increased his strength with both hands to overpower Karasawa: "You know why I am looking for you to settle the score now!"...

"Didn't I just record your confession so that you can recall it later?"

Tang Ze felt the increased strength in his hands, but he still remained firm and said with a smile, "You don't need to thank me for that kind of thing."

"Who wants to thank you!" Hattori Heiji roared angrily: "Hand over the backup to me!!"

"The backup has been backed up by my artificial intelligence "detective", and with its level of power, the chance that you want to destroy it is zero. "

Karasawa's tone was playful: "So the possibility that you want me to hand it over is basically zero!"

When he said the last word, Karasawa's arm suddenly exerted force, directly overwhelming Hattori Heiji's strength.

"It hurts, it hurts!!"

Being overpowered by Karasawa's backhand, Hattori Heiji immediately started shouting.

"Young man, if you still want to threaten me with force, you are still too young."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Anyway, I will definitely keep this video of yours. Just give up on this and forget about it and be happy that you have a girlfriend."

"You guy!" Hattori Heiji said depressedly after hearing this: "I knew I would be plotted by you like this..."

"What, you still regret it?" Tangze interrupted him and asked with raised eyebrows.


Hattori Heiji thought about it and found that he was a little reluctant, so he stopped talking in embarrassment.

"That's right."

Karasawa patted Hattori Heiji on the shoulder and said, "Forget about this unpleasantness and just enjoy the joy.

And you are still thin-skinned now. As time goes by, you won't feel that there is anything embarrassing about it.

When the time comes, you will, as I said, thank me for helping you record it all. "

"Then if I don't do what you said, you promise not to show it to others without my permission!" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but demand.

"No problem." Tang Ze heard this

He immediately agreed.

"Eh? So happy?" Hattori Heiji couldn't help but look surprised when he heard that Karasawa directly agreed.

"Because I know you will definitely take out this commemorative video when the time comes."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "Maybe it was at a wedding, or maybe it was on a certain anniversary, so

Your request is not a problem for me. "

"It's impossible. Even if I starve to death, even if I jump from here, there's no way I can do these things!"

At this moment, Hattori Heiji, who had such a concept, vowed to make a false decision. However, looking at Hattori Heiji like an old general on the stage with flags all over the stage, Karasawa smiled and said nothing.

If he had only made predictions based on the experience of people who had been there before, then when Hattori Heiji said the mantra of the "Law of Moka" he learned from him, he would definitely eat what he said now in the future.

As for Karasawa, he directly took out his mobile phone and clicked the record button in front of Hattori Heiji: "What you said before, say it again, let me use it as evidence."


After Hattori Heiji saw their recording actions, his face was full of vigilance: "What are you planning again?"

"This is not someone's decision made on their own terms."

Tang Ze looked at the phone that was recording the video, deleted the previous two people's words and chose to pause: "So in order to prevent someone from defaulting on the bill, I will let you record a voice in advance."

"Anyway, I've said it before, there's no point in repeating it!" Hattori Heiji was alert and refused to repeat what he said again.

Even if that was indeed what he was thinking now, once Tang Ze planned to record it, he couldn't help but start to be wary.

There is no way, he already has "ptsd Karasawa Stress Syndrome", as long as it involves himself, he can't help but want to take precautions.

"I'm just leaving a piece of evidence to see if what you say now will slap you in the face."

Seeing Hattori Heiji's cautious look, Karasawa knew that his usual methods were useless, and simply threatened: "Hurry up and repeat the change, otherwise don't blame me for sending the video, for example..." Transcoding has been serious recently, Let us be more motivated and update faster. Please use your little hands to exit the reading mode. Thanks

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