Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1315: Elope and go on a date~

Although she didn't speak, the shyness on Xiaolan's face was not concealed at all.

Although the little daughter's shy look was still a little green, she was still charming and charming.

That look made Kudo Shinichi realize something unconsciously.

When Xiaolan found out, although her sweetheart's gaze made her feel slightly happy, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him and asked shyly, "What are you doing!?"

"Ah, it's nothing..." Kudo Shinichi scratched his head and replied awkwardly: "I'm just a little happy that I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Really?" Xiaolan knew that Shinichi's answer was inappropriate and was changing the subject, but she still asked.

"Really, really." Kudo Shinichi nodded repeatedly, as if he really thought so, instead of being stunned by the other person's face before.

But this normal interaction between the two of them turned out to be flirting in the eyes of an old father.

"Hey, you kid, stay away from my daughter!" Sensing the danger of his little cotton-padded jacket being abducted, Mouri Kogoro immediately came between the two of them and forcibly separated the two who were getting closer.

"Dad, what are you doing!"

Xiaolan was forcibly interrupted by her father and said dissatisfied: "It took a lot of effort for Shinichi and I to meet."

"That's not okay!" Mouri Kogoro said angrily: "This kid has bad intentions at first glance, stay away from him!"

"I heard from Conan that you and Lady Diana made an appointment to meet at night?"

Faced with the dissatisfaction of his father-in-law, Kudo Shinichi directly ignored Mouri Kogoro's words, looked at Xiaolan and asked.

"Yes." Xiaolan nodded when she heard this: "We made an appointment tonight, what's the matter?"

"In that case, how about we hang out together during the day?" Kudo Shinichi bravely extended an invitation to Xiaolan in front of Mouri Kogoro's words.

"Impossible!" Mouri Kogoro was furious when he heard this, and yelled: "As long as I am here today, you can't even think of taking my precious daughter out."

"Well, calm down." Dr. Ari on the side saw Mouri Kogoro's furious expression. He remembered the explanation in Conan's text message and quickly reached out to stop Mouri Kogoro.

"Come with me!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity blocked by Dr. Agasa, Kudo Shinichi grabbed Xiaolan's hand and pulled her towards the car parked not far away by Karasawa.

Although Xiaolan was shocked by this sudden turn of events, the person holding her hand was her sweetheart. She didn't resist at all and ran away along with Kudo Shinichi's pulling force.

It wasn't until the two of them had put some distance between them that Mouri Kogoro realized what he was doing and couldn't help but get furious.

But he wanted to catch up, but Dr. Ali was still blocking him. Seeing this change, he understood Kudo Shinichi's plan and worked harder to stop him.

Although the old man Dr. Agasa certainly couldn't stop the furious Mouri Kogoro, just this moment of obstruction had already made the two young people distance themselves.

By the time Mouri Kogoro took steps to catch up, Kudo Shinichi had already led Xiaolan to Karasawa's car parked on the roadside.


After opening the car door, Kudo Shinichi pulled Xiaolan into the car and closed the door directly. Looking at Mouri Kogoro running towards him through the car window, Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but said nervously: "Drive quickly!!"

"You kid, is this the clever plan you were talking about?"

The main driver, Karasawa, was speechless when he saw Kudo Shinichi's "elopement in person" operation, but he kept closing the door with his hands.

"Eh? Tang Ze Criminal?" Xiaolan looked surprised when she heard what the driver in the front seat said: "Why are you here?"

"Well, it's a long story, but to put it simply, it must be a coincidence." Karasawa smiled and started to slowly start the car.

"Hey, open the door!"

After a while, Mouri Kogoro rushed up and pulled the car door, but because the car door was locked by Karasawa, there was no way to do it.

"Uncle Maori, I will take Xiaolan to visit the country first, and I promise to bring it back to you later. It won't be late at night.

Delaying your meeting with Lady Diana. "

Opening the window a little, Kudo Shinichi said with a smile: "Then there's no need to give it away. Uncle Maori, please let go of your hands and don't get pinched!"

As he spoke, he closed the crack in the window that no finger could reach through, leaving only Mouri Kogoro outside the car, smashing the car helplessly and furiously.

But unfortunately, after slowly accelerating, the car immediately overtook Mouri Kogoro's manpower pursuit, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Damn boy, don't let me see you next time!!" Mouri Kogoro roared angrily as he looked at the car driving away. He was obviously very unhappy with the young boy who kidnapped his daughter.

"Wow... next time I get beaten up by Uncle Mouri, you have to stop me."

Looking at Moori Kogoro jumping in anger behind the car, Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but shrink his neck and felt his head go cold.

After all, he is the one who knows the power of Kogoro Mouri's fists best. After all, he was beaten frequently when he was wandering around the crime scene as Conan.

Because of this, he didn't want to experience it again. After all, with this angry look on his face, he would definitely hit him all over the head next time they met.

"Then when you took me away, why didn't you think about these consequences?" Xiaolan smiled after hearing this.

"After all, opportunities are rare."

Kudo Shinichi heard this and took Xiaolan's hand and smiled: "I only have one day today, so naturally I want to spend more time with you.

As for the subsequent consequences, they can only be left to me to bear. "


Hearing her sweetheart's words, Xiaolan's face was moved. The atmosphere between the two seemed to turn pink in an instant, and the eyes between the two looked at each other as if they could be drawn together.


But the next moment, a cough in the front row instantly interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere between the two, and the two were so frightened that they quickly put away their bodies and distanced themselves to avoid suspicion.

"If you want me to be the driver, there must be a destination, right?" Tang Ze seemed not to notice anything, looking straight ahead and asked: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Baker Street!"

Before Kudo Shinichi could speak, Xiaolan blurted out immediately after hearing Karasawa's words.

Looking at the surprised look in Kudo Shinichi's eyes, Xiaolan smiled sheepishly and said, "Since you have come to the country of Yu, you must want to go there and visit it. There is only one day, and I don't want you to miss it. …”


Seeing that the ambiguous atmosphere between the two was rising again, Tang Ze silently pulled up the partition board and acted as the driver honestly.

After all, out of sight is out of mind, and it’s not easy for a young couple to meet again, so it’s better not to be a light bulb.

In this space that belongs to only two people, two young men and women who have not seen each other for a long time are quietly enjoying this moment of tranquility that belongs to them alone.

When you meet someone you like, even if you just stay together and don't do anything, you can still feel peaceful and happy inside.

What's more, the two of them are no longer so strange to each other. Even though they are still a little unfamiliar with each other as a couple, they are childhood sweethearts who have lived together for so long, so there will naturally be no shortage of topics to talk about.

And perhaps because of the excitement of seeing her sweetheart, Xiaolan seemed to want to say all the words accumulated in her heart, and she didn't stop at all along the way.

Kudo Shinichi, however, did not feel awkward. Instead, he played the role of a listener in a good-natured manner. His frequent responses meant that he listened carefully to every word of the other party.

However, looking at Xiaolan's bright eyes and smiling face, Kudo Shinichi's face looked as usual, but his heart was filled with waves of impulses.

He wanted to kiss her. This was not only the sense of urgency caused by his friend's progress catching up with him, but also the impulse of his inner feelings that had been accumulated to this day.

That impulse kept urging him forward, but the tension and rationality in his brain really prevented him from being so impulsive.

And just these two

Amidst the emotional entanglement and torture, the two of them arrived at their destination.

"So fast?"

After opening the baffle between the driver and the back seat, Kudo Shinichi said in surprise.

"It's not fast, this is the normal speed."

Tang Ze said angrily: "You two lovers are stuck together, so you won't feel that time flies by so fast.

Okay, hurry up and get down, I have to leave. You two can just take the subway for the rest of the trip. English won't be difficult for you anyway. "

The two of them blushed at what Tang Ze said, and then unknowingly accelerated the speed of getting out of the car.

After all, there is a light bulb, and he is a "senior" who constantly teases the two of them. The two young people who have just started dating are really unable to resist.

Not so thick-skinned.

"You guys go and play. If you can't find a car to go back at night, you can call me again."

After Tang Ze watched the two of them explain themselves, he added: "Of course, it would be better if we didn't fight. You two, just have fun here. I'll leave first."

With that said, regardless of the two people's reactions, Tang Ze started the car and left.

Of course, he was only leaving temporarily. After all, he had not forgotten that a case would happen later, so he just temporarily disappeared on Baker Street and would drive back after the two of them entered.

Looking at the car driving away, the two people who didn't know Tangze's plan realized that only each other was left, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

But soon, Kudo Shinichi took Xiaolan's hand and said with a smile: "Let's go."

"Yes!" Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a bright smile on her face.

After buying the tickets, the two entered 221b Baker Street.

Looking at the chemical analysis workbench used by Sherlock Holmes, the classical clocks and decorations, even Kudo Shinichi, who was on a date, was instantly fascinated by the scenery in front of him.

"It truly deserves to be a Sherlock Holmes museum!" Shinichi Kudo looked around and exclaimed: "It's really amazing!!"

Not caring about what to say to Xiaolan, Kudo Shinichi immediately came to Holmes' stool, looked at the staff member pretending to be Holmes and asked in English: "Can I sit on it?"

"Of course, please."

Hearing Kudo Shinichi's words, Holmes smiled and made a "please" gesture.


After thanking him, Kudo Shinichi couldn't wait to sit on his seat, touching here and there excitedly.

While looking at Shinichi who was as excited as a child, Xiaolan unconsciously showed a smile on her face.

She had already foreseen this scene when she chose this place as her first stop.

Because she has always known what Shinichi likes.

"Sorry, I was a little too excited."

After getting up from the chair, Kudo Shinichi said embarrassedly as he looked at Xiaolan who was smiling at the side.

"It's okay. After all, I know that you are a die-hard Sherlock Holmes fan."

Xiaolan smiled and said, "I would be surprised if you didn't react like this."

"Okay, let's go up there and have a look." Kudo Shinichi smiled sheepishly, then took Xiaolan's hand and went upstairs to visit.

After the visit, the two of them went to the souvenir shop nearby to buy souvenirs.

After finishing, the two walked out of the store. Xiaolan happily stuffed the souvenir into her bag, looked at Shinichi and asked with a smile: "Where should we go next?"

"Let's go to Big Ben." Kudo Shinichi couldn't help but say, thinking of the advice Karasawa gave him while waiting in the car.

"Okay, I've heard that Big Ben is famous before, so let's go and have a look." Xiaolan happily agreed after hearing Shinichi's suggestion.

The two of them decided on their next stop and walked towards the subway station next to them.

But when they didn't pay attention to

Where he noticed, Tangze's car parked quietly. Then Tangze, who was hiding behind the wall, watched the two people leaving, and slowly waited quietly at the entrance of the Sherlock Holmes Museum.

According to his memory of the plot, the case was triggered when Conan and the others had just gotten off the plane and headed to Baker Street.

And now, because of his early intervention, Conan, who was supposed to meet the helper and trigger the case here, has now turned into a happy date between Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan.

In order to prevent this case from being ignored and turned into a tragedy, Tang Ze could only "reluctantly" take over and be responsible for handling the case.

Well, there is no other way. He has to work hard for his life, so he can only reluctantly reward himself with the reward for preventing the case.

However, because he didn't know the time, Tang Ze could only wait patiently here.

On the other side, Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan were having a great time.

Next to the Thames River, the two people walked hand in hand towards Big Ben.

At this moment, Xiaolan felt everything was like a dream.

Although Conan had said before that Shinichi would come back this month and secretly give her a surprise.

But in fact, she didn't have any high expectations in her heart. It was just that Conan said that the reality was not yet a month, so she retained some basic expectations.

And during this trip to the country of Yu, she really didn't expect Xinyi to show up at all.

Feeling the warmth of her palms, Xiaolan felt dizzy, as if she was in a dream, and felt that everything was so unreal.

However, the warmth in her palms really told her that the opposite was not happening in her dreams, and it was now happening in reality.

And she herself is experiencing all this.

Peach trees are planted in my heart, and peach blossoms are shining brightly.

At this moment, the two of them only have each other in their eyes.

ps: Happy New Year to everyone~

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