Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1321 Tang Ze’s Arrangement


Following Tang Ze's words, everyone couldn't help but feel scared.

If everything is really as Karasawa said, then I'm afraid they really can't find the bomb for the money they spent on the bomb explosion.

Because they don't suspect the victim, they naturally don't even think about checking the other person's belongings.

But if the prisoner can really deliver the bomb to Mrs. Gino, it will really be dark under the lamp.

"Then what method did the prisoner plan to use to deliver the bomb to mother?" Minerba frowned slightly and said, "Normal people should not accept such a dangerous thing."

"There are many ways, but when it comes to the stadium, it should be giving gifts."

Alva was not a brainless waste. After Tangze's reminder, he immediately thought of the means by which the prisoner might commit the crime.

"Yes, I think so too."

Karasawa nodded and said: "As Miss Minerba's mother, I think she should also receive many gifts from the audience who want her to help deliver them to Minerba.

Things like flowers are basically obvious at a glance, but if it is other gifts, you need to be more cautious.

Gifts that can hide things inside, such as tennis balls and dolls, are highly likely to be used by Hades to deliver bombs.

He doesn't even need to take action himself. He only needs to use the excuse that he is in an emergency and entrust a fan to help deliver it, and he can easily drop the bomb. "

"After that, we will focus on checking the gifts sent by fans." Alva said with a serious face: "I promise not to let dangerous items like bombs get close to you, madam!"

"It's best to ask Mrs. Gino to accept it first, and then arrange for someone to go to the bathroom to help you."

Karasawa reminded: "If Hades wants to use this method to deliver a bomb, then he must ensure that the bomb is accurately delivered to Mrs. Gino.

After all, some people are also very greedy and may swallow the gifts privately.

But killing innocent spectators means nothing to Hades. His purpose is revenge.

Therefore, he will probably entrust the doll to the fan, and then quietly follow the fan to monitor whether the fan has given the "gift" to him or not.

So if your actions are not secretive enough and the other party discovers that you are monitoring the bomb, the bomb may be detonated immediately. "

"I understand!" After hearing what they said, Alva said solemnly: "I will arrange for the bomb disposal team to go to the bathroom to respond. All actions must be absolutely secretive!"

"Then please." Hearing what the other party said, Tang Ze nodded with relief.

This is the advantage of having local criminal cooperation. Sufficient manpower means that he does not need to do it himself, and he does every link personally.

Moreover, for professional matters such as bomb disposal, he does not need to take risks or spend precious one-time consumable props to dismantle it. He only needs to take the step of a professional bomb disposal expert to deal with this non-urgent situation. .

This is also the reason why Tangze relaxed after seeing Alva's cooperative attitude.

Although the brain is not good, it does not mean that others cannot play support. After taking on the role of the brain, as long as the other party is willing to accept the arrangement, it can also play a great role.

As for why Tang Ze asked him to arrange for people to respond in the bathroom, but the other party had no objection at all, it was also because this was the most reasonable arrangement.

First of all, if you go to other places, it is likely to arouse the other party's suspicion, but going to the bathroom is a normal thing.

Secondly, Hades is a man. Even if he has completely lost his original appearance due to plastic surgery, it is undeniable that the other person's gender characteristics are still male.

Mrs. Gino is a woman, and this gender difference makes the women's bathroom a natural forbidden area for Hades.

It is absolutely impossible for the other party to follow you into the women's restroom.

In this case, the women's restroom naturally became the best

Safe room.

Mrs. Gino only needed to enter the women's restroom and take out the bomb detected by the police from inside the gift, and she would be safe.

After that, she only needed to go out with the safe gifts to stabilize Hades, the bomber.

And Scotland Yard can sit back and wait for the game to begin, waiting for Minerba and her opponents to enter a protracted battle, giving them enough time to screen out the prisoners.

"That's the overall plan."

Tangze said: "Judging from the intelligence and profiles I collected, there is a high chance that the prisoner will act like this.

No, this is also the most suitable criminal method that I can preform under the same conditions.

If Hades wants to take revenge on you and make you lose your mother, then this is what he has to do. "

"In other words, even Mr. Karasawa can't guarantee that your plan will go smoothly, right?" Minerba frowned upon hearing this, looking very hesitant.

This is also a matter of course. After all, no matter how reasonable Tangze's reasoning is, whether it is logical or probable, it is not reality if he says it ten thousand times.

So Minerba didn't dare to bet on this possibility at all, because for her, this plan was either 100% or zero.

She didn't dare to bet on this plan at all, because no matter how small the discipline was, if it failed, she would lose her mother and even her younger brother.

"I agree with this plan."

Just when Minerba hesitated, Mrs. Gino pushed a wheelchair to Minerba and stopped her: "I know you are worried about me, but worry can't change anything.

And even if we escape this time, if we can't catch Hades, will we have to live in his shadow forever?

I think this time, Mr. Karasawa's reasoning and calculation should be the one with the highest probability of catching the opponent, right? "

"I can't guarantee whether this is the biggest opportunity. After all, no one can guarantee what will happen in the future."

Tang Ze smiled and replied in English: "But I am certain that compared to the previous prisoners, this is probably the first time Alva Criminal has encountered such a good opportunity.

After all, this time we have unlocked the prisoner's code and even predicted the prisoner's action pattern. It can be said that we have the greatest chance of seizing the opponent's opportunity. "

"That's right."

Alva nodded repeatedly: "In the past few times, we didn't crack the annoying code at all, and we didn't know the specific target of his crime.

With Mr. Karasawa here this time, it is indeed the closest we have ever been to that guy from Hades. "

"Did you hear that?"

Mrs. Gino looked at Minerba and smiled reassuringly: "Since the two professionals said so, then what do I have to be afraid of.

You should also show your strength, fully cooperate with Mr. Criminal's actions, and try to find the prisoner as soon as possible.

This is a search plan designed by Tang Ze Criminal based on the method you used to find me. You should also have more confidence in yourself. "

"I understand, mother." Minerba nodded after hearing this, and immediately looked at the two of them: "I will cooperate, but you must also protect my mother accordingly."

"Don't worry, we will definitely ensure your mother's safety." Alva assured with a solemn expression.

"We can agree on some secret codes."

Seeing Minaba's worried look, Karasawa smiled and said, "You will need to enter the venue to warm up later. It is normal to feel uneasy because we cannot receive news from the outside world in time.

But if we use coded gestures to convey the progress to you in time, you won't be so panicked, right? "

"Okay." After hearing Karasawa's words, Minerba immediately agreed.

"Then leave the rest to us." Seeing Minerba agree, Karasawa smiled and said, "Just leave the rest to us."

"Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Karasawa." Minerba looked at Karasawa and said in a deep voice.

Said: "We must protect the safety of my mother!"

"I will also be with my aunt!" Ares said directly at this moment: "Don't worry, I will definitely protect your aunt's safety!"

"Me too!" Apollo shouted immediately after hearing this: "I also want to protect my mother!!"

"Apollo!" Ares looked at Apollo in a deep voice and said, "The situation is very serious and dangerous. Don't let your sister and mother worry about your safety anymore!"

"We will send someone to accompany Apollo to watch the game at the relatives' seat." After Alva finished speaking, he looked to Minerba for advice.

"Yes." Minerba nodded after hearing this, then looked at Apollo and said, "Obey Apollo, don't worry mother, it'll be fine."


Apollo was still a little reluctant, but Ares squatted down and hugged his shoulders and said, "Believe me, I will definitely protect your mother."

"Ares, you don't have to be like this..." After hearing the man's words, Mrs. Gino's original words of comfort stopped and she sighed with a complicated expression.

Ares and his daughter were originally in love, but once her husband had a car accident while driving to find each other. Since then, Ares has always felt that it was his fault.

Now that the other party insists on being with her who is the most dangerous, he may have a desire to atone or compensate.

"That's my job."

Ares smiled when he heard this and said: "What's more, we also need to dispel the prisoner's wariness, don't we?

As a child, Apollo could go to the relatives seat to watch the game, but I had to go with my aunt to avoid arousing suspicion.

After all, given my aunt's situation, if she is not accompanied by an acquaintance like me, if she is seen by a prisoner, it will naturally arouse suspicion, right?

You all said to be careful, I don't want to make the prisoner wary because of my fault, which will lead to failure in the end. "

After hearing what the other party said, Minerba looked at Ares and met a smiling face. Looking into his eyes, Minerba finally opened her mouth but still didn't say anything.

When things have reached this point, any attempts to stop it will have no effect.

"Then everyone agrees with the plan, so now let's discuss the specific details of the action."

Seeing that the Glass family had reached a consensus, Tang Ze looked at Alva aside and said.

Although you have outlined Tang Ze's plan for this operation in detail before, the specific implementation details still need to be negotiated and optimized.

For example, agreeing with Minerba on the meanings conveyed by various code gestures, such as telling Mrs. Gino in advance how to deal with the discovery of a bomb.

In addition, Alva also needs to deploy female criminals. After all, even if Ares is by his side, it is inconvenient for him to go to the bathroom as a man.

Including the women's restroom, you also need to notify the venue in advance to "book" the next restroom, and then place your own people nearby to act as tourists, so that they can defuse the bomb in time.

In addition, the bomb disposal team also needs to be mobilized quickly, and then enter the scene quietly among the crowd.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, and as time goes by, Mineba also needs to prepare for the competition.

"Then Ares, let's go too." Mrs. Gino in the wheelchair said with a smile.

"Then we'll leave first." Upon hearing this, Ares pushed the wheelchair and left with Mrs. Gino.

As for Alva and Karasawa, they still stayed in the combat center to take overall command of the entire action team.

At the Wimbledon Stadium at this moment, as the game is about to start, more and more spectators begin to enter the stadium with tickets.

And soon, Ares, who entered the venue with a wheelchair, attracted the attention of many Minerba fans.

After recognizing their identities, countless fans gathered around, hoping to take advantage of the relatively generous admission time to talk to the two.

Most of them are just pure fans, but there are also some who have evil intentions.

Looking at Mrs. Gino who was joking with the fans, a middle-aged white man with sinister eyes showed a malicious smile on his face.

Before that, he had already placed a commission through the Internet, using the excuse that he had not bought a ticket to ask the audience who had tickets to help give the gifts he had prepared to Mrs. Gino.

And he gave this entrustment to a young girl. Now all he has to do is to quietly watch the target give the gift he carefully prepared to the target in an inconspicuous corner.

After confirming this, his goal was achieved and he could leave directly.

And Hades' caution did save him.

In fact, Karasawa and Alva also thought about what would happen if Hades personally gave the gift, or found someone nearby to give the gift.

Therefore, criminals responsible for security were specially arranged to ask them to pay attention to the audience receiving gifts.

But it's a pity that Hades also felt that it was a bit obvious for a man to give a gift like a doll, and it might give people some impression.

Therefore, in order not to reveal any flaws, Hades used a more reliable method to deliver the bomb to the target person.

He compensated while waiting quietly, and soon the girl he had entrusted before entering ran to Mrs. Gino with his rag doll and presented the rag doll in her hand to her.

Seeing Mrs. Gino happily accepting the gift and thanking her, Hades had a sneer on his face and immediately walked towards the stadium auditorium.

Thinking of the good show that was about to take place, Hades's face showed a smile that was as ferocious as a devil.

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