Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,335 Ryoma’s Gun Belt

Fortunately, there was only one interview in the morning on Friday. After Tang Ze answered according to the answers he had prepared long ago, Tang Ze quickly ran away.

Instead of going back to his office, he just skipped out of get off work.

There was no way he could do it. Sihuayuan had taken all the tasks he had accumulated in the past few days, which made what should have been a week of leisurely fishing turn into a week for him.

"Boy Karasawa, you came back very early today."

After driving home, as soon as he entered the living room, he saw Suzuki Jirokichi making tea. When he saw him, he smiled and said: "I was waiting for you to come back, but I didn't expect that "Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived."

"Well? What does Uncle Jiroji want to do with me?" After hearing what the other party said, Tangze became a little curious.

"Actually, Kaitou Kidd sent a warning letter this time!" Suzuki Jirokichi said this and his expression became excited, like a child encountering a favorite toy: "We must catch that guy this time!"

"Well?" Hearing Suzuki Jirokichi's words, Karasawa became a little curious: "I don't know much about Sakamoto Ryoma. Does he have any gems worthy of being stolen by Kaito Kid?"

"Yes." Suzuki Jirokichi nodded: "It's the gun belt that Takasugi Shinsaku gave to Ryoma along with the gun.

The gun belt was inlaid with a large ruby. "

"That's really amazing. Uncle Jiroji, you are really clever. You can get these treasures every time."

While praising Suzuki Jirokichi, Karasawa recalled the memories in his mind, trying to find out related cases.

But it's a pity that he actually has no impression of this case, which is a bit strange.

However, he quickly gave up thinking and planned to collect enough information to see if he could recall it again.

"It's a pity that this time it's really not mine."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Suzuki Jirokichi on the side shook his head and said: "The owner of that gun belt said he only wanted to display it and didn't want to sell it, so I can't force it.

In addition, Ryoma’s autographed letters and other precious items were collected by the other party, so I had no choice but to lend the venue to the other party. "

"Then, does Uncle Jiroji know the content of Kaito Kidd's notice letter?" Karasawa asked, "What is the specific content?"

"About this..." When mentioning the content of the notice letter, Suzuki Jirokichi's expression became a little weird: "The content is a little different from the past."

"I will return three treasures at the Ryoma Exhibition currently being held, and will visit at a selected date in the near future. - Kaitou Kidd"

"Return?" Hearing this, Tang Ze had a vague impression, but he still couldn't remember which case it was, so he suppressed his thoughts and asked, "Did I hear correctly?"

"You heard me right, I am returning three treasures."

Suzuki Jirōkichi nodded and said: "I heard that the organizer of this dragon and horse exhibition, Mr. Tarumi Inohiko, also held a dragon and horse exhibition more than 20 years ago. It is estimated that the items were stolen that year.

I asked Mr. Tarumi that the treasure he once lost was an unfinished letter written by Ryoma to his wife Aaron.

The second item is the Omiya wine glass stained with his blood when Ryoma was assassinated.

The last item was the pistol Ryoma had hidden in his arms at that time - Smith Wesson Model 1.

The person who stole these three treasures was not Kaito Kidd, but the Phantom Thief Lady known as the Showa Woman with Twenty Faces! "

"Phantom Girl..." Karasawa was startled when he heard this, and then immediately recalled that this seemed to be the nickname of Kuroba Kaito's mother.

On the side, Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the stunned Karasawa, thinking that the other party didn't know much about this character, so he explained: "We still don't know the relationship between Phantom Girl and Kaitou Kidd.

However, after stealing these three Ryoma treasures, the Phantom Girl stopped committing crimes.

Kaitou Kidd appeared two years after his disappearance.

The police speculated from this that the relationship between the two of them may also be master-disciple. "

"Then there is no specific time or code written in the notice letter, only the four words "Visit in the near future"?" Tang Ze asked after hearing this and nodded.

"Well, there is no specific time." Suzuki Jirokichi nodded: "There is no secret code or anything like that!"

"In other words, there is no specific time. This is not in line with that guy's usual style." Karasawa thought for a while and said: "Nakamori Ginsan Criminal Investigation should want to stop the exhibition, right? Uncle Jiroji, what do you think? ?”

"Of course it won't stop!"

Suzuki Jirokichi said enthusiastically: "It's rare that Kaitou Kidd wants to return the stolen goods, so I plan to wait until he returns the stolen goods before I have a showdown with him!"

"Uncle Jiroji, do you have any plans?" Karasawa asked curiously.

"If you want to capture him, you have to lure him out first, and since it's a return, I'll let him in easily!"

Suzuki Jiroki clenched his right hand in the air: "The opening should be wide, and the closing should be small. This is the basic technique for catching mice!"

"Tomorrow is Saturday, right?" Karasawa thought for a moment and said, "When Ayako and Sonoko come back, I'll ask them if they are interested, and then we can go visit them together."

"Come on, come on, but you just have to give me the finale, you hear me!" Suzuki Jirokichi said: "That guy Kaitou Kidd is my prey, don't take action casually!"

"I know." Looking at the energetic Suzuki Jirokichi, Karasawa helplessly raised his forehead.

Not long after the two talked, Sonoko went home first. When she heard that Suzuki Jirokichi had received another invitation from Kaitou Kid, Sonoko became a nymphomaniac again and shouted that she would take Xiaolan to watch the exhibition with her tomorrow.

At this moment, Karasawa is basically certain that tomorrow will be the day when Kaito Kidd appears.

After all, as a high school student, isn't it natural that you only have time to do your deputy job on Saturdays?

However, because this sacrifice was different from the usual, Karasawa did not make any preparations, but planned to see what tricks Kuroba Douko planned to play.

Ayako didn't come back until lunch time. When she learned about Tang Ze and others' plans for tomorrow, she smiled and agreed.

As for worries, there was nothing to worry about. After all, it was obvious to all that Kaito Kid was dangerous, so just treat it like visiting the Ryoma Exhibition.

So while the group of people were looking forward to it, the next day slowly arrived.

Suzuki Grand Museum.

After getting off the car, Karasawa and others walked towards the gate, where Suzuki Jirokichi was standing at the gate waiting for them.

"Long time no see, Uncle Jiroji." After Tangze and others greeted, Xiaolan also greeted her elders with a smile.

"Yes, this is probably the first time since the Tetsuki incident." Suzuki Jirokichi said with a smile.

"It's really popular." Ayako looked aside with emotion and said, "There are so many customers here, they are already queuing up."

"After all, it's Ryoma fever, and Kaitou Kidd has sent a warning letter."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi smiled and said: "Well, if I were to host it, I would definitely publicize it as much as possible in newspapers and TV!

In this case, the number of guests will definitely skyrocket! "

Speaking of this, Suzuki Jirokichi couldn't help but put his hands on his hips and laughed loudly, as if he was very proud of his own methods.

'This old man is really a common man...'

Conan on the side smiled helplessly when he heard Suzuki Jirokichi's words. After all, only he could do such a wealthy and wealthy method.

“But this time it’s also very strange!”

Sonoko was a little surprised and said, "I didn't expect that my uncle would lend out the venue of the Suzuki Grand Museum for someone else's exhibition."

"Actually, I didn't even have this plan at the beginning."

Hearing what his niece said, Suzuki Jirokichi was a little unhappy when he said this: "But knowing that Kaitou Kidd may come back to steal the exhibits, naturally we cannot leave the responsibility to those outsiders."

"A layman?" Yuanzi asked in surprise.

"Yes." Suzuki Jirokichi nodded and explained, "He is the organizer of this dragon and horse exhibition."

"I remember it was Mr. Tarumi Inohiko, right?" Karasawa recalled.

"Well, he has also held the "Yoshikei Exhibition" and "Nobunaga Exhibition" before. Each time, he took advantage of the craze for historical figures and held exhibitions afterwards."

Suzuki Jirokichi said this with a bit of hatred: "But every time the security guards are so lax, thieves will steal every time, leaving regrets."

"Then why don't you just buy those treasures, Ryoma's gun belt and the like." After hearing Suzuki Jirokichi's words, Sonoko made a rich woman suggestion: "What, is the other party raising the price?"

"That's not true. On the contrary, it's better to say that the price has been discounted a lot."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi smiled and said: "It's just that before buying it, we refused to let our Suzuki appraiser conduct an appraisal. It's a bit difficult to tell whether it is authentic."

"But hasn't this treasure already received an inspection certificate from a famous appraiser?" Xiaolan said in surprise.

"It's better to be careful with antiques." Tang Ze said with a smile: "After all, there are many counterfeiters, and once caught, the losses will be heavy.

Therefore, even if there is an appraisal certificate, you must confirm that it is genuine before purchasing it. Although Uncle Jiroji's approach is cautious, it is the safest. "

This is what he admires most about this old man. Although he spends lavishly on treasures and cultural relics, he also wastes manpower and material resources to compete with Kaitou Kidd.

But in fact, the money spent is really not a waste. To be precise, it should be regarded as an investment.

The small amount of money spent on the battle of wits and courage with Kaitou Kidd is nothing, and it attracts enough attention from a large number of people to visit the museum.

As time goes by, the manpower and material resources spent on the battle of wits and courage come back.

Although the treasure costs a lot of money to buy, it is also an investment. Especially after getting to know it, Karasawa discovered that after Jirokichi Suzuki bought the treasure, he was targeted by Kaitou Kidd and successfully stopped it, and the price increased to varying degrees.

If he didn't really know that the two were not colluding, he would have doubted whether the two were colluding.

It can be said that Suzuki Jiroyoshi's hobby looks like a waste of money, but in fact it is still profitable, but the time span is a bit long, and it can be regarded as a stable investment.

"I actually didn't buy it because I still had another concern..."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi didn't know what Karasawa was thinking. At this moment, he expressed his concerns to everyone with a somewhat hesitant look: "That's whether these things can lure Kidd to the bait."

"But Kaitou Kidd should have taken the bait."

At this moment, a fat-bellied man wearing a yellow suit and a Mediterranean hairstyle led a thin old man in a suit over.

He looked at Suzuki Jirokichi and said with a smile: “His original target seemed to be what the gun belt looked like.

After all, that gun belt was indeed a genuine item that was given to Ryoma by Takasugi Shinsaku.

Am I right, Master Huacun? "

"Yes, judging from the condition of the cowhide, it is indeed an item from a very long time ago." The thin old man nodded and smiled: "And the rubies on the buckle are also very delicately carved.

What's more, Ryoma also specially drew a diagram of the gun belt in the letter, which has to make people believe that it is authentic. "

"Who are these two?" Although he had already made some guesses through his words, Karasawa still asked Suzuki Jirokichi to introduce them.

"This is Mr. Inohiko Tarumi, the organizer of this exhibition."

Suzuki Jirokichi smiled and introduced the fat middle-aged man first, and then introduced the old man: "As for this, Mr. Hanamura Masanosuke, his identification ability is very strong.

Of course, the fees are also very expensive, and appraisal commissions are rarely accepted. "

"Consultant Suzuki should stop teasing me." Masanosuke Hanamura heard this and said with a smile: "If Consultant Suzuki invites you, I will definitely do your best."

"By the way, why don't you all take a look at the treasure with your own eyes." Tarumi Inohiko on the side saw Tang Ze and others and invited with a smile: "Although it hasn't started yet, we can treat it as a preferential treatment."

"Thank you very much!" Yuanzi agreed generously and exquisitely after hearing this. It was obvious that he was accustomed to this kind of exclusive privilege.

Everyone followed Tarumi Inohiko into the exhibition, and soon saw the treasures placed in the display cabinets.

"This is Ryoma's gun belt." Sonoko sighed as she looked at the treasures in the display case.

"It feels very impressive!" Xiaolan also sighed: "And there is also a picture of a gun belt on the letter."

"Eh..." Yuanzi looked at the words on it and said with shame, "But I can't understand any of the words on it..."

"Yes." Ayako agreed.

"This is something that beautiful men hung around their waists in ancient times to store guns and ammunition."

Hanamura Masanosuke heard the words and translated: "This can also be said to be a belt with a scabbard, but it is incredible that no one in New York wears such an interesting and convenient thing now.

This is what Ryoma wrote in the letter. "

"It really sounds like what Ryoma said." Ayako said with a smile.

"Yes." Xiaolan smiled and nodded in agreement.

Conan, on the other hand, seemed a little absent-minded about all this. As he glanced around, his eyes finally locked onto a large vat next to him.

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