Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,337 The day of the notice letter

Although it was said that they noticed the word "cleaning" in the notice letter before, which reminded Tangze and the two of them of "water" and the current weather.

But this is just their preliminary guess. As the intelligence information changes, the inference will also change at any time.

Sonoko's guess was not a useful hint for Conan, but it was just right for Karasawa.

After all, for him, although normal reasoning could not obtain information, with "Ke Xue's reasoning" he was able to reversely confirm the correctness of the reasoning he just said through Yuanzi's guess.

Obviously, Sonoko and Xiaolan's guess that Kaitou Kidd might not be able to use it.

Then the word "cleansing" used by the other party is worth pondering.

It is indeed a bit interesting to think about the case where Kaitou Kidd appears this time, and two more guys, Tarumi Inohiko and Hanamura Masanosuke, whose roles are unknown.

However, there is no evidence yet, and Kaito Kidd is not planning to show up today, so Karasawa decided to wait and see first.

On the other side, after Nakamori Ginzo heard the two girls' speculation, he also denied the speculation and looked directly at Suzuki Jiro Yoshidao: "In short, the Ryoma Exhibition should be suspended tomorrow to prevent guests from entering the exhibition hall. !

In this way, as long as that guy dares to enter here, the exhibition hall only guarded by us will immediately surround that guy!

That would be the perfect opportunity to arrest him! "

"But doesn't he always transform into you or one of your subordinates under such circumstances, and then use sleeping gas to make everyone fall asleep and escape?"

Suzuki Jirokichi on the side looked suspicious after hearing Nakamori Ginzo's plan.

"This time is different."

Nakamori Ginzo said with a proud look on his face: "This time everyone will be equipped with gas masks, and as long as they provide a password in advance as an identification, even if the kid causes confusion, it will not help."

Facing Suzuki Jirokichi, Nakamori Ginzo raised his fist confidently and said: "As long as there are not those tourists who are in the way, we can definitely bring those guys to justice!!"

"It's really hard to agree with this proposal!" Just when Nakamori Ginzo was confidently trying to convince Suzuki Jirokichi, Hanamura Masanosuke interrupted him directly.

While everyone was surprised, Tarumi Inohiko said, "I managed to collect so many antiquities related to Sakamoto Ryoma, and I specially held this Ryoma exhibition just for the world to appreciate!"

"But the current exhibition has to be closed for one day just because of a thief who claims to appear. Is this really appropriate?" Hanamura Masanosuke followed closely.

As soon as the two sang and sang together, Nakamori Ginzo's original plan was completely shattered.

"That's not it..."

Nakamori Ginzo wanted to explain something, but Hanamura Masanosuke on the side spoke again: "Speaking of which, in the teleportation case last time, he almost stopped action because he turned away the customers, right?"

"And this time he is not trying to steal, but is specifically trying to return the three treasures that were stolen from me 20 years ago. If it stops suddenly, it will be troublesome for me!"...

Taru saw Inohiko dissatisfied and said: "In short, your plan will definitely not work. We still have to let the visiting guests come in tomorrow!"

As for whether you can successfully capture Kaitou Kidd, that depends on your ability. "

"Besides that, I hope you can protect me well."

Hanamura Masanosuke looked at Nakamori Ginzo and said: "After Kidd returned the three treasures, for the so-called reward, he has set his sights on the key exhibits this time.

It's the dragon-horse's gun belt inlaid with rubies. "

"Of course, we still trust your criminal handling ability." Taru saw Inohiko smiled and left with his hands behind his back.

"Damn it, if you really trust me, you should be more cooperative!" Nakamori Ginzo complained unhappily.

"But this will be troublesome." Suzuki Jirokichi frowned and said, "If a large number of guests come in by then,

If you say that, the guy can easily blend into the crowd and return the things. "

"I have a way!"

Just when Suzuki Jirokichi and others were in trouble, Conan suddenly said: "It was also written in the notice letter."

"Huh?" Suzuki Jirokichi heard this and took out the notice letter and looked at the content on it and frowned: "Where is it written?"

"Conan is talking about making a fuss about pistols, right?" Karasawa suddenly understood what Conan was up to.

"Yes, the biggest difference this time is that Kidd is not here to steal things, but to return them, and one of the items is a pistol."

Conan smiled and said, "In that case, as long as we set up a detection gate to check if there are any metal objects like in the airport, we can immediately know that the one with the gun is Kidd, right?"

"It does make sense." Ayako agreed after hearing this.

"Conan is really smart!" Xiaolan praised without concealment, but Conan just laughed and said nothing.

On the side, Ginzo Nakamori looked disappointed when he heard this: "In fact, our police have considered this idea of ​​yours, but the superiors do not agree with us."

"Why?" Yuanzi asked puzzled.

"It was mentioned above that a device should be set up at the entrance of the museum to protect things, but if that guy Kaitou Kidd found the device before entering, he would never return the things!" Nakamori Ginzo vividly recounted to his boss. if.

"In that case, how about setting it up alone in front of Ryoma's exhibition hall?" Karasawa thought for a while and suggested: "In order to keep customers stranded, we can put a few more entrances."

"Let me tell you..." Ginzo Nakamori looked at Karasawa with an annoyed look on his face and said, "How can the higher-ups agree to such a proposal? Besides, Kidd is coming tomorrow.

It's too late to start preparing now. "

"You don't understand Suzuki Jirokichi."

Karasawa smiled, and what he said made Suzuki Jiroji burst into laughter.

"This is a really good idea. If you can add X-ray equipment to scan your belongings, it would be perfect!"

Suzuki Jirokichi said boldly: "Don't worry, with the financial resources of our Suzuki Foundation, this is just a trivial matter!

It would be best to use the metal detector to catch that guy at that time, but if someone turns around and leaves after seeing them, that person is Kidd! ”….

At this point, Suzuki Jirokichi waved his hand towards the assistants on standby: "You guys go and prepare the metal detection gate immediately, we have to turn this museum into a giant mousetrap overnight!!"

"Yes!!" All the assistants responded one after another, then turned around and ran to work on the detection door.

"Look, let me just say you don't understand." Karasawa hugged Nakamori Ginzo and smiled: "Okay, just wait and cooperate with tomorrow's arrest operation."

"Haha... He is indeed a rich man." Nakamori Ginzo complained: "The momentum is amazing."

After finishing speaking, Nakamori Ginzo looked at his subordinates sternly: "Listen! That guy Kidd has probably already brought the pistol and other things to the museum beforehand!

I want you to use metal detectors to make sure there is nothing hidden in every corner of this museum!

Search carefully for me, otherwise our plan will not proceed smoothly! "


After the criminals responded, they scattered around and went about their business, and Tang Ze and others did not stick around here. After all, Kaitou Kidd would not come until tomorrow, so there was no point in waiting here.

So everyone made an appointment to come back tomorrow and went home.

The next day.

After breakfast, Karasawa and Ayako went to the Suzuki Museum together.

Today was indeed a cloudy and rainy day as the weather forecast predicted.

The overcast weather made the sky look like dark night, and the rain gradually became heavier and heavier.

But such bad weather did not stop tourists from attending at all.

The enthusiasm of dragon and horse show.

Perhaps some of them came to appreciate the various items in the dragon and horse exhibition, but those were just incidental.

What really attracted them was the arrival of Kaito Kidd today!

"There are so many people."

At the entrance, Ayako, who entered with Karasawa, looked at the crowds of people around her and couldn't help but sigh: "And Uncle Jiroji has really installed so many metal detection doors. The exhibition hall looks like the entrance to an airport."

"Let's go in too."

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Karasawa smiled and grabbed Ayako's hand: "Let's go meet Sonoko and the others first."

After calling on the phone, everyone quickly gathered at the ticket gate, but when they were about to enter, Tangze felt Conan pull him.

"What's wrong?" Karasawa looked at Conan and asked curiously.

"Kansawa Criminal, you forgot, you want to take me to the venue to make some money, and teach me how to catch Kaitou Kidd?" Conan asked with a cute look on his face: "Shall we go now?"

"Oh, yes, I forgot about it." Although Karasawa didn't know why Conan suddenly said this, he still followed the other person's words.

"Then you should follow Kara Ze Criminal closely!" Xiaolan looked at Conan and warned again: "There are so many people here, don't get lost!"

"Don't worry." Conan nodded cutely and assured.

"Are you going to ask the teacher for knowledge again?" Sonoko put her hands on her hips and said with a smile: "Although this is a good thing, but in terms of character, don't be as annoying as that Kudo guy!"

Conan rolled his eyes angrily and didn't want to answer Sonoko's question at all.

"Then go and do your work, Xianyi."….

Ayako smiled and said, "My uncle invited you here to help. We can just wait quietly at the Ryoma Exhibition."

"Okay." Tang Ze nodded after hearing this: "Let's separate here first."

The three girls waved their hands towards Tang Ze and the other two, then turned and entered the exhibition hall. Tang Ze withdrew his gaze and looked at Conan beside him and said, "So. What do you think?"

"Not yet, I just can't figure it out."

Conan looked around and motioned for Karasawa to follow him to a corner: "That Kidd guy clearly mentioned in the notice that he would carry a pistol.

Then he should have expected that the security of the exhibition hall would evolve into such a situation. "

"Perhaps he has already thought of countermeasures." Tang Ze looked at the security gates and said, "Even if it is to return the items, these security measures are still too simple for a thief like him."

"Yes, but what I can't figure out is how exactly he plans to use this rain?"

Conan pondered: "And what does the word "baptism" in the notice letter mean?

I really don’t think he just borrowed Sakamoto Ryoma’s famous saying. "

"Perhaps the cleaning that Kidd is talking about is not rain, but certain people."

Tang Ze's shocking words immediately shocked Conan. He said in disbelief: "What do you mean by this? Are the people Kidd wants to cleanse?"

Isn't this possible? Although that guy is a thief, he doesn't hurt anyone? "

It's no wonder that Conan had such a big reaction. After all, the word "cleansing" has too much meaning, and it can easily make people think of acts like murder.

"You're overthinking. Of course I believe that Kidd won't kill anyone, but that doesn't mean he can't "cleanse" some people with evil intentions. "

Karasawa waved his hand and said, "Although it's just a feeling, don't you think that the attitude of Tarumi and Inohiko when Kaito Kid appeared was a little abnormal?"


Conan was startled when he heard this, then thought about it and said, "Indeed, most people will feel as if they are facing a formidable enemy when faced with Kaitou Kidd's announcement, and they would like the police to provide full protection.

But the two of them seemed to welcome the arrival of Kaitou Kidd. Is it because the other party returned the treasure this time? "

"But Tarumi Inohiko also said that Kaitou Kidd may be eyeing the exhibition.

The most precious gun belt in the world? "

Karasawa said: "The value of this treasure is not worse than the three items that Kidd wants to return, right? But they are not nervous at all. Instead, they want to let tourists enter the exhibition hall to create a favorable environment for Kidd."

"Then what do you mean, they hope that Kaitou Kidd will come?" Conan asked subconsciously: "Then what are they planning?"

"I don't know." Tang Ze shrugged and said, "In the final analysis, this is just a little abnormality that I noticed from their attitude, but the time was a little too short, and I didn't find anything out."

"Well, it seems we need to pay attention to these two guys." Conan said in deep thought, stroking his chin.

"Okay, anyway, let's get to know the environment of the exhibition hall first, and try our best to find out how Kidd can infiltrate."

Karasawa interrupted Conan's musings and said: "Put the initiative in our hands, so that no matter what happens, we can better deal with it."

"Yes." Conan nodded after hearing this. The two of them paid attention to the environment in the exhibition hall, recorded it in their minds, and walked forward.

First of all, the side of the entrance to the Dragon Horse Exhibition is a dead end facing the wall. There is no way to pass it without passing through the detection door.

The only place in the middle is the bathroom, and because of privacy, this is indeed the easiest place to hide people and things.

So the two of them looked at each other and went straight into the men's restroom, intending to take a look at the structure inside the restroom.


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