Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,350 The Priceless Pot

Because I was used to seeing all kinds of unreliable people, I was very cautious when I went to visit Mikihiko.

However, after hearing Karasawa's confident words, Kamitori Mikihiko immediately felt relieved.

After all, they are willing to let you review the manuscript, so they are naturally prepared. Plus, as the two are public officials, they will not let him worry about it.

After solving the worries in his heart, he became more enthusiastic about visiting Mikihiko.

The speed of the elevator was very fast. During the chat, everyone arrived at the 13th floor and the three of them walked out of the elevator.

"Are you Mr. Karasawa?"

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, a young man in front of the elevator door quickly came up and said hello: "I am the assistant director of the show, Hashimoto Zenari. Please come to the lounge with me."

"Those two should go and rest first. I still need to take care of you before the program is recorded, so I can't accompany you two." Mikihiko Kamikata confessed to the two of them and left immediately.

As for Karasawa, they followed the young assistant director in front of them to the lounge.

"This is the lounge, please come in." Hashimoto Zenge smiled and opened the door and invited the two of them to enter.

When they heard the movement at the door, the people inside turned their heads and looked over.

Naturally, Tang Ze and the others also saw the two people resting in the house.

There was a young man with a pot head and narrow eyes with red frames, and an old man wearing a gray-blue kimono with gray hair.

When they saw Tang Ze and the other two people, the two people in the room also stood up to greet them.

"Let me introduce you. This is the first lecturer on today's program, Genichi Karasawa."

As the host, Hashimoto Zenge played his role very well. After introducing Karasawa and the others, he introduced the two people in the room to them.

"This is today's second lecturer, Mr. Tetsushi Yamazaki." Hashimoto Zengei first introduced the young man closer to them.

"Hello." Karasawa and Sihuayuan took out their business cards and handed them to each other, and the other party also handed out their business cards.

"popcorn machine?"

Looking at the business introduction on the business card, Sihuayuan was a little surprised and said: "Eh? Are there still those old-fashioned popcorn machines?"

"Yes, I actually inherited the company left by my father." Tetsushi Yamazaki said with a smile, "And this old-fashioned popcorn machine is actually very popular with children."

"I see."

Karasawa smiled: "Even if there are more advanced machines, and even popcorn can be made by heating it in a microwave oven, the process of turning raw materials into popcorn is the essence of popcorn.

I think this is the reason why it is so loved and maintained for so long. "

"Yes, you are very understanding."

After hearing what Tang Chao said, Yamazaki Tetsushi's eyes lit up as if he had found a confidant: "I will make popcorn on the show today. If Mr. Tangsawa is interested, you can try it yourself!"

"No problem." Tangze agreed with a smile, "I haven't tried it yet. I'll ask for your advice when the time comes."

Hashimoto Zengei on the side did not react when the two finalized the interaction on the show. This kind of detail was originally a free part of the show and was nothing at all.

After watching the two people chatting, Hashimoto Zenge led Karasawa and the two to the old man: "This is the lecturer of the third period, Mr. Kenta Honma."

"Please give me your advice." Karasawa and the others handed over their business cards again, and the other party took it and introduced himself: "I am Honma, an antique art appraiser. Unfortunately, I don't have the habit of carrying business cards. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." Tang Ze smiled, shook his head, and said hello after saying a few words.

"Is Miss Okino Yoko not here?" Sihuayuan looked around the spacious rest room and asked Hashimoto Zenari.

"Ah, the guests are in another lounge." Hashimoto Zenari heard this and explained.

"So that's it." Sihuayuan said with some disappointment.

"I came so reluctantly before, why are you chasing stars now?"

Seeing Sihuayuan's slightly disappointed expression, Tang Ze teased.

"My cousin is a fan of Ms. Yoko. He knew that I would be recording a show with Okino Yoko today, so he asked me for an autograph."

Sihuayuan shrugged helplessly: "I thought I would have enough time in the lounge, and I could use your connections to get autographs easily.

Now that Ms. Okino Yoko is not in the same lounge as us, it will be a bit troublesome. "

"How about we go over and take a look first?" Tang Ze suggested with a smile upon hearing this: "Go and say hello, and then I'll get an autograph for you."

"Really?" Sihuayuan was delighted when he heard this: "Then please."

"Ms. Okino Yoko's lounge is downstairs. If you two don't know, you can ask the front desk."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Hashimoto Zenge smiled and reminded: "I will go get the bento for you later, please remember to come back early and eat while it is hot."

"Eating so early?" Sihuayuan looked at his watch and said, "It's only a little after half past ten."

"After all, you don't know when the show will end once you start recording, so it's better to fill your stomach in advance." Hashimoto Zenari explained politely, then waved his hand to say goodbye to the two of them.

The two took the elevator downstairs, asked the staff at the front desk, and arrived at the lounge smoothly.

But it is a pity that Ms. Okino Yoko has not arrived yet, so the two of them have traveled in vain.

"Hey, it's such a bad time." Sihuayuan was disappointed and Tang Ze was about to return to the lounge, but when they passed by a lounge, they heard faint conversations coming from inside.

This was just a normal chat. Just as Tang Ze continued to walk forward, he found that he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Sihuayuan standing still, Tang Ze couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Is there something wrong?"

"Didn't you hear the sound inside?" Sihuayuan pointed to the door and said, "It's Kimijima Noburo inside."

"So what?" Tang Ze said speechlessly.

"Come in and say hello." Shikain said with some reluctance: "I can't get Ms. Okino Yoko's autograph, but I can get Kimijima Noburo's autograph.

My dad is his fan. His birthday is coming soon and I am worried about how to prepare gifts..."

"Um..." Tang Ze said helplessly, holding his forehead after hearing this: "We don't know each other, so we entered rashly..."

"It's not fair to sacrifice justice in the name of cooperation."

But Sihuayuan smiled slyly: "We represent the official government. If we contact and cooperate, it's okay even if it's a little rude, right?"

"You're really planning to hear it from afar." Tangze sighed.

"Anyway, I knocked on the door first, so it's okay to just pay a visit."

Sihuayuan smiled and approached the door: "After all, I am also in the Publicity Department, and Noburo Kimijima is indeed a suitable partner. I can do this as a public and private matter."

"Okay, okay, it's up to you." Seeing Sihuayuan's enthusiasm, Tang Ze didn't bother to stop him.

And it’s good to wander around more. Maybe what you see now may be a corner of the place before the case happened.

Moreover, Noburo Kimijima was the first person they saw when they entered the house, so Karasawa naturally paid more attention to him.

After seeing Tang Ze agree, Sihuayuan knocked on the door and then opened the door and entered.

Pushing the door open, two middle-aged men were sitting and talking in the room. Besides Kimijima Noburo, there was another man, the owner of this lounge, Sakai Masaaki.

This was the name Karasawa saw on the name tag posted at the door. The other party was one of the hosts of this show, and Noburo Kimijima was here just to visit him.

"Hello, Mr. Sakai and Mr. Kimijima, please excuse me for interrupting."

After entering the door, Sihuayuan greeted politely: "I am Sihuayuan from the Publicity Section of the Metropolitan Police Department, and this is Karasawa Criminal Investigation.

I came to participate in the show this time, specifically to say hello, and hope to have the opportunity to cooperate. "

"Can you please come back later?

Kimijima Noburo looked at the two of them and frowned invisibly: "We are discussing something very important here."

"I'm really sorry about that. In fact, I saw Mr. Noburo Kimijima entering the building before, and he was talking to his companions about the rumors about you."

Being ordered to be kicked out, Sihuayuan didn't care at all. Instead, he apologized and directly found a topic to close the relationship.

"I think it's definitely not a good rumor." Kimijima Noburo said with a noncommittal smile.

"No, no, how could it be?"

Sihuayuan waved his hands repeatedly and said: "To tell you the truth, my father is a loyal fan of yours. Your first album, Mr. Kimijima's famous song "Men must be bold, come here", he is very Love it.

Influenced by my father, I have also loved your songs since I was a child! "

"That piece of music." Kimijima Noburo was stunned for a moment when he heard Shikain's words, and then said happily: "Your father is quite discerning."

Sihuayuan smiled at this and did not say anything more.

"Mr. Kimijima, I'm sorry, I have to go discuss the program arrangements."

At this moment, Masaaki Sakai stood up and said with a smile, "Let's continue talking about this treasure of yours later."

"That's right..." Kimijima Noburo replied with unfinished meaning, then raised his head to look at the two people at Sihuayuan and said, "By the way, do you like pots?"


Tangze and Sihuayuan were stunned for a moment, but Sihuayuan, who soon became more social, smiled and said, "Of course I'm interested."

"Then you two, come up to my room and talk." Noburo Kimishima put the pot on the table into a box and wrapped it. He stood up with a smile and went out with Masaaki Sakai.

After saying goodbye to each other, Noburo Kimijima led the two of them towards his lounge, asking the front desk to prepare a lunch along the way.

"Our bento should be in the lounge upstairs, please." Sihuayuan said to the front desk lady, and quickly followed Noburo Kimijima into his lounge.

After Karasawa and others took their seats in Kimijima Noburo's lounge, the front desk staff came over after a while holding lunch boxes.

Everyone chatted while eating, and this place became the home of Sihuayuan.

"Ah~ that song is really great~ Even though I am a girl, I can feel the strong masculinity in the song."

Sihuayuan praised without hesitation: "I only regret not knowing that Mr. Kimijima is here today, otherwise I should have brought the album from home for you to sign!

Then my father would know how happy he would be. "

"Hahaha, I'm very satisfied with that song too." Noburo Kimijima was coaxed into laughing: "It doesn't matter, I'll sign one for you first this time. Next time you come with an album, why don't I sign it for you?" Sample."

"Really!?" Sihuayuan said in surprise, "Thank you so much."

Seeing the two of them chatting happily, Tangze, who was eating a lunch at the side, couldn't interrupt, so he focused his attention on the girl making tea next to him: "Let me help you, I can make tea too." Quite skillful.”


Who would have thought that as soon as Karasawa's words came out, Kimijima Noburo on the side immediately scolded him with a cold face: "Be smarter, don't make the guests bother, and hurry up and make the tea!"

"I'm really sorry...teacher..." Xiao Ren lowered his head and apologized.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble for you." Seeing Kimijima Noburo turn around and continue chatting with Sihuayuan, Karasawa leaned over and apologized.

"It's okay..." Shinobu smiled at Karasawa, then continued to work with his head down and started making tea.

Karasawa sat there and waited until Shihuain and Kimijima Noburo were chatting until they were speechless. He spoke at the right time: "How much is the pot behind you worth now?"

"Ah, actually regarding this, I plan to ask Honda-sensei to examine it carefully during class today."

"Teacher Honma?" The old man he met before flashed through Karasawa's mind and he smiled, "We met before, and here's the one who seemed a little cold."

"It looks like Mr. Honma is sure

He is not the type to get close to people easily, but he does have a very vicious eye when it comes to appraising antiques and art. "

Speaking of this, Kimijima Noburo praised without hesitation: "During the Phantom Thief Kidd incident, wasn't there a liar appraiser named Hanamura?

There is a world of difference between him and that kind of person. "

When it came to the pot, Noburo Kimijima seemed to be a little eloquent. Before Tang Ze could continue to speak, he started talking to himself: "Actually, this pot is from the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong, who was very passionate about art. A pot made during the period.

Ceramics of this era are actually very popular among collectors, and their market value should be at least between 100 million and 160 million. "


Tangze on the side was only slightly surprised by the price, but Sihuayuan was shocked.

"Is this kind of pot actually worth so much?" Sihuayuan asked, looking at the pot behind him in shock.

"In fact, the news was broadcast a while ago that a pot of the same vintage as this lake was sold at a London auction for 5.7 billion."

Noburo Kimijima showed off quite proudly: "I'm afraid this is a dream treasure that would scare even Kaitou Kid, hahaha~"

"But Kaitou Kidd is not interested in this kind of treasure at all. He just wants to steal gems."

Karasawa looked at Noburo Kimijima who was laughing, but in the end he didn't say what he was thinking. After all, that would be too embarrassing.

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