Naoki Uyei is actually very good.

He graduated as the number one in the police academy, and was later taken by Karasawa to teach him for a long time.

Tang Ze is not stingy in teaching, and he is also eager to learn. Apart from other things, he is quite good at observing words and emotions.

After all, when Tang Ze was working on a case, he always told him to listen more, read more and talk less. He would also ask him what he saw later, and then review and teach him about micro-expressions.

Over time, Naoki Kamei became very good at micro-expressions, and with his good reasoning ability, he also solved many cases in teamwork classes.

In the group battles, he was indispensable for arresting criminal gangs and the like, and for "group fights", and he also developed good skills over time.

It can be said that Naoki Kamei is capable of both literary and martial arts.

Because of this, he realized after a meal that Qingkong Garden still hid secrets that he didn't know about.

After eating, the two left Qingkong Garden. After weighing the pros and cons, Naoki Kamei looked at Reika Minami and decided to go straight in, because he only had this one breakthrough now.

"Where did you and your fiancé meet?"

Seeing that no one was following even though they were some distance away from Qingkong Garden, Naoki Kamei spoke directly.

Minami Reika looked at the man in front of her, and then said in a cold tone: "I was introduced by someone else."

"Who introduced it?"

Naoki Kamei asked, and when Minami Reika lowered her head and said nothing, she said directly: "I can guess it even if you don't tell me, it's Hoshino Miwa's "super mom", right?"

After hearing Naoki Uye's words, Minami Reika remained silent, but she still nodded imperceptibly.

"Then let me take the liberty to ask, do you like your fiancé?"

Uye Naoki looked at Minami Reika and asked: "I also have a girlfriend, and I know what it feels like to like someone.

But judging from your expression, you don’t seem so happy when you mention your fiancé. "

"It's so annoying, and it has nothing to do with you!!" After hearing Naoki Uye's words, Minami Reika said in an angry tone.

"Mr. Changping, he is also married to a woman much older than her." Naoki Uyei looked at Minami Reika and said, "You know about this, right?"

"Then what happened?" Reika Minami asked coldly after hearing this.

Seeing Minami Reika's wary look, Naoki Uyei turned his head and looked around and whispered: "Actually, I am a criminal. If there is anything I can do, you can tell me."

Minami Reika's expression changed a few points when she heard this, and she immediately looked at Uei Naoki and said, "There are some things I want you to see, but they are a bit far away."

"I'll take you there, get in the car."

Hearing Minami Reika's words, Uye Naoki's expression perked up, and he asked Minami Reika to get in the car and walk in the direction pointed by the other party.

The road was indeed very long, and the two soon came to a wide open space where countless green containers were stacked.

"This is it."

After getting out of the car, Minami Reika led Uye Naoki towards the inside, and finally stopped in front of a container.

"This is it." Reika Minami turned the wheel code on the container and opened the container after a moment.

"How do you know the password?" Naoki Kamei asked as he looked at Minami Reika.

The reason why he asked this question was because based on his observation in Qingkong Garden, Minami Reika's status should not be high, which could be seen from her fiancé.

So it stands to reason that Reika Minami shouldn't know the password of such an important place.

"Mom will only tell certain children the password of this container." Reika Minami explained as she opened the door of the container.

"So that's it." Hearing Minami Reika's words, Uye Naoki nodded suddenly, feeling happy.

Because if that was the case, then what Minami Reika brought him to see was probably the secret behind Qingkong Garden.

The inside of the container was a little dark, but as Minami Reika opened the door of the container, the sunlight from outside still illuminated the scene inside.

There are not too many things stacked here, there are some items placed on an iron shelf inside.

Seeing this, Naoki Uyei stepped inside to check. Apart from a small amount of sundries, there were only packages of dried plants in sealed bags stacked on the shelf.

Uye Naoki was in the same department, so he naturally attached great importance to things like anesthetics. But when he looked at the package of dried plants, he found that they were not the anesthetic plants he was familiar with.

"What is this?" Since he didn't know what it was, Naoki Kamei picked up the bag of dried plants and wanted to ask Minami Reika.

But what greeted him the next moment was not Minami Reika's answer, but the door being closed without mercy!

Darkness suddenly enveloped the container, and all sunlight was cut off. Naoki Kamei knocked on the door subconsciously, but how could a mortal body break open the door of the container.

"Why did you want to kill Chang Ping!!"

Before Uye Naoki could ask a question, Minami Reika outside choked sadly: "I saw it all, you were the one on the rooftop when Brother Chang Ping died!!"

It was you who forced Brother Chang Ping to death, and you still said he was a friend! !

It's obviously the police but he still lies! "

"I didn't intend to lie to you..." Upon hearing Minami Reika's words, Naoki Uei's panic and anger turned into guilt and apology.

"Stop making excuses like yesterday, give Chang Ping-chan back to me!" Minami Reika roared, not caring what Naoki Kamei said.

Naoki Kamei took out his mobile phone to call for help, but found that the mobile phone signal in the container was directly outside the circle, and the call could not be made at all.

He patted the door of the container, but he only got Minami Reika's angry response of kicking the container. Then Naoki Uyei heard the sound of high heels running and hitting the ground getting farther and farther away.

Obviously, Minami Reika left him immediately after locking him in, with no intention of letting him out.

It means that whether he lives or dies depends on the other person's thoughts. If the other person can't bear it or dares not to kill, then he may suffer some pain and still come out.

But if the other party is determined to avenge Takeda Changping, then he will be in danger.

If you are lucky, you can meet other people from Qingkong Garden to open the door. If you are not lucky, he may be a corpse when the door opens again.

It was pitch dark inside the container, and the depressing space made Naoki Uyei feel gloomy.

He banged his head on the door of the container, feeling guilt and regret eating away at his sanity like ants eating his heart.

Recalling the scene in which Takeda Tsunehira committed suicide by jumping off a building, Uye Naoki leaned against the door of the container and lost consciousness.

On the other side, after Naoki Uyei was locked in a container, Reika kicked the door angrily, and immediately looked around nervously, trying to escape.

But when she ran to the door of the aisle lined with containers, he was shocked to find that in addition to the vehicle parked by Kamei Naoki, there was another car parked there side by side, blocking her way.

There was a young man and woman standing in front of the car, looking straight at her.

Minami Reika stepped away from the two of them and wanted to leave, but just as she was about to pass by the woman, the young man spoke.

"Miss, can you please open the closed door?" Karasawa looked at Minami Reika and said, "I am also a criminal, and the person you are locking in is my junior."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Minami Reika suddenly accelerated and wanted to escape. The next moment, Koshimizu Nanatsuki next to her jumped out like a female animal and caught her back directly.

To be honest, Koshizui Nanatsuki's skills can only be said to be average, but after all, she has worked hard under Karasawa's poisonous tongue. Occasionally, Karasawa will give her some pointers, so she can still deal with one or two adult men. no problem.

So facing a girl like Minami Reika who could be said to be powerless, Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly subdued her and escorted her and Karasawa to the container.

Koshimi Nanatsuki released her in front of the container: "Open the door."

"Hey!" Hearing a sudden movement outside the door, Naoki Kamei hurriedly slapped the door of the container to create noise.

"No matter how hard you kick, you can't open this door." Tangze heard the noise coming from the middle container and walked to the door and said, "Just wait patiently."


Hearing those familiar words, Naoki Kamei in the container was suddenly startled, and then spoke hesitantly.

The sounds outside the container were a bit muted when they reached the inside, and in his mind, he was investigating this matter himself, and he didn't tell Tang Ze that Criminal Justice would be here at all.

But why did Tangze Criminal appear here?

However, Uye Naoki's doubts did not affect the outside world, and soon the door of the container was opened by Minami Reika, who knew she could not escape.

"Senior, why are you here?"

When the door opened and Naoki Kamei went out, he couldn't help but ask.

But Karasawa didn't pay attention to Ueizuki, but let him come out and went straight in.

"It really took no effort. I was looking for this."

Hearing Karasawa's words, Naoki Kamei looked curiously at the thing in the other person's hand and found that it was the package of dried plants that he had asked Minami Reika about before.

After Karasawa took the plants out of the container, he looked at Uye Naoki and said with a smile: "It's easy to find the location of the container at Qingkong Garden, but it took me a lot of time to realize this."

"The text message sent by Kamui-senpai is also very important."

Koshizui Nanatsuki smiled and said: "If it weren't for your text message, we still couldn't be sure that there might be a problem in Qingkong Garden, so we wouldn't be able to find this place."

"So that's it."

Uye Naoki nodded clearly, and immediately walked up to Minami Reika: "Have you recognized me a long time ago?"

Minami Reika flinched when facing Naoki Ue, she didn't dare to look at Naoki Ue: "When I saw you in the cemetery, I knew you were the one who killed Chang Ping.

I originally wanted to question you, but you lied about being his friend..."

"Feel sorry…"

Hearing Minami Reika's words, Naoki Kamei looked a little unnatural. Knowing that he was in the wrong, he looked at the girl in front of him who didn't dare to look at him, lowered his head and said: "I apologize for lying. Seeing that you are his acquaintance , I couldn't help but want to contact you to investigate the case. I'm really sorry...

But thanks to you, I was able to know about "Super Mom" ​​and that there was a problem in Clear Sky Garden. "

"You should know something else, right?" Naoki Uyei looked at Minami Reika and asked, "What is hidden behind the marriage?"

"No, I can't betray my mother!"

Minami Reika didn't dare to look at the three of them: "When I was desperate, I didn't have any money, and no one was willing to help me.

At that time, only my mother was good to me..."

"But Mr. Takeda seems to be very kind to you."

After hearing what the two said, Karasawa's eyes flashed and he said, "Then let me ask you, if Mr. Takeda learns of your marriage, will Mr. Takeda be happy or sad?"

"How could you be happy..." Minami Reika heard Karasawa's words, and her inner persistence became looser.

"Brother Chang Ping told me that even if we don't like people, they will create a lot of memories after we get together, no matter how reluctant they are."

Minami Reika smiled sadly, "He said that person loved him very much, and it was the first time someone was so kind to him.

That person will be happy and sad as he is happy.

But there is such a person who is really good to him, but he wants to kill that person for money..."

After hearing Minami Reika's words, the three of them couldn't help but look at each other, understanding that the murder and bail fraud were already a fact.

"While we were investigating, we found that Mr. Chang Ping's cell phone was broken."

Karasawa looked at Minami Reika and said, "But judging from the call records, he should have sent you a text message, right?

He probably treats you as his sister. Can you tell us the content of that text message? "

Minami Reika had already explained part of it before. After hearing Karasawa's words, Minami Reika hesitated and said, "Can you protect me?"

"Of course." Naoki Ueijing nodded seriously when he heard this: "I will definitely protect you."

When Minami Reika heard this, she looked at Karasawa and the two again, while Koshimi Nanatsuki smiled at her and said, "Even if you don't trust him, the man next to me is a famous "famous criminal". You still What are you worried about?"

"The are that Karasawa..." Minami Reika looked at him in surprise when she heard this. She didn't expect to meet a real person.

"It's me." Tang Ze is also willing to use his reputation in exchange for the other party's peace of mind, in exchange for a breakthrough.

As expected, after confirming his identity, Minami Reika looked visibly relaxed.

She took the bag off her shoulder, rummaged for a while, took out her phone, and showed the three of them the last email that Takeda Changping sent to her.

[If you want to escape from Super Mom, then show this letter to the criminal, and I wish you happiness. 】

After this sentence, Minami Reika continued to scroll down the text message, and the handwriting that reappeared after the large blank space was one by one.

Obviously, this is the list of criminal gangs hidden behind Qingkongyuan, a peaceful and loving welfare institution.

With this list, they can catch them all!

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