Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,440 Death Message

Although they said they wanted to have a big meal, the two of them chose an ordinary restaurant, so it didn't cause Uye Naoki much pain.

After eating, Naoki Kamei hurriedly said goodbye to Karasawa and went to tell Minami Reika the good news.

In addition, he also needs to tell Minami Reika the secrets discovered by Karasawa's criminal investigation and let her know the secrets behind Takeda Changhei's jumping off the building.

Seeing that Naoki Inoue was so motivated to deal with the follow-up, Karasawa said goodbye to him directly after the meal and went home.

As for helping a few young people find jobs, it is more difficult for Naoki Kamei, but for him it is just a matter of words.

And the jobs he found for them weren't very glamorous.

It's not that they don't have that ability, but that they don't have any skills to gain a foothold in society and can only do manual labor.

But the opportunity given by Tangze was not bad. At least the factory they opened provided sufficient wages and good benefits.

And as long as you are willing to study hard, becoming a skilled technical worker is also very popular.

Opportunities have been given to them. As long as they work hard and work hard, they can get the stable life they hope for.

What should I do if I can’t catch it?

That's none of Tangze's business. After all, if you're still unwilling to seize the opportunity to live a good life after experiencing extreme abjection or even homelessness, it means that this person is already dead.

In this case, let him fend for himself.

In the final analysis, Karasawa just gave them a chance for Naoki Kamei's sake, and there was no close relationship.

Sometimes people have to let go of helping others and respect the fate of others.

This sentence is not a cold-blooded statement, but the life experience of predecessors.

So after making phone calls to make arrangements and explaining that no special care was required, Karasawa called Naoki Kamei and asked him to take a few young people to find him, and then he forgot about the matter.

After grabbing an apple and eating it, Tang Ze opened the system panel with a thought.

Messages kept popping up one after another, and soon the reward calculation for this case was displayed.

【Death under illusory love】

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining magic (5 years)]

Evaluation: Love is one of the most beautiful words in the world. Countless people yearn for it and long for it, but most people can't get it.

And when illusory love comes, it will blind your eyes and paralyze your brain, and you will not know it even if death comes quietly.

And because of a sudden death during a chase, you discovered the dangerous murderous intention hidden in the cyclical love and prevented a vicious murder case.

Somehow, you have won the favor of fate!

Seeing the reward for this case, Tang Ze felt that it was pretty good.

The skill directly gave the full value of five years, bringing his magic directly to Magic (C level) [10/20], and after a little improvement, it reached B level.

Level B is already considered a good magician, and he would be more popular if he looked more handsome.

Of course, if it's A-level, it means it's a world-class magician, or it's like Kaitou Kidd who masters magic and deception.

Karasawa is quite satisfied with acquiring this skill this time. After all, magic is one of the professional skills of the Phantom Thief, and it might come in handy at some point.

Overall, the harvest was good, and he also helped his favorite junior to resolve a crisis. Even after solving the case, his meritorious service went to a higher level.

As long as he doesn't make any huge mistakes in the future, the throne of the successor to the head of the group department will definitely be as secure as a mountain.

After solving this sudden crisis case, Tangze spent the remaining working days safely.

At the weekend, because he wanted to spend the weekend in peace, Tangze decisively used the three-day safe and sound card to prepare for a three-day long vacation.

And in the past three days, he had also thought about what he was going to do.

In winter, it is natural to engage in entertainment activities suitable for winter. Taking advantage of the use of props to make peace, Karasawa took Ayako directly to go skiing.

Among winter sports, skiing has a long history. However, this sport is limited by venues and seasons, so it does not have a wide audience and is considered a relatively niche sport.

However, if I use an inappropriate metaphor to describe the fun of skiing, some roller coasters are downhill, which is a kind of excitement brought by speed.

Of course, the speed is definitely not that fast, but the flexibility is definitely far beyond that of a machine like a roller coaster that can only be experienced with a fixed body.

Moreover, the speed of skiing on advanced slopes is also very fast, and the body is completely under direct control. Not only can you perform various difficult movements, but the sensory stimulation is also very strong.

Otherwise, skiing would not be called an extreme sport.

Of course, Karasawa would not take Ayako to ski in such dangerous places. The advanced slopes they went to were not too difficult, and Karasawa could easily control them.

It has to be said that extreme sports are easy to release inner pressure. After Tang Ze and the two became addicted to skating, they stayed for one night and changed the original one-day plan to two days.

However, the hamburger meat provided by the ski resort tasted quite good, which surprised Tang Ze.

Of course, no matter how interesting sports are played for two days in a row, the energy is almost exhausted.

After the two returned home, they tacitly chose to fish on Monday.

I slept at home in the morning until I woke up naturally. After lunch, I spent the afternoon on the sofa reading and watching TV to pass the time.

In the quiet atmosphere, time passed quietly, and the energy consumed by the two of them skiing also quietly recovered in this lazy day.

But the holidays always passed quickly, and he soon returned to his daily work.

And I don’t know whether it was due to the change in the timeline jump or something else, but it started to gradually get warmer.

But to be honest, Karasawa is used to this kind of weather. Although it feels weird these days that there are no four seasons, the weather in spring in the future will be a mess.

It’s not unheard of for you to be wearing short-sleeves one day and then it’s snowing heavily the next day.

So although this kind of weather is a complaint, Tangze himself is still quite used to it.

And for him, he basically wears a suit. When the weather is cold, add a coat. When the weather is hot, just wear a shirt and a vest.

But I have to say that after the weather gradually warmed up, I felt much more comfortable, and even felt much more relaxed when I went to work.

In addition, there are no cases, and Koshizui Nanatsuki and Shikain have recently become obsessed with milk tea. Karasawa feels like eating morning tea for most of the day at work.

Unfortunately, peaceful days are always short-lived. On Friday afternoon, when Karasawa was tasting the rose milk tea they made, he suddenly received a call from Conan.

"What's wrong? You're calling me at this time. What happened?"

Leaving the office and walking towards the deserted safe passage, Tangze asked directly after answering the phone.

"It's like this. I want them to encounter a murder case. There is a bloody word "death" left on the hand of the deceased. Xiaolan thinks that it is related to a case that my father has not solved."

Conan said in a hurry: "Now they plan to wait for the police to take over the scene, and then go to my house to find photos of the case!"

"Did you use any method to shirk your refusal?" Tangze asked as he walked towards the elevator.

"I said I didn't want my house to be messed up, so I asked Conan to get it." Conan said nervously: "But with that guy Sera here, I'm afraid they won't give up!"

"In this case, we divide our forces into two groups."

Tang Ze said: "You can sort out the details of the case later and send them over, and then rush home. I will go to the crime scene to have a look and solve the case as quickly as possible so that they have no room to interfere."

"Okay, please!"

After Conan heard what Tang Ze said, he immediately agreed. The purpose of his call was to hope that Tang Ze could solve the case as soon as possible and stop them from the source.

And he needs to go to his mansion to take a look, and he can also help Akai Shuichi, who is currently living there.

As for the option of letting Karasawa go to the Kudo family mansion, neither of them mentioned it.

Because both smart people know that is not a smart choice.

First of all, Karasawa had no reason to show up at the Kudo family mansion.

Even if this murder case may be related to the case that Kudo Yusaku withdrew from 10 years ago, and there are documents left at the other party's home, it is also not a reason to go.

Because the Metropolitan Police Department must record more detailed information, there is no need for Karasawa to look far away.

And without the motive, Karasawa had no reason to go to the Kudo family mansion.

It would not be impossible if he showed up forcibly, but the consequence would be that his hurried appearance at the Kudo family's residence would make Sera Masumi suspicious of his motives.

Taking into account many factors such as Kudo Shinichi's mansion and Okiya Ao who lives there, his appearance will undoubtedly give people a feeling of "there is no silver in this place".

At that time, it will be troublesome whether Masumi Sera, who originally went to the Kudo family mansion because of the case information, will focus on why Karasawa came here and start investigating Okiya Ao.

So Conan can appear based on Kudo Shinichi's request, but Karasawa cannot appear because there is insufficient motivation for action.

Instead, it was justifiable for Tang Ze to go to the scene of the crime.

And he said that solving the case as soon as possible was not just talk, because after hearing Conan say that this case left the word "death" on the crime scene and was related to Kudo Yusaku, he realized which case it was. .

Because of this, he has the confidence to solve cases extremely quickly.

After arriving at the crime scene, the police had already arrived.

After Karasawa passed through the crowd of onlookers, he saw Officer Megure, Takagi and others standing next to the body, while Aso Minoru, dressed as a doctor, was examining the body.

"Brother Karasawa, are you here too?" Officer Megure smiled after seeing Karasawa.

"Well, I heard from Conan that there was a case here, so I came over to take a look at the situation."

Karasawa explained with a smile: "Xiaolan and the others seemed to know that this case was related to the case that Mr. Kudo Yusaku withdrew from the investigation, so they wanted to go to Kudo-kun's house to check the case information from that year.

Kudo-kun told the Conan kid the location, and he called me to tell me. "

Because of the relationship between the two of them as master and apprentice, it is natural for outsiders to contact Tangze after encountering a case.

As expected, Officer Megure was not surprised at all when he heard that Conan had told him the news. Instead, he had a slight sigh on his face when he heard Karasawa explain the reason why Conan knew the case.

"I didn't expect Xiaolan to know about that case. I guess that guy Kudo told her." Officer Megure said: "I was also surprised when I came here. I didn't expect to see the word "death" again. .”

"Oh? So what's the origin of the word "death" for Officer Memu?" Tangze asked knowingly.

"That's right, but the details will be explained later. After all, it's not yet certain whether this is related to the previous case." Officer Megure nodded, and then looked at Asano who was getting up and said: "Dr. Narumi, What’s the condition of the body?”

"The deceased named Takaichi has been dead for more than nine hours." Aso said, he looked at the two men next to him and asked, "Do you have a habit of drinking while sleeping?"

"Well, that's what the short-haired girl asked before." The fat man nodded and said, "The doctor has been asking him to stop drinking."

"I didn't expect anyone to come to this conclusion. That girl with short hair is really not simple." Aso said in surprise.

"She claims to be a detective, and we have dealt with her in a previous case."

When Officer Megure said this, he recalled the unreliable performance of the other party last time, and couldn't help complaining: "But although he is stronger than the average person, his ability is still unreliable. In the end, the case was solved by Karasawa Criminal."

"That's right."

Aso nodded, and after satisfying his curiosity, he did not ask too many questions, but pointed to the corpse and continued: "The whites of the deceased's eyes showed symptoms of jaundice. At the same time, the limbs were very thin, but the abdomen was very fat. This is The liver is not good at accumulating ascites."

"There was a can of beer in the vending machine that the deceased relied on, which means he was still buying beer before he died."

Tang Ze looked at the deceased and said: "Looking at his actions before death, we know that he definitely did not follow the doctor's instructions, which means that his liver disease continued to worsen.

Eventually, liver cirrhosis caused the venous aneurysm to rupture and start vomiting blood.

And because there was no one in the alley, he had no way to ask for help, which led to his death. "

"That girl said the same thing, but when she saw the word "death" on Gao Shi's hand, she said it was a murder case." The thin man pointed at the dead man's hand.

Tang Ze looked over and saw that there was a crooked word "death" in the deceased's hand, and there was an unlit cigarette lying next to it.

What attracts the most attention is the word "death" on the other side's hand. This "death" has an arc shape in both horizontal and vertical murals. It consists of six circles and a straight line, which looks very weird.

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