Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1451 Train Chapter

Tokyo Station.

A steam train that is completely different from other trains is parked at the station, waiting for passengers to board.

"Wow, that's great!"

Ayumi looked at the steam train and exclaimed: "This is the first time I have seen a train with a steam engine!"

"Me too!" Yuantai exclaimed repeatedly, his eyes full of stars.

"You are so courageous." Mitsuhiko sighed.

"Let's go take a look around. Anyway, it's still some time before we board the bus."

Conan looked around at the passengers boarding the train and suggested with a smile: "This way we can see the whole train more carefully.

If you want to take pictures, I can help too. "


The three little ones' eyes lit up when they heard this, and their expressions immediately became extremely excited.

"Then we don't care about you little brats and get in the car first."

Hearing this, Yuanzi said: "Anyway, we are not with you in the luxury car. You should be careful and don't cry if you miss the boarding time."

"Conan, please pay attention to the departure time!" Xiaolan also warned from the side.

"Well, don't worry!" Conan nodded and said, "If it's too late, let's enter in the nearby carriage first and then go to our room."

"Be safe."

Hearing Conan's words, perhaps because the other party behaved maturely, Xiaolan just gave another warning, and then hurriedly went to wait for Kaito Kidd's Sonoko with Xing and got on the train first.

Conan, on the other hand, led the three little ones towards the end of the train.

Because Yuanzi and Xiaolan were in the luxury car, their current positions were very forward, so Conan and others walked all the way to the back of the car and saw only the passengers getting on the car.

As soon as he ran to the door of the next carriage, Conan saw the theft and arson suspect Murohashi Etsu and his wife who were burned to death in the fire a few days ago by Tang Ze Criminal.

At this moment, a group of people were gathering at the entrance of the same carriage to talk, and even Etsuto Murohashi, who was suspected of arson, had a slight quarrel with the conductor.

The reason was that the ticket he booked was different from the seat he finally got.

If it were normal times, these would definitely attract Conan's attention, but today Conan just took one more look and left immediately.

Because he already knew the common experiences of this group of people, and even knew what would happen to this group of people in the future.

Because of this, Conan didn't even pay too much attention to their conversation and ran straight to the subsequent carriage.

He needs to find the target person as quickly as possible, and then pass the information they want to pass to the other party.

According to the information from Toru Amuro, he already knew the target person's disguised appearance, so the next step was to find him.

But it's not difficult.

Conan looked at the three cheering little ones behind him and knew that the three of them were the best candidates to attract the target person.

You don't even have to look for them yourself, Belmode will take the initiative to step forward after seeing them.

Because there is one person missing between them, and this person is the target that Belmode knows that this may be a trap, but still wants to seize the opportunity to kill!

Relying on the information from Karasawa in the headset, Conan quickly determined that Belmode was in the 13th carriage.

But he did not get too close, but led the three little ones to stop in carriage 12.

At this distance, the other party could hide well in the crowd, and after Conan stood still, he turned his back and looked at the three little ones, smiling and suggesting that he take pictures of them.

As expected, this move caused Belmod to relax his vigilance. The other party lowered the brim of his hat, approached a few people with his scarred Akai Shuichi's face, and then turned his back to them to eavesdrop.

Although Conan had his back to Belmod, he had teammates around him who could reveal the surrounding situation to him at any time, so when Conan saw the target taking the bait, he started his own action.

"Come on, you three get into your poses!"

Conan took photos with his smartphone and directed the three little ones to manage their expressions while smiling.

"Okay, the filming is done, come and take a look."

After taking the photo, several little ones gathered around and looked at the photo after hearing this, and then commented happily, asking Conan to find an opportunity to send the photo to them.

Naturally, Conan agreed one by one.

"Conan-kun, do you want to take a photo?"

At this moment, Ayumi on the side looked at Conan and said, "You have already taken photos for us, shall I take some souvenir photos for you?"

"Then let me take a few pictures too." Conan agreed with a smile upon hearing this, standing there casually while Bumi took a few pictures.

"The picture was taken very well, thank you." Conan looked at the phone and smiled, then lowered his voice and whispered: "It's a pity that Haiyuan didn't come."

"Who knew that Haiyuan would catch a cold and rest at home at this critical moment." After Ayumi handed the phone back to Conan, a look of disappointment appeared on her face: "It's a pity that you couldn't take the train with us."

"Yes, this is a very cherished ride opportunity." Mitsuhiko said regretfully after hearing this.

"Let's take some more photos and send them to Haiyuan!"

Yuantai suggested excitedly: "This way, although Haiyuan can't come here, he can still feel the charm of this steam train at home!!"

"Okay, let's go back and take pictures." Seeing that the goal was accomplished, Conan pretended not to want to mention this topic again, and quickly changed the topic: "We walk all the way to the front of the train, and we can take a picture of the whole train, and then It’s time to get in the car.”


The three little ones nodded repeatedly after hearing Conan's words, obviously agreeing with Conan's arrangement.

In this way, Conan "didn't realize" that his group had exposed important information, and he didn't even notice the enemy in the car next to him.

And Belmode, who was eavesdropping not far from them, looked at the four people leaving. Yi Rong's face was still expressionless, but his eyes were flickering uncertainly.

At this moment, Belmod's expression under the mask was extremely gloomy, because she realized the trouble.

From the information she knew, Miyano Shiho had shrunk like Conan. The adult version of Miyano Shiho that Toru Amuro saw was probably a half-finished antidote taken to save people.

And Belmode also learned that in order to confirm the intelligence, Toru Amuro even went to Gunma County to investigate the case in person and confirmed that a wooden house was indeed burned at that time.

Although the case file stated that Karasawa saved several children in time, she learned another version of the "truth" from Toru Amuro hacking into Mouri Kogoro's computer.

That is, after Miyano Shiho in the video rescued people, he repeatedly asked the three children to help keep the secret secret, and the three children agreed.

In this way, I'm afraid San Xiao only chose to keep the secret and asked Tang Ze to take over the role of saving people, thus covering up the truth.

It was precisely because he knew enough information that after hearing the words of the three little ones, Belmode suddenly learned that the other party had a cold and could not get in the car.

This situation had to make Belmod consider whether Miyano Shiho realized that his itinerary was at risk of being exposed after rescuing people.

So on the day of departure, I excused myself from taking the "Suzuki", a potentially dangerous train, because I was sick.

Thinking of this, Belmod stood there with his brow furrowed and thinking quickly.

The current situation puts Belmod directly in a dilemma.

Her original plan was to use Bourbon's hand to kill Miyano Shiho without breaking her promise to Conan.

Although Gin was mixed in later, the original plan was not carried out exactly according to Gin's large-scale indiscriminate attack due to the interference of Belmode and Bourbon. Instead, the two sides adopted a compromise. plan of.

In the plan, only Kiel, Bourbon, Chianti and others were in the car in the early stage.

As long as they can detect enough intelligence, their people will continue to get on the train at subsequent stations, and then choose the opportunity to see if they can destroy the enemy.

But if the exploration fails or the results are not good, it will turn into Gin's crazy plan.

Gin's plan was also very simple and crude. He took vodka to guard the subsequent stations as a brain to control the overall situation, and also took troops to guard Nagoya Station where the train stopped.

If there is no harvest, the men led by Gin will directly break through and destroy all the men in the carriage, including the "Suzuki", which will also be directly blown up.

And if you do this, Haiyuan and the people who secretly protect her will be destroyed. No matter what the enemy's intentions are, they will be destroyed in the explosion.

It was precisely because Gin had placed too many people, dangerous weapons, and even explosives around, that he was unable to get on the train and could only wait with his men at the Nagoya station where the train passed.

In the situation where the game between the two parties was formulated, although there were a lot more manpower, it could be considered a situation with advantages and disadvantages for Belmode.

The advantage is that she has more "hands" that she can use to kill Miyano Shiho.

The downside is that apart from Toru Amuro, who has reached an agreement with her, others are also at risk of taking action against Conan.

But with just this one variable, Belmode is still confident that with the intelligence in his hand, he can take the lead and let Bourbon kill Miyano Shiho and protect Conan's safety.

But now there were omissions in the plan just after it started, and their target didn't come?

It is precisely because of this that Belmod finds it difficult to handle.

The enemy's vigilance was higher than they thought, but fortunately, several unrelated children on Conan's side accidentally revealed Miyano Shiho's location before the plan started.

But now the problem facing Belmod is what to do?

If she told Bourbon this, she couldn't control what he would do next.

In addition, she cannot guarantee the secret of Haiyuan's shrinkage. In addition, the other party is now living in Dr. A Li's house. Haiyuan's identity is also closely related to Conan and Xiaolan.

In this case, it is impossible for Belmod to kill Miyano Shiho under the pretense of Bourbon.

Because this will involve the people she values.

But here's the difficulty. If she can't kill the target with the help of Bourbon, what should she do?

Not to mention the failure of his own mission, the mysterious organization set a trap on the train, which would put his companions into crisis.

Although Gin decided on an indiscriminate attack method and prepared a way to break the situation by overturning the table, wasn't the enemy prepared?

For a time, under various considerations, Belmod's expression became increasingly gloomy and uncertain.

'Boy, I'm going to break the contract this time...'

But soon, Belmode sighed in his heart and made a decision.

She decided to break her promise to Conan and kill Miyano Shiho herself.

And as long as she was fast enough, she could have all her people retreat before the train arrived at Nagoya Station.

In this way, if you achieve your goal, you can just use the excuse that someone almost found out that you got off the train early.

And Bourbon and others don't have to risk entering the enemy's trap. As for Gin, they can also complete their goals.

As for failure…

Thinking of this, Belmod's face showed a hint of gloom.

If we really get to that point, we will directly admit that the mission failed, saying that Miyano Shiho was not on the train and asked people to withdraw him.

But whether Gin will give up or continue to choose his extreme method is beyond Belmode's control.

But she will contact Bourbon when the time comes, and try to win over Chianti, who has no dealings with Gin, to try her best to stop Gin's actions.

Even if it means breaking up, she will not hesitate to do so, because she also wants to ensure the safety of Xiaolan and Conan.

In this way, apart from the die-hard vodka, the only one left on the Gin side was Kiel.

Because of the previous incident, Keir has always been under suspicion and supervision by Gin, and he seems to have become Gin's diehard loyalist, but in fact the other party's position is still quite ambiguous, and the two sides are seemingly in harmony with each other.

So the only person she wants to win over is actually Kier!

Moreover, Belmode had a vague and mysterious sixth sense, which was that if it really came to that point, I am afraid that even Keir would side with her and oppose Gin's plan.

Of course, this feeling is not unfounded.

Belmode once suspected that Kiel was an undercover agent, so he tapped the dial of his motorcycle to question her in a subtle way.

Although Kiel later proved himself by killing Shuichi Akai, once the suspicion took root, even if the surface was cut off, the roots deep inside would not disappear.

And if Gere was indeed an official undercover agent as she once suspected, then this operation involved too many innocent people.

In this case, even if the other party knows that they will bear the risk, there is a high probability that they will move closer to their own opinions...

Taking into account such factors, Belmode is 50% sure of winning over Kiel.

And if she really agreed, she would be able to overcome this difficulty, and at the same time, she would kill two birds with one stone and test out Kiel's background.

In the future, she only needs to tell Gin about her suspicions, and then her previous tit-for-tat actions with him will have a reasonable explanation, and the tense relationship with Gin will naturally ease.

After all, for Gin, compared to traitors like Miyano Shiho who escaped, it was the rats that secretly sneaked into the organization that disgusted Gin even more.

So even if she took advantage of Gin without communicating with him in advance, Belmode promised that if she really said that, Gin would not be angry but would be happy to be used.

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