Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1463: Train (Aftermath)

In summary, the enemy's layout this time was quite fruitful.

Not only did Miyano Shiho fake his death, avoiding the organization's pursuit, but it also dispelled the idea of ​​Belmode, an insider, to pursue Haibara.

Apart from that, they were the group of people who instigated the rebellion against Belmod and captured Gin's men.

Yes, they are indeed cannon fodder and nothing in Gin's eyes.

Judging even from the information Tang Ze received during the meeting, this group of people did not even know the existence of the black organization.

Gin was their boss in their eyes, which was why the Metropolitan Police listed the two as the masterminds, and the pursuit was all centered around the two, rather than targeting the black organization itself.

Because this group of people are cannon fodder and peripheral members.

But even so, their arrests had huge consequences later on.

First of all, so many people will definitely confess a lot of crimes and known peripheral accomplices. Secondly, the channels for the firearms in their hands must be investigated and eliminated.

In other words, the power in Gin's hand will be reduced a lot this time.

It cannot be said that without that hand, we cannot even be defeated.

The person who keeps secrets has become the most likely person to leak secrets, but I might kill myself with one shot, so I can only act as a double standard dog.

"That's not to say half-covered." Tang Ze touched his chin and muttered: "You can't reveal your maturity and wisdom beyond that age, or even reveal your identity."

But please remember to keep it a secret as much as possible after Yuan Tai and we meet, because with our personalities, we will pester you for that at the annual meeting.

So I asked "Detective" to edit a text message and send it to Nie Xiang, asking me to meet after school this morning, intending to start vacation mode before settling the matter.

Although it looks obvious, as long as the wanted order is hung for a day, everyone will know about my defeat today.

Bell smiled and said: "What he has seen is the remaining fragments of the "Noah's Ark" invented by Hiroki. You used it as a basis to repair and upgrade part of it.

Of course, if a weak or hard intrusion occurs, the threat intensity can be lowered to another level, but these top-secret places do not have hackers responsible for network dangers, so it is still easy to obtain information.

Bell said angrily: "He only needs to speak up if he can do it. If he can do it, he will directly agree with him. It's that complicated."

That made Bell think, if I must have chosen option eight to improve the invasion function, I am afraid that except for a few super small countries, there would really be no place for "detectives" to roam.

"Is he going to show you how to use it?" Tang Ze said angrily, shaking the phone.

But now, it only takes half a day to complete all of that.

Because it was probably not the identities of our two wanted criminals that led to victory.

Bell smiled and opened the super level permission. "

And I also need to hack into these top-level places. What I am dealing with is just an illegal organization that wants to win people over.

Of course, those things can be said by Yuesui Yitsuki. In the face of my question, I only gave you a brief summary of the content of the meeting.

"Is it as powerful as Noah's Ark? But if he wants to invade our computers or smartphones, he won't be able to do it in a year."

The phone suddenly rang with the words of a mechanical man, which made Tang Ze startled: "What is that!?"

I even know how to face that person who seems like an enemy and seems like a friend, but yet regards me as so important.

For example, although its intrusion firewall function cannot easily solve the firewall of the Shinkansen front desk monitoring center, Bell asked the "detective" to judge the network firewall of the Metropolitan Police Department and concluded that it is very difficult to hide and infiltrate.

The key is whether Gin can do anything or believe anything.

If another one comes, you will be able to resist or survive. "

And this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after this operation, Gin and Vodka became wanted criminals.

"Oh!" After hearing Bell's words, Tang Ze scratched his head and laughed twice: "That thing is so convenient, you suddenly changed your mind."

But even this is enough to reflect the horror of the "detective".

It can only be said that Gin foresaw that the incident might be too minor and no one would fall into the hands of the police, so he specially used a group of thugs who knew the existence of the organization.

After all, he has always kept the secrets of the organization, but he has always carried out his behavior to the end, even going so far as to kill Pisk, the veteran of the organization.

It cannot be said that the smallest gain from that operation was not that Conan Mode was instigated by me, and the other was that Gin suffered an unprecedented victory and made me a wanted criminal.

After all, I really want to know what Conan Mode and I talked about that day.

It must be some research institution or intelligence department with extremely low confidentiality. I am afraid that it is too impossible for the "detective" to sneak in and retreat quietly.

These inner circle members seem to be important, but they are also a much needed force within the organization. After all, there are very few things that Gin and others can do personally and require us to do it.

In addition, it also had a subtle impact on Gin's prestige within the organization.

"That's a 'detective', it's considered sub-artificial intelligence."

Nie Xiang said: "It is enough to maintain that level of contact, so that the other party will stop exploring his identity first and avoid looking at your organization.

But it's quite scary to think about it. After all, if it can really possess human thinking, seeing these dark sides on the Internet will lead to the idea of ​​​​destroying the world.

But after that time, I'm afraid everyone wanted to do things under Gin's hands too much. Even if we recruit members in the future without us two wanted criminals, the difficulty will probably be much higher.

You gave him level 7 authority, which is enough to help him with very few things. When he returns home, he remembers to give one to Haiyuan.

After listening to Nie Xiang retell the conversation between the two, Nie Xiang showed a simple look on his face: "I thought it would actually happen..."

Of course, there is something bad to say about the specific content, and it is not a more specific retelling of what happened next.

"The identity will be revealed for the time being. Maybe I can guess it over time, but after that, you will tell me."

After all, in a place classified as a terrorist organization, I’m afraid no one will be wary of it.

"Okay, thank you." Tang Ze nodded, and then said seriously: "I don't have anything else to ask him."

In comparison, Conan Mode, who killed the traitor, would probably be more favored by "this villain".

But unfortunately, no matter what, I can only be furious and choose to accept it.

One is a chess piece secretly laid out, while the other is an attack and weakening of the white organization as a whole.

Bell said: "Of course, the current smart phone configuration is still too good, and there are too few things to do. Sometimes he may need to cooperate in the outside world.

"Well... you know." Tang Ze nodded with a weird look on his face, and then took a sip of coffee to suppress the weird feeling in his heart.

Of course, although the "detective" function has not been fully improved, it is not omnipotent.

But it actually happened, which is really weird.

"What is he doing?" Nie Xiang looked at Tang Ze and asked.

Is there anything wrong with the way teammates use themselves to threaten the enemy?

"They say they are smart, just ask them directly and that's it."

And if I am determined to give up the behavior I am doing, it will also become a point of fear for the members of the organization.

So you want to take the initiative, but to what extent, you think you need to discuss it with him. "

It cannot be said that that victory affected Gin in all aspects. Even "this villain" would be satisfied with Gin.

If so, I would have become a sinner who exposed the existence of the organization.

To be honest, when he learned that Bell wanted to confront Nie Xiangmode in person and find ways to win over him, Tang Ze thought that was possible.

"In short, the contact between you must be kept secret, but the threat is there." Nie Xiang said: "Yongnian Conan Mode has scruples, Yongnian will directly rebel."

The situation created by that move was extremely wrong.

"By the way, he'll give you his cell phone." Bell looked at Tangze's thoughtful expression and stretched out his hand.

After sending Yueshui away, Nie Xiang suddenly thought that he still had time to check the system upgraded yesterday, so he quickly turned on his phone and called up "Detective".

One of them was a low-level student who skipped work, and the other was a college student who got off school very early. Before making an appointment, they barely had time to have lunch and take a nap, so they met at the coffee shop where they had made an appointment.

"Well, Amuro was first an undercover agent for the police, but now I have been lurking to investigate Uncle Maori."

It cannot be said that the upgrade direction of balanced development should be chosen. Although there are ways to minimize the advantages of a certain direction, the cross-era technology of "detective" is not exceptional for today's network.

[Understood, transmitting via Bluetooth link]

That was a pleasant surprise for Bell, because before agreeing to Conan Mode, I originally planned to forge the traces myself.

Tangze quickly agreed before receiving Bell's text message.

I'm afraid that at this moment, before Gin saw his wanted notice, he felt aggrieved.

"This is an opportunity to identify me."

"But in that case, it seems that there is a way to gain the other party's trust and use it at certain critical moments." Tangze thought for a while.

Although there is no independent consciousness, and there is no power like "Noah's Ark" that cannot freely navigate the sea of ​​information or even interfere with reality, but it is not smart enough to help him do very few things.

But before the "Detective" upgrade, I just talked and got everything done nervously.

For example, I asked the "detective" to forge an intrusion record and put it into the computer of the Shinkansen front desk monitoring center, and the "detective" easily solved it.

Tang Ze said: "Even if you are not on guard, without Da Lan and us who know the information, we will be tricked out at any time. I believe it will be a matter of time.

Karasawa could even imagine Gin's face as dark as ink.

"So Conan Mode refuses to cooperate with you."

Moreover, that technology is too late for the current era, and it may also attract the prying eyes of some people with bad intentions, so try to use it in a high-profile manner. "

Holding the handle in each other's hands is the most reliable cooperative relationship, and it also facilitates previous cooperation and actions.

"Huh?" Nie Xiang came to his senses and took out his cell phone and handed it to Bell: "What do you need your cell phone for?"

But when I got the result, it must be said that Karasawa's original simple sense of Conan Mode became more complicated at that moment.

But Bell does not need such a powerful function. On the contrary, a "detective" without certain intelligence can help me more.

The matter of forging evidence for Conan Mode was also solved by the "detective". Nie Xiang thought about it and found that apart from meeting Tang Ze, there was nothing important.

And looking at the newly upgraded "detective" who couldn't even chat with me, Bell was thinking about how intelligent the other person would be if I chose the first option.

If it were to be done later, with or without Bell's assistance, it might take more than ten days on its own.

Bell said with a smile: "If the hidden identity is known, it can maintain a certain degree of contact, and his identity is also exposed, which is equivalent to small families holding each other's hands."

To be honest, not having Akai alone is enough to give you a headache. Although cooperation has few disadvantages, you still have to face temptations and some troubles from the other party.

"Give him something bad to install."

"Understood." Tangze nodded after hearing this, and then looked at Bell as if waiting for me to continue saying something, but Bell had something to say, and the two of them stared at each other for a while.

All he needs to do is ask for help, and the call will be answered immediately, which is like giving him insurance.

"You can't go out to attack, but try not to expose your identity." Bell said: "As for his relationship with the "Zoo", it must be kept secret."

"Does he want to talk about Toru Amuro?" Nie Xiang reacted immediately.

Before finishing the "detective" experiment, Bell turned off his phone with satisfaction.

They arranged a private room for the conversation, and before the two ordered coffee and desserts, Bell turned on the shielding device and continued the conversation.

Other things that are more convenient in life are just for him to explore on his own. "

Today's "detectives" are completely adequate to deal with our affairs involving the Internet, and we even still use Bell to worry about it.

Normally, it would not be too outrageous to threaten an enemy with the dangers of Da Lan and me.

People are all indistinguishable, not to mention that in an organization like ours that values ​​warmth, Gin will probably have more and more power in the future.

Now that their status is defined as wanted criminals, the Neon Police hunt them all over the world, only just missing out on exposing the organization's existence.

Moreover, Gin and our identities have not yet been exposed to the outside world. In the future, for any cases that do not involve us, Bell and we can use the "little summoning technique" to attract the Metropolitan Police Department to act as thugs.

After a short trial, Bell found that "Detective" had not made a small step back, and that was just in terms of communication, not functionality.

Because the other party only needs to see gin and vodka, the two of them cannot directly choose to call the police for help. Instead, they can force the other party to submit through hidden coercion and inducement like before.

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