Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1466: Preventing Murder

As early as when he met Toru Amuro, Karasawa realized that this case might not be an ordinary case, but related to the main plot.

Because of this, he began to recall in his mind the cases involving the main characters after the train episode.

With his strong memory, Tang Ze quickly matched the few people in front of him with a case in his memory.

Of course, he wasn't particularly sure at that time, but the conversation gradually showed signs of quarrels, and the two boys also mentioned a deceased person named "Gua Sheng".

With the addition of this information, Tang Ze immediately confirmed that the case in his memory was what they were experiencing.

After confirming this, the follow-up became easier to handle, because he already knew who the prisoner and the deceased in this case were.

Next, he only needs to look at the two of them and take action at key points.

After confirming the information, everything was so simple and unpretentious. This was not the first time that Tang Ze had dealt with a similar case, and it had long been calm.

Instead of rushing to contact the two of them, Tang Ze followed the trend and started playing tennis with everyone.

It was almost noon when everyone was tired from playing tennis, so they went to the villa to have dinner at Taoyuan Qinyin's suggestion.

"I'll just eat the leftover ice cream cake in the refrigerator from yesterday, so I don't have to cook my meal."

As soon as he arrived at the villa, Ishiguri Sanlang immediately told his companions that they did not need to cook for him.

"Really!" Taoyuan Qinyin said helplessly after hearing this.

"If you only eat that kind of food as a meal, you will become even fatter!" Umeshima Machi couldn't help but said.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Ishikuri Sanlang waved his hand, took out the cake from the refrigerator and went straight upstairs: "I'll go back to the room to eat, don't worry about me."

"Then let's go prepare lunch for them. Just wait here." Xiaolan smiled at Karasawa and Mouri Kogoro.

"I'm looking for a place to rest." Mouri Kogoro waved his hand: "When the weather gets hot, people don't want to move."

"I'll go up and find a room to rest." Tang Ze looked at the air conditioner in the hall and said, "This air conditioner seems to be a little cold.

"Then I'm here.


Karasawa understood that Conan wanted to have some contact and chat with Amuro Tohru to increase their relationship in order to facilitate better plans later. In addition, he also needed to go upstairs to stop the case. It was more convenient to be alone, so he was very concerned about Conan's decision. Agree.

After asking Taoyuan Qinyin about the guest room on the second floor, he went to the second floor and quickly found the room he mentioned.

However, he did not enter directly. Instead, he walked around the corridor and found the only closed door.

With everyone else doing their own thing downstairs, it was obvious that this room was the room where Ishiguri Sanrou was.

After Tang Ze moved the spider to the crack of the door, he returned to the room and lay on the bed and took out his mobile phone.

"Detective, find the best angle for fixed surveillance."

Following Karasawa's order, the mechanical spider began to crawl toward the wall, and soon the perspective was adjusted to focus on Ishiguri Sanlang who was eating ice cream cake at the table.

Seeing that the fat man was eating cake and seemed to have no intention of going out for a while, Tang Ze ordered the "detective" to monitor him and remind him at any time if there was any situation.

After the "Detective" upgrade, its functions have become more comprehensive and it can do more things. Helping with tracking can be done before the upgrade, so it is no longer a problem now.

Even the upgraded "detective" can know that Karasawa's purpose is to protect Ishiguri Sanlang and prevent someone from killing him, and he will automatically identify dangerous factors.

For example, if someone knocks on Ishiguri Sanlang's room and asks him to chat, the "detective" will not notify Karasawa.

But if someone sneaks into Ishiguri Sanlang's room with a key, the "detective" will immediately notify Karasawa.

It can be said that with the "detective" and the cooperation with the Mechanical Spider, Tang Ze has an additional intelligence agent who can closely monitor and distinguish the situation anytime and anywhere.

After arranging all this, Tangze rested in the room.

After taking a nap for almost an hour, Tang Ze was awakened by the "Detective" prompt. He looked at the time and found that it was half past twelve.

Glancing at the surveillance video, Karasawa found that Ishiguri Sanlang was still in the room.

The reason why the "detective" reminded him was because he had previously focused on the target Taoyuan Qinyin in advance and went upstairs.

After she went upstairs, she went straight to the door of Ishiguri Sanlang's room, reached out and knocked on the door, pretending to call him to eat.

When Ishiguri Sanlang opened the door to let her in to talk, Karasawa also got up from the bed and hurried to the corridor.

He remembered that the original plot only said that Taoyuan Qinyin planned to smash the opponent to death with a vase, but there was no detailed description of how to do it.

However, looking at the size difference between the two sides, Tangze could almost guess that Taoyuan Kotone must have killed the opponent with a sneak attack.

After all, the other party was a big fat man. If faced head-on, there was no way that a weak girl like Taoyuan Qinyin would smash the vase to death without showing any signs of struggle.

And Tang Ze was waiting for the moment when the other party made a sneak attack. As long as he could seize the opportunity and open the door at that time, he could prevent the case.

And he did exactly that. Watching the video of Taoyuan Kotone asking Ishikuri Sanro to help take down the vase, and then convincing him to go out, Karasawa knew that the other party was going to take action.

Sure enough, when Ishikuri Sanlang turned around and was about to open the door to let Taoyuan Kotone, who was holding the vase, leave, Taoyuan Kotone raised the vase in his hand and was about to hit Ishikuri Sanlang's head.

Tang Ze, who was observing the situation in the room simultaneously, opened the door just in time when he predicted that the other party was about to take action.

The moment the door opened, Taoyuan Kotone, who was about to take action, forcibly stopped what he was doing, while Ishikuri Sanlang was unaware of the movement behind him and just looked at Karasawa in surprise.

"What's the matter with you?" Ishiguri Sanlang was a little dissatisfied with Karasawa who opened the door without knocking: "This is my room."

"Sorry, I have something I want to talk to Miss Taoyuan about." Tang Ze smiled sheepishly: "I was a little anxious when I saw her come in."

"I'm looking for you." Ishikuri Sanlang looked back impatiently at Taoyuan Qinyin. At this moment, the other party had already put down the vase in a panic, with an unnatural look on his face.

"What's wrong with you? You don't look good?" Ishikuri Sanlang noticed something strange and looked at Taoyuan Qinyin suspiciously.

"'s okay, I just suddenly thought of something." Taoyuan Qinyin hugged the copper vase and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. There are guests looking for me."

"Well, go ahead, go ahead." Ishiguri Sanlang asked Taoyuan Qinyin impatiently, but after all, this villa belonged to the other party's family, and he couldn't do anything to stop them if they wanted to bother him with a vase.

After Taoyuan Kotone left the room, Ishiguri Sanlang said again not to disturb him and closed the door.

When the room was closed, only Tang Ze and the two were left in the corridor, and Taoyuan Kotone was holding a vase with a panic look on her face.


Just as Taoyuan Qinyin was about to say something, Tangze interrupted her and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk in the room."


Taoyuan Qinyin opened her mouth, looking like she was hesitating to speak, but in the end she didn't say a word, but followed Tangze into the room obediently.

After entering the room, Karasawa closed the door and looked at Taoyuan Kotone and said directly: "Miss Taoyuan, did you want to attack Mr. Ishikuri just now?"

"NO, I have not..."

Taoyuan Qinyin never thought that the other party's first sentence would directly reveal her actions, so she was forced to face this sharp question head-on before she could use some of the poor excuses she had made.

He subconsciously retorted, but then realized that his rebuttal had no great effect, so he lowered his head and fell silent.

"Actually, even if you don't tell me, I can roughly guess your motive for attacking him." Tang Ze looked at Taoyuan Qinyin and said, "Is it because of Gua Sheng? That boy you mentioned before who has passed away."

"You!?" Taoyuan Qinyin suddenly raised her head when she heard Tang Ze's words: "How do you know?"

"It's very simple. I have seen too many poor people like you who seek revenge for your relatives and friends."

Tang Ze sighed slightly and said: "There are many smart people among them, and their methods of killing people are also various, and some of their tricks are even beyond your imagination.

But do you know what their only ending is?

Without exception, I was sent to prison in the end, no matter what tricks they played. "

When Tang Ze said the last sentence, he looked into Taoyuan Qinyin's eyes and said, those sharp eyes made Taoyuan Qinyin's heart tremble: "You, who are you..."

"I have already introduced myself before." Tang Ze smiled and said: "As for my profession, I am a criminal."


Hearing the profession that Karasawa introduced himself, and then thinking of this surname, Taoyuan Kotone instantly realized the identity of the young man in front of him.

"I didn't expect that I would meet a "famous criminal"..." Taoyuan Qinyin looked bitter when he heard this.

"Haha, the old man with the mustache who came with me is the famous detective Mouri Kogoro." Karasawa looked at Taoyuan Kotone with a gloomy expression, and made up for it with a smile.

After hearing Tang Ze's words, Taoyuan Qinyin's whole body felt bad. Even Tang Ze could see that her eyes darkened from their original brightness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I'm really unlucky..."

Taoyuan Kotone laughed at herself: "This tennis racket actually attracted the "mystery duo" in Tokyo...

And I actually want to commit a crime under the noses of you two... I'm really asking for my own death..."

Ignoring the awkward and middle-class title of "The Two Heroes of Mystery" that came from nowhere, Tang Ze looked at Taoyuan Qinyin and said: "No, on the contrary, I think this is your luck.

If you kill someone, a gloomy future awaits you, but now you have not made an irreversible mistake, and everything can start again. "


Taoyuan Qinyin heard Tang Ze's words, raised her head and looked at him and said: "Can you tell me how you discovered me?

To be honest, I don't think you would open the door at such a perfect time. "

Hearing Taoyuan Qinyin's words, Tang Ze knew that it was time to "talk nonsense" next!

As long as Taoyuan Qinyin believes it, then when everyone is called to talk about it, he only needs to let Taoyuan Qinyin repeat it, and everyone will basically not be too suspicious.

If you do something yourself and publicize it, the effect may not be good, but if it is said from the mouths of other people who have experienced it, everyone will give more trust and ignore some possible unreasonableness.

After all, the reality is right in front of us, and those who have experienced it personally don’t think there is any problem. Everyone will naturally accept the reality, and then be attracted by more important things and ignore these trivial matters.

To do this, you must first deceive the person in front of you.

But this was not difficult for Tang Ze, who came up with the excuse he had already prepared and said with a smile: "Actually, before you almost hit Conan with the racket, I already noticed something was wrong.

Because of my natural perception and profession, I am actually very keen on other people’s attention.

Before you threw the racket, I had already discovered that you were secretly eyeing us both. This is why I was able to catch the racket at the last moment.

Combined with the fact that you said it was because your hands were sweaty and slippery, but there is not that much sweat on the tennis racket, it also proves that you are talking.

The combination of the two makes me suspect that you deliberately threw the tennis racket at us with the intention of causing injury.

Of course, I didn't know what your purpose was at that time, and these findings were too subjective. Even if I said it, there would be no evidence, and it would intensify the conflict between us.

So I chose to wait and see what happens, wanting to see what your intentions are.

But as you talked and argued, I quickly determined what you wanted to do.

After all, as I said before, I have seen similar situations many times. "

"So that's it."

After hearing what Tang Ze said, Taoyuan Kotone had a look of disbelief and a bit of surprise on her face, followed immediately by a silent and bitter smile: "I really didn't expect that I would be targeted from the beginning.

It seems that God never gave me a chance for revenge from the beginning. "

Speaking of this, Taoyuan Qinyin took a deep breath, then looked at Tang Ze and said: "What are you going to do with me?

I mean these things that I did, and the things that Ishiguri Sanrou did? "

"I will report the truth about you and hand it over to the local police to determine your fault."

Tang Ze heard this and said: "As for Ishiguri Sanlang, if he really killed Mr. Guasheng, then he will naturally have to pay the price.

Now, I need you to tell me the details of the murder case in detail. "

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