Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,478 The man who committed suicide

Elevator door.

Looking at the fat woman with her mouth wide open and a face full of fear, Hattori Heiji shouted again, but there was still no reaction from the other party.

Obviously, she had been frightened by the scene where Mr. "Reaper" suddenly raised his gun and shot her head. She has not come back to her senses and cannot receive any information from the outside world.

"That's enough, I'll find it myself!"

Hattori Heiji cursed when he saw this stubborn person, but just as he was about to leave, Karasawa held his shoulders: "Wait a minute, the elevator will come down soon!"

Hattori Heiji stopped when he heard this, and everyone's eyes fell on the elevator door.

These short few seconds of waiting made everyone present feel like they were living forever.

And soon, the elevator car painted with red paint appeared in front of the elevator door window.

As the elevator door contracted and opened, the man lying in the elevator appeared in front of everyone.

There were horrific bullet marks on the temple of the deceased, which were obviously marks of being shot, and blood was flowing all over the head.


Seeing the corpse in front of them, Xiaolan and Heye once again acted as the atmosphere team, screaming to kick off the case.

When things reached this point, Tang Ze quickly calmed down and began to take over control of the scene.

There were simply a lot of people coming together this time, so there was no need to worry about shortage of manpower.

After calling the police, after hearing Karasawa saying that someone committed suicide with a gun, Takagi quickly led the police to the apartment where the crime occurred.

"Hey, you said you are investigating a closed suicide case?"

After learning the group's motive for coming to this apartment, Takagi looked surprised.

"Yeah, it's mainly because I care about those cases, so I took a leave of absence and came here from Osaka."

Otaki Criminal nodded and explained: "But after investigation, we found that it was indeed a suicide case, but the deceased faked it as a homicide.

Then when I, Karasawa Criminal, and Mr. Mori, who were traveling with us, were waiting for the elevator to leave, we unexpectedly bumped into the suicide scene in front of us..."

"As for the identity of the deceased, have you already found out?" Takagi looked at Tang Ze and asked.

"The person who committed suicide was Mr. Bupu Walrus who lived on the second floor of this apartment." Tang Ze nodded and said: "He was a stock broker, but his reputation was very bad. Isn't that right?"

At the end of the sentence, Tang Ze looked at the fat lady beside him to ask whether what he said was accurate.

"Ah... yes!!" The fat woman nodded quickly when she saw Tang Ze looking at her.

"Um, who is this lady?" Officer Takagi looked at the only unfamiliar face among the group of people and asked.

"This is Ms. Naha who happened to be waiting for the elevator with us and was about to go downstairs." Mouri Kogoro said: "She is a resident on the third floor of this apartment. At this time every week, she will have her beauty salon scheduled."

"That is to say, after the elevator door opened, you saw this scene, right?" Takagi looked at the corpse and said.

"To be precise, I witnessed the moment of suicide." Tangze said while looking at the corpse.

"Eh?" Takagi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Look, isn't there an elevator window?"

Hattori Heiji pointed to the two rectangular windows on the elevator door: "It was in the elevator that we were going up that we saw Mr. Buura standing in the elevator with a gun against his temple and shooting himself."

"That scene is as if he deliberately committed suicide to show us." Tangze said with a solemn expression.

"Does that mean the elevator was still rising at that time?" Takagi heard the descriptions of the two people and recalled the scene with some shame.

"Yes." Hattori Heiji nodded and said: "At first, I planned to go directly up the stairs to confirm which floor the elevator finally stopped at.

But Karasawa Criminal asked me to wait, and then the elevator went down.

And when the elevator door opens, it looks like this now. "

"So this is completely a suicide." Takagi put his hands on his knees and looked at the body.

"I think so too, and there's a message like this in the elevator."

Otaki in the elevator pressed the door-close button, and the iron door of the elevator closed slowly, revealing a line of handwritten words in red spray paint.

There were two katakana in the middle of this line of red, which were written on the glass of the elevator window, so they could see the deceased inside through this layer of writing.


After seeing the text, Officer Takagi couldn't help but read it out. Then he looked at the body and said, "Is this his last words?"

"There was actually a spray paint can at the deceased's feet."

Criminal Otaki pointed to the white spray paint can on the ground: "I think he probably spray-painted a message in the elevator before committing suicide.

So I see these cases as genuine..."

"Kill him." x3

The words of Tang Ze and the three people in unison shocked everyone present, and their faces showed a look of disbelief unconsciously.

"Is this a murder case?"

If it comes to Conan and Hattori Heiji, it will still make Ran and Kazuha feel a little confused, but if even Karasawa says so, then they still believe it.

This is mainly a question of reliability. After all, in their opinion, Karasawa Criminal is older than them, and his reasoning ability is better than Hattori Heiji. If even Karasawa Criminal says this, then maybe he really killed him.

Even Takagi and Otaki, who were sitting next to them, subconsciously believed it after hearing the judgments of Karaze and the others.

"But how did you know it was homicide..." Takagi couldn't help but ask.

"Look at the monitor on the elevator." Tang Ze pointed to the elevator button, "Is it spray-painted red there?"

"It's really..." Criminal Otaki said after looking at it.

"Before you guys came, I asked Hattori-kun to adjust the surveillance." Tang Ze said: "Let him tell you the specific situation."

“I just asked the manager of the apartment to adjust the surveillance, and I saw that shortly before the incident, a hand holding a spray paint can suddenly stretched out and sprayed the monitor on the monitor.

This was a criminal. He didn't want the police to see what happened in the elevator during the investigation, so he deliberately stretched out his arms and blocked the camera with spray paint. "

"But is it possible that the deceased didn't want the camera to see the scene of his suicide, so he deliberately sprayed the camera off?" Takagi couldn't help but speculate.

"It's not impossible, but the spray paint can was held with the right hand." Hattori Heiji said with a smile.

"Isn't it normal to use your right hand?" Mouri Kogoro said impatiently after hearing Hattori Heiji's words: "After all, Neon is basically right-handed."

"But look at the dead man's hand holding the gun." Tang Ze pointed at the dead man: "He held the gun with his left hand, so he should be left-handed."

"Everyone who lives here and has dealt with Mr. Bupu knows that he is left-handed." Miss Mingbo heard the conversation and said quickly.

"Is that so!?" Takagi suddenly said: "And he still uses his usual hand-held gun..."

"So in this case, do you think he would deliberately switch to his non-dominant hand before writing?" Hattori Heiji asked.

"Besides, this man also has a watch on his left hand..." Conan squatted down and said.

"Hmph, it's normal for left-handed people to wear their watches on their left hand." Mouri Kogoro snorted coldly.

"No." Conan shook his head and pointed at the deceased's watch and said, "I wanted to say that the deceased's watch stopped at the time we found the body."

"It's probably broken or the battery is dead." Mouri Kogoro said disapprovingly.

"But this watch is a self-winding watch. This is not a watch that will wind up automatically just by walking."

Conan put on the back cover that Karasawa handed him, raised the watch and shook it slightly, and the minute hand began to move: "Isn't this strange?"

Because Conan now has the identity of Karasawa's apprentice, and it was Karasawa who gave him the gloves, even if Conan took the evidence, he did not receive the usual "love hammer".

Looking at the watch Conan raised, Takagi looked at it and said, "Really."

"The murderer probably wanted to disguise the deceased as a suicide, so after killing him, he put the watch on his hand."

Tangze smiled and said: "Although we don't know why the prisoner did this, what is certain is that the prisoner definitely did not escape now, but is hiding on the third floor or above."

"Eh?" After hearing Tangze's words, Takagi was surprised and surprised: "Why do you say that?"

"Because after the case occurred, Tang Ze Criminal immediately arranged for me to contact the apartment manager to check the surveillance of the exit on the first floor."

Hattori Heiji smiled and said: "After that, I have been guarding the stairwell on the third floor to ensure that no one leaves from the stairwell."

"So that's it." Takagi said in surprise, "Then the prisoner is still hiding above the third floor."

"In that case, let's inquire one by one." Otaki Criminal said.

"Then let's start from the fourth floor." Takagi nodded.

Although he didn't have many people, Tang Ze and others could also help with the investigation, so everyone got busy.

Unknowingly, it was already dark, but everyone finally checked all the residents on the 4th to 7th floors.

"Are there only three suspicious households in total?"

After everyone gathered the intelligence from the search, Mouri Kogoro said in disbelief: "There are only three rooms on so many floors. This building clearly has seven floors..."

"This is because someone died in the room last month, so many people moved." Takagi explained the reason.

"It's not that I don't understand."

Tangze smiled and said: "After all, those who can afford to live in this kind of apartment should be in good condition.

In this case, it is not incomprehensible that someone would move where they live due to taboos and other reasons. "

After all, good conditions mean more money and naturally more choices.

Of course, there is another important reason. I am afraid that most of the neon houses are not bought but rented. Therefore, after this happens, they can easily run away with a bucket.

And to take a step back,

"Anyway, that's the situation."

Takagi said: "Those three are the only ones who live alone and have no alibi."

"In that case, let's go ask those three people about the whole story." Hattori Heiji turned his peaked cap upright with a playful smile on his face: "I'm afraid the prisoner didn't expect that he would be found out so quickly. He’s a suspect.”

Seeing Hattori Heiji's actions, Toyama and Ye on the side felt their hearts pounding and had a bad premonition.

"What a tragedy, Heiji has completely turned on his reasoning switch..."

Toyama and Ye took out their mobile phones and said in a panic: "But the Shinkansen is about to leave!! What should I do!?"

"It's time now, let's stay at my house." Xiaolan smiled and said with relief.

"That's all we have to do." He Ye said sheepishly, "It seems like I'm going to cause you trouble."

"It's okay. You all lived at Tang Ze's criminal house before. Come and sleep at my house this time." Xiao Lan hugged He Ye's arm and said with a smile, "We can also talk about girls' topics."

"That's not bad." After thinking about it for a while, He Ye agreed with a smile.

The girls discussed the follow-up plans and arrangements for the time being, while the men started investigating the case in front of them.

And they first came to the home of the first suspect, Mutsu Sio.

"Kill, kill?" The middle-aged man in a white shirt stuttered in a panic: "Didn't Mr. Bupu commit suicide?"

Everyone was surprised as soon as Mutsu Sōo opened his mouth. After all, the residents should not know about this matter, but the other party said it was suicide.

Could it be that the prisoner was found?

Just when everyone had different reactions, Karasawa looked at Mutsu Sio and said, "Now that we have found clues to his murder, we decided to conduct a search.

But how did you know, Mr. Mutsu? We have no news about the case. "

"Ah! Please don't get me wrong!"

After hearing this, Mutsu Sōo immediately realized that his words aroused suspicion, and quickly waved his hands and explained: "It was Miss Naha who just sent a message online, saying, "The God of Death committed suicide with a gun in our elevator."

Ah... The nickname "Death" was given to Mr. Buura by Miss Naha. "

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji was speechless: 'I was just wondering why she was playing with her phone so quietly, but it turns out she was writing a message...'

Everyone was speechless about the fact that Miss Mingbo spread the case information wildly, but since it had happened, they could only accept it.

And this information is not important. It is just that the other party said that the case was a suicide without authorization, and it does not affect the search.

"Can we just go into the house and have a look?" Karasawa no longer cared about what had happened and looked at Mutsu Sio and asked.

"Yes, yes, please come in." Although Mutsu Sio was a little nervous after hearing this, he still welcomed everyone into the room.

Mutsu Sio's room was very normal. Simply put, it had no special features. Everyone entered it one after another after being invited.

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