Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,483 The Vanishing Vampire

Latest website: The reason why the identity of the maid is also remembered by Karasawa and others is because before the maid left, Tokura Mamoru mocked her as the child brought by the mistress, and the inheritance fight had nothing to do with her.

It can be said that everyone who has appeared so far has a direct or indirect relationship with Torakura Sakuya.

But similarly, no one's relationship has an absolute advantage, and the initiative of property lies entirely in the hands of Tokura Moriyu.

It is precisely because of this that they care so much about this inheritance meeting and are deeply hostile to everyone who may take away more of their money.

Although they are related by blood, their relationship is not even that of ordinary friends for many people.

"It seems like this will be a dramatic inheritance war like a movie." Hattori Heiji couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"Yes." Mouri Kogoro nodded in agreement.

Of course, they are here just to witness this heritage meeting, so they just need to rest assured and ensure that nothing happens. Everything else has nothing to do with them.

As for Tangze, he focused on a certain person because according to the memory of the plot in his mind, the person was the murderer of this case.

And this time he was going to target the man in front of him.

In order to be able to control the opponent's whereabouts and make the plan go smoothly, Tang Ze took advantage of the moment before the food was served and directly shot the spider projectile at Fang Ping's body.

After the tiny mechanical spider climbed onto the man's shoulder, it quickly crawled under the collar to cover the figure and hide it.

After all this was done, the maid began to bring the dishes to the table.

In order to understand their internal affairs, Mouri Kogoro and Otaki began to talk to everyone.

Because they knew that they were criminals and detectives who came to investigate the recent terrifying vampire rumors, and had nothing to do with the inheritance fight.

On the contrary, it can guarantee their safety and serve as witnesses, so everyone's attitude is pretty good, so they talk a lot about Tokura Makiya.

"What, an incurable disease?"

Knowing that Tokura Sakuya held this inheritance meeting because he was about to die, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help being surprised: "Are you talking about Mr. Sakuya?"

"Yes, there is almost only half a year left to live." Tokura Masin nodded.

"Ara, aren't there only three months left?" Tokura Ruri looked at her husband and said in surprise.

"It is precisely because of this that we came to this dinner." As the eldest sister, Tokura Mamoru mentioned that her brother was about to die, but there was no trace of sadness on her face, and her words were very ruthless.

"Yes, and the invitation letter directly stated that those who are absent will not have any property to take." Hanekawa Johei, who was sitting next to her, took a sip of red wine and his words were even more straightforward.

But it's normal. After all, he is just a pretty boy. It's abnormal not to do it for money.

"Speaking of which, brother is too slow," Tokura Kishiji said strangely, putting down the knife and fork in his hand.

"Indeed, normally he would be picky about the food at this time." Tosakura Minoru agreed.

"So, little girls, can you please go wake him up?" Hanekawa Johei on the side looked at Xiaolan and Kazuha and asked with a smile: "After turning right in the corridor, there is the innermost room. "

"Us?" Xiaolan looked surprised.

"Yes, if the young girl wakes him up, he should be in a better mood." Tonakura Mamoru said and Hanekawa Johei looked at each other and smiled.

After hearing what the two of them said, Tang Ze calmly ate the steak on his dinner plate without any reaction.

He had no intention of stopping Xiaolan and the others, and he had no intention of going with them.

Because this was the prisoner's initial plan, just to create the illusion and atmosphere of terror that Torakura Sakiya was a "vampire".

When people are panicked, he can borrow Torakura Sakuya's identity and pretend that all of this is the illusion of Torakura Sakuya murdering someone who turned into a vampire.

The reason why Tang Ze chose to stand still was to lure the king into a trap.

It can be said that these arrangements of the other party are just the other party's preliminary arrangements, and there is no danger or harm.

But these arrangements will become irrefutable evidence against the prisoner when Tang Ze reveals the truth.

Therefore, as long as the prisoner's actions do not involve killing, he will not stop the other party, but will happily watch him unfold his early plans.

In the eyes of the prisoner, these arrangements were made before the murder, but in the eyes of the elder who knew everything and had the situation in his hands, they were the pits he dug for himself.

Faced with the two people's request, Xiaolan and Kazuye agreed after seeing that their father and Hattori Heiji had no reaction.

The two of them went out, turned right in the corridor, and walked towards the room inside.

"This should be the room inside, right?" Xiaolan said while standing in front of the door.

"But don't you think it's a little strange?" He Ye said with a puzzled expression: "Under normal circumstances, why would you let guests do such a thing?"

"Sa... who knows..."

Xiaolan knocked on the door and found that no one paid attention, so she opened the door and walked into the house.

"Ah? There is no bed in this room?" He Ye followed closely behind and asked curiously.

After the two entered the room, they circled around and found no bed or anyone. However, next to the TV and coffee table, there was a Western-style coffin on the open space.

"No..." Xiaolan's face turned ugly: "This is a coffin..."

"That's right!"

Although Yuan Shan and Ye on the side were temporarily frightened, they soon came to their senses with unhappy expressions on their faces: "I'm still wondering why those people were asked to wake up when they asked us to wake up. They were all snickering.

They must have wanted to see us see our uncle sleeping in the coffin and scare us! "

Speaking of this, Yuan Shan and Ye leaned over to lift the coffin lid, complaining at the same time: "No one is dead, how can he sleep in a place like this!"

But after the coffin was lifted, the scene they saw made Heye and Xiaolan instantly terrified.

Inside the coffin, I saw an old man with silver hair slicked back and wearing golden single-sided glasses.

Lying in a coffin dressed in a vampire costume.

But if it was just like this, it wouldn't scare the two of them, but his mouth had canine teeth and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

What's even more terrifying is that there is a wooden stake inserted into his flesh and blood on his chest. It is obvious that the "vampire" in front of him has been killed!


Seeing such a horrific scene, Kazuye suddenly let go of his hand supporting the coffin and screamed instantly.

In the restaurant, Conan and Hattori Heiji immediately became nervous when they heard the two screams of Kazuha and Xiaolan.

They were thinking about their sweetheart and almost as soon as they heard the scream, they reflexively stood up and ran towards the room where the two of them were.

As for Karasawa, Mouri Kogoro, and Otaki Criminal, although they were a step slower, they quickly trotted forward.

In sharp contrast to them are the brothers and sisters of Tokura.

After they heard the scream, not only did they not panic, but they looked at each other and snickered.

But seeing how panicked the guests were, they quickened their pace and followed.

"What's wrong!"

After arriving in the room and seeing Kazuya slumped on the ground, Hattori Heiji asked nervously.

"Uncle, uncle, he is in the coffin..." Xiaolan pointed at the coffin and said with a trembling voice.

"He's just sleeping in there..." Tokura Mamoru smiled innocently: "Don't be so scared."

"He said he would have to go into the coffin anyway, so he has been sleeping in the coffin as a bed recently." Tokura Masin explained with a smile: "Don't be so nervous."

"No, I saw him covered in blood, lying in the coffin!" Yuan Shan and Ye said anxiously after hearing what everyone said: "And his chest was pierced by a wooden stake!"

"The whole body is covered in blood!?" Tokura Masin was surprised when he heard this.

"Brother, his joke has gone too far..." Tokura Kishiji still said in disbelief.

"This is not a joke! Uncle, he is really dead!" Xiaolan said anxiously, looking at everyone who still didn't care.

"There is a faint smell of blood."

At this moment, Karasawa came to the coffin, looked at Heiji and the others and said, "Let's lift up the coffin and take a look."

Hearing Tangze's words, the two nodded, and the three of them went to lift the coffin lid together, but for some reason the coffin lid seemed to be locked and they couldn't open it even with all their strength.

"What's going on..." Hattori Heiji tried his best, but found that there was no way to open the coffin.


Just when everyone was struggling, the coffin opened as if a mechanism suddenly opened inside.

But when Hattori Heiji opened the lid of the coffin, he found that there was nothing inside, "Hey, there is no uncle in here at all!"

"How is that possible!" He Ye looked at his friend's coffin with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Sister Xiaolan, was there really anyone inside just now?" Conan asked.

"Well..." Xiaolan's expression was also blank: "It's really inside..."

After hearing what the two of them said, Hattori Heiji and Conan's expressions became serious.

Precisely because they knew that the two of them would not tell lies, they were cautious about the phenomenon in front of them.

"I really didn't lie. My uncle was really lying in the coffin just now!"

Yuan Shan and Ye Sheng were afraid that everyone would not believe it, so they quickly described: "He had a wooden stake stabbed in his chest, his whole body was covered in blood, and he was wearing a black cloak!"

"Not only that, he also has pointed ears and canine teeth like wild beasts!" Xiaolan nodded repeatedly and said anxiously: "It's like...just like the vampire Count Dracula!!"

‘Dracula? ’

After hearing their words, both Conan and Hattori Heiji fell into silence.

When Tokura Masin heard what the two said, he touched his chin and recalled, "Speaking of which, my brother seemed to have been given such a nickname when he was a child."

"After all, the pronunciation of the name does sound very similar to "Count Dracula", and it does seem like a nickname that only children would randomly pick." Torakura Ruri said with a smile.

"But that nickname should be more than just the name. That's why he was called Dracula." Tosakura Minoru said calmly: "If it is based on the history of the Tosakura family."

"That's true."

Tonakura Mamoru smiled and said: "In addition, Sakuya has been exhibiting all kinds of weird behaviors that are not like humans recently. Maybe he is really possessed by some vampire or something like that."

After hearing Tokura Mamoru's words, Xiaolan and Kazuye turned pale with fear.

They are not afraid of extremely vicious criminals, but they are scared to death of this kind of unfounded, indescribable ghostly thing.

"You're kidding."

Seeing how frightened the two girls were, Tokura Kishiji smiled and comforted him: "Brother, his ears are not pointed, and he does not have fang-like teeth.

If the eldest brother you see looks like that, it is definitely the eldest brother. He deliberately dressed up like a vampire just to scare you.

Although I don’t know if there is a mechanism inside the coffin that can make people disappear. "

"Well, although it's like magic, the sudden disappearance is very similar to the sudden appearance of vampires in movies." Hanekawa Johei stood aside and made sarcastic remarks.

"You bastard, do you really think that your elder brother is a monster?" Tokura Kishi said angrily, tugging on Hanekawa Johei's red tie.

"But I'm not the only one who thinks so, right?" Hanekawa Johei was not frightened at all when his tie was pulled, but he turned and looked behind him: "Am I right, Mr. Butler?

Isn’t it because you have the same idea as me that you specially invited those people here? "

"That's right." The old housekeeper nodded when he heard this and said, "Because in recent times, the master's various abnormal actions have been really weird.

That's why I specially invited Mr. Criminal to attend this discussion meeting about the master's inheritance. "

"Criminal?" Hanekawa Johei and others were shocked when they heard the butler's words.

"I'm from the Osaka Police Station, and my name is Otaki." Criminal Otaki introduced himself with a smile, but he didn't introduce the identities of Mouri Kogoro and Karasawa. He just mentioned in a cursory manner that they were his friends.

The reason for this is because on the way to this room, Karasawa had already warned Otaki Criminal in advance not to reveal their identities.

Although he looked puzzled, he finally agreed.

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