Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,493 The Unexpected Prisoner

The reason why Koshizui Nanatsuki said that Karasawa was full of schemes was because when Karasawa was talking to Hatao Eao, he was already trying to find a way to get the other party's fingerprints.

The little trick to get fingerprints is the photo Tangze handed to the other party.

Due to the material of the photo, fingerprints will clearly remain on it after being touched by hand.

And Karasawa also remembered where the other person held the photo with his fingers when he took it, so he didn't have to worry about getting confused with the owner of the photo, Serizawa.

And it doesn't matter if there is confusion. After all, Serizawa is an outsider. The worst that can happen is to add his fingerprints to it.

However, it is a pity that although Karasawa was full of calculations, the fingerprints extracted were not good enough. The fingerprints extracted in the bar were not consistent with Hatao Eao's.

In other words, there is a high probability that Hatao Eao has never been to the bar where the crime was committed.

Then he would naturally be free of suspicion.

Of course, this is not absolute. After all, if Hatao Eao wiped off his fingerprints after committing the crime, then this identification would naturally not be able to identify him as a suspect.

But what is lost is the east corner, and what is gained is the mulberry tree.

"There is no bottle of wine outside the deceased's shop, and only his bar in the distance does not have bottles of wine."

Although Nanatsuki Koshimizu had previously investigated the murder weapon, he finally identified the specific type of the murder weapon based on the items in the bar and some fibers left on the wounds of the corpse.

"Well, because the wine barrel is made of fir wood, if the wine is left outside the barrel for a long time, the fir wood components will be incorporated into the wine."

Before the two of them got into the car, they found a milk tea shop on the street and each chose a flavor they disliked. They drank milk tea and waited patiently.

"Bottle wine is very bad for the body. It can't lower blood pressure, but it can also activate blood circulation. It can't be said that it has many disadvantages." Takagi said: "Is that wrong?"

Although this will ensure that the other party opens up, it can ensure our absolute advantage in the milk tea industry.

You were inside at that time, and I was so happy to pick on you before I saw you.

After being suddenly praised by Zhu Bin and finding out that he had become the hero and protagonist of the case, Gao Mu looked awkward and comfortable.

"Juniors, where are you going?" Koshizui Itsuki asked as he chased after him with milk tea.

It's a pity that just as it gave you a little hope, it suddenly found your head again. "

"Did he find anything later?" After hearing Takagi's words, Koshizui Itsuki came over and asked, "What is this terpene he was talking about?"

"Let's explore these wines later."

Koshizui suddenly said: "There doesn't seem to be any neon wine outside the bar where you remember the deceased.

"Huh? Terpenes?" When Takagi saw that the ingredients in the alcohol test did not include that item, he raised his eyebrows involuntarily: "It's boring."

That's a possibility, after all, the later the time in a place like a bar, the more chaotic it becomes.

"What, it's neon wine."

Officer Megure on the side slapped Omu on the back: "You have heard about the situation. You did it with humility, Omu!"

Takagi smiled and said: "After all, handling a case rarely requires carelessness, patience, and down-to-earth investigation."

He must insist that he is the murderer, so please cooperate with your fingerprint comparison investigation. If the comparison results are consistent, the suspicion will naturally be cleared. "

The Iwashami store manager had no plans to be arrested, but because our investigation never found me, I was lucky.

He deserved to be the number one contributor that time. "

"There are no bottles of wine yet." Zhu Bin looked at the wine under the counter that was not bottled but in wooden barrels. He looked at the name and said, "Nozawa-san, is that a bar in Hyogo Prefecture?"

"It's too exaggerated. You are a hero or something. You just put in some effort."

It just so happened that the murder weapons belonged to the Green Transportation Company. Does the boss have anything to argue with?

However, that set of fingerprints matched those of all suspects and persons related to the case.

"What happened before this?" Koshizui asked, "Did he dispose of the murder weapon or something?"

Moreover, we were not careful in our fights. It was definitely possible that we accidentally killed Hiroki Shanshui.

"The rest of the transcript will be handed over to them."

The store manager Iwashami was silent for a moment, then said hurriedly: "Since this bar opened across the street, your business has increased by one-eighth because of our soliciting customers.

Takagi saw Na smiled and said goodbye to the two of them: "Although the prisoner has been caught, the big mystery of the case has not been solved yet.

After hearing Takagi's words, the store manager Iwagami knew what my intention was, so he could only nod dully.

Before learning the news, Koshizui Itsuki scratched his head and said, "If you were taken away and burned by the murderer, but you didn't expect to find it, you were negligent."

"It is indeed a neon bar. All the items on display are famous wines from all over the world."

Koshizui Kazuki also said with a eloquent expression: "You also want to know why things turned out like that."

Takagi scratched his head in a bad way when he was praised: "And the prisoner was found by Takagi Criminal Investigation. If you can use the components under the fingerprints to identify the prisoner."

Store manager Iwashami was stunned for a moment when he saw Koshizuki, and then said: "Is it because of the case that you two are here?

Finally, in a trash can 17 meters away from the bar, we found the murder weapon with some blood stains on it, and it has not been confirmed yet.

"The customers are very understanding." The store manager Iwashami smiled when he heard this.

Considering whether the polygraph tester Tose Eao made any waves on the question "Is he the murderer?", the real murderer may not be someone else!

"Is it true? At that time, you were so distraught that you killed someone, so you went back directly."

That evening, you were collecting the slow delivery from Green Transport Company. As soon as you cut the rope and threw it away, you heard my wife arguing with me in the bar next door, so you went out to see what was going on.

Zhu Bin did not answer the boss's question. Instead, he looked around for seven weeks and sighed.

The milk tea that Takagi drank was not a new product of his company, and the taste was still wrong.

"If that's definitely the case, this will be really troublesome." Takagi continued to scroll up the chat window while drinking milk tea, and clicked on the information on the laboratory ingredients to view it in detail.

Moreover, this guy is always reasonable when we meet him, with his chin in the air, and he also leaves garbage everywhere.

"To put it simply, it's not neon wine." Takagi explained with a smile.

But that world was different. Takagi knew that this thing could become popular in neon, so he occupied the market early.

"See you later~" Yueshui flicked his index finger and middle finger together into a sword on his forehead, and immediately followed Zhu Bin and walked away.

But you haven’t said anything you know yet. "

Obviously, I insulted Officer Megure, and that’s why I felt so honored when he was praised by him.

Takagi smiled and nodded when he heard this: "In traditional Chinese medicine, fir is just a herbal medicine. It has no effects on warding off evil and eliminating filth, removing dampness and dispersing poison, reducing adverse qi, activating blood circulation and relieving pain."

Speaking of which, in my world, very few Yakuza ended up selling milk tea before the end, because we discovered that milk tea makes money slower than crime.

He called Takagi and asked me to help investigate some information. Takagi immediately started the car and took Kazuki Koshimizu to the small commercial building where the crime was found.

"I never thought that you would be surpassed by us, Omo Criminal."

"It's not necessarily about putting essential oil outside the wine." Takagi said meaningfully, then stood up and walked towards the parked car.

"Is that the place where you, Yimei, were doing investigative notes in a distance?" Koshizui Kazuki said in astonishment: "Why did you come there? Could it be that..."

"Well, you're welcome to taste it anytime you want." Iwagami store manager smiled before hearing Takagi's sigh.

Watching me leave the house, the anger in your heart grew stronger. Furious, you rushed to my bar with the rope in your hand.

Therefore, there should be no fingerprints of the prisoner under the murder weapon, so it was abnormal for him to be taken away by the prisoner.

"Put essential oils outside the wine?" Yueshui asked with a confused look on his face.

"But the ingredients of the wine were also found under the murder weapon of the deceased."

The process of waiting for the results is not long, but it is very difficult.

This is normal. After all, judging from the weapon chosen by the other party, there is a small chance that the murderer was impulsive when killing but planned to kill. If so, he should prepare the murder weapon.

Takagi's last sentence made the other party's expression change immediately.

"What you said is the truth. Although you and Yueshui's investigation has not retreated, although these suspects have not committed any crime, they are all murderers."

Tangze and the others failed, but Takagi made great achievements.

"Go to the bar street where the crime occurred. You don't even know who the culprit is yet!"

On the other hand, it is also to kill competitors, which is equivalent to fighting between the youngest and the seventh and eighth brothers who are related by blood, and then they are killed directly when they want to retreat.

After hearing Koshizu Itsuki's complaint about Takagi, he immediately patted the Iwagami store manager on the shoulder and signaled him to leave with us: "Let's go with you."

Then he strangled me from behind..."

It's unusual for some people to stop controlling themselves and start fights and find trouble once they've had too much to drink.

"You are belittling yourself. Even you know this knowledge. Professional matters should be left to professionals."

Gao Mu patted Di Mu's chest and said, "If it was the murder weapon he provided, you might not be able to find out who the murderer is without checking everyone.

"Look at that, in addition to the fingerprints, the specific composition of the trace substances under the fingerprints has also been detected." Takagi said.

The disadvantage of doing that is not to keep the vitality of the enterprise, but let us always find ways to innovate and survive.

But in addition to Eao Tase's fingerprints, we also found another set of fingerprints.

According to Ogimonji's summary, where is the murder weapon?

Takagi said as he spoke: "You think all those wines should be brought here by the Green Road Transport Company.

"He is the bad Iwagami store manager. You guys have seen him since." Koshizui took a step back and bowed slightly as a greeting.

But now that he was caught again, the Iwagami store manager simply accepted his fate.

Due to the rise of smartphones, chat software has also become increasingly popular, so Takagi simply summarized the survey information in text and sent it to Takagi, and also took photos of the composition report of the test results and sent it to Takagi.

The other party's words were rude, so you were naturally polite to me, so you told me what was in your heart. You asked this big devil to take the garbage back outside your store to affect the environment of the corridor.

"He is the criminal eldest sister..."

I seemed to be very angry when I heard you calling me a big ghost, and then I came down to fight with you, and then I threw you to the ground.

At that time, we did not retreat to Shanshui Zhu Bin's bar, but came to the back of a bar called "Xiyan" that sold neon wine.

Yes, there are no small chain brands, and there are not many big brands for us to compete with each other.

"It's strange."

"Diligence can make up for weakness. Low Wood Criminal may be considered excellent according to reasoning, but I am practical and practical, and that alone is enough to surpass a small number of people."

As for the remaining fingerprint comparison and other results, the test was not finished when Takagi called to announce the good news.

Before determining the type of murder weapon, the brothers and others conducted a carpet-like investigation of the trash cans around the crime scene.

But it was not such a murderous weapon. We found it in Omu.

You go and finish it off. "

"You were just providing some help."

"You'll know when you retreat."

Taking store manager Iwagami to the interrogation room of the Metropolitan Police Department, Takagi looked at Ogi who came to hand over the prisoner, and said with a smile: "The hero of your case is here."

The store manager Iwashami shook his head when he heard this: "You are vague about handling the murder weapon, but that should have nothing to do with the fact that they found you now.

"That's wrong, that's the treasure of our store." Store Manager Iwagami said with a smile.

My wife seemed to have hit me on the head and ran away. Then for a while, Shanshui Zhu Bin came out covering his head and cursing.

"Yes!" After being praised by the direct subordinate of Officer Memu, Takagi immediately felt as if he had been given a shot of blood, and his face immediately became radiant.

And just as the two of them were chatting and waiting, after a while, the phone rang again, and this time Takagi sent investigation information about the murder weapon from the chat software.

"Yes, you have put in a lot of effort to find his murderer."

Before knocking on the door, Takagi and the two retreated inside. A thin middle-aged woman wearing a simple kimono came over: "Welcome, do you two need anything?"

But she did not find the original murder weapon. It was speculated that the prisoner took the murder weapon away from the scene after killing the murderer.

"I've learned a lesson." Koshizui Itsuki nodded humbly and accepted, "I hope there will be no bad results."

"But the relevant personnel of the case haven't been compared yet, right?" Koshizui Kazuki frowned before reading the content of the text message and asked, "Is it possible that your subsequent investigation direction is completely wrong?"

He said he might have had a conflict with a drunken guest and was killed by the other party? "

"Volatile essential oils, such as aromatic essential oils, cannot be used." Zhu Bin said.

"Amino acid, protein, kojic acid?" Kazuki Koshizui read out the string of other names with a slightly beautiful expression on his face, with a confused look on his face: "What is that?"

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