Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,496 Red-faced Mermaid

Faced with Yuanzi's little magic trick, Tang Ze and the others had actually seen through it.

But when Tang Ze saw how excited his sister-in-law was, he shrugged and said to let her grumble. After all, it is not easy for children to be happy.

But Sonoko's personality is the kind of person who gets carried away easily.

Xiaolan and Ayako were also really curious about this magic, and Sonoko raved there that they would definitely not be able to break it. She also said that this was the first step for the great magician Sonoko to enter the magic world.

This arrogant attitude, as well as their sweetheart's thirst for knowledge, gradually caused the two of them to change their attitude of not caring.

Finally, Tang Ze winked at Conan and motioned for him to come forward.

Seeing Tangze's hint, Conan didn't rush forward stupidly, but kept staring at him, as if asking him why he didn't come.

It was obvious that Conan was afraid that after he exposed Sonoko's trick, he would be troubled by the other party.

When the time comes, he will take all the blame and let Tang Ze watch the show.

When Tang Ze saw this, he immediately patted his chest, saying that I would take care of everything afterwards. Conan's face relaxed when he saw this.


"Hey!! The viewing time hasn't started yet!"

In addition, ordinary alloy iron nets were installed on both sides of the ceiling. In addition, Kaitou Yue Ai's prey was still swimming freely in the water.

"It's really a terrible hobby..." Langji Zhenzhen said in relief as he looked at the turtle covered in gems in the aquarium.

Looking at the two people going back, everyone followed them and retreated into the Tangze Small Museum.

"Look!" After hearing his uncle's words, Yuanzi lay down in the aquarium and started checking it carelessly, "Really, this necklace is right under its back! It looks like there are not many gems under the shell on its belly. "

"It sounds suspicious." Kidd looked at Karasawa Ciyue and asked, "Didn't he find someone to identify the gems?"

And your outfit today is indeed more neutral. "

So before the two exchanged looks, they still looked as usual and listened to each other's questions.

After all, we came there to watch the performance of Kaitou Conan, and now that we were kicked out, it was natural to watch.

"Bad pain!!"

"It's rare for them to come over here. What if they want to see other products?" Tang Zeci Xiaolan asked, leading the crowd.

However, those are considered to be minor details, and they will also affect the future trend, so Kidd took it to heart after hearing it.

That can also add an extra layer of insurance! "

After all, looking at your sister's failure, you don't have a bad taste in your heart to take pleasure in others' misfortune.

Kidd said with a smile: "When it is shaken, the remaining half of the carbonic acid outside will produce a small amount of gas to squeeze the recess of the can, and finally hold the can up."

"It's better to go out slowly!" Looking at the crowd who had not left, Zhongyue Aisheng used a loudspeaker to drive them away: "Go out slowly!"

Langji Zhenchun was stunned for a moment after hearing this, while Dalan smiled and said: "You originally thought he had any interest in the Phantom Thieves."

Idiot, do you have any right to speak..."

So naturally I know some details of what happened to everyone under the train.

After hearing Zhongyue Aisheng's words, all the tourists present looked at each other with expressions of reluctance.

"Ah, Zhongsen Police Department..." Seeing this, Dalan quickly explained: "Langji, you are the one you complained to..."

"That's a problem for you." Dalan nodded with a smile.

"Sera-kun is very powerful!" Langji Zhenzhun said: "I was so nervous that I saw the method of resurrecting the Coke can!"

"There are mistakes, there are mistakes. It's mainly cases that have nothing to do with the Conan villain. I will show up." Sonoko nodded in agreement.

"And that white sticker doesn't pretend to be as soon as the can mouth is opened." Yue Ai said with a smile: "As long as the sticker is removed before, the Coke outside will appear as if it has been suddenly transformed."

"Yue Ai, Yue Aijun, they are here." Xiaolan said, Tang Zeci looked at Dalan and said: "I'm really sorry about the next train. Stop standing here. Come back with you to show them around." visit."

Even this "magician on the moon" would never think of stealing it easily in that iron cage. "

"You're too polite. Sonoko also took you to Izu for vacation before." Dalan waved her hand quickly.

"Hahaha..." Ayako laughed evilly, but she knew how to comfort her sister.

Because I found that I didn’t seem to have any impression of Kaitou Yue Ai’s actions.

"I just feel that a top magician can't become one with such a simple magic." Conan continued to worry: "And such a simple magic probably won't surprise Conan."

Just as Tang Zeci Xiaolan finished speaking, Nakai Shuichi was heard shouting with a loudspeaker to drive away the tourists: "Except for the relevant personnel, everyone else should leave there slowly!"

The same as in the original work, Langyoshi Mazumi met the real Akamori Ginzo that time, but it was Belmod who pretended to be one.

"That's wrong. Conan's target that time was the ruby ​​​​under the back of a turtle."

"Of course." Tang Zeci Xiaolan changed her voice and said: "The appraiser was accidentally bitten by a turtle on his finger during the appraisal, so the appraisal was not completed.

Speaking of which, Sonoko proudly nodded Sera's head and shook his head: "That means he didn't see through your magic at all.

That statement was wrong. The other person was wearing a hat, a white shirt, a white vest and trousers. It didn't look like a girl's outfit, so it would be mistaken for him.

"What is this, uncle?" Yuanzi asked curiously.

But it was too late, so I thought about having a showdown with Conan while the gem was stuck under the turtle's back!

Before that, he met Akamori Ginzo, who was about to go bad, and then the other party "beat the girl with painful hands" to make him faint.

Yuanzi said angrily before hearing this: "Now he is talking about your magic skills!

"And he's also the eldest son!" Yuanzi said.

"Sister! He looks at us, brother-in-law!" Yuanzi shouted with a broken face: "We, the master and the disciple, have united to bully you!"

"Eh? Why?"

"But why put gems under pets?" Dalan asked strangely.

"There's something wrong, it was you who did it." Yue Aici Xiaolan waved her hand and said: "Do you know that they have never heard of the famous Italian actor who was accidentally involved in a shipwreck six months ago?

Still waiting for Sonoko's words to come out, Seriang on the side grabbed your left hand and spread it out: "He still has time to remove the white sticker under his hand."

"Besides, it was Uncle Xiaolan who invited Sera to entertain me. After all, Sera is also the Phantom Thief's Nemesis." Da Lan smiled and said: "But you are more surprised by Lang Ji."

However, while Langji Zhenzhen continued to ask, Tang Zeci and Xiaolan suddenly walked over with a bold little smile.

"Oh, these are big things." Yuanzi waved his hand, and immediately pulled Dalan and said: "Let's go, let's go back and take a look."

"Haha..." Faced with Lang Ji's pure praise, Yue Ai just smiled modestly: "It's because the master taught me badly, and I also taught that technique on TV later."

To be honest, Langji Zhenzhen still feels that this is a special scene like a dream. You also thought that you actually met Brother Xiu under the train.

Speaking of that, Yue Aizhenchun picked up the white hat under his head and said, "And you also want to ask him about seeing that hat."

Karasawaji Xiaoran explained: "In order to let others take over the care, I desperately used adhesive to stick the gems to the turtle shell.

"As expected of a Conan villain, he is so popular~" Yuanzi admired as he looked at the crowd around him.

Except for the people involved, everything else must leave there! "

"Hey~" Langyoshi Masumi looked at Nakai Shuichi who was driving away the crowd and said with a smile: "So this uncle is always being fooled by Kaitou Conan~"

"What, what are you talking about, you little brat!" Hearing Conan's words, Yuanzi became furious.

One of the points is that when Okiya turned into Akamori Ginzo and prepared to attack the first carriage, Langyoshi Mazumi heard the gunfire and timidly came out to check the situation.

It can be seen that Yuanzi has really calmed down. He has obviously recovered from his anger before the magic was exposed.

"Didn't he see anyone here?" Langji Zhenzhun asked quickly: "It's not a woman wearing white clothes and a white hat!"

"how could be."

Visitors stand behind each exhibit and look at the art under the walls.

As soon as he stepped back, he saw a huge crowd almost filling the entire venue.

Tang Zeciyue nodded, then reached out and knocked on the rear glass, "The aquarium is made of hard glass, and the inside is made of cement walls two centimeters thick.

"Isn't that the target of Kaitou Conan that time?" Kidd looked at the aquarium and his eyes lost all of his thoughts and confusion for a moment.

"It's all your fault." Seriang complained helplessly after hearing that Sonoko's arrogant words were reasonable.

"Who is this person?" Langji Zhenchun looked at the yelling woman and asked curiously.

"At that time, after the ship's silence, I hoped that at most the turtle could be saved."

Yue Aici Yue Ai on the side noticed that Kidd was distracted. My arrival caused the surrounding tourists to get out of the way: "And that gem is called the red-faced mermaid."

"That one will be protested by the Animal Protection Association, uncle?" Ayako looked at the turtle and asked worriedly.

Before saying that, Seriang looked at the Coke can in Dalan's hand and said, "And there shouldn't be any trace of two big holes punched under this Coke can."

"There are so few people around!" Ayako said curiously, "What are you guys looking at?"

The wise Ayako hadn't seen through the intention of the two of them, and smiled at Kidd.

As for the current whereabouts of Langji Zhenzun's pursuit of Akagatake Aisheng, Kidd and the two knew it well, but for the sake of the plan, they would say anything to me.

"Eh?" Dalan said in surprise: "You just picked up that hat outside the corridor."

Tang Zeciyue took the lead and led everyone to visit the museum. In addition to various famous paintings, there were also sculptures and so on.

Visiting the exhibits was just a side trip. Watching Phantom Thief Conan was our main purpose.

Langji Zhenchun smiled and said: "After all, this is the first time you see that criminal today.

It turns out that tortoises finish shedding their skin from May to October. Originally, you planned to wait until the tortoise sheds its skin and the rubies naturally fall off before you go to have the gems appraised and purchased.

While Yuanzi was showing off happily, Conan, who had reached an agreement, looked at Yuanzi and said quietly.

"Master took the opportunity to practice your insight." Shiliang said with a smile, "But it's your fault."

"Sister Yuanzi, I think there is some difference between dreaming and daydreaming..."

I heard that that was not the turtle I raised, but that its name was Poseidon, and that it was the actor who owned the "red-faced mermaid". "

But it doesn't matter. With my current strength, even if Kaitou Yue Ai doesn't have any tricks, I'm not confident that I can't see through and save the ruby.

Previously, the fisherman in the distance discovered the aquarium and the turtle outside floating under the sea. Then the turtle in front of you got lucky and fell into your hands. "

And very slowly, Tang Zeci Xiaolan led everyone to a room with a huge glass box in the middle.

"Well, there is a way."


He is a big brat who loves to show off. Normally, he would have exposed you on the spot, but today he didn't say a word! "

"It's really not that!" Da Lan looked at the tin can carelessly and said in surprise.

"I guess Sonoko used a sharp awl to poke a big hole in advance, then put half of the cola in it, and then glued it up with adhesive."

"Shut up, that nasty big ghost!" Yuanzi said with an angry look on his face: "Lan! Why did you bring me here?! If I come, my brother-in-law will use your magic to teach you!"

On the other side, Kidd and Sera looked at each other passionately before hearing Langji Majun's words, and then slowly looked away as if someone was in trouble.

When he woke up again, it was Da Lan who picked up the hat when he got in the car.

In reality, as participants and planners of the case, we regressed and reviewed before the action started, and everyone also described in detail what they had done.

However, although the process was the same, the results were similar. Langji Zhenzhun also ended and continued to trace the whereabouts of his brother.

Speaking of Nazono's face, a look of disbelief appeared on her face, "Is it true that a turtle that is only 10 centimeters tall was originally intended to be displayed in the first-class compartment of the "Karasawa" special slow train?"

Langji Zhenzhen smiled excitedly: "Just like Detective Sherlock Holmes has no old enemy, Professor Moliage, there is no strange man with seventy faces among the Akechi Seventh Doctor, so there must be no weird enemy around the detective!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Langji Zhenzhun's face changed and Nakai Shuichi pinched him in his hand: "Hey! His boss, did you hear what you said?

"This is Nakamori, the detective from the Seventh Investigation Division." Da Lan explained with a smile: "I don't seem to be the criminal responsible for the Kaitou Conan case."

"No, no, has the magic been exposed?" Ayako comforted with a smile: "If we see that he has always been willing to tell you the answer, that's why we chose to expose him."

But this is just a way to kill time. The reason why we are late today is all because Kaitou Conan accepted the challenge.

"Why is there no aquarium?" Langji Zhenzhen asked curiously.

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