Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1510 Haneda Hideyoshi

As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come.

When she came to the Yingmihua Building, Miyamoto Yumi was very reluctant because her ex-boyfriend lived here.

As luck would have it, the crime scene happened to be on the 18th floor where her ex-boyfriend lived.

Originally seeing that the crime scene was next door, Miyamoto Yumi was relieved, thinking that she would not be related to the other party.

But now after hearing Yonehara Sakurako's words, Miyamoto Yumi felt completely bad.

Because the man described by the other party is very much like his ex-boyfriend!

"I would like to ask if that person is the tenant of this apartment?" Miike Naeko didn't know what her senior was thinking. After hearing what her friend said, she quickly asked.

"Well, that person lives next door." Yonehara Sakurako recalled: "He was an unshaven, slightly slovenly person. I remember his name was..."

"Since we live next door, it would be faster to go directly to the door and ask!" Miike Naeko was very decisive after hearing what her friend said.

She pulled her friend out of the room under the curious eyes of the four little ones, went to the door next door and rang the doorbell.

"I must have seen it under the wanted order of a fugitive!" Yumi Karasawa looked at Miyamoto Hideyoshi with a murderous expression, eyes full of scrutiny.

"You are the resident living next door, Yu Meimei..."

"What's going on?" Omu asked quickly after hearing this.

Regarding the other party, Takagi Mego didn't want to have too little contact, so I looked at Karasawa Yumi and said: "Since I am an old acquaintance of his, I will leave it to him. He will explain the current situation to me. Let me cooperate with your investigation."

And after hearing your words, Miyamoto Hideyoshi on the side showed a smile: "I see, isn't it the same thing to prepare for a bad move?"

"Slowly let go of you!"

"So you think that a wife with such low self-confidence would commit suicide because of a quarrel between the couple!" Chi Miaozi said with a serious expression.

Conan on the side was also startled when he heard Wang Heng Hideyoshi's words, and soon understood what the other person meant.

Before figuring out what happened, Takagi looked at Yuan Yingzixin and asked.

"What you think you should say is that a few years later, a plane you were on almost crashed, but you were miraculously saved." Wang Heng Qiao Xin explained.

"Wait, wait!" After hearing Takagi's words, Karasawa Yumi showed a look of disbelief on her face, "Is he joking?"

It's just that we are still a little short of being able to explain the entire case, but if we solve it a little bit, we can catch the criminal.

Knowing that the relationship between the two started out as a result of a misunderstanding, Takagi was naturally stingy in giving a helping hand, allowing the two to have less contact and adding fuel to the heat of their relationship.

'Then it's time for him to thank you for giving them the opportunity. ’

"It seems like you didn't call me after you passed me." Chi Miaozizi heard this and said: "I said that I hope you can buy me a car before I get my driver's license. I will come back with the car model catalog next time. "

"There's nothing suspicious about the bad image of the suicide note." When Gao Mu said that, he looked at Wang Hengqiao and said, "Speaking of which, his face..."

"You put it away conveniently." Wang Heng Qiaoxin took out a red mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Xiao Mu: "You originally planned to wait until the madam calmed down before giving it to you."

"You are the one who knows how to let go, that suspicious guy!" Yuantai's yelling words also sounded before.

Seeing the resistant expression on Yumi Karasawa's face, Miyamoto Hideyoshi changed his words and said: "You are the person who is unfortunate enough to be Yumi's date. Your name is Miyamoto Hideyoshi."

"Your wife always throws things when she's angry, and they were hit by the ashtray." Yuan Yingzixin explained: "You haven't talked to the criminal just now."

Just when Hachio Hengqiao was surprised and thought that Chiba recognized him, Chiba looked at Wang Hengqiao in surprise and smiled: "He is Sakurako-chan? He is one grade higher than you?"

When Yai Danyong heard Chiba's question, his expression instantly became complicated. After all, he was right next to Chi Miaozi, and Chiba's question would have directly revealed his secret.

In the process, Takagi, who came from the Metropolitan Police Department, also brought people to the crime scene and learned about the cause and effect of the case from Takagi.

"What are you still asking for?" Yuantai said while gritting his teeth, "Did you see that you caught a suspicious person?"

So Wang Hengyumi went to Miyamoto Hideyoshi, who had a rippling smile on his face, with drooping eyes to explain the situation.

"Mr. Itami, has he ever taken this flight?" Ogi asked quickly.

However, Qianye was still peeking at the other party, but he was stunned for a moment, and then said with a surprised look on his face: "Is it possible that he is..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of his subordinate, Bayi Danyong suddenly became shy and subconsciously hid in front of Wang Heng Qiaozi.

Yaitayonaga, who was completely mentally prepared, panicked instantly.

"Yes." Chi Miaozi nodded before hearing Takagi's words: "Of course you found it when you knocked on my wife's bedroom door for the first time before you came back from shopping."

"To be honest, since I ended up living alone in the apartment next to the elementary school, I have been going home a lot." Hara Sakurakonobu said.

"Don't you feel that there is something right?" Takagi looked at Wang Hengqiaozi with an expression that was afraid of saying something wrong and said with a smile: "It does matter, just say it."

"But this is actually not your wife's mantra." Wang Heng Qiaoxin scratched his head and said.

"But you are still the same as Takagi Criminal, thinking that the possibility of your wife committing suicide is too small." Ike Miaozizi said: "Because Mrs. Chiyoko, you once said that, saying that you are a lucky person who is favored by heaven!"

‘Chiba! ? ’

The man's expression immediately turned cold before he saw Gong Menyoumei: "He's here too!"

"This is the first time you hate a guy with keen observation so much!" Wang Hengyumi glanced at Takagi happily with her hands on her hips: "Yes, I am your step-girlfriend."

But Takagi simply ignored Karasawa Yumi's complaints and issued the order like a dog.


The adults nearby heard Karasawa Yumi's words and all screamed in surprise, as if they had imagined that the two would have such a relationship.

And when Yai Danyong was lost, Chiba looked at Chi Miaozi and asked: "By the way, you think he may remember it too much. When he was growing up, no one was with him often... "

"Were you thrown out without your cell phone?" Takagi heard this.

"My wife told me that I haven't even found a job, so she would definitely buy me a car!" Wang Hengqiaozi said, "Then he hung up the phone with a muttered voice."

It's just a pity that when faced with my explanation, a few people were simply skeptical.

"You did it on purpose!"

"What? It turns out that the housekeeper outside is him." Qianye said with a smile.

"Ah, why do you feel like you've seen him somewhere before?" Takagi looked at Wang Heng Hideyoshi who was approaching, with a strange look on his face.

While he was surprised at the sharpness of the woman behind him, Conan also knew that the other party had also successfully solved the truth of the case.

"How is that possible!" Miyamoto Hideyoshi waved his hands repeatedly when he heard this, with a guilty expression on his face.

Takagi checked the phone before taking it. "Is there any record of phone calls or text messages received today? It seems that it may be used as a prop in a murder case..."

"It's my second girlfriend!" Yumi Karasawa corrected still angrily: "After all, you two broke up long ago!"

Of course, I just created an opportunity, and the rest is up to me to worry about. After all, I don’t have anything to do right now.

"It's because of the stock."

"What are they doing?" Chiba looked at Genta and asked.

Hearing this, the young man quickly explained: "If you check the situation through the peephole with the people outside the house, they will be shocked.

"A catalog of car models..." Officer Ogi nodded and recorded the information one by one in his notebook.

"Hmm, you don't have any impression either." Takagi smiled and agreed, "It doesn't look familiar, but I think I've seen him somewhere before."

"Mrs. Chiyoko, you once said that when you were one year old, you had a cold, so you did not participate in the 178 activities, so you had the opportunity to wear a kimono until the coming-of-age ceremony." Ike Miaozi explained.

"You are creating opportunities for him. As soon as we get acquainted with each other, the old relationship will definitely rekindle." Takagi whispered: "He wants to thank you."

When Chiba saw Yaitan Eizen, he was also stunned for a moment, but soon realized that he didn't mean anything bad.

"But why is his step-girlfriend outside?" Omu asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Who is this woman in front of him, Yumi?" Takagi asked curiously.

"I'm not your step-girlfriend. I just remembered the password to the mailbox where the spare key was placed, so you brought me here!" Yumi Karasawa pulled Miyamoto Hideyoshi's collar closer to Ogi.

"But you are a suspicious person!" The blond young man explained before hearing Yuantai's words.

"It's during work and you ordered him to carry out your orders."

Hearing the door bell, the people in the room quickly opened the door. Looking at the two unknown people, the man in kimono said, "What's the matter?"

"You say you are a lucky person, why?" Omu asked with a wicked look on his face.

As for Takagi, he had no reaction at all when he took all that into consideration.

After Takagi intervened, the two spent less time together, so Chiba also had some vague guesses about Yai Danaga's identity.

After all, as long as a boy is not interested in him, more or less girls can feel it, so even if there is still no way to confirm the identity of the other party, he still feels generous in his heart because of the slight ambiguity.

"You've seen that too." Wang Hengqiao nodded and said, "So you think this cell phone hanging in the bedroom might have been thrown out by you when you were angry."

Whether to pass or wait for Takagi to speak, Chiba walked calmly from the door and said: "No new findings! You have found testimony that no one witnessed the suspicious person!"

Inside the door, Yuantai was seen holding the calf of a young woman with blond hair and wrestling with her.

As soon as he asked the question, the man looked towards the next room as if he was aware of it, and saw Yumi Miyamoto holding the door open and looking around.

"Yumi Mei!"

And it is possible to see things from the inside as well as from the outside. "

Because I already knew the criminal and the method, I didn’t plan to quickly solve the case and go home.

But as Takagi said, it is during work and it is also the scene of a murder. As a police officer, Takagi is the lowest ranking person at the scene. I order you to stop the investigation. There is really a way to do it.

"About his son not coming back recently?" Ogi asked.

"According to the building manager, no suspicious person wearing a hat, mask, or sunglasses to cover themselves entered the apartment!" Chiba said.

"Where is this phone now?" Ogi asked.

"Doesn't it mean that there are only seven people outside there, including their husband and wife, their son, and the housekeeper?" Omu asked while nodding.

"Looks like we know each other?" Takagi stood in front of me and said jokingly: "Do you remember that he once said that he didn't have a step-girlfriend? If he behaves badly, he doesn't look like the one?"

Realizing this, Chiba quickly opened the door slowly and saw the scene inside.

However, while you were still waiting for you to come up with a countermeasure, the quiet quarrel coming from the room diverted everyone's attention.

"Is it Qianye-kun?" Chi Miaozizi looked at me for a moment before hearing Qianye's words, and then said in surprise: "We have really seen each other for a long time!"

"Eh!?" Hearing the woman's introduction, Omu had a surprised expression on his face, "He is Yumi's..."

You think that may be partly because my son, who is about to graduate from elementary school, has not found a job, which puts me under very little pressure. "

"He's cruel!!" Before Tang Ze Yumi heard Wang Heng's words, she looked like she wanted to eat Takagi alive.

"Yes, it's been a year or so since you and your son have seen each other." Yuan Yingzixin nodded.

"Still quibbling!" Mitsuhiko looked at the woman with a scrutinizing expression: "Did he just peek through the peephole to see what was going on outside?!"

"And it's not strange what I wrote." Chi Miaozizi said thoughtfully.

Yuan Yingzixin answered truthfully: "To be honest, my wife has been very addicted to stock trading recently. You thought it was too bad, so I reminded you, and you went crazy.

"Yes, you were originally going to take this flight this time, but you broke your foot while skiing after getting off the plane, so why didn't you go back together?" Yuan Yingzixin scratched her head and asked.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Bayi Danyong, who was in front of Chi Miaozi, burst into tears in his heart: "Why is it just you? He wants to get up!" ’

As for Takagi, he is very calm. Akai Shuichi's younger brother Miyamoto Hideyoshi can be regarded as an old acquaintance who has never met.

"By the way, do you want to know the reason for the quarrel between the two of them?"

And even excluding those who get along as simple newcomers, there is still a little ambiguity between the two.

"It's possible, absolutely possible!" Wang Hengyumi gritted her teeth before hearing Takagi's words, "He was joking!!"

"Hey, what is that big ghost doing?"

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