Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1526 Investigation

After opening the clothes on the left side of the deceased, there were two burn marks not far apart on the front part of the other's arm.

"Could this be a wound caused by a stun gun?"

Although Yamamura Cao is a stick in reasoning, he is a criminal who often handles murder cases. Recently, he can still identify basic wounds.

So when I saw two regular burns on the opponent's upper arm, I realized what caused it.

"Yes, the victim was most likely knocked unconscious after being attacked with an electric baton."

Tangze said: "As for the injuries on the body, you should know what this means, right?"

"Eh?" Yamamura Cao looked at Tang Ze with a puzzled face and said, "What does it mean?"

"Because if the person next to me wants to subdue the deceased, he only needs to punch the other person in the stomach to make the deceased lose resistance."

Tang Ze smiled and said: "And this method is also very hidden, so no one will notice it at all."

"But he might have used the electric baton specifically to confuse us." Yamamura Cao retorted after hearing this: "After all, it's not that easy to subdue a person!"

"It's really annoying. Why is it raining again?" Yuanzi looked at the sky and said.

Conan pointed to the vent on the side and said: "He saw that there was no water coming up here, but it was stagnant."

Although it was just a big thing, it also showed that there were not many incompetent criminals in Gunma County.

"It seems that from this time on, Karasawa-sensei will stop acting like a drunkard as soon as he drinks." Michiko Monna looked at her companions and said, "You are all worried that I have received too little of a blow. ..”

At that moment, a criminal with a Chinese character face wearing a white suit hurried over with an evidence bag, "Mountain Village Criminal, a dry towel was found outside the trash can!

"What! Does he still think that Ah Zhen is not suspicious?" Yuanzi Qingdao Shancuncao on the side became angry before speaking.

"Ah, Teacher Ji Rong once made an agreement with your sister to get married." Mennai Michiko smiled and said, "But because my parents often showed up..."

At that point, Ji Rong stretched out his hand and touched it: "It feels sticky to the touch. It seems like nothing has been stuck there."

"That's wrong. Even if a stun gun is used to make Teacher Ji Rong unconscious, the opponent's body is very weak. It is really difficult for him to drown without being tied up." Ji Rong said.

"So there is no evidence down here?" The older forensic examiner next to him curiously took away the spare toilet paper, and then saw traces of fire under the ceiling of the bathroom that had not been burned.

In addition, there were seven strange empty jars, the openings of which were burnt. "

And those things must have been completed in a day by myself, and what I have to do is to sort out the intelligence and evidence, and then use reasoning to find the real murderer.

"Have we discussed elopement with him?" Dalan couldn't help but ask.

"You and I are classmates and the worst friends, so I also received a text message on my phone at that time." Zhengcao echoed after hearing the words.

"It's probably because my parents have already decided on a bad marriage partner for me."

"Yes, because your sister hated bowling after she was born." Zhengcao said after hearing this.

In addition to waiting for the autopsy results of the body, other criminal investigations are also awaited.

"Really, why did you say something like that so early!"

"There is no rainwater trapped under the toilet door either." Seriang came to the main door of the toilet and looked at the white glue surrounding the small purple door.

"Of course it's impossible for an ordinary person, but don't you think it's strange that a karate master like him would carry an electric baton with him for self-defense?"

"It's not a manifestation!"

Ji Rong said: "So it should be a killing method, and there is no rainwater retention in the vent at the main entrance of the bathroom, and there are no traces of glue.

How could he, a karate master, carry an electric baton with him to defend himself? "

"Boy, can you check the shelf below?" Conan pointed to the ceiling of the bathroom: "It's not the space in front of the spare toilet paper."

Conan looked at the evidence bag belonging to the other party and found that it was four long cylindrical cans, and as the criminal said after the interview, the mouths of the bottles were all burnt white.

"Are you leaving?"

"There are no traces of burning on the ceiling?" The eyeglasses examiner saw the one and said quickly: "Hey, slow down and take pictures!"

While Conan and the two were carefully observing the inside and outside of the bathroom, Tanba Masumi on the side couldn't help but asked: "What are they looking at?"

"But there was no smell of kerosene in the jar." The female criminal holding the evidence bag explained after hearing this.

After hearing the two explanations, Yamamura Cao quickly got off and unlocked Kyogoku's handcuffs: "I should have said that earlier last time."

When I got to the bathroom, I found that there were still two forensic investigators collecting evidence in the bathroom.

Sera and the other two nodded, and immediately the eight of them returned to the bowling alley.

However, because he was wearing white gloves, Yamamura Soichi was cautious and dropped the pen directly to the ground.

And just as Conan was pondering, raindrops fell again on the cloudy sky.

The bathroom was a simple one. It could only accommodate one person at a time, and its structure was very simple. It looked like a rectangular container.

"Apart from this, did the forensic doctor say anything else?" Ji Rong asked.

"Yes, but after that, if you want to catch the criminal, you still need to make preparations."

In that case, even if Yamamura Cao is reliable, the criminal authorities above him will be able to stand up to him, which will make every case a mess caused by Yamamura Cao.

"Talking to you two, do they often come to that bowling alley?" Ji Rong looked at the two and asked casually.

And the last moment, Sonoko's face with eyes that almost burst into flames appeared behind Yamamura Soo. I stretched out my hand and said, "Just give me an example, give me an example..."

Speaking of which, Yamamura Cao took out a notebook from his arms, and then took out a pen and bit off the cap to prepare for recording.

"Yes, that area seems to be less vertical due to the subsidence of the ground." The examiner on the side explained: "The bad image was scheduled to be repaired last month."

"Since it's Criminal Conan who says that, of course it can't be done." Ji Rong, the forensic examiner wearing glasses, stood up with a smile before speaking.

Sera said that and Tanba Masumi looked at each other and smiled, and said in unison: "It's the smell of kerosene!"

The two of them shared a tacit smile before they finished speaking. It felt like telling the answer after a cheating opponent, which was special and pleasant.

However, although the inner activities are very light, Conan's actions in reality are also not up to par.

"Yes, it will probably be more difficult to complete it if two or eight people work together." As Yamamura said, his treacherous fox face showed up again and he looked at Kyogoku Makoto: "But if you are a low hand in karate, one person is enough. !”

Holding an umbrella, Conan looked at the two forensic examiners with a smile and said, "If you have nothing to do next, I would like to ask you two to help arrange it."

Conan returned to the bowling alley and sat and waited with everyone.

"Speaking of which, when you guys come here, it will be raining outside..." Menna Michiko sounded nostalgic but sad at the same time. It was obvious that she was not in a high mood.

The female criminal on the side quickly looked at the notebook in her hand before hearing Conan's words, "Aside from the marks of being beaten on the deceased's abdomen, there are no belt-like compression marks on the upper abdomen beyond the navel."

Seeing that, Conan's eyes narrowed, and some speculations disappeared from his mind.

Upon hearing Conan's words before returning, Yamamura Soo immediately screamed.

After Ji Rong finished instructing the two of them to help arrange the reasoning tools, he looked at Sera and Koshizu Kazuki who had followed me outside and said.


"Empty can?"

After hearing the forensic examiner's words, Conan was stunned for a moment and immediately looked at Qi Zhou in the bathroom. He found that there were obvious diagonal mud marks left on the two walls next to the sewer.

And Yamamura Soo's actions naturally caught Conan's eyes, but what I focused on was the pen and not the drainage outlet: "I never thought that the ground would be vertical."

"A master of karate?" Yamamura Ji Rongxian was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously asked: "Are you really powerful?"

After hearing Conan's words, the two looked at each other and then nodded and answered in a roundabout way.

Hearing this, Zhengcao echoed and explained: "Before the two of them knew about the incident, they were slightly shocked, but they knew what to do and even thought about elopement..."

It must have been someone else, and the two of us would have left him behind long ago, but the person behind me is a well-known figure in the entire criminal world, so I naturally want to give face when I speak.

"Anyway, you should go back to the bowling alley first." Dalan suggested, and everyone agreed and ran towards the bowling alley.

"But in the end, your sister committed suicide by jumping into the sea alone, and it ended tragically..." Michiko Menna said with a high expression.

"Really? I'm just kidding." Yamamura Cao quickly comforted Yuanzi.

And after hearing that, Conan felt slightly relieved.

Ayako on the side heard this and said in disbelief: "But it's a city outside, and it's a parking lot. It's very difficult to drown, right?"

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, the young forensic examiner quickly picked up his camera and took pictures.

"Yes, your sister sent you a text message saying that [the two of you are leaving for a trip]." Menna Michiko nodded.


"Yes, so as soon as Criminal Conan said it was not safe to sleep under the car alone, you went to find me." Zhengji Rongxian nodded: "Actually, it was because you were not worried about who I would quarrel with again, so you thought Just put me here."

"The indentation did not include a circle that extended to the waist, so the forensic doctor speculated that the prisoner might have grabbed the belt of the deceased to move backwards." The female criminal said.

Because it was a murder case, and the body died in a strange way, the results of the autopsy were still very slow.

If the gap must be plugged, it is impossible to leave such a small gap. "

"Upper abdomen?" Yamamura Ji Rongxian asked quickly: "What is the specific situation?"

"So it turns out that the prisoner must be a person with a very weak arm strength." When Yamamura Soo said that, he glanced at Kyogoku Makoto next to him: "For example, a low hand in karate or something like that... "

"That scene looks like no one used tape to seal the gap in the simple bathroom afterwards." Tanba Masumi said with a solemn expression.

"Look at that non-weird toilet vent."

"Ah! Your pen, wait a minute!"

"We have the first piece of the puzzle." Seriang said with a smile: "Looking at it that way, the prisoner should have discovered this person."

"Ah, no."

Yamamura calmly chased the dropped pen, but found that his pen was broken and rolled until it stopped at the drain.

"I have won several championships in small competitions!" Da Lan, who also practices karate, said.

"It's wrong. It will take a while because there are no arrangements, so you should settle the dinner first."

Tanba Masumi who was on the side seemed to suddenly think of something, looked at Monna Michiko and asked: "What is the specific matter?"

Before the autopsy, it was confirmed that the deceased was drowned because there was no water outside his trachea.

"You smelled it that time too."

Karasawa smiled and asked: "After all, he came to Karuizawa today for fun, and the conflict with the deceased Mr. Tanba was also an accident.

"What, Criminal Ji Rong doesn't know who the prisoner is yet!?"

"But Mr. Karasawa didn't suffocate to death, but drowned."

Watching everyone leave, Conan and Sera were still standing in the bathroom, looking around at the entire bathroom.

Before I heard what the female criminal said about the evidence, I immediately went out and went to the bathroom where the crime was found.

"By the way, you remember that he later said that there was nothing wrong with the deceased's bad appearance."

Yuanzi repeatedly echoed: "Azhen, I am the "Kicking Prince" who has lost seven hundred battles! How could I carry an electric baton with me!"

On the side, Koshizui Itsuki's expression changed when he heard this. He was still typing with his head held high, as if he was replying to a message.

"Then you should go back first."

Ji Rong looked at the people with different expressions, smiled and asked for a temporary rest.

"Other than that, there's nothing worth noting. This is not the smell when you leave the house." Conan said.

"It's broken, it's raining. It's getting lighter. You go back." Conan smiled helplessly as he watched the two ghosts compete for lines, and immediately greeted the two of them back to the bowling alley.

And from a personal point of view, the two of them also hope that Conan can solve the case slowly, so that we forensic investigators can't do much more work.

"Ah, you know that!" Tanba Masumi interrupted Conan with a smile.

So when Conan asked us to do something, the two of them quickly agreed.

"Did someone use the can as an ashtray?" Cao Yamamura looked at the can with a suspicious look on his face, and didn't think it was evidence at all.

What's more, even in terms of rank, the other police officer's rank was the lowest among the criminals present. Even the leader of the team, Yamamura Cao, was a head shorter.

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