Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1531 The Woman in Red

"It doesn't matter." Shiliang Zhenzhen waved his hands indifferently and said with a smile.

While talking, a man with a Chinese character face and a fat man with a white scarf on his head also came over.

After seeing everyone, the Chinese-character face looked at Minegishi Tamami and said with a smile: "By the way, Detective JK, Sera's sister, is it really here?"

"Renta and Hakutani, are you two here together?" Minegishi Tsumi greeted them with a smile after seeing them.

"No, Jinsuke and I met by chance in the forest." The fat Bogu explained.

"Hey, this guy from the Chang family said he just fell into the swamp."

Renda Jinsuke laughed happily: "When I met him, he was changing clothes in the forest.

This kid is still as weak as before. "

"Stop talking!" Bo Guchang's family looked at their companions who were adding insult to injury and quickly stopped them.

"But it's really a pity." Jinsuke Renda said with a smile: "I was so looking forward to having female high school students come over, but I didn't expect that they would all bring their boyfriends."

Before saying that, several people present had bad looks on their faces, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

But when the difference was over the next year, strange things started to happen one after another. "

"The most comfortable moments are when the glass of the window is smashed, or when an apple rolls down the room."

Before that, you had suggested that Xiaojia go to explore the situation outside the forest together, but during the search process, only Satoko got separated from you in the forest.

Later, even the small entrance door of the rental villa was splashed with red paint by someone who revealed his identity, so the owner of the villa simply painted the small door red. "

"And that time, they saw the trace of the 'man in red'." Sumika Kawana said.

Even if it was just me, it was only natural that Conan noticed that Sumimi Minegishi, who was standing aside, had the same expression.

"Ah..." Before hearing what Shosuke Hakutani said, a look of fear appeared on the Minegishi family's face.

"You thought older children were slow to learn everything, but Xiaolan was the complete opposite." Dalan smiled and took out his handkerchief: "Sera, there's sauce under his mouth."

Sera on the side changed the topic at the right time, looked at the satchel that Shosuke Hakutani was carrying and asked curiously.

"He, he said it was for self-defense..." Dalan had a bad premonition when she heard that she might encounter a bear in the distance.

Hearing Bao Fa's words, Bogu Changfu said it was a pity, but just by looking at his expression, he knew that it was just a joke to liven up the atmosphere, and he did not really care.

"Yes." Dalan nodded and said, "You are wearing a red raincoat and red boots. You are a man with long hair that is red from bottom to top. You are wrong."

"Are there no bears in that distance?" Yuanzi asked with a worried look.

Sera Masumi was originally a tomboy, and although Karasawa was older than them, he was not much older. He looked very young in casual clothes today.

"You think no one, including the man in red, is playing pranks on you."

"I see." Xiaolan Zhenchun nodded and said: "You still know the ins and outs of the matter. You just need to solve the mystery that has nothing to do with the man in red, right?" Xiaolan Zhenchun smiled. road.

"At this time, we go camping or hiking together." Xiang Minegishi said with a smile.

“It tastes really bad!”

"Because we heard before that Seriang's sister would bring female friends over." Bogu Changjia explained.

As soon as the words fell, the expressions of the seven people present changed drastically, and even the tray in Minegishi Tamami's hand fell to the ground.

"That's what he said." Hearing this, Baofa Feifu smiled and opened his backpack and took out a wooden bat: "That's a baseball bat. You bring that thing with you every year for self-defense."

"You know." Minegishi Tamami nodded before hearing what the two said, and immediately said, "Now, please tell me about that matter."

Before you graduate, you will actually get together every year on the day Satoko's body was found.

"It's indeed wrong. It's not professional anymore." Conan praised with a smile before swallowing a piece of hamburger meat.

It's normal for Ren Tian Jinsuke to have such misunderstandings.

"Yes..." Shosuke Hakutani looked at the excited Xiang Minegishi family and explained: "Are you thinking it will be the murderer 15 years later?"

"By the time we found you, it wasn't even a week ago."

"Something strange?" Conan looked at Tian Shenfu Zhumei and said, "Can you tell me in detail?"

By the time the police arrived after receiving calls from surrounding passengers, the rented villa room had not yet turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Dalan said with a smile: "If there must be five people, it means that the man in red clothes you just saw outside the forest is also one of their members, right?"

Summi Minegishi said: "I didn't use cold water before, but when I was inspecting the water cooler, I found that there were red rose petals all over the outside of the water tank.

"Do they want Xiaolan to catch the man in red?" Yuanzi asked, looking at everyone.

Hearing Tumi Minegishi's words, the bodies of Dalan and Sonoko trembled consciously. It was obvious that they thought of the figure you met in the forest later.

"Actually, you were able to do it when you were older." Xiao Lan said with a pure smile: "But after staying in the country for eight years, you are completely used to it."

"Use it or use it. It's your responsibility to go shopping and bring it back." Baofa Feifu agreed with a smile.

Botani Changsuke spread his hands and looked at Baofa Zhenzhun and said: "And you don't want to find out this guy who is causing trouble behind your back, so you want to find Xiaolan, who is good at solving all kinds of mysteries since school, to come and take a look at the situation. "

The person who was killed was a special employee of a certain company.

The wife who was closest to the husband was also covered in blood, and even the white raincoat the wife was wearing was dyed red.

But unfortunately there was still no result. "

Hearing Sonoko's words, Minegishi Tamami was stunned for a moment and then shook her head: "Yes, arresting the man in red is a criminal job, right? What you want to ask Baofa to investigate is another matter.

Before Shosuke Hakutani could say his horrified words, Minegishi interrupted me calmly: "It's possible! That's a lie!!"

Sumika Kawana's tone was slightly trembling: "It seems that you were chased by the man in red in the forest, and then you panicked and chose a way to escape, and you fell into the swamp and died."

Although Xiaolan Zhenchun was already used to being mistaken for the gender, she was so angry that she screamed after being mistakenly identified one after another.

"Thank you so much for the compliments." Sumimi Minegishi came over with hot water and said with a smile before hearing everyone's compliments.

"Have you..."


In addition, the kitchen knife used in the murder case was also left at the murder scene.

Bao Fafei's whole body trembled and roared: "Songzi, you died by yourself, how can you still be alive!"

"Hey! Could this be..."

"What happened before that?" Da Lan couldn't help but look at Tian Shenfu Zhumei and asked: "Did the criminals catch the man in red before that?"

"Let's go to the forest now to investigate the situation!" Xiaolan Zhenzun directly ignored what Bogu Changsuke said and immediately walked inside.

When he said that, Bao Fa observed the people around him and found that the condition of the other eight people was quite stable, but Xiang Feng'an's face was extremely pale, and the hot sweat on his forehead kept flowing.

"He...where did he see it!"

Kawaname Sumika said in a high tone: "The first person to find Satoko was Shen You's muddy body on the bottomed swamp.

"You think you're a girl!" Xiang Minegishi nodded in agreement.


"You also set out to buy some things from a store about a kilometer away." Shosuke Hakutani stood up and said, "You probably have finished all the drinks and the like."

"The strange thing is that when you left the door, you saw that the small door was red." Dalan said suddenly.

Along with the memories of Tamagi Minegishi, the truth of the things we feared and feared was quickly revealed in front of everyone.


"Ah, what's the matter?" The absent-minded Xiang Feng'an's body was shocked by Conan's photo, and he quickly stood up: "Now you go clean the bathroom and toilet."

Conan, on the other hand, looked at the Minegishi family with deep meaning.

"Wrong or wrong, you also feel that you can't just get takeout from the store." Xiang Minegishi agreed.

"Bao Fa, wait a minute!" Dalan shouted worriedly: "He can just run away!"

"I joined the Tori Activity Club when I was in junior high school." Sumika Kawana replied with a warm tone.

"It's really very depressing at this time!" Summi Minegishi said with a smile, "Although there are only five classmates among the club members."

Shosuke Botani nodded, with a look of regret on his face: "Eight years ago, when a few of you went to that rented villa during the summer vacation of junior high school, another member Satoko saw the man in red.

Even now, they are on the run and have not found any trace of the other party. "

Obviously, before mentioning the man in red, I seemed to be more afraid than the other eight people.

Because it was not too late at this time and the sky was getting dark, you quickly called the police and asked the local criminal investigation to search for Satoko's whereabouts.

While the two were having a tryst, the other party's wife rushed out holding a kitchen knife.

"But that baseball bat looks very thin." Conan asked, "It looks like it can hit baseball."

"By the way, little brother, what do you put outside that backpack?"

As he spoke, Xiang Minegishi left the room calmly, not caring about the reactions of the people around him.

Noticing Conan's focused gaze, Minegishi Tamami quickly changed the subject with a smile, and the group retreated into the villa.

"Yeah, I'll leave it to him." Summi Minegishi smiled before nodding, "You'll be responsible for cleaning up the broken plates."

"That's why I say it's for self-defense." Hakutani Changfu said with a smile.

"You should also go and have a look!" Sera ran and followed.

What happened was that 15 years later, a murder occurred in another villa in the rental house far away.

"Even if you're a boy, those two around you don't have girlfriends anymore." Bao Fa said with a smile, "I'm going to disappoint them."

Just as fear gradually filled the atmosphere, Xiaolan Zhenchun opened her mouth to attract everyone's attention: "Can you trouble them to tell you in detail about this matter?

"Well, I was a junior high school student at the time, so all the club activities I had were concentrated on the summer vacation." Before finishing speaking, Shosuke Hakutani smiled and took Summi Minegishi to thank him.

"I am Sera's younger sister, Sera Masumi!"

The wife stabbed her husband to death with a dagger-like kitchen knife. Blood splattered all over the room, which looked horrifying.

"Just outside the forest when you came, you also saw Yuanzi..." Seeing the horrified expressions on everyone's faces, Da Lan also realized that something was right and said with confidence.

Since we all set out early in the morning to go to the villa, we took a short rest before arriving there and then finished preparing for lunch.


"It's true that I came back from being ugly and mean." Yuanzi said with a smile.

"The man in red!?"

"Of course." Conan nodded: "And you are here to solve that matter?"

Therefore, from now on, everyone calls you "The Man in Red".

"That's true, then I should have encountered a bear..."

"Yes, yes, just hand over the man in red to the criminal justice system..."

"Well, you can go with him too." Dalan looked at Bogu Changfu and said, "You can also help him carry some things."

"If there's something going on, I'll let you go investigate if I don't have Xiaolan to look after me." Conan said comfortingly, looking at Dalan who was pouting.

"It's bad, it's bad, Xiaojia, don't stand at the door. You can talk about the details after you retreat."

And the reason why I was able to find you was because my shoes were right next to the swamp, so I could find you first.

"Sister Baofa, he seems to be very comfortable with knives and forks." Shiliang looked at Xiaolan opposite and asked with pure curiosity.

When Shosuke Hakutani said this, he looked awkwardly and impolitely towards his companions for agreement, while he reluctantly agreed with the Minegishi family, but his expression didn't seem too natural.

"Speaking of which, how do you all know each other?" During the chat, Conan asked about the situation of everyone present.

Sumika Kawana shook his head and said: "You used the kitchen knife in your hand to chop the criminal who arrived at the scene, and then fled into the distant forest and disappeared.

You think it's you, Mr. Conan or Sera-kun who are all very curious. "

"Mr. Hakutani, he looks so bad." Conan on the side patted the Minegishi family on the shoulder and said with concern: "Is there something wrong with him?"

It was obvious that we were taboo about something, and even brought baseball bats to protect ourselves.

"What happened before this and that?" Bao Fa continued to ask: "What happened before? Surely they should be so scared."

"Is he sure that the person he saw was wearing red clothes?" Sumika Kawana asked with a look of horror.

Da Lan exclaimed before tasting the hamburger meat on the plate: "Sister Zhumei, the hamburger meat he makes is really delicious!"

At that time, I was renting a villa there with my lover, but I never thought that my whereabouts were known to my wife.

"It turns out to be a boy!?" Bogu Changsuke was frightened.

So no matter who you are, you think it’s Satoko Sada..."

Gu Shi had to clean up the water glass that fell on the ground, Minegishi Tsumei looked at Dalan and asked slowly.

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