Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1536 Another Legend

After hearing Karasawa's words, Sera Masumi and Conan both nodded silently, agreeing with him.

After all, not to mention that they did not have search authority, and the villagers would not cooperate with their investigation. Even Xiaolan and Yuanzi had no way to relocate them.

After all, it is really boring here and there is no place to play. If they go to investigate the case and leave the two of them here, let alone it would be unfair to the two of them, and there is no guarantee of safety.

After all, someone had just disappeared here. Even if Tangze and the others didn't believe in ghosts and gods, man-made disasters had to be guarded against.

If the two of them bump into something they shouldn't see while playing and are in danger, that would be troublesome.

It just so happens that this area falls under the jurisdiction of Nagano Prefecture, and among the criminals in various places, Yamato Kansuke and Morofushi Takaaki are the only ones who are good at it, so it is safe to leave it to them to investigate Karasawa.

So Tang Ze decided to notify the two of them to come over for preliminary investigation. If the murder was really discovered, it would not be too late for him to come here. If the village chief donated money and ran away, then there would be no need for him to come again.

After confirming the follow-up arrangements, everyone rested for a while after dinner and then wandered around again.

But this time there were far fewer people in the village looking for the village chief, and it was obvious that most of them had gone home to eat.

Everyone walked around the village again, during which Tang Ze and others also talked to the villagers they saw on the road to get to know each other, but still found nothing.

Although the search has not been given up, no clues have been found for a week. The local criminals are obviously not tired yet.

Faced with the easy question, Conan shook his head, and my answer made Shen Xin stunned: "You thought he didn't have any ideas or discoveries."

There is a way. After that conversation, apart from knowing that Xiaohe and the two were in the village, no other useless information was obtained. The rest was the negative emotions of the other party's hope for the case. .

Of course, I put it that way, but in fact, Conan doesn't have any judgments that he can explain in detail to Sera.

"Maybe it's someone important."

You all know that Shenyin exists, so it can only be that no one took advantage of that legend and caused the village chief to disappear.

After all, calling the other party was just to avoid the other party complaining before. Now that the other party has actively refused, Conan and Conan are happy that they have no more space to talk.

Shen Xin put his head in his hands and asked: "You suspect that Xiaohe Criminal has not done everything he should do, but he still hasn't found any clues about the disappearance of the village chief.

"Eh?" Fugao Mingyan looked surprised: "But when you came to the village the next time, you met this brother with a mask. I didn't tell you that."

"What is his purpose in saying you are?" Shiliang said in deep thought, touching his chin.

Grandpa, does he know why? "

"I saw an acquaintance, so I went over to ask about him."

"Has no one borrowed that feudal superstitious legend as a crime tactic?"

That's not the only connection you're talking about. "

Conan's eyes were deep, and he immediately changed his words and said: "In short, if you have good intentions, it will be bad if he continues to maintain such contact.

"It's true what he said."

The old man on the side just sighed and shook his head when he heard that. Apparently he knew why there was no such legend in the village.

The organization I built was not a mere charade, but now that there are not enough manpower to fill it in, I am still afraid of a fight between the two sides. If I add another one, I will really miss out.

As for what you want to show him, he will accept it all, and then pretend to be stupid.

"Young people, it's them." The old man smiled and said before seeing the two of them, "Why are you back again?"

Especially people who ascend to heaven will come back, but if we come back with a big heart, we will pass through the wall of the shrine and turn into a terrifying ghost and return there.

"But what matters to you is this child. Why do you want to deliberately let you see a child?" Seriang touched his chin.

"This is just a rhetoric that has been changed for the development of the village as the times have changed. Before the phenomenon of the mysterious phenomenon did not occur again in the past few decades."

"A shrine?" Sera thought about the origin of this weird shrine and said, "Does he think this shrine is okay?"

As time passed until August, Shen Xin, who was concerned about the case, found Shen Xin as soon as possible, hoping to return to the village again to investigate.

Of course, there is a small chance that it will become the base data of the missing persons in the database, and it will become a cold number.

Even though Xiaohe Ganshu and Zhu Shen Xinfang took people to search the village, they could not find any trace of the prisoner.

"Where are you going now?"

In particular, for unusual cases, we can get clues as long as we see the case. However, no matter how weird the method is, as long as there is no scene, it will be difficult for us.

Having said that, the old man sighed, "But it's a pity that there is still a population that can restore the village's continuous loss. In addition, the surrounding scenery is not too bad, so there are no guests to visit the village."

And to be honest, Shen Xin Zhenchun is just a low school student. He can't compare with us in terms of mental quality and fighting ability. Although the other mother's strength is wrong, she herself is too weak in mentality.

So I have no plans to contact you for the time being.

Before the two parked the car, they went to the local criminal stationed in the village to investigate.

To be honest, Shen Xin also had a different idea. The two hit it off and drove off directly.

It’s as if they have no expectations for these disappearing people. While they acquiesce in our death, they are also afraid that we will turn into ghosts and come back to seek revenge on us before we die. "

"The original legend was completely contrary to what they had heard."

Before showing the criminal evidence, Conan asked about the whereabouts of acquaintances.

"What are you talking about? It's just a prayer that I can come back safely." The old man heard Seriang's words and said: "That's a prayer that I can come back again!"

So I'm afraid that following Wei's investigation method is just doing useful work. "

During this period, Conan did not call to inquire about the case, but unfortunately he found nothing.

Before finishing their conversation with the criminal stationed in the village, Shen and Xin turned around and left, even rejecting the other party's request to be their guide.

However, the two of them didn't have any regrets at all, but instead became more understanding.


The village chief, Tetsuo Sato, seemed to have been captured by a monster and disappeared, and her traces were completely traceable.

"So you say you know." Conan shrugged.

Now that Conan and Shen Xin have arrived, it can be considered a "seamless connection" to ensure that there is no wrong criminal presence in the case from the end of the investigation.

From the stationed criminal, Conan also learned the inside story of the search that week.

Conan looked at the shrine and said, "Has he noticed? There is no warmth or good or bad expectations in that version of rhetoric.

From the perspective of "Ke Xue", the case involved Shenyin, so it is very reasonable for the shrine to occupy a very small part of the presence in the reasoning case.

Therefore, Conan still maintains a free attitude of keeping a distance from Shen Xinzhenzhen and the forces in front of him.

Coupled with the low exposure of his mi6, Conan can guarantee that the forces behind the opponent are trustworthy.

Sera put her head in her hands and followed Conan: "That's quite reasonable. If that's the case, the shrine will just be a background setting."

If less information is revealed, the other party's intentions can always be obscured. "

Of course it is absolute, after all, the shrine may just be a simple background of the case.

Although I know the identity of Karasawa Masumi and the camp to which the person in front of you belongs, I have no intention of contacting him at all.

Fugao Mingyan endured it and agreed: "Particularly unusual prayers are for the hope that the deceased relatives can come back, just like the latter statement.

"That's true, and it's less cruel and bloody."

But the previous one was completely aimed at relatives. Instead, it seemed to be aimed at enemies, hoping that the other party would come out to cause trouble. Obviously, all small families belong to the same village.

When the old man said that, he looked at the shrine with a little fear on his face: "Actually, the masks are enshrined in the shrine to pray for the return of the hidden people, but to pray for the dead to come back!

Thinking of this, Conan glanced at Shen Xin next to him and had high hopes for it.

Conan glanced around the crowd and the next person he encountered was an old man wearing glasses, and he walked over.

"You also know that legend has been passed down since ancient times."

The main reason is that there are not many "variables" or crime scenes. Without the scene, the case would have been solved long ago, and it would be impossible to wait until Conan and Sera come back again.

Therefore, Shen Xin and Serang both want to take each other down.

Of course, we did not forget to contact Karasawa Masumi, but the other party seemed to have nothing more important to do that weekend, so it was a pity that we could not go to investigate the case with the two of us.

However, one day in the sequel, an unknown corpse was found before the bones were regressed and compared, and maybe there was no possibility of comparison.

While on the way, Sera told Conan about Shin Shin Masun deliberately letting me see the photos later.

The two of them just chatted and slowly returned to the village where we arrived a week later.

After all, that person is the walking "god of death", and my words will surely push the case forward.

"You guys came to do some errands and just passed by." Conan smiled and said: "Speaking of which, old man, is today a festival? Why are there so few people coming to the shrine?"

In this way, even if there is no "ghost" and Daxin comes back, he will still be stuck under the wall. "

Whether it is related to the case or not, I have no way of determining.

During the conversation with Conan, the other party did not hide it at all, revealing that it might become an unsolved missing case, and the final result would not be that the other party's identity was missing from the missing person's information.

So Karasawa contacted Yamato Kansuke again, asking him to pay more attention to the missing village chief in this village, and then returned to Tokyo with a group of people.

"Well, it's still because of the disappearance of the village chief." Hearing Conan's words, the old man sighed in relief: "So not many villagers come to the shrine to worship."

Before everyone went to eat sukiyaki hot pot together, they returned home.

"From a practical point of view, you can't be sure that the disappearance of the village chief has nothing to do with the shrine, but from a metaphysical point of view, the shrine seems to be the only existence that has been connected with the god of that village since ancient times."

"There are few bad people." Looking at the crowd behind the shrine, Sera couldn't help but asked: "Did that happen?"

"That's true." Fu Gao nodded clearly and said, "After all, you seem to have bad intentions. All you need to do is obscure my identity and intentions."

Since it was their first time here, the two of them arrived at the shrine very slowly.

But what made us think was that there was not a single person behind the shrine today, but not many old people worshiping there.

"Maybe it's a hint or conveying some kind of message to him." Shen Xin said: "That means the other party is still in contact with him and wants to know him more deeply."

But it is a pity that today is such a coincidence. Although Xiaowa Gansuke and Zhu Conanwen have been investigating for a few days, there are no clues at all, and the Nagano Police Department has no small things for us to deal with, so Neither of them came to the village today.

Shen Xin looked at Serang and said: "And now that the village chief is missing, it seems that something that has happened since ancient times has happened again.

A few days ago, Yuanzi and others also spent their spring break, Seriang did not cause any trouble, and Shenxin was also paying attention to the case in a peaceful daily life during those days.

But now we don’t have any clues, so we can only try our luck at the shrine.

Before we become ghosts, we will kill on a small scale.

"Excuse me, grandpa, what is the original legend about the shrine?" Sera asked sweetly.

Of course, if there are no exhibitions, it means that the clues to the case may really be there, and the rest will be solved by ourselves.

And if I really need the other party's cooperation, I can't reach cooperation with the other party indirectly through Shuichi Akai.

That’s why you hang it under the wall

"You understand what he said even though you were so slow to listen." Hearing Conan's words, Seriang frowned and said, "Speak more vaguely, don't talk too much."

"Let's go to the shrine at the foot of the mountain." Conan said.

"It sounds less scary than the later version." Seriang couldn't help but said before listening to the old man's words.

And that's why the seven-person team from Nagano Prefecture still found no progress after investigating for about a week.

"How can it be."

"It seems that the village chief is very respected by everyone." Conan heard this and looked at the people paying homage behind the shrine: "Not so many people expect me to come back safely."

"Yes." Conan nodded and discussed that topic again.

Conan said reluctantly: "Is there any connection in reality, but you feel that there is no connection in mysticism."

Because there were a lot of people in the village, the arrival of the two people actually attracted the attention of many people. But when they saw the old man wearing glasses talking to the two people, they all looked away.

They probably treat us as relatives or friends of the old man or something like that.

And with Shen Xin, I hope to rely on my death physique to see what variables can be triggered.

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