Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1539 Behind the Scenes Planning

【The Hidden Man】

Completion: Excellent

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 400 destiny points]

Evaluation: There is no "God Hidden" in this world, but there are people who are more terrifying than "God Hidden".

Most of the disappearances, excluding the small chance of natural disasters, are man-made, and the so-called "hidden gods" are just excuses made by people with ulterior motives to cover up certain things.

After the case was over, Tangze took the lead in counting the rewards.

The reward given in this case is destiny points, and this is usually the settlement given to Ke Xue after the case ends.

But the strange thing is that Tangze has no impression of this case.

To be honest, this is very head-scratching, because considering the story of this case, he should have an impression as long as he has seen it.

After all, although the reasoning of this case is not strong, the story about the case that happened in "Shenyin" is very strong, enough to be called a shadow series of the same year.

Because of this, if Karasawa had seen it, he would definitely have an impression.

But it doesn't happen, but the reward is not a skill, so it's very subtle.

But just like the previous case of the novelist who was cut to pieces, even if he didn't understand the nature of the case, Tang Ze had no way to find out, so he just ignored this problem after thinking about it.

However, I don’t have any objections to this reward for Kara Ze, I would say it’s just right.

After all, the skills are randomly obtained and it is not known whether he can get useful ones, and for him now, there is relatively little improvement.

So it is more practical to give destiny points now.

After getting these 400 destiny points, Tang Ze's savings directly reached a huge sum of 3,000 points.

This is a lot of money for Karasawa, and he can easily replenish all the props in the store.

This is undoubtedly good news for Tang Ze, and it means that his arsenal can be enriched.

After solving this case, Karasawa contacted Yamato Gansuke to tell him the follow-up of the disappearance case, and then returned to Tokyo with Conan.

Overall, being able to solve this case in one day was beyond their expectations.

After all, when they first came, Tang Ze and the others had already planned to return without success this week.

"We've arrived." The car stopped downstairs at the Maori Detective Agency, and Karasawa looked at Conan and said.

"By the way, about the child Sera Masumi let me see..."

Conan, the co-pilot, unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, looked at Tang Ze and said, "If I have a chance, I will visit where she lives to see if I can have some contact with her."

"Then I'll wait for your good news." Tangze smiled and said goodbye to Conan immediately.

However, he did not drive away immediately, but began to meditate in the car.

Of course, he was not thinking about Conan's words before leaving and his subsequent plans. After all, he knew that Conan's investigation was just useless.

Akai Marie was still very wary of Conan and did not trust Conan as much as her own daughter, so his investigation was destined to be in vain.

What Karasawa was thinking about was a case he remembered from Conan's words.

There is a romance novelist in the hotel where Sera Masumi lives. After he fell into a trough, he met a girl as his assistant.

With her help, he wrote a good work, but the novelist became suspicious of women because a media reporter exposed his love affair with a female assistant.

He felt that the other party had ulterior motives, and the reason why she helped him write the book was to destroy everything about him. After all, the book was almost entirely written by the other party, and it could even be said to be her work.

So the other party became murderous and killed the female assistant under the noses of the three editors.

It was only after Conan cracked it that he realized it was a tragedy.

It turns out that the female assistant has been a fan of his since she was a child, and the novel they wrote was inspired by the letters she wrote to each other when she was a child.

The reason why she didn't tell him was because she gave a hint about her identity at the end of the novel.

But who knew that the novelist who became suspicious did not wait for the truth at all and killed the person directly.

That was all there was to the case, and now that Karasawa was thinking about it, it seemed like a case that could easily be changed.

All it takes is a letter to be sent to the novelist, and everything can be easily solved.

However, there are some problems that need to be overcome, but fortunately Tangze also has ideas for solving them.

The first thing is that the novelist Tang Ze needs to identify who he is. After all, it has been too long and he has long forgotten the other person's name, but he vaguely remembers that the other person is bald.

But just knowing this information is enough. After all, he knows that the other party and Sera Masumi are in the same hotel, and the profession of novelist is not common, so he can get it by just searching on the Internet.

Soon, he found the information he wanted, and confirmed that the name of the romance novelist was Kyougo Kaura, and his image was the same as in his impression, while the name of the female assistant was Chiaki Minazuki.

But this is just the beginning, the focus is how he can write a letter to prevent the other party from killing someone without showing up.

The main reason is that he has long forgotten the specific solution to the secret hidden by the female assistant, so how to persuade Karasawa to give up the murder is also a problem.

If you directly reveal your identity, it would be simpler and more direct than just showing up and confronting Kaoura Kyogo.

But there was a flaw in this plan, that is, Karasawa could not explain where he learned about the news that Kyouura Kyogo wanted to kill people.

After all, he is probably the only one who knows about the other party's intention to kill someone.

If he doesn't do it right, he will be punished, so the most convenient way to go straight to the point is the first to be eliminated.

If you write anonymously, the variables are a bit too big.

First of all, he had no way to guarantee whether Huo Pu Jingwu would change his killing methods after learning about this incident.

Secondly, he had no way of determining whether the novelist would feel a sense of urgency because of this letter and commit the crime in advance.

In general, there are too many variables, so the content of the letter is very important.

Tangze considered it carefully and finally chose to write this letter in the tone of the mysterious person.

The letter mentioned the affair incident that Kaura Kyōgo had encountered before. He first encouraged him, and then told the other party that his female assistant Minazuki Chiaki actually hid a secret.

It's just that this secret is not a bad one, but a secret that can help him solve the negative public opinion caused by the suspicion of an affair.

And this secret will be revealed the moment the novel is finished, and he will definitely be able to reap joy and emotion by then.

The main theme of this letter is a suspense, in order to arouse the curiosity of the other party and make the other party hesitate to give up the plan of killing and choose to wait for the secret in their heart to be revealed.

It was specifically mentioned in the letter that this secret was beneficial to him, just to allow him to wait patiently.

Of course, in order to prevent the other party from having a persecution delusion, he thought that the female assistant noticed that he was wary of this letter and sent it to him specially to wait for the completion of the letter to ruin his reputation and continue to carry out the murder plan. Tang Ze planned to choose to deliver the letter in person. .

In fact, he can only deliver the letter in person, because the other party is a romance novelist after all, and there must be many fans sending him letters in daily life.

Therefore, if Tang Ze chooses the normal method of sending letters, I am afraid that the letter will not be delivered to the other party at all.

Therefore, delivering the letter in person is the best option.

Of course, he was sending the letter with his identity hidden and without meeting the other person face to face, otherwise it would be meaningless for him to spend so much effort.

This situation, which is somewhat difficult for ordinary people, could not be easier for Tang Ze.

Of course, he still had to think over the specific details, so he just drafted the content of the letter in his mind. He planned to write the specific content before sending the letter.

After regaining consciousness, Tang Ze started the car and went home directly.

After arriving home, Karasawa and Ayako were affectionate for a while, and then talked about what they had seen.

"It's really scary. It feels like a horror story has come to life."

After listening to Karasawa's story about the truth behind the mystery of the village Kamigakure, Ayako couldn't help but sigh.

"Most disappearances are basically caused by humans. Shenyin is just a prevarication for the disappearance without a clue."

Tangze said with relief: "But this is probably the most sensational Shenyin case in recent years, and it involves hundreds of years of adult cases, so it is expected to cause a lot of sensation."

"But it's a good thing you discovered this secret, otherwise the people in this village who knew this secret agency might have used this secret to do many wrong things." Ayako couldn't help but sigh.

"It happened to be a prisoner who had to reveal his body, otherwise it would have been a perfect crime."

Karasawa couldn't help but think of Conan when he said this, and felt that this should be attributed to the "case trigger".

The main reason was that it was too much of a coincidence. They had been investigating there for a week and nothing happened. The two of them had been there all morning, but something unexpected happened just after noon.

It can only be said that Conan is awesome. He will show up smelling any case he encounters, and they will show off their tricks and wait for him to solve them.

"Anyway, it's good that it's solved." Ayako said: "By the way, if you are okay tomorrow, come and watch a movie with me. There was a movie recently released that I really want to see."

"Okay, just take a break." Tang Ze agreed immediately after hearing this. After all, he had just solved a case and it was the time when he wanted to relax.

And to be honest, perhaps to match Conan's schedule, most of the cases happened on Saturdays and Sundays, which happened to overlap with Karasawa's rest days.

Therefore, he was often forced to work overtime, and therefore lost a lot of time to date Ayako.

However, I had better luck this week. It only took one day to solve the case, so I could have some free time to make a date.

The two chatted for a while, and then Tang Ze went to take a shower. After all, he was running around on the road today, and his face was covered with dust.

Although the case was solved in the afternoon, because he was on his way back to Tokyo, it was actually already evening, and he didn't have dinner.

However, he was too lazy to let Ayako cook for him anymore, so he made instant noodles to deal with it.

Although this kind of fast food will be disgusting if you eat too much, it is still very delicious if you eat it once in a while.

After filling their stomachs, Karasawa and Ayako chatted on the sofa for a while, and then took a rest.

The next day, Tang Ze and the two spent the morning lazily, and then went to see a morning movie.

The reason for this is because Ayako suddenly wanted to visit the aquarium, and Karasawa naturally obeyed her wish and changed her original plan.

After having lunch at Erina's place, the two set off for the aquarium.

Although it is not the first time to visit the aquarium, revisiting an old place can still bring you a different feeling.

Those swimming fish from the depths of the ocean shuttle on both sides and overhead, making people feel the mystery of the ocean.

After that, Karasawa accompanied Ayako around the aquarium, and by the way, he transformed into a photographer and took photos for her. The afternoon passed quickly.

Although it was a very routine one-day date, and dinner was casually arranged at a hotel, the two of them were very happy.

Being with someone you can feel at ease with makes you relax no matter what you do.

Just like after the date, Karasawa's previous pressure seemed to have disappeared, which led to him facing work on Monday the next day without much resentment.

Of course, his break did not make him forget that there was still a to-do item waiting for him to complete.

Considering that Conan could die in the hotel where Liang Zhenzhun lived at any time and rely on indescribable power to influence the novelist to kill him at any time, Karasawa planned to get these things done as soon as possible.

Fortunately, none of this is difficult. Karasawa is also a writer after all. He just asked the editor of his own publishing house and found out the specific address of Kyougo Houra.

This is not difficult. Maybe ordinary people need to keep it secret, but for people in the same industry, there is nothing that needs to be kept secret.

After knowing the news, Tangze put on gloves to prepare the letter, then wrote down the contents he thought about one stroke at a time and put it into the envelope.

After putting it in his pocket, Karasawa started to collect the documents on the desktop. After all, if there was any action later, he would definitely not come in the afternoon. Naturally, he had to finish the work first to avoid being disturbed midway.

After lunch, Karasawa rested until three o'clock before driving to the hotel where Kyogo Huraura was staying.

In the afternoon, he planned to visit some locations first, and then see if there was any chance of contacting the other party.

If not, he would consider opening the door quietly at night and entering to put the letters.

However, if he could, Karasawa still didn't want to choose this to happen, because this method of sneaking into the room might make the paranoid patient named Kyogo Kaura think that the female assistant secretly put it in.

Therefore, if possible, Tangze still plans to use theft to place the letter on the other party when he is acting alone.

In this way, he can first eliminate the suspicion of the female assistant, and also make the other party pay more attention to the letter.

After parking the car, Tangze put on the disguise mask in the car, used a false identity to designate the front desk staff to help him book a room on the floor where Huopu Jingwu lived, and then got directly into the elevator.

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