Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,550 The Scarlet Truth

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After calming down, Toru Amuro's reason overcame the hatred in his heart and he immediately analyzed the current situation.

The current situation is strange, and everything is beyond his original expectations.

In other words, there must be information that you don't know that affected the situation and led to the current situation.

Thinking of this, Amuro Toru's expression became solemn, but his steps still walked forward firmly.

He finally tracked it down here. Even if the situation completely exceeded his expectations and everything was beyond his control, it would not shake his original thoughts.

He walked forward with a gloomy expression, and soon Toru Amuro came to the place where the corridor connected to the living room.

The next moment, the scene of the living room came into view.

I saw Akai Shuichi standing in front of the dining table looking at him with a smile, as if to greet him, and next to him sat a frivolous-looking middle-aged man smoking next to him.

The moment he saw the other person's appearance, Toru Amuro's first reaction was shock, because he didn't expect that there was someone else beside him, and he was a stranger.

But after a moment, Amuro Toru's brain was running wildly, and in the next moment, the organization's intelligence flashed through, and he quickly matched the facial features of the man in front of him with a man.

The two looked at each other, and after a moment of silence, Akai Shuichi spoke: "This is before you complete your mission to the organization.

Because as long as the enemy is not hated but can do nothing, the other party will choose to regress and belittle him in words, as if to vent his resentment in that way.

"It's you~ Although we haven't spoken to each other since, today is the first time we've met~"

"You know he saw this scene of Scotland's death and ended up resenting Chibai Feiling."

But in any case, the eight-person gang that Conan was worried about would probably happen.

The appearance of the other party also explained why today's situation far exceeded his expectations.

"It's wrong. Their organization is too mysterious. The name of their organization has not yet been investigated, so naturally it can only be summed up by their personal code names and characteristics."

Karasawa greeted Toru Amuro nervously, "Have you ever been to the Zoo organization or is this the first time I've heard of it? Is that what they call you within the organization?"

"You didn't steal the gun to kill him, but you planned to do it!"

But now it seems that everything is fake. Shuichi Akai deceived not only the enemy, but also his own people!

Thinking of the subsequent conversations between the other party and himself online, Toru Amuro's vigilance towards the woman behind him was reduced to the lowest level.

"what did he say!?"

After all, the other party has a very deep intelligence network in Neon, and they can even threaten me, the undercover police officer, to ask me to help.

Naturally, Jing Xiu didn't show any hesitation to that serious provocation. She smiled and refused to tell him the name of the organization, and at the same time, she also authenticated the name "Zoo".


That cooperation brought minimal losses to the organization, and even Cohen died in the confrontation.

At that moment, Karasawa hurriedly spit out a code name, causing Toru Amuro's expression to freeze for an instant.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Although the organization was given that nickname because Gin named it based on the codenames of its members, it was not meant to be sarcastic or sarcastic.

"Does he think he can't act as an intermediary to resolve the hatred between you and me!?" Toru Amuro looked a little angry when he heard this, "Don't be ridiculous, who does he think he is? You accepted his threat!"

They knew what their expressions would be like before they knew the origin of the organization's name.

From the next time the other party takes the initiative to talk to you, you can see the terrifying intelligence network behind the other party's organization.

Faced with Amuro Toru's aggressive words, which were not polite at all, Akai Shuichi just invited him to sit down with a calm expression: "You will tell him everything that happened after he arrived today."

Before that, Toru Amuro hurried to the rooftop and saw Scotland's death.

The cooperative relationship between the two parties is closer than imagined!

That is something that can be done simply.

Facing Toru Amuro's sharp gaze, Karasawa quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "After all, it's neon outside, and it's the territory of their agency~"

Because Shuichi Akai knew the identity of Tohru Amuro at that time, in order to make Scotland's sacrifice in vain, he had no choice but to follow the other party's arrangement, as if he had killed the other party himself.

Thinking of the subsequent conversations between himself and the other party on the Internet, Toru Amuro couldn't help but feel wary.

After all, if he wants people to join him, he has to give him a name.

Even the official name of the organization is like, and in the end the organization can only be called by a code name like "Zoo".

Before Jing Xiu came back to his senses and heard Akai Shuichi's words, he immediately echoed and invited the other party to sit down.

Scotch, who was pointing his pistol at Chibai Feiling, heard my words and explained. He immediately turned the muzzle of the gun, aimed at the heart, and planned to shoot with absolutely no determination.

Now I learned from Toru Amuro that the white organization uses the English word "Zoo" for "zoo" internally. Ihide thought that since there is no tacit understanding between the enemy and you, it would be okay to just finalize the name.

Having said that, Amuro Toru had a murderous look on his face and a pair of eyes showing spiteful resentment. The atmosphere was relaxed for a moment, as if he would take action at any time.

But for an organization that can defeat its enemies many times, even if the enemy calls it contemptuously, it will only highlight the strength of its organization!

"Haha, keeping a secret is also to protect yourself~"

When Tangze said that, the heavy expression on his face turned into seriousness and seriousness: "The purpose is not to resolve the hatred between them."

"It's true that Zoo, who is considered a thorn in the organization's side, can even find out..."

Hearing Karasawa's sinister tone, Toru Amuro felt a burst of fire in his heart.

After hearing Akabai Feiling's words, Amuro Toru's expression changed, and finally she gave up and turned against her directly, stepped forward to pull out a chair and sat down at the dining table.

"No more nonsense, you know they have no plans, but have you changed anything about Akai's plans?"

But what he knew was that the two of us never had a conversation after that. "

"Bad, I must listen to vague words. Just let go of your hand and listen to what you have to say." Shuichi Akai said: "It's very complicated to let him go."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"But is he sure? Is what he saw like the truth?"

After hearing Akai Shuichi's first words, Scotland suddenly realized that the woman behind him seemed to have the same identity as me.

When he said that, Jing Xiu couldn't help but feel sad in his mask.

Bai Fei's expression showed no heaviness at all, but nothing serious: "A woman like him, seeing the scene of Scotland's death, must be confused that I committed suicide.

However, he can carefully investigate the information about his true identity, and even grasp his whereabouts, and accurately find himself who has sneaked into investigating Daishichiro Mori's computer.

Hearing the invitation from the two of them, Toru Amuro put aside all the messy thoughts in his mind and looked at Tang Ze behind him with a warm expression: "If you don't have any accounts to settle with me, he wants to stop him in your territory." You?"

It was Gin who forced Mizureina to prove her innocence and made you sincerely rebel and kill Akai Shuichi. The organization really suffered heavy losses.

Akai Shuichi turned around consciously, but Scotland took advantage of Akai Shuichi's moment of confusion and committed suicide without any hesitation.

At the last moment, Toru Amuro's handsome face showed a terrifying expression that made people cringe: "Now that you know it, get away!"

"Leave the rest to him~ The rice will get cold if you eat it any longer."

Karasawa's immediate words made Amuro Toru's pupils shrink violently, as if suppressing a volcano of terror. I stared at the woman behind me and said in a serious tone: "What does he want to say?"

Ever since, the organization that was quite mysterious in the eyes of Shuichi Akai and Toru Amuro was so hastily decided on the name of the organization by Shuichi Akai today.

Although I was asking questions, my tone was firm, and it was obvious that I had not recognized my identity based on the intelligence.

Cerebellum's thoughts were slowly changing, but Amuro Toru remained fierce under the surface and walked towards the living room.

Complete your tasks and take a step back to gain the trust of the organization.

"Oh, you are here as an invitation, but you may not be considered a guest."

Tangze's tone fluctuated when he said that: "Just like "this little man", he must know my name. Maybe you here are just having such a headache, right~"

On this day, Shuichi Akai, who received the mission, found Scotland.

He resented Akai because he felt that people like me could not have saved Scotland in less ways, but he handed me his pistol and asked me to do so.

Hearing Karasawa's words, Amuro Toru's heart was shaken no longer. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Akai Shuichi next to him and asked: "What happened on this day?"

And that's exactly why Toru Amuro is wary.

And that is like the truth tonight.

"It's better to take a seat first."

But at that moment, slow footsteps came from the stairs on the rooftop. At that moment, both people on the rooftop heard the slow footsteps and realized that this might be another member of the organization arriving.

But unfortunately, it is destined to be decided.

But Scotland's move was seen through by Akaibai Feiling. The moment I turned the gun and pointed it at my heart and planned to shoot, Akai Hide took a step back and stopped me from shooting.

"Once the revolver's revolver is caught, there is no way to fire it with human strength."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Finally, under the rooftop, Scotland pretended to be thrown out but took the opportunity to steal my pistol. There was no moment of stalemate between the two sides.

"Is it pretending to be thrown out, but the purpose is to steal the gun?" Chibai Feiling raised her hands and asked.

Realizing the identity of the other party, Amuro Toru's alarm bells rang in his heart.

Obviously, the variable is under Bai Fei's body, I'm afraid it's not the other party's control!

"That's not why you are there."

While Jingxiu's inner thoughts were circulating and he was finalizing the name of the organization, Chibai Feiling on the other side looked at Toru Amuro and stretched out her hand to indicate: "The visitor is a guest, anyway, let's take a seat first~"

Scotland, on the other hand, did not expect his exposure, and knew that the two had not had a brief confrontation.

There is really no white humor left.

"Karasawa from the Zoo organization?"

Seeing Toru Amuro take his seat, Karasawa smiled and said, "You have to have a good taste of his craftsmanship~"

For Tohru Amuro, that was simply intolerable, not to mention that the person standing next to him was Akabai Feiling, the guy he regarded as a thorn in his side.

"Yes~ Mr. Akai has been busy all morning making it. It would be a pity not to taste such a sumptuous dinner~"

This time, the organization killed Shuichi Akai, who was a thorn in its side, and because of my death, there was no gap between the two organizations that had been working closely together, and the cooperation between the two parties was even closer.

I came here to do things while wearing a vest, and at the same time, I also planned to attract people like Akai Shuichi to step back. The organization seemed to gradually need a name.

On this day, you received an order from the organization to eradicate the traitor in Scotland..."

Chibai Feiling looked at Scotland and said, "Give up committing suicide, Scotland. He should die there."

Regarding this organization, even with his dual-vest intelligence channels, nothing was revealed.

When Toru Amuro said that, he smiled and said: "After all, you can always call it "this organization". But since he is willing to reveal the name of the organization, you would mind making a contribution and helping them promote it within the organization." , change their names.”

But the two people sitting opposite Tang Ze directly ignored my presence.

In order to save me, the other party revealed his identity to me.

It's just that I have a problem with naming myself, so I kept putting it off, so we also used "zoo" when talking.

After hearing Akai Shuichi's words, Akai Xiuichi understood that the other party actually wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about the intelligence of our organization. At least knowing the name of the organization would help him trace it.


Shuichi Akai and Toru Amuro, two people with many conflicts, reached a tacit understanding for the first time in that incident, and it was indeed what Izuku thought of.

As she said this, Bai Fei didn't care about the reaction of the two of them. She clasped her hands together and said, "Here you go," before picking up the chopsticks and starting to eat in a roundabout way.

When I established that organization, I chose the codename of the navy in One Piece not as a joke, but because the organization was fictitious and needed to be kept secret, I never had a name for the organization.

"So, does he plan to use "this organization" as the name of the inner world?" Akai Shuichi, who was silent on the side, also asked.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"Zoo is pretty bad. You guys often use "zoo" to refer to yourself internally. However, "Zoo" seems more complicated and smooth. It's wrong to use that one."

"Ara~How dare you~"

Arriving at the living room, Toru Amuro ignored the enemy behind him and instead looked at the woman sitting lazily behind the dining table.

According to the organization's intelligence, during the rescue operation of Shui Youlianyue, the FBI and the Zoo organization canceled their cooperation in a small operation for the first time.

The core member of the mysterious organization "Zoo", whose code name is a combination of colors and animals - Kizaru!

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