Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1554 The Missing Miss

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

This was roughly the situation before Oiso Nagami's death.

"The situation is generally understood."

After hearing the news, Karasawa looked at everyone and asked, "Then I would like to ask, was there anything strange when you left the road and discovered Oiso Nagami?"

"The two hotel attendants who started to notice something strange in the pool said that when they checked the pool ten minutes ago, there was nothing there."

"In addition, after Manager Toshima found the body of the eldest lady jumping into the swimming pool, he said that there was glass in the swimming pool." Sera Masumi followed closely and echoed: "That's about it."

"Dr. Aso, how about the autopsy report?"

After hearing everything that happened before Oiso Nagami's death, Officer Megure looked at Aso Minoru who was inspecting the body and asked.

"The deceased was definitely drowned. The estimated time of death is between 12 o'clock and 13 o'clock." Aso Minoru nodded.

"But I still don't understand something."

Officer Megure said this and looked at the swimming pool next to him: "The depth of this swimming pool is not so deep that she cannot stand. Why did she drown in such a shallow swimming pool?"

Officer Memu nodded when he heard this and said: "That must be the case. If an accident happens, there will be people around, so it is indeed safe.

"Well... well, you should regard those more willful aspects of yours as your personality and accept them completely." Urumaki Raito said.

"Classmate Yance is also a boy, right?" Dalan said with a smile after hearing Yance's pure words.

At that moment, a forensics officer came over with evidence: "Officer Megure, you found a very long fishing line stuck at the drain of the swimming pool."

"It's the sink."

"Fishing line?" Officer Megure looked at the fishing line wrapped in the opponent's hand and asked, "Is it not long?"

"Well, just do what Brother Takagi said." Officer Megure nodded, and immediately ordered Takagi: "He asked the hotel staff to ask us to pump water."


"That scene is indeed a pity." Officer Megure nodded after hearing this.

"You originally thought that the prisoner secretly took away the necklace when he was helping you apply sunscreen..." Officer Megure was surprised when he heard this: "I didn't expect that all eight of them actually helped..."

Seeing everyone's expressions, Koiso Hamaka quickly explained: "Sister, you hate pranks, such as asking ladies to help pull down the zipper on the back of a skirt, or saying that you have a fever and asking others to help touch your forehead.

In the past, I secretly observed each other's reactions for fun. That was also the hateful side of my sister. "

Umaki Raito explained: "So you guys decided to celebrate your birthday in the suite in that hotel that my sister hates the most."

"It really is!"

"So long? It seems like what brother Longju said, it was a trick used by the criminals." Officer Mu Mu said.

"The time of death of a person changes, so the answer is actually obvious."

"My sister's necklace is very thin, but there are very few petal-shaped diamonds inlaid underneath." Koiso Hamaka heard this and said.

"Let them continue to investigate the situation inside the swimming pool." After finishing his instructions, Officer Megure looked up at the eight suspects: "As for you, go and question these eight people who are not involved with the deceased."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Since that's the case, there's no chance of accidental death. "

Hearing Officer Megure's words, Ogi seemed to have thought of something and quickly raised his head to look at Koiso Hamaka by the pool and asked.

"Sister, you are a very persistent person in everything, so it's not surprising that I would kick you out and look for you myself..." Koiso Hamaka said.

But when you came to the swimming pool ten minutes ago, you found that the little eldest sister had somehow appeared at the bottom of the swimming pool. "

Then the sudden situation made you panic and Daxin let go of the oxygen respirator in your mouth, and you choked on the water.

"Understood!" Gao Mu nodded when he heard the words, and immediately turned around and left.

"Nagami, you have been very jealous since the end of the relationship a long time ago." Unomaki Raito said: "You and Nagami were classmates in junior high school, and the two of you ended the relationship from then on."

"Do boys do that?" Longju Zhenchun asked Yuanzi with a surprised look on his face, as if he had opened his eyes before knowing a lot about the opposite sex.

"But in that case, a rope of this length must not be used at all." Officer Megure looked suspicious, obviously thinking that Ogi's words were not reliable.

"Sister Hamaka, may I ask what the style of the necklace that Sister Nagami lost is?"

"Why aren't there so few glass shards?"

"As for that, you will have confirmed it with the hotel staff before."

But before coming to the swimming pool, I found that there was no sign of the little eldest sister outside at all.

Although the seven corners in the air were placed on the ground by Takagi without support, as long as he thought about the broken parts, Officer Megure could see that it was a rectangular water tank.

Whether it is an investigation or not, it still depends on the evidence, so Takagi still plans to investigate it himself.

"Well, she is the type that boys will hate." Sonoko heard Koiso Hamaka commenting directly.

Yance Zhenchun said with a playful smile: "Sister Yongmei suddenly lost her temper. It seemed that she believed that the two of them were secretly having a tryst in the hotel and that they planned to get half of the family property.

"It's wrong. When you jumped up to salvage the little sister with Mr. Youjuan, you didn't expect that there was no glass at the bottom of the water." Longju Tangze said: "But when you and the little sister were looking for the necklace later, there was still glass in the swimming pool. Is there any?"

"The current focus of the investigation is not the movement trajectories of the eight of them before they were driven away by Sister Yongmei."

Officer Mumu followed Long Ju and others up to the top of the swimming pool. He looked at the fragments on the ground and said in surprise: "It's all broken into pieces. Looking at it like that, it should be difficult to see the original appearance if you put it back together."

"In other words, after driving you out, I will search the swimming pool for the whereabouts of the necklace?"

"The locking piece that criminal Ogi is holding is not flat, but is a three-dimensional image of the corner of the box. There are not even seven "L"-shaped pieces."

Takagi pondered for a moment and smiled before saying: "You think the two eldest ladies at the backstage of the swimming pool still remember that, so you go and ask next."

In that case, drowning was not possible. "

"Based on their situation at the time, is there no way they could do that kind of thing knowingly?" Officer Megure looked at Sera Karasawa and asked.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Sera Karasawa waved his hands and said: "You are just too stupid, so the little eldest sister dislikes the way you put on sunscreen..."

"That's right." The waiter nodded and said, "You two, Manager Long Ju, and the eight of us have been investigating the whereabouts of Miss Yongmei.

"That's right, there is no receptionist at the entrance and exit of the swimming pool who is responsible for confirming the information of people entering and exiting."

Everyone glanced at the bottom and soon discovered a small amount of glass fragments in the distance near the exit stairs of the swimming pool.

"But you will understand more and more." Officer Megure held the fragments and said in surprise: "Why is there no sink at the bottom of the swimming pool, and it is also broken."

"You scratched my sister with your fingernail." Koiso Hama-ka quickly explained.

"Officer Megure, you don't care about the broken glass. This may have nothing to do with the prisoner's trick to hide the deceased."

"Hmm...that's definitely the case, but it's also possible." Officer Takagi didn't question it at first, but after listening to Takagi's reasoning, he found that the reasoning was quite reliable.

Hearing Koiso Hamaka's words, Takagi had a thoughtful look on his face. In the words of his hometown in his previous life, the daughter-in-law didn't have the personality to order tea.

"If Yu Da and the others are Yu Da, then go ask the other staff in the hotel!" Manager Sera Karasawa said directly: "When you decorate the room, you should also ask other staff for help. Decorate the room.”

As for the manager, he provided a place for the two of us to have a tryst, so he was also blamed. "

"It's true that Sister Yongmei really hates this room. It's unusual for her to be so angry..." Sera Ryugiku said.

"Is that really the case? You just heard their conversation."

"Hey, is the estimated time of death between 12 noon and 1 am!?" Officer Megure was slightly shocked before hearing the news.

On that point, the two waiters here should not be able to prove it, right? "

"Oh? So disgusted?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

At that moment, Long Ju on the side suddenly said: "You remember the things Conan said we didn't pay much attention to just now, one of which was not whether there was anything in the swimming pool ten minutes after the body of Koiso Nagami was found.

"The difference is about 50 meters less," the forensic examiner said.

"Does this mean he still remembers what time it was?" Ogi asked.

After hearing the manager's words, Koiso Hamaka and Unomaki Raito also nodded in agreement, obviously holding the same view.

"Indeed, that is the most likely reason for the murder." Officer Megure nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"Perhaps it's because she's carrying an oxygen tank on her back." Laito Sanomaki explained after hearing this: "And in order to make it easier to find the necklace, she also hung a heavy object around her waist..."

"But if you tie one end of the fishing line into a circle and then glue the glass on it, you can't pretend to be a diamond in the water and lure the deceased to where you want to go." Takagi expressed his reasoning with confidence. .

Before coming down, Takagi looked at the eight people present and said, "Did you just hear Sonoko say that after the deceased Koiso Nagami looked for the necklace, there seemed to be some conflicts between them?"

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

The water was pumped very slowly. Everyone stood by the pool and waited for a while before they saw the water level rising and falling, and the scene inside the pool was slowly revealed.

"That's a misunderstanding!" Unomaki Raito said quickly after hearing Officer Megure's words.

It seems impossible to move the body away from the sight of so few of you..."

"Although you were the one helping me apply it, Moumae, you suddenly lost your temper," Unomaki Raito quickly explained.

"Do you remember that the difference was around 2 o'clock in the morning." One of the waiters said.

"At that time, the eldest lady said she wanted to carefully search the bottom of the swimming pool." Toshima Ensaku said.

"So you have no motive to kill you at all. These misunderstandings will be broken as long as you explain them!" Unomaki Raito defended while looking at Takagi and others.

"Like decorations or dishes that I hate." Sera Karasawa said: "Of course the most important thing is to surprise me, so I didn't let Miss Yongmei know."

Officer Takagi didn't have any doubts after hearing this. After all, the eight people looked as usual and were afraid of asking questions. It was obvious that that was not the truth.

Takagi put on his gloves and slowly picked out two shaped pieces from the outside. Then he put them together briefly under the ground, and a cube shape was revealed.

"You think it's very possible." Sera Karasawa replied after hearing this: "At this time, a small number of you are gathered in various places in the hotel to search for the whereabouts of the little eldest sister.

The eight people spoke in unison. After speaking, they found that the other two people also said the same thing as themselves, so they looked at each other and smiled.

"Sink?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

Takagi suggested: "Drain all the water in the swimming pool, and you can casually check the situation inside the swimming pool.

"Actually, it's because of Yongmei that your birthday is coming soon..."

"Contradiction or something..."

"Indeed." Takagi said, looking at the diving equipment next to him: "The most unlikely scenario is that the deceased was diving with a light oxygen bottle strapped on, and then suddenly suffered from leg cramps.

"But my sister saw you discussing things outside this suite, so I misunderstood and said such things angrily." Koiso Hamaka nodded in agreement.

"That's just sister, you just miss it!" Koiso Hamaka also admitted with a serious face.

"Ye Yuda said that the swimming pool was actually a small secret room at that time." Yance Zhenchun said with a smile.

"You even kicked out the guests who made the reservation and lived outside by yourself." Koiso Hamaka said.

Takagi said: "No one killed Nagami Koiso between 12 noon and 1 am and hid your body. Before 2 o'clock, it was in the center of the body dumping swimming pool."

Sera Ryugiku explained: "If there is no suspicious person who exits with the little eldest sister's body, it will be discovered."

"After all, sister, you hate doing this kind of thing..." Koiso Hamaka said quickly after hearing this, but her words shocked everyone present.

You believe that there may not be any other clues, but you can see it now. "

"If this is definitely the case, the criminal would have used pieces of glass and fishing line to disguise it as a necklace, and then what would he do with it?"

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"And the glass fragments in the swimming pool are also very concerning." Conan on the side said: "Manager Long Ju also pricked her foot because of the glass outside."

"You think that's the case."

Koiso Hamaka repeatedly echoed: "Yes, you are just planning to help you celebrate your birthday!"

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