Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1,556 Criminal Methods

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Seeing Tangze's signal, everyone who had been surrounding the sink approached the top of the water glass.

"Eh!? The coin that cannot be seen from the side can actually be seen from the top?" Officer Megure looked at this scene and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, if you look at the junction of air and water from a position with a relatively small incident angle, it will not appear as a mirror."

Saying this, Sera Masumi smiled and stretched out his hand to indicate: "But this is a swimming pool, there is no angle to see it from directly above."

"That's true." Officer Megure nodded.

"The criminal's method is actually obvious at this point."

Tangze said: "The murderer first drowned and killed Miss Yongmei, who was alone here looking for the necklace.

Then use the water tank prepared in advance to cover the body that sank to the bottom of Courage.

After that, fishing lines tied to the drainage holes on both sides of the swimming pool were used to fix the sink to prevent the sink from detaching from the body in the water.

After that, the murderer only needs to tilt the tank slightly, then reach into the tank, and use the oxygen cylinder carried by the deceased to release air to fill the tank with air. This technique is completed. "

Speaking of that, Sera Xiaolan's face showed a strange and sick smile: "But now it seems that God is on your side..."

Toyoshima echoed with a smile: "After all, special people don't have habitual thinking. People who feel injured will get themselves hurt.

I hope that before arresting the person again, because there are no obvious loopholes in the reasoning, he can be released again.

"I just want to help you celebrate your birthday."

So being able to remember the other person's face is indeed a piece of wrong information for me.

Sera Xiaolan smiled warmly and said: "That's not the case, because on this day, little eldest sister, you didn't check out this suite at all.

If you just use fishing line to press it from both sides, the water tank should turn over very slowly, right? "

"That point is actually very complicated. As long as you cooperate with the driver's shouting when fishing line, can't you cover up the strange sounds?"

Sera Xiaoran's intense tone was full of emotion: "This is a suite with a great view, and there is a fireworks show that day, so you can enjoy the fireworks from the balcony.

Conan smiled when he heard this and said, "As long as Sister Yongmei, who was still in the swimming pool looking for the necklace at that time, wasn't wary and grabbed your neck from behind, it would be bad.

Although it is a bet to get the necklace from under the opponent's neck..."

After being interrupted by Yuanzi, Dalan did not continue to ask whether you had seen each other again, and turned around and left with Yuanzi and others before bidding farewell to Yance Zhenchun.

"Sera, why!" Raito Umaki looked at the middle-aged woman next to him with a look of disbelief on his face: "There is no reason for him to kill Nagami!"

Sera Xiaolan said with a ferocious look: "You said that the friend who drove you here had a car accident, but you want to be implicated and retreated, so I asked you to be honest and say that you were staying outside this suite during the day.

After hearing this, Officer Megure first agreed with the murderer's method, then paused and said, "Then how did the prisoner let Miss Yumi drown?"

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Officer Megure on the side glanced at Sera Xiaoran, who had a clear and ugly face, and saw that there was a small chance that the other party was the criminal. But now, it was more important to understand the vague criminal methods of the other party.

After all, Sister Youyou is carrying a heavy object like an oxygen tank, which is very difficult to sink.

Da Lan looked at the smiling Yance Zhenchun, but a strange scene flashed through his mind: "This, this, have you seen sister Yance somewhere?"

When Sonoko heard Toyoshima's words, she could not help but complain: "A big heart leads you astray before you grow up!"

After hearing Sera Xiaolan's words, everyone looked at each other in surprise, with confusion and confusion on their faces.

Because it needs to be wound and rolled up under the hand, the fishing line will eventually wind up into a surface under the hand.

"How, how could..." Dalan couldn't help but cover her mouth when she heard Serang Xiaolan's words.

"He called you sister Yance." Yuanzi smiled after hearing Dalan's words.

Sera Xiaolan, who had been silent all this time, said with a bright face: "Especially in this suite."

"His big devil's idea is indeed very safe!"

"No, are you guys still planning to celebrate sister Yongmei's birthday in a bad way today?"

And my fingerprints should remain very few under this tangle of fish lines.

"Perhaps it will be possible under the circumstances of planting, but it must be a desperate plot to get away with it. It's nothing."

"You're talking about him, it was the same when the dessert case happened later. He always appeared where you expected him to be, like a magician." Sonoko joked with a smile.

"You were just thinking about interests from the perspective of the prisoner based on the profile taught by the master."

"Actually, you don't have a sister who is much older than you."

When Toshima heard Sonoko's words, he decisively broke his bones and pulled Conan out to take the blame.

Although I have always known that there is no such person behind Shi E Zhenchun, after all, the appearance of the other person in reality is no different from that in the anime.

"Let's go." Officer Megure looked at Sera Xiaoran with a solemn expression, and Takagi left while holding each other in custody.

"If I have to talk about the timing, it was only when Manager Sera and Secretary Uzumaki jumped into the swimming pool and fished out Sister Yongmei's body, right?"

And the whole person stayed in the water, and there was no way to ask for help. He could only drown to death while struggling vigorously.

"Of course not. This fishing line is not the most critical piece of ironclad evidence."

Conan said: "Jesile only needs to let one end of the fishing line pass through the drainage outlet and hang it under the hook below. Even if it retreats into the water, the tank will float and the body will be exposed."


Toyoshima smiled and said: "After all, at this time everyone is shouting "Miss Yongmei, where is he?" Even if you hear Sera Ran's voice, you will believe it."

Is what you said wrong? "

After all, no one's attention at that time was on the look of Sister Yongmei who was salvaged. She would not pay attention to my movements at all.

"But is the sink broken?" Koiso Hamaka asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked, thinking that there was no such reason.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

It was too bad that I didn't have time to deal with the fishing line, so I had to throw it away hastily, and it was eventually found by the forensics.

Since then, you have been waiting for the opportunity to take revenge.

"If it were you, you would make the same choice!"

At this distance, normal human vision would only be able to see the scene at the entrance of the hotel, but Conan was able to see the scene of the hotel very nervously through weakening.

"Don't worry, there is a way." Da Lan said with a smile.

"Brother-in-law really taught him some safety knowledge." Hearing this, Yuanzi couldn't help complaining, and then warned: "His big devil is going to go astray on his own!"

"But, remember, Mr. Manager stepped on these glass shards at this time and injured his foot." Yuanzi looked at Yuanzi with his hands on his hips and said, "How can a special person do that?"

You've been waiting for this man to come to that swimming pool.

"Magician?" Hearing Yuanzi's words, Yance Zhenchun smiled and said, "You are the magician."

Wrong! This man was sitting under the car that killed your sister and her family! ! "

Then I saw Yance Zhenchun talking to a blond Chinese university kid who came from the nearby store.

"The fishing line is stretchable, so it's not difficult to tilt the tank slightly to open it."

Conan said: "When I cut off the fishing rod, I had to roll up the fishing line to recover the fishing line connected to the drainage hole on the opposite side.

However, when that day came, Sister Yongmei suddenly said that you wanted to find friends to watch the fireworks in this suite and asked you to kick the guests out.

And if the glass is smashed in the water, the sound will be heard. "

And it is still very difficult to extract fingerprints from evidence of that level. "

Just like that, your sister and we had no choice but to make a temporary change and stay in another hotel, but we encountered a car accident on the way and all eight members of the family died. "

So he asked Conan what he was concerned about: "The water tank must be filled with air from the oxygen tank, so there should be little buoyancy, right?

Speaking of that, Shi'e looked at Shi'e Xiaolan and said: "Mr. manager of that hotel, the way he drowned Sister Yongmei to make you relax is not to stand in the swimming pool and point to his face and say that the necklace is there In addition, I can kill you with a nervous sneak attack."

At that time, Sister Yongmei was always looking for things with her head held high, so she was totally unprepared when her neck was grabbed.

Koiso Nagami, the deceased manager, Sera Ran, Koiso Hamaka is your half-sister, secretary Roma Raito

Before walking a certain distance, Conan unconsciously turned around and looked back at the small door of the hotel.

"But how did he know that?" Officer Ogi couldn't help but ask.

"Hug, sorry." Dalan said in a bad way.

"But when the water tank floats to the surface, it will make a small sound due to the air, right?" Sonoko asked another question.

Do they know why? "

The other party seemed to have been hiding from everyone. He didn't show up until we walked far enough to see the distance.

And before dragging the tank to the corner of the swimming pool, I smashed the entire tank with an oxygen tank and it broke.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Sera Xiaolan's lips trembled when she heard the words, but she seemed to have been hit by a "silencing spell" and said everything she said.

"After all, the master is Conan Criminal." Dalan smiled and looked at Yuanzi: ""

Facing everyone's gaze, Shi E Xiaolan said hurriedly: "We, husband and wife, tell you that we hope to live in this suite even if it's just once.

Shi E said with a smile: "Since the sink can only be left in the swimming pool and the police find it, it is better to break the sink into pieces so that it can return to its original shape and then injure it to reduce his suspicion."

Waiting for everyone to answer, Sera Xiaolan looked broken and yelled: "Because the friend's car you were riding in on the way to the hotel caused a car accident on the way!

"How is it possible!" Toyoshima waved his hands in shame after hearing this: "If it is possible."

Conan stared at the other person and took note of the other person's facial features.

Once your respirator is unplugged, I can't hold you down until Sister Yongmei struggles to surface.

If you can get away with it by doing that, then the price of getting hurt is nothing~"

"If you use your hands, it will be bad if you use your feet."

Toshima said: "Just put your feet in the sink and drag the mobile sink outside the water to the corner and it will break.

You looked up at Toshima, with a smile on your face and a hint of depth in his eyes.

Koiso Hamaka's face was also full of explanation: "Why did you kill your sister?"

"I already know the method, but there is still one problem that remains unresolved."

"He said it was you who was angry?"

"But it's a pity that he met you." Yance Zhenchun couldn't help but hit him after hearing the other party's words.

"What's wrong, I'll just call you bad." Yance Zhenchun said with a smile, but he didn't answer Da Lan's question, but waved goodbye to a few people and left.

"Yes, and the sleeping area of ​​the sink is still in the center where Nagami was found, but at the stairs near the corner of the entrance and exit." Umaki Raito also followed suit.

"It's fair to say that Mr. Shiliang drowned Sister Yongmei when he came to see her, and then used the same trick to deceive other people."

"But, is he just expressing his anger?" Yuanzi looked at Sera and Xiaolan couldn't help but asked.

In order to fulfill my sister's wish, I booked this suite for you because we want to celebrate the birthday of our son who is about to turn eight..."

"I'm really sorry. It's a rare visit for them, but I didn't expect that something like that would happen, and I couldn't entertain them badly." Shi E Zhenchun said with an apology.

Yance Zhenchun looked at Sera Xiaoran, whose expression was gradually becoming ferocious, and said: "And wait until Xiaojia has finished searching for the lost place, then cut the fishing line and let the body appear in the swimming pool, so as to get rid of the crime. "

"That point is actually very complicated. You only need to cut seven grooves in the bottom of the tank, and the fishing line cannot be inserted into them to fix the tank."

"Yes, when did I move the sink?" Yuanzi was suddenly startled.

"On this day, this man called you..."

“But is it really possible to secure a tank with fishing line alone?”

Facing Conan's correction, Sera Shi'e turned pale and remained silent, her face full of natural guilt.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Da Lan hesitated and said: "But at this time, you are all watching at the scene. The other party's men are only holding oxygen tanks. There is no sink at all?"

"It's actually very complicated."

"Yes, your carefully laid murder plan was discovered by the "criminal", and everything came to nothing..."

Although I have never seen this Japanese child, based on the intelligence, the other party should be Akai Marie.

"Brother Conan, those are at least circumstantial evidence. Don't they have evidence that I committed the murder?" Officer Megure asked.

On the other side, before the small police force escorted the prisoner away, Yance Zhenchun also came upstairs to the hotel with everyone.

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