Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1565 Generous Rewards

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Gossip may seem invisible, but it hurts the most.

After hearing Tang Ze's words, Xiao Liulu sighed with sadness: "I know, but I can only support myself to move forward with such hatred!

Otherwise, I don’t know how I would have spent those difficult years alone after my mother passed away..."

"Everything has passed. All you have to do now is cherish the life in front of you."

Ayako looked at Xiao Liulu with pity in her eyes and comforted: "You also said that my mother worked so hard to ensure your food and clothing, and she must also hope that you can be happy.

What you have to do now is to live a good life with the mother in your heart.

Because my mother only has you now. Without you, your mother will really be forgotten.

You want to be happy, this is the best reward for your mother. "


Xiao Liulu wiped away her tears after hearing the collar's words, but the tears couldn't be stopped.

Ayako handed over a handkerchief, pulled the other person and softly comforted him.

And this case, which Tang Ze was so guarded against, came to an end so easily.

Originally, he was still suspicious of Nakadai Satoru and Ono Takami. After all, from the previous conversation, they had more murderous motives. Unexpectedly, it was still the murderous intention caused by old grudges.

Before, he was planning to find an opportunity to contact Ohno Bonzo and release the mechanical spider in order to prevent the case from happening.

I didn't expect to be able to expose the opponent in time when Xiao Liulu was creating the Kamamaita monster.

Part of it was luck, but more of it was that he had the strength to expose the opponent's tricks in advance.

If it had been Hattori Heiji and Conan, they would have never been able to detect the little tricks that the other party had secretly carried out at that time.

So this time, being able to prevent the case from happening without any memory was really a combination of luck and strength.

At this point, the case is over.

Although Koyanagi had the intention to kill someone, because she was discovered and stopped by Karasawa when she was making preparations, the attempted murder was not considered an attempt.

This is probably one of the few cases that Tang Ze has solved where the more harmonious murderers did not break any laws.

After the case was over, Karasawa discussed with Ayako again and felt that the hot spring hotel was not bad, so he discussed the acquisition with the proprietress.

After all, this hot spring hotel is good purely from an environmental point of view, but it is not making money because of the loss of old customers.

But if they are included in their chain of hot spring hotels, their customer base will not have to worry about this.

This can be regarded as helping Ohno Takami, and by the way, it also eliminates hidden dangers.

After all, if the hotel continues to lose money, her unscrupulous father-in-law plans to force him to make human sushi.

If she or Zhong Taiwu, who has a close relationship with her, is not handled well, she will have murderous intentions in her heart and start thinking of killing again.

In the original plot, Ohno Bonzo was probably killed by Koyanagi Green, so naturally there is no such hidden danger, but now Karasawa still has to find a way to eliminate him.

Otherwise, preventing the current case but causing another case to occur is not what Tang Ze wants to do.

Of course, helping is on the one hand, but the main reason is that their hot spring hotels have been continuously acquired and have become the largest hot spring chain.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Therefore, the acquisition of hot springs is not just a matter of charity, but also a part of business strategic development.

This hot spring is very unique, and it was also a century-old store. The acquisition is beneficial to them.

Of course, Karasawa didn't intend to let the poor man Takami Ohno suffer. After preliminary negotiations, he planned to let the other party cooperate in the form of a franchise.

They paid part of the shares to join, and Tangze's side was to attract traffic to the hotel nearby.

Of course, Ayako negotiated the specific cooperation methods, and Ohno Takami was indeed very moved by Ayako's proposal.

Because the hotel is now a merger between her and her husband, although Ohno Yasuhei can inherit the rights to the share of Onoya Hotel, Ohno Bonzo above is the person who is responsible for the share of Onoya Hotel.

To cooperate, Ohno Bonzo needed to be persuaded, but after Ohno Takami and Karasawa found each other, the outcome of the negotiation was not good.

When Ohno Bonzo heard that he was going to cooperate with the Suzuki Consortium in Tokyo, he didn't even listen to the content and conditions of the cooperation. He immediately became furious. He yelled that Ohno Takami was planning to sell off his property and follow the pretty boy to escape from the Ohno family. How ugly could that be? .

"Sorry, my father-in-law seems to value the family's property a little too much."

After leaving the hotel where Ohno Bonzo was staying, Ohno Takami bowed and apologized to the two of them: "My father-in-law is old and has no business vision anymore. I don't know how favorable the conditions offered by the two of you are.

After his anger subsides, I will find him and talk to him patiently. "

"But Miss Gaomei, you'd better be prepared not to be able to convince the other party."

Karasawa looked at Ohno Takami and said: "It is a fact that the hotel is not operating well now, and cooperation with us should be the only way you can turn the situation around.

To put it bluntly, even if you continue to lose money in the future, the purchase price I offered will definitely be overflowing, and it will be enough for you to have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life.

Originally, I shouldn't have talked about these things in a business relationship, but what happened to Miss Xiaoliulu and your father-in-law's proposal to you made me feel very bad about him.

And although you say his proposal is a joke, if the hotel continues to suffer further losses, maybe his attitude will not be as gentle as it is now.

If you don't have a way to deal with him, I advise you to make your decision carefully. Sometimes people have to be more decisive, especially when facing choices for the rest of their lives.

Of course, it seems biased from my standpoint. You should carefully weigh the pros and cons yourself. "

Hearing Tang Ze's somewhat suggestive and encouraging words, Ono Takami not only did not get angry, but bowed deeply towards Tang Ze: "Thank you, I will seriously consider it."

"Well, then I'll wait for your good news." Tang Ze nodded, and then said goodbye to each other and Ayako and returned to the room to rest.

After that, Ohno Takami didn't know if he discussed something with Nakadai Satoru, but the other party finally made up his mind to break with Ohno Bonzo even at the expense of breaking up with Ohno Bonzo.

It seemed that Ohno Takami was fed up with that wretched father-in-law who wanted her to eat human sushi. It would be better to cooperate with Karasawa and the others than to end up like that.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After all, as Karasawa said, even if she continued to lose money, the worst result would be to be bought out by the Suzuki Consortium. The money would be enough for her to live a good life with her son.

However, the price of the breakup was that the cooperation needs to be temporarily put on hold, because this time Ohno Takami really listened to Karasawa's words, and no longer thought about Ohno Bonzo being the father of her deceased husband, nor did she think about the relationship between father-in-law and daughter-in-law, and fell out directly .

This hotel already owns half of their family's property, and after marrying her husband, the equity was transferred to his late husband, and she also has a son with her late husband.

After all these calculations, the equity in Ohno Takami's hands determines that she has the right to speak the truth.

There was just no good way to save the hotel before, so Ohno Bonzo kept forcing him.

But now the only opportunity is in front of him, and Ohno Takami naturally wants to seize the opportunity.

To be honest, Ohno Takami considers herself not a brave and decisive person, but this time she made a decision without too much hesitation.

On the one hand, it was because of the encouragement from Zhongdai Satoru, but more importantly, it was the experience of her mother that Xiao Liulu had previously told.

Her mother was fired because she had a good relationship with her husband. After that, she could only live a miserable life because of rumors and finally died of hard work.

She thought to herself, if she didn't seize this opportunity, Ohno Bonzo might force her to do such dirty things to attract customers.

Even if he refuses, what if Ohno Bonzo lets the news out in advance?

At that time, even if you refuse, I am afraid that your reputation in the eyes of others will plummet.

When the hotel falls into ruin, will I end up in the same situation as Xiao Liulu’s mother?

At that time, no matter whether he chooses to accept his fate or resist, the outcome will not be what he wants.

So instead of doing this, why not give it a try!

Ohno Takami had a falling out with her father-in-law, and the two sides were at odds with each other to the point of separation. Finally, relying on the shares in their hands and the advantages of their son as the third-generation heir to the hotel, he successfully took over the ownership of the hotel.

The part of Ohno Bonzo's shares that needed money was directly acquired by Tang Ling's consortium.

Of course, these are all follow-up matters, and the details can only be finalized after a lawsuit.

But there will definitely be no changes in the subsequent outcome of the matter.

The final result was that the old man Ohno Bonzo took the money, but was kicked out of the hotel.

For a lonely old man like him, having money is not the greatest guarantee. What he needs is support that sincerely takes care of him.

Whether the elderly have descendants or not is treated differently in nursing homes.

People without descendants will still be bullied even if they have great wealth, and Ohno Bonzo's future ending will basically be miserable to the naked eye.

In this way, it is entirely his own fault that he has reached this point.

However, Xiao Liulu immediately clapped her hands and applauded after learning about this incident. Although she gave up revenge, it did not mean that she could let go of all her grudges.

Seeing that Ohno Bonzo was doomed to be lonely and desolate in his later years, Xiao Liulu also felt that this was the best punishment for him.

Karasawa was also quite satisfied with this. After all, the old man Ohno Bonzo was really annoying, so being able to punish him was in line with his wishes.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After finishing these chores in reality and returning to the hotel, Tangze began the part he was most looking forward to, which was to check the rewards.

After all, the case was easily prevented this time, and the ending was relatively perfect, which should be a good reward.

Karasawa thought about it and finally decided to use [Random Element Designated Card].

After receiving so many main and side quest rewards, he also knew some of the hidden mechanisms of the rewards.

For example, if this branch involves a chef, the possibility of acquiring cooking skills will increase.

The same is true for the main plot. The rewards may increase if they involve elements of the case, and it is precisely because of this that Karasawa got the sniper rifle [Night Crow].

But this time, Tangze felt that the elements of this case were a bit messy, and the random props might not be what he wanted.

Instead of doing this, it is better to do an experiment and choose an illusory element to see what comes out.

Thinking of this, Tangze clicked and used the [Random Element Designated Card] without hesitation.

[The random element designated card has been used, please select the designated element]

【Should we choose "Kamaitachi" as the designated element in this case? 】

【yes! 】

[The designated element has been selected as Kamaitachi, and the reward calculation has begun! 】

The Mystery of Kamaitachi

Completion: perfect

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the hidden weapon Kamaita]

Evaluation: In this case, you relied on your night vision and excellent skills to expose the convict's trick when she wanted to create the legend of Kamaitachi.

Later, you used your words to make the other party reveal the murderous intention in his heart, prevent the case from happening, and make the victim bear the price of his past behavior.

Somehow, you are favored by fate.

After reading the evaluation of the case, Tangze set his sights on the reward for this case.

He used [Random Element Designated Card] this time to experiment with the mechanism of this prop. If he understands the mechanism of this prop, then the follow-up will be of great significance to him.

At least he can pick the right time to use it to get the item he wants.

However, choosing "Kamaitachi" as the designated element, and then drawing a hidden weapon with the same name, is really a bit unexpected.

Thinking of this, Tang Ze focused his attention on this reward.

[Hidden Weapon Kamaitachi: Use brain waves to control 6 invisible blades, killing people unexpectedly and invisible. 】

Note 1: This item is a high-risk item, please practice frequently and use it with caution.

Note 2: The control area of ​​this item has a radius of five meters from the user, and the recovery distance is 10 meters.

After reading the introduction of this prop, Tang Ze couldn't help but feel refreshed.

At first, he saw that the props showed hidden weapons, and he thought they were the kind of hidden weapons that required manual throwing.

Unexpectedly, after reading the explanation, I discovered that it was a high-tech hidden weapon!

Use brain waves to control invisible flying knives!

At this moment, Tangze felt like science fiction had entered reality.

Although the cutting-edge technology of brainwave control was also developed in the previous life, it was basically a semi-finished product and it was still difficult to apply it in practice.

But now, he actually got the reward of the finished product!

Moreover, this prop seems to be very powerful. I would have made two comments in a serious way this time!

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

It can be seen that this prop should be very dangerous.

Think about it, if you can control six flying knives like a super power, all living creatures within a five-meter radius will be threatened by the user.

Not only that, but the blade of this hidden weapon is crescent-shaped, as thin and invisible as a cicada wing. You can imagine what it would be like when it is flying in the air.

It would be strange if this kind of murderous weapon is not dangerous!

However, Tang Ze likes it. After all, there are no enemies in this thing, only his scorpion daddy!

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