Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1572 A commission from Kyoto

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Chapter 1572 of the main volume of the Detective World: A commission from Kyoto. I was speechless all night.

Early the next morning, the four of them got up, washed up, had breakfast at a fast food restaurant, and then returned to Tokyo.

This outing was simply a disaster. Hattori Heiji's invitation triggered a case. After the other party left, he originally wanted to have fun and relax, but unexpectedly, he was seamlessly involved in a case involving the main plot.

Although it is undeniable that the harvest this time is quite rich, it is also tiring.

So much so that on the morning of his first day at work, Karasawa skipped work, and an angry Koshimi Nanatsuki called him to urge him to come to work.

For employees who don't like their bosses, Tang Ze said that they are just jealous and he doesn't want to make his boss feel better.

But in the end, Tang Ze resisted the other party's urging and went to work slowly the next day.

"You still know how to come to work!"

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at the boss in front of him with an expression of gritted teeth, his eyes wishing to turn into knives and stab Karasawa full of holes.

"I'm also very busy. I haven't had a good rest at all this week." Tang Ze yawned and rolled his eyes: "What's wrong with taking a day off?"

"What do you have to do during the holidays?" Koshizui Nanatsuki said, rolling his eyes.

"What a disaster."

Karasawa sighed when he said this: "To put it simply, I traveled around Gunma and Nagano Prefectures, and then encountered cases in both places.

I have dealt with two murder cases in succession, and there is also an issue involving internal affairs in Nagano Prefecture. Don’t you think I am tired? "

"I didn't expect your weekend to be so exciting." Koshizui Nanatsuki said with pity on his face: "If I had known better, I would have gone with you."

"These are all hindsight." Tang Ze waved his hand: "Okay, stop gossiping and quickly bring over the documents that need me to deal with."

"Of course, of course. Senior, please also tell me about the case you solved in the past two days."

Koshizui Nanatsuki's eyes were full of curiosity and inquiry, and he was obviously very interested in Karasawa's experience over the past two days.

"I can tell you about the first case, but forget about the second one."

Karasawa said: "I promised to handle the scandal involving Nagano Prefecture internally. It is estimated that only Chief Saitama will know about it, so I won't talk about it from your side."

"Okay, just one." Hearing what Karasawa said, Koshizui Nanatsuki became even more curious, but he could only suppress his curiosity.

There was no way, something big must have happened in Nagano Prefecture, and it was probably a big scandal.

Since Karasawa is silent, Nagano County owes him and Saitama a favor.

Koshimi Nanatsuki naturally understands these "human relations", and naturally he will not ask too much about these exchanges of interests from his superiors.

In fact, this is the reason why Karasawa told Yui Uehara not to record too much about himself in the transcript.

Different heights lead to different perspectives on things. From Uehara Yui's perspective, they would only think that Karasawa was helping Nagano Prefecture cover up the scandal.

But in the eyes of the senior officials in Nagano Prefecture, Karasawa was a sign of goodwill, and it was inevitable that he owed favors.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

At the same time, if they want to completely suppress this case, they also need coordination from Tokyo. Naturally, Karasawa's backer Saitama becomes the only partner.

Nagano Prefecture must pay some benefits in exchange for the support of Saitama.

Of course, these games have nothing to do with Tang Ze. No matter what the final result is, both parties will definitely think of him.

Karasawa was multitasking, processing documents while telling the other party the mystery of the Kamamaita monster in the hot spring.

For these guys who regard reasoning as their destiny, whether they solve cases themselves or listen to the process of others solving cases, it is interesting and can be learned.

After listening, Koshizui Nanatsuki finally calmed down and even prepared snacks and black tea for Karasawa in a sensible manner.

Seeing that the other party was so sensible, Tang Ze did not choose to fish again, and solved all the accumulated work in one go.

After finishing the work at hand, perhaps because there were two cases in a row last week, Tang Ze immediately became free.

After a date with Ayako on Saturday, I went to Yukihira's for dinner. The two spent a sweet night in harmony and harmony.

Although Conan called and invited Tangze to teach him the concealed weapon throwing technique on Sunday the next day, Sunday was also passed smoothly without any incident.

This is really a very rare thing. After all, it is rare that when you do something with Conan, you can complete it completely. Something will always happen in the middle.

After all, this person "will die wherever he goes." The two of them stayed in an open space for so long, but nothing happened at all. Tang Ze found it very strange.

The process of teaching Conan the concealed weapon throwing skills went quite smoothly. Although Karasawa's skill level in concealed weapon throwing was not high, the foundation was still very solid. Teaching Conan was definitely enough.

And Conan is also a mentally mature person. He is also very smart and has good motor skills, so he can learn quickly.

After spending half a day correcting it, the professor was basically done.

After all, these hidden weapons require time and energy to be continuously practiced. Not everyone has Tangze's skills and talents, and can immediately use them for their own use after gaining knowledge.

At Karasawa's current level, Conan would have to learn for a long time.

Before noon, he said goodbye to Conan and went home to rest.

Ayako made a rich meal for lunch, and he enjoyed it deliciously, and then he just stayed there with nothing to do.

This is what people really do when it comes to short vacations.

Half a day is too short. I have no motivation to go out and nothing to do at home. I can only be bored and daze.

Fortunately, Tang Ze still had someone to accompany him, so this half day was not boring.

Two young people are always attracted to each other when they are together. The two practiced "yoga" twice before calming down their inner restlessness.

However, this also disrupted the two people's original plan to cook dinner together. The two of them were too tired to make any complicated dishes, so they simply ordered takeout from the hotel and had the food delivered to their home.

As the saying goes, if there are books, it will be long; if there are no books, it will be short.

Naturally, some daily trivial matters are not worth describing in detail, and soon the time came to Monday.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

After finishing the little work, Tangze became idle again.

This is also a true portrayal of him when he has no cases. At his level, there are few things that can keep him busy and dizzy.

It is enough to assign tasks and wait for feedback on the results.

However, considering that he had not inspected Kesouyan for a long time recently, Karasawa called Koshisui Nanatsuki and walked around inside.

But just when Karasawa finished his inspection and went to Aso's office to have tea with him, the scientific researchers brought in a slightly special guest.

Because the other party's request was the first time, the people below were not sure whether it could be done, so they simply brought the other party to see the big leader Tang Ze.

"I'm Tomei Yamazaki. I've been famous for a long time in Karasawa Criminal Investigation."

The capable woman in professional attire bowed slightly and handed over a business card with both hands.


Looking at the job description on the business card, Tang Ze was slightly surprised and said: "And I see that the firm you work for is in Kyoto. Why did you come here?"

"Actually, there is a public trial of a murder case. I would like to ask you to make the final identification of evidence." Yamazaki Tomei explained.

"Murder incident?" While Karasawa invited the other party to sit down, Nanatsuki Koshimizu, who was standing by him, heard what Yamazaki Tomi said and asked curiously: "Can you tell me in detail?"

"The defendant's name is Xiangzuki Joichi, and he is the legal representative of my firm." Yamazaki Tomei said.

"Eh!? Lawyer Xiangyue?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said in surprise when he heard this.

"Do you know about this case?" Seeing Nanatsuki Koshizui's expression, Karasawa became a little curious. This case is obviously a matter in Kyoto, so how come even Nanatsuki Koshizui knew about it.

"Senior, didn't you watch the news this morning?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said after hearing Karasawa's words: "This matter has already been abuzz on TV reports, and it's all the headlines in newspapers!"

As he spoke, Koshimi Nanatsuki glanced around the room, found a newspaper, flipped through it, and handed it to Karasawa: "Look, they are all reporting this news."

Tangze took the newspaper and saw a handsome man in a suit printed on the front page of the newspaper.

And bold the title next to him.

"Ah, it's him!"

Aso Minoru also saw the contents of the newspaper in Karasawa's hand, "This man often appears on TV and is called a handsome lawyer."

"Yes, that's him!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded repeatedly, "I heard that he pushed his wife directly off the suspension bridge on the mountain."

"The teacher didn't do it!" Just as Koshimi Nanatsuki became more and more gossipy, Yamazaki Tomei said angrily.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, who was originally excited when describing the case, heard Yamazaki Tomi's words and suddenly remembered that the relevant people were still here, and apologized quickly with a stern look on his face.

"But this case happened in Kyoto, right?"

Tangze ignored these minor interruptions and said directly: "In this case, as for the identification of evidence, the local criminal department should have asked the local scientific search and research team to identify it."

"Although the identification was positive, Kyoto Criminal Investigation Department identified the teacher as the murderer from the beginning and conducted the search accordingly."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Tomei Yamazaki explained: “I think the evidence they searched was all negative to the teacher and was biased.

Fortunately, they do not have conclusive evidence for conviction. I think that in a public trial, a third party needs more objective and accurate evidence certification. "

"In other words, from a scientific point of view, is this the opinion of an objective search?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words made Yamazaki Tomomi nod. Obviously, this was the purpose of her trip.

"But why did you come to us?" Karasawa looked at Yamazaki Tomei curiously and asked.

"Teacher Xiangyue is a member of the Central Bar Association, which is a bar association spanning the three major regions of Kyoto, Osaka, and Tokyo."

Tomei Yamazaki explained: "During the communication with the Tokyo lawyer, the teacher heard about your name many times, and also knew that you single-handedly promoted the reform and founded Kesouyan.

He also paid a lot of attention to the Kesouyan exchange meeting some time ago. He naturally knows the identification results of Tokyo Kesouyan and has great trust in their accuracy. "

"This is really ridiculous." After hearing Yamazaki Tomei's compliment, Karasawa said modestly.

"Anyway, this is the situation. Regarding the re-appraisal procedures of the case, I, as a lawyer, will handle it. In order to help Teacher Xiangyue, please help me!"

Having said this, Tomei Yamazaki stood up and bowed directly to Karasawa and the other three, and asked with excitement on her face.

"I understand the situation, but I still need to know the specific circumstances of the case."

Tangze said: "Let's go to Kyoto in person and talk to Lawyer Xiangyue in person."

"Thank you so much!" Yamazaki Tomei stood up and bowed excitedly after hearing Karasawa's words. I will be responsible for all the travel expenses. Thank you for your hard work!

"It's okay, it's my duty." Tang Ze shook his head and said that he didn't need to pay too much attention.

In fact, this is really not a polite word, because no matter how you look at it, it looks like a branch case has come to your door.

Since it is a case, Karasawa cannot just listen to Yamazaki Tomei's words, but must investigate the entire case objectively.

After all, today's prisoners are extremely cunning, and Tang Zhe doesn't want to be used like a monkey by the prisoners.

He only believed in everything he investigated and could not make any mistakes in the process of obtaining intelligence information.

Soon Tomomi Yamazaki bought the ticket, and Karasawa took Nanatsuki Koshimizu to the Kyoto Police Station and met the imprisoned Kozuki Joichi.

From the other party's mouth, he also learned about the case in detail.

It happened on the 15th of last month. At that time, the weather was still comfortable in autumn, not too cold, and it was a good season for mountain climbing.

And he and his wife Sayoko went to the mountain of love that they had climbed together when they were students.

“We finally took a vacation, and before we knew it, we reached the suspension bridge.”

In the meeting room, Xiangyue Chengyi spoke slowly through the glass: "But because I am usually busy with work and do not exercise enough, I was exhausted after crossing the suspension bridge.

So I told my wife that I wanted to take a rest at the pavilion next to the suspension bridge. Although she teased me for being an "incredibly frail middle-aged man", she still agreed to let me rest.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

My wife, who has been interested in photography since she was a student, returned to the suspension bridge to take some more photos.

After walking to the middle of the suspension bridge, she seemed to have found a good spot downstream and leaned forward against the guardrail to take pictures.

I saw her actions and felt a little dangerous, so I walked over to warn her, because my wife tends to forget her surroundings when taking pictures, and things like missing the mark often happen. "

When Xiang Yuecheng said this, he closed his eyes in pain: "But before I even got close, the tragedy happened..."

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