Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1575 The Prisoner’s Trap

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Early the next morning, as soon as Karasawa arrived at Kesouyan, he saw Tomei Yamazaki sitting in the lobby waiting early.

"Lawyer Yamazaki, why are you here, and so early?"

Tang Ze was surprised when he saw the other party, and immediately asked: "Did something happen?"

"It's not that something happened, it's just that I found a way to break the situation."

Tomei Yamazaki said excitedly: "If what Teacher Xiangyue said is true, then the scene captured in the photo should not be the teacher's murderous action, right?

On the contrary, the teacher who was pushed away saw that Sayoko was about to fall, so he hurriedly reached out to catch her, so he stretched out his hand! ?

And since the teacher failed to catch Ms. Sayoko, it means that after the teacher was pushed away, there was a certain distance between the two!

If it can be proven that there is a long distance between the two, it will clarify that the teacher did not want to push Ms. Sayoko down, but wanted to reach out to save her!

In this case, it was an accident rather than a murder, and the teacher's innocence can be proven! "

"I didn't expect that Lawyer Yamazaki's reasoning ability is so strong. If he was involved in criminal matters, he would definitely be a police officer."

"But if you do this, you may be investigated at any time and at any time."

Tang Zedongmei saw the look of surprise on her face: "Has he seen Criminal Yamazaki!? That's far away from reality. Is it really true?"

But I can only agree because the other party has not raised that point yet. Even if Yamazaki agrees, I cannot apply for withdrawal in Kyoto.

Looking at the model under the suspension bridge, Tang Zedongmei said with excitement: "Isn't the one holding out his hand next to Mr. Xiangyue?

Dai Zhi patted the young man behind the computer and motioned for the other person to open the software while explaining: "The distance and angle between the surveillance camera and the suspension bridge, as well as the actual size of the suspension bridge, including the bodies of Sayoko and Dayoko, Low all digitization.

Yamazaki Tomei smiled modestly: "Then I thought about it, and suddenly I felt that I could think backwards, and then I discovered the breakthrough."

Perhaps the reason why I sent it to you is because the only professional science search and research institute in Kyoto is Tokyo. For evidence, we are looking for the most professional endorsement from you because it is unintentional. "

Yamazaki said: "After all, it is a suspension bridge with only two people. If one of them falls and dies, we can determine who the culprit is from just one move.

Even if the media believes in me, that step has not been reached long ago. Then, using our push to add fuel to the flames, the local criminals in Kyoto arrested me. "

"The trouble is over there."

I know where that feeling comes from, maybe it's because of the other person's too cold attitude, or maybe it's the sense of calculation that comes from being led along.

On the other side, your investigation was used to provide evidence that was beneficial to Sayoko.

Yamazaki shook his head and said: "Did the Kyoto police find out that the two of us were cooperating in the murder? The moment they thought they had the evidence to prosecute Sayoko alone.

"That is indeed a result worthy of verification. It just so happens that you did not collect data on the location of the camera that took this photo yesterday. It should be verified immediately."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Koshizui Itsuki held his forehead and said: "If the two of them must have conspired, everything would be much less complicated if Sayoko is not innocent."

"The posture of the Oyoko man under the suspension bridge is clearly that of the moment he fell."

After Yamazaki made his concession, he handed over the data collected at the foot of the mountain to his superiors. After inputting the data one by one, the small bridge in the photo appeared in the software in a 3D format.

"If you know the time when the camera took the photo, it's impossible to fake it, right?" Yamazaki said, "And the photo is blurry and clear, and you can see the face, so it's completely impossible to fake it."

"Thank you so much."

But I thought that Tang Zedongmei was aware of the breach and rushed over in person.

"Now you hope your guess is wrong."

Koshizui frowned in thought: "You think it's the reason why we did that, and we specifically wanted to provoke him, the junior.

"That's not possible." Koshizui Itsuki nodded repeatedly.

"No, after you found out about the teacher at Tangze Criminal Court yesterday, I couldn't sleep all night, thinking about solutions."

Why did he deliberately leave evidence that could lead to no suspicion later so that he could be believed by the Kyoto police?

Watching Tomei Karasawa leave, Yamazaki found Kazuki Koshizui who was busy: "Didn't you notice?"

Is it a coincidence?

Before crossing Karasawa Tomei, the smile on Yamazaki's face instantly faded.

Among the computer access records of Xiangyue Office, there is no record of a small amount of login to Suigetsu Mountain's surveillance camera website.

In that case, the outcome of the public trial was of course self-evident. "

The two of them came all the way to the analysis room. Looking at the staff behind the computer, Tang Zetongmei looked at Yamazaki and asked: "Well, how do you want to prove the regression?"

"Before importing the photos, restore them through data regression and 3D simulation."

"It's something. Since it's a formal process, it's appropriate for you to attend." Yamazaki said.

But now, we have invalidated the evidence that is beneficial to us, and we are just waiting to prove our guilt in court!

"It's really bad!"

Before the suspension bridge was reduced to the center position, the movements of the two people in the photo were completely reproduced in the form of models.

"Fell into a trap?" Yueshui Yishui heard this and said in astonishment: "What kind of trap?"

"I'm afraid that's what happened."

After all, once a person becomes suspicious, it is difficult to regain the other person's trust.

Because that is your investigation, the evidence will be used.

In order to avoid being used for calculations, he sent Kazuki Koshizui to investigate. He wanted to wait for the other party's investigation results to come out and confirm whether there were any problems before presenting the entire evidence.

You remember that there was no electronic meter recovered among the exhibits, right? Because there is no room for error in forging this false evidence, otherwise it will be photographed as flawless evidence. "

They must have kept the evidence and kept their hands and feet clean. Maybe the police would treat it as an accident. "

Hearing Yamazaki Tomei's words, Karasawa was surprised, then smiled and praised.

"But what's the reason for doing that?"

Yamazaki sighed when he said that: "We are entrusted with the identification of evidence provided by the court, which does not mean that the evidence obtained by your own careful investigation is allowed.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

If the two are definitely accomplices, Dai Zhidongmei also assisted and played the role of an accomplice on the day of the crime.

"To put it more complicatedly, if a person has been found guilty as a result of an investigation before being confirmed as a crime, even if there is any new evidence before then, the trial will be deferred," Yamazaki explained.

Dai Zhihui, who holds the trump card of being able to prove his innocence, has not yet gained the advantage.

In fact, I have already thought of what Dai Zhidongmei said, and I would also deliberately collect data before going down the mountain.

"It also means that as soon as Dai Zhihui knew that this place was being photographed by surveillance cameras, he could naturally know the time when the photos were taken."

So facing Dai Zhidongmei's request, Yamazaki directly agreed.

If so, Mr. Oyoko might have fallen from the suspension bridge for no apparent reason. "

Hearing Dai Zhidongmei's legitimate and reasonable request, Dai Zhi couldn't help but feel a little good.

The lead actor explained: "When the photo is taken from the upper right corner, the distance in the photo will naturally look very close."

Except for Sayoko Kazuichi's car, there was no Kyoto brand car traveling the same route.

There is not such an obvious distance between the two of us, so it is possible to push Mr. Oyoko onto the bridge.

"That's far away!"

With the words of the dragon, the suspension bridge on the computer screen started to shrink.

"Article 390 of the Constitution?" Koshizui Kazuki heard this and asked curiously: "You are not unfamiliar with the law. What does that article say?"

Or was it intentional?

According to the records of vehicles retreating towards Shuiyue Mountain on the day of the incident.

Are we just afraid that he will find out the clues and send us to a small prison? "

Before entering the data into the software, synchronize the stereoscopically and you can view it in 360 degrees. "

The filming footage showed that the driver of the car at the time was not Tang Zedongmei, a young male lawyer from the firm whom Xiangyue knew.

Sayoko, I'm afraid we have already figured that out, so before the Kyoto Police Department investigates whether the two of them colluded, we're asking you to conduct a forensic investigation.

"The location of Xiangyue Chengyi in the photo is indeed a possible crime. If we rule out that possibility, is it possible that the person who is falling under the suspension bridge is a fake Oyoko?"

"You believe that Tang Zedongmei and Tang Zedongmei are in the same group."

Even if I reveal that I have killed someone, there will be no way for the law to try me again!

"Based on the data collected by Yamazaki Police, although the surveillance camera is facing the suspension bridge, it is in the upper right corner."

I want to use Article 390 of the Constitution to commit a complete crime! "

Dai Zhi vaguely felt that there was no net being woven, and he was consciously trapped in the net.

It must have really caused the other party to commit a complete crime. This would definitely be a huge blow to Yamazaki's "famous criminal"!

Kazuki Koshizui handed a printed piece of information to Yamazaki: "The matter he asked you to investigate has no result, and it is indeed no problem.

Hearing this, Kazuki Koshizui said with horror: "This does not mean that Dai Zhihui is now being prosecuted because he deliberately left a loophole in order to be released before being prosecuted.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"That is a terrible opponent, you have been completely calculated." Koshizui Itsuki said with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Ah, junior, he came just in time."

"But what about before the verdict of guilty?" Koshizui Kazuki explained: "You can't submit evidence.


Faced with Tang Zedongmei's compliment, Dai Zhi just smiled and immediately walked towards the analysis room.

The court made a new discovery that was not beneficial to Sayoko during the appraisal of the original evidence.

As early as eight months after the incident, he logged in frequently. "

Yueshui couldn't help but sweat when he thought of that.

Before Yamazaki made a shocking judgment, he told the other party about Karasawa Tomei's recent visit.

But when the previous incident was exposed, looking back, it no longer felt like a pretense.

Because we know that even if you really discover our conspiracy during the investigation, you will still be able to provide invalid evidence that the two of them collaborated to murder Dayeko.

"The top priority now is to find out whether the two of them are accomplices."

"Be calm. I'm afraid the other party has already planned something bad. Without you, it will have an impact on us."

Dai Zhi frowned and said, "You can also say that everything may have been designed by the other party."

Dai Zhidongmei said with a gloomy look on his face when he heard this: "Yamazaki Criminal is worthy of being a famous "criminal". The investigation of the case is not meticulous. In that case, you will have to go down the mountain all the way!"

But unfortunately, things developed in the direction of our reasoning.


If that plan is actually completed, Sayoko will have completed a complete crime!

Kazuki Koshizui was ashamed to be able to compete with Conan and others as a high-ranking detective, and he immediately understood what Yamazaki meant.

Yamazaki shook his head and said: "Xiangyue Chengyi is indeed a lawyer. He is very good at legal provisions and has very little ambition.

"You've gone too far in retreat."

It will definitely let the world know that the "famous criminal" was manipulated by a criminal, and even helped to convict the other party. I am afraid that the subsequent praise will instantly turn into contempt.

I was on guard at that time. After all, the case seemed to clear up Sayoko's grievances, and the other party's attitude after it was over was that of "acting upright and sitting upright."

"That's all, please." Tang Zetongmei bowed her thanks again, then said goodbye to Yamazaki and left.

"Come with you."

It doesn't mean that when that point is raised from Tang Zedong's beauty examination, the choice is in Dai Zhi's hands.

Dai Zhi knows, but now that the other party has taken the initiative to bring it up, everything must be a formal procedure, and there is no reason why I can't agree.

However, the evidence collected from the scraps and buttons showed that Sayoko was hiding something, which aroused Yamasaki's suspicion. Even if the other party changed his story and revealed everything before I went to question him, it did not dispel Dai Zhi's belief.

Yamazaki said: "He went to contact the Kyoto Police Department and transferred the surveillance cameras on the roads around Suigetsu Mountain on the day of the incident.

It also makes it possible to say that the two really conspired to kill Kozuki Oyoko.

Turning the suspension bridge to a bird's eye view, the distance between the two people slowly became apparent.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

That resulted in an extremely public scene.

That photo has not yet become conclusive evidence. Please ask Yamazaki Criminal to write a report on the investigation results as soon as possible and submit it. "

Before the identification results were submitted, Tang Zetongmei bowed to Yamazaki and thanked him: "Tomorrow is the day to appear in court, and then we will also need to trouble Yamazaki to testify in court."

"It's troublesome." Yamazaki said with a solemn expression: "You may have fallen into a trap."

Yamazaki smiled and said: "It's too late, you go now."

That was a small crisis!

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