Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1598: True Organization’s Nightmare (13)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

On the stage, the two people who originally planned to retreat their troops naturally discovered the movement ahead.

They set up their respective sniper rifles and saw the scene ahead through the scopes above.

"Unexpectedly, "Akainu"-kun still has a trick up his sleeve~"

Kizaru looked at Akai Shuichi and said with a smile: "It seems that I have let you go from the beginning~

How about it, I thought I would be able to make a profit, but I didn’t expect that I would be the “little bird behind”~”

"But given our current situation, this is a good situation for us, isn't it?" Akai Shuichi was not ashamed of being plotted, but was happy to see such a scene.

He even set up a sniper rifle, intending to support the "SAt" blocking the road and leaving Gin behind.

After all, this was their primary goal from beginning to end of this operation, and it was also the first and most critical step in their plan.

Only by taking this step can their subsequent plans be followed up.

"Although I also hope that they can keep people, I don't think there is much hope."

Tang Ze also set up a sniper rifle and aimed at several cars speeding on the road: "Don't forget, the first one is a self-explosion car with a bomb tied to it.

Even if the driver didn't want to die as a suicide bomber, when he became the driver of that car, his life was no longer in his control.

After all, the supported beasts are the craziest and most desperate. If the fight is not for their own lives, then they will be even less merciless. "

"Even so, let's try it."

Akai Shuichi had already pulled the trigger when he finished speaking, and Karasawa followed closely and fired.

The two men opened fire one after another, aiming at the tires of a neighboring car.

When the sniper bullet penetrated the car's tires, the two saw that the car began to spin as if out of control, and its speed continued to decrease.

It seems that their plan worked.

But, it only looks like it.

In fact, when the "SAt" armored vehicle appeared to block the road, Gin, who was following the self-destructing car, saw the enemy blocking the traffic.

There was no trace of panic in his eyes, but a trace of madness flashed across his eyes.

Everything today made him feel extremely frustrated, as if there was something invisible constantly squeezing his chest.

In the underground world, you can always kill whoever you want. Whether it is MI6, FBI or CIA, in his eyes, they are all trash at the mercy of others.

But this time things are different.

Those people have proven with practical actions that even if you are feared in the dark world, a mouse is a mouse and can never compete with a serious cat!

But Gin doesn't think so, he wants to wash away his humiliation with blood!

So when I saw the "SAt" parked sideways on the road, I planned to use the heavy defense of the armored vehicle to directly defeat their "SAt" armored vehicle.

And the two annoying snipers blew out the tires of the leading car, and Gin's bloodshot and red eyes looked crazy.

He stepped on the accelerator and kept following, choosing a good angle and slamming into the car that was spinning and slowing in front of him.

The car in front that kept turning sharply was hit by Gin, but it stabilized the car and returned to normal driving status.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

The members of the car deliberately wanted to brake and slow down, but Gin was not the kind of person to kindly save his men when they saw him in danger.

Gin drove the car and hit the "SAt" armored vehicle convoy ahead with the rear end of the car in front.

By this time, the peripheral members in the car had also known Gin's plan, and they were yelling crazily and slamming on the brakes, but it was of no use at all.

Approaching the motorcade barrier in front, Gin stepped on the brakes and slowed down slightly to open a little distance. Before the car in front stopped, he stepped on the accelerator again and slammed into the car in front.

Just like the cue of a billiard table hitting the white ball, with the huge impact, the car in front of it hit the armored vehicle that was about to cross the barrier like an arrow.


Like a black ball being hit hard by a white ball, the car in front collided with the police armored vehicle belonging to the "SAt" in front with violent force under the terrifying impact from behind.

Even though the main driver stepped on the brakes frantically, it did not change any result except the screeching sound of tires on the ground.

The terrifying force directly knocked the two armored vehicles backward and sideways, and the two empty vehicles were knocked open.

When the "SAt" who was hiding on the road next to him saw this scene, he held a submachine gun and planned to use two vehicles as bunkers to block the convoy behind him.

But before they could get close, a huge explosion sounded instantly. The terrifying impact knocked them upside down, and the two cars that formed the barrier were also "blown" to the roadside by the huge impact of the bomb. On both sides.

As for the spike strips placed behind the barrier to trick the enemy, they were all blown away.

Taking advantage of the moment of the explosion, Gin took the lead to break out of the gap of the explosion, and only three cars were left following behind.

You know, at the beginning of the support, in addition to two manufacturing vehicles equipped with bombs, they also had 8 vehicles.

But now after the encirclement and suppression, apart from Gin and others, they only have three cars left that are not even full.

It is no exaggeration to say that the casualties were heavy.

Most of those people were eliminated by the FBI, Akai Shuichi and Karasawa during the siege.

Of course, most of them were injured, especially the two snipers Karasawa, who basically shot non-fatal injuries such as the legs.

But this is not their territory. Even if Toru Amuro helps them ventilate the situation, it is not a formal cooperation that has gone through official procedures. Even if they face a heinous arrest, there cannot be too many deaths.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some of the more unlucky ones or those with greater operational threats will die.

There's nothing we can do about that.

"Sure enough, I used this trick."

Seeing Gin relying on the bomb car to break out of the encirclement, Karasawa put down the sniper rifle in his hand and put it back behind his back: "The expected answer, but no one from "SAt" died, which is unfortunate. Lucky for you."

After all, they had distanced themselves at that time and had full-body protection. Even if they were injured by the shock wave of the explosion, they could at least save their lives.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

"It would be nice if we could establish contact and tell them the information in advance." Shuichi Akai shook his head regretfully: "That might really stop them."

"No way, who makes it inconvenient for him to contact me now."

Tangze shrugged and walked to the edge of the stage: "Although we failed by a narrow margin this time, our cooperation is still good.

Then I look forward to the next cooperation, see you! "

Regardless of Akai Shuichi's reaction, Karasawa jumped off the stage.

The next moment, the hang glider caught Akai Shuichi's eyes, and the figure of the other party gradually faded away under the moonlight.

Akai Shuichi looked at the other party's figure disappearing into the night sky, and turned around to leave with the gun bag on his back.

This time the plan failed, but the three of them were not discouraged.

Because when they started this plan, they were already prepared to fail.

After all, they were facing Gin, a cunning man who had been rounded up many times.

Of course, their change of style from "capture alive" to "killing" also caused Gin to suffer a big loss.

This time, if his brother hadn't fought tooth and nail to save him, Tangze and the others would have succeeded.

It's a pity that Gin's luck seems to have not come to an end yet, allowing him to escape death.

And after this embarrassing escape, I wonder how difficult Gin will be in the future.

But it doesn't matter, at least the goal Karaze set at the beginning was achieved.

He successfully won over Curacao, and with this right-hand man, the Zoo organization he built finally became more real.

After all, although he constructed the "three generals", they are all men after all, and it is easy to doubt whether one person played the three roles in disguise.

Subsequently, Shuichi Akai and Toru Amuro each played an identity. Although this problem was solved, there were not many opportunities for the three to appear together, and they may still be suspected by the organization.

And next time Curacao's "Peach Rabbit" appears, a female character will undoubtedly make this fictional organization more real.

After all, a man can play multiple roles, but if there is an extra woman, the authenticity will suddenly increase a lot.

It is true that people can dress up as women, but they cannot reduce their height.

Therefore, when Curacao appears as the "Peach Rabbit", the authenticity of the Zoo organization will be further increased. This is a very critical step and increases their security.

Curacao, on the other hand, is also a very capable helper.

Whether it's close combat or marksmanship, the opponent has great abilities. Although he doesn't know his reasoning, his memory ability is comparable to that of hyperamnesia, and it's a controllable version.

In addition, he is also proficient in hacker knowledge. As a confidant of the second-in-command of an organization, his work ability must be first-rate. With Duofa Tang Ze, he can save a lot of things.

For example, if there is anything that needs to be investigated, it is basically no problem to leave it to the other party. If you ask the other party to do something, Curacao's character will not ask too many questions and will just do it.

Even if the Zoo organization needs to recruit a large number of members in the future, Curacao can become an agent like Gin and run it in an orderly manner based on the other party's capabilities.

Of course, Karasawa has not considered recruiting members for the time being, but if Amuro Toru and Akai Shuichi need to have their subordinates affiliated with them to carry out some plans against black organizations, Karasawa would not mind making it convenient.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

In summary, the Sanrao plan failed this time, but Tangze achieved his goal and could win quietly.

Of course, the three-rao cooperation is not a complete failure. At least with the experience of this run-in, the next cooperation will be more comfortable.

In addition, the fake death of Curacao also greatly increased the reputation of Keir and Bourbon in the organization. On the other hand, Gin ended up in embarrassment as the leader, which also had a huge impact on his reputation within the organization. blow.

With this rise and fall, Toru Amuro's status has undoubtedly improved a lot. If he really wants to rise to the top in the future, it will be more logical.

In addition, they also eliminated many peripheral forces of wineries.

These peripheral members may seem inconspicuous, but they are actually a trouble when they are distributed throughout Tokyo as informants.

Now that the solution has been solved, not only can Gin and others lack available manpower, but at the same time, these people who are captured by "SAt" can also cause trouble for the black organization.

After all, they made a big fuss this time, and it would be really difficult for the Metropolitan Police Department not to express their opinions.

Of course, how to do it depends on how Toru Amuro operates.

This doubt did not last long. Toru Amuro had already prepared the response to the failed sniper attack. When Karasawa's hang glider passed by the huge electronic screen in the mall, he saw the news of the attack on the wheel.

"The motorcycle was suspected to have been shot by a machine gun from a helicopter. The police have determined that this was a terrorist attack."

"Under the public security intelligence network, the wheel was restricted at that time. There were no casualties above, and the helicopter was quickly shot down."

"After that, "SAt" began to encircle and suppress the mastermind. Finally, after fierce exchanges of fire, more than 20 people were arrested. The mastermind is still on the run."

"The Metropolitan Police Department has officially launched a wanted search for the mastermind. If you see this person, please stay away immediately and call the police."

Seeing Gin's photo appear on the big screen, Karasawa couldn't help but sigh that Amuro Toru's move was very vicious. He was indeed someone who was deliberately trying to gain power and had already begun to suppress his opponent.

Yes, labeling Gin a terrorist is a very cruel move, but it's also very clever.

The most important thing for a black organization that operates underground is that its identity will not be exposed.

Even if his identity is registered in various organizations, he cannot be publicly wanted.

Because once this happens, most of the person will be disabled. Once exposed, the police may be called at any time.

This will undoubtedly further compress Gin’s activity space.

At least some action gins were left out directly.

Because once he is exposed, he will immediately be pursued by the police, so the best way to avoid trouble is not to participate or hide in the dark.

This would be equivalent to abolishing half of Gin's rights, and naturally someone would have to make up for this part.

In this case, it would be very beneficial for Toru Amuro.

This is probably Toru Amuro's plan to arrange this move in advance after predicting failure, and this move is indeed enough to maximize his interests.

Because after this operation, regardless of whether it is a temporary replacement, at least Amuro Toru can strive to become the person in charge of part of the operation.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

At first, Toru Amuro may have to "keep his head down", but as time goes by, Toru Amuro can gradually encroach on Gin's rights and be responsible for actions that need to be shown publicly.

In the later stages, it can basically become a rivalry. He is responsible for the actions that can show his face, while Gin continues to hide in the dark and do the dirty work.

As long as you tolerate this situation and continue to develop your influence within the organization, you can even treat Gin as a guy who only does dirty work.

And if Gin is captured by their sniper midway, he will be able to take over more naturally.

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