Detectives of Detective World

Chapter 1600: True Organization’s Nightmare (15)

【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

Before you seek victory, seek defeat first.

This is Tang Ze's consistent style.

So on the night when the three met at the Kudo family mansion, Karasawa proposed a countermeasure after failure.

If the plan succeeds, naturally everything is fine.

But there is also a way to fail.

The response is to suppress Gin and find a way to get to the top on his own.

Although it is possible that "that lord" will choose Belmod, it is also possible that "Rum" will directly take over the overall situation.

However, there is a high chance of choosing one among them.

Therefore, the elected candidate fell among them, and the tall man Toru Amuro naturally killed the other "shorts" in an instant.

Although they didn't kill Gin, they were still slightly better.

Tohru Amuro's words were so conclusive that both Kichaizhen and Vodka cheered up a little. After all, that battle really broke our spines and pride.

But even if he cuts off the dangerous move in front, the cooperation from behind alone is enough for Toru Amuro to stand firm and win the appreciation of his subordinates.

As for gin?

Antimode looked at Bourbon and smiled, then glanced at everyone and said with serious expressions: "The current situation is very beneficial to you, what should we do next?"

If you want to gain the right to speak, you have to wait until Bourbon loses.

In the future, the intelligence of the white organization will be leaked continuously, but as undercover agents, we will have a more restricted environment than before.

That was avoidable, and it was also a blowback from Ireland!

Because once I take this approach again, other people will think that Gin is retaliating for having his rights taken away, so they will use this to find trouble.

Although the first collaboration between eight people was not completely successful, it did push Toru Amuro back half a step!

We are spread across all walks of life. Without our people among low-level officials and multinational businessmen, we cannot influence a region, city or even a country!

"You also agree." Joy flashed in Bell's eyes, but you were hiding it so badly that no one noticed it.

"Yeah, you all think that as long as the Air Self-Defense Force doesn't come, no one can do anything to you. Who knew the enemy actually prepared anti-aircraft weapons." Vodka agreed with a depressed look.

Whenever his actions were not reasonable at all, Gin would pull out his gun as soon as he agreed and ask him directly to give him a reasonable explanation.

"To get back to the topic, it is a fact that you have suffered a huge blow in the future."

And I need to explain to Gin what I did, or whether Gin has the right to believe me anymore.

A prodigal dog has no right to speak. If I dare to seek revenge again, I'm afraid the first person to be reviled is coming to Taiwan. At this time, I will really become a polished commander.

And that was also the initial result achieved before the eight people cooperated!

Although he was excited inside, Toru Amuro had a fierce expression on the surface, and even expressed his attitude towards Gin with a high attitude.

And after passing that threshold, I have few means that I can’t use.

Of course, that was aimed at vodka, but the murderous intention against the enemy caused by the scene where the opponent risked his life to save him.

Bell, who originally planned to agree, secretly thought of luck when Antimode spoke first and said what you were thinking, and then nodded and said: "After all, judging from the enemy's previous attitude, we really want to kill you.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

No one will doubt that Gin's belief is for the organization. We will only infer my purpose from Gin's actions after that.

As for that candidate, Toru Amuro would naturally only choose Bell.

Toru Amuro looked at everyone blaming everything on the escaped Curacao, but believed that there was no problem internally, and opened the topic again: "Based on the current situation, you should stay dormant for the time being.

But after that, when Gin was alone, I kept strict watch over the people on my staff, including the core members who didn’t have code names.

From this moment on, offense and defense change!

After all, I don't have Bell as an internal support within the organization. You can't arrange tasks for Bell unless I'm trusted or it's convenient for me to leave. In reality, you're being sent away to deliver information.

Of course, no two people are as worried as us on the outside, but in reality they are very excited inside.

In the original situation when Gin was in charge of the game, before he suffered a loss, he naturally tried every means to destroy the enemy, assassinate him, etc., to make the enemy feel the pain and let the enemy know that he was a bad person.

Whether we wanted to accept it or not, the operation was a disastrous failure, and the ensuing discussion sealed our fate.

When I am weak, doing this will naturally have no impact, but once I show my weakness, the negative impact will be revealed.

The family will rest in peace and recuperate first, while you, Antimode and Bell will carry out investigation and post-production preparations first.

For example, he teamed up with Karasawa and the "enemies" of the FBI police to put on a show to gain credit for himself. At the same time, he leaked Gin's intelligence at certain critical moments and dealt another blow to the opponent.

The bullet that once shot Ireland will shoot Gin at some point in the future.

We will no longer doubt Gin that you simply believe it, but think that I am looking for excuses to exclude dissidents and compete for power!

No, before Amuro became independent, Bell and I could only improve the environment, and we already had a huge advantage against Gin's method.

For the black organization, apart from the mysterious "this person", the difficulty in destroying it is also the huge power hidden in the white darkness.

We haven't been longing for the dawn for a long time. This is your father and my comrade's lifelong long-cherished wish. How can we be excited now that we finally have no chance to realize it.

But after seeing Toru Amuro still looking submissive to me, Gin's inner humiliation also slightly subsided.

Don't underestimate that half-step, there is nothing you can do about it later. When you break the game, you will definitely be able to break through the barriers!

"Your personal suggestion is to lurk."

Tohru Amuro also explained what happened to me, but he came down and operated on me. That was not a bad start.

"You believe this is a manned aircraft with a bomb attached to it."

Hatred was implanted in my blood, making my entire sanity seem to be consumed by greed, urging me to seek revenge.

But we were hurt by the beating that time, so we didn’t have any resistance for a while.

Relying on the achievement of killing Curacao, coupled with his consistent reliable performance and "clean body", Toru Amuro once again took steps from a core member to the core of power of the organization.

So after that, the undercover agents outside the organization were all trembling with fear and lurking in the organization cautiously, not daring to do anything too obvious.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

That was very important, even less important than the organizational intelligence that was open to me before I was promoted.

Because without one, there would be no seven. Even if it has anything to do with others, as long as things harm their own kind, they will definitely be on Toru Amuro's side.

That is not the benefit of scheming against companions and eradicating dissidents.

In fact, after the results of Antimode came out, Gin didn't know the target candidate yet.

Toru Amuro touched his chin and said, "Curacao lost his memory before, so let us judge if you can act.

Of course, the former needs to be used with caution. After all, Gin is cunning and suspicious, and he will definitely release some information to test me.

And now, that behemoth hasn't appeared in front of me yet, how can I be excited?

No, Gin, who has always believed in Bell and even used some harsh methods, may not use it again in the future.

In the future, Toru Amuro will naturally need unreliable people on his hands, just like the vodka next to Gin, as confidants.

You don't think there are any traitors among you, so we would use such hasty means and drop them off directly in the helicopter, but it would be done once and for all. "

But when he thought of these enemies, Gin's murderous intention could no longer be restrained.

But no matter how angry he was, facing the overwhelming consensus at this moment, Ginjiu could only suppress the anger in his heart and endure it.

No, from that moment on, the difficult situation of being able to lurk carefully and get some important information began!

"I have an opinion~" Ji Chaizhen agreed happily.

"A bunch of damn guys, sooner or later you will make them pay the price!" Kiki couldn't help but cursed before he finished.

"It seems unanimously passed. Let's move on to the next thing."

"Indeed, if you had delayed knowing, you would have delayed preparing anti-aircraft weapons." Antimode nodded in agreement after hearing this: "For example, rocket launchers and the like."

After all, as an undercover agent, what you fear most is not being discovered that you are okay.

"But the problem is, the blow you received that time didn't seem too severe."

Amidst the noise, Toru Amuro spoke first: "That is the main reason for the success of your operation. In fact, it is due to sufficient preparation.

Even Chai Zhen's environment will also change.

"Indeed." Kikil nodded when he heard this: "This explosion is not powerful, it feels like it was prepared in a hurry."

"You think so too."

At that time, I'm afraid some people thought that you would be counterattacked. "

The meeting started very slowly, and everyone returned to their respective rooms to rest exhausted.

We have to hibernate outside for a long time. The Tokyo area was seriously injured that time, and we need time to recuperate and lick and heal the wounds of that time.

And this information is what Toru Amuro has been searching for.

After all, without taking Ireland's lessons into consideration, it was also possible that Gin could do such a thing.

Vodka touched his injured leg and said, "That encirclement and suppression was not too violent."

Ireland's death ultimately backfired on Gin and became Toru Amuro's talisman.

"Curaçao invaded the public security intelligence console. I'm afraid that will be regarded as a provocation by us."

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

And as long as there are no merits and no mistakes, I can climb further down step by step, and finally find out the missing information!

After all, before I became a "talker," less information was open to me, and more importantly, I lost my autonomy!

After all, he was just a thug before, but now he has become the "brain". Naturally, he needs to understand the whole picture to be able to take charge of the overall situation.

So in order to wash away the humiliation, the other party dispatched "SAt" to ambush you inside, hoping to arrest you in one fell swoop. "

Vodka said: "When you were ambushed later, you felt that our aggressiveness was much lower that time, and we had no intention of catching anyone alive."

But before discovering the helicopter you were driving, you hastily installed a bomb underneath as a countermeasure.

Of course, that preparation is enough to put the blame on Gin, after all, you even dispatched a helicopter.

"Since he is in charge of the situation, do you have any objections?"

As for the "brain", I still have access to it for the time being, but I suspect that as long as I can stand firm and eliminate dissidents, I will be able to come into contact with "this person" sooner or later!

When that time passes, you will definitely find an opportunity to take revenge. "

The "head" must have been knocked off, but the "body" above it was intact, so naturally no one would replace the "head".

After hearing Toru Amuro's words, everyone nodded involuntarily, and Gin's expression also became slightly grimmer.

At this point, Toru Amuro had to be thankful that he chose to cooperate rather than break up that night.

"Are the FBI people trying to avenge Shuichi Akai?"

At that time, you stopped in the air and fired backwards at Curacao, giving the opponent a chance to get closer. "

Otherwise, just by himself and the police behind him, I am afraid he will be wasted in the organization for how long.

And now, since Toru Amuro has taken the initiative to take over the revenge plan, we naturally have no backbone.

But unfortunately, all that was possible was Noh Rage, and Tohru Amuro suggested lurking, so you didn't have to endure it for a long time.

Gin on the side continued to remain silent. After all, I am the loser now, so I naturally have no say.

So if you want to completely destroy that organization, you need a comprehensive strike!

After Toru Amuro heard that Vodka's words could not lead everyone to believe that there was no undercover agent, he immediately opened his mouth to speculate on the topic: "Maybe this was prepared as soon as we finished preparing to monitor Curacao.

You followed closely and echoed: "Bourbon's ability is not obvious to everyone. If Gin can show up, he is the most suitable candidate."

Because our plan was successful, what awaits us is a future that is better than yours.

As for vodka and gin, I have opinions, but I don’t have any.

After hearing Antimode's words, the atmosphere in the room, which had not been relaxed yet, became calm again.

But don't look at this half step. After he takes charge of some affairs, a lot of information in the organization that he usually has no access to or does not need him to access will be opened to him.

Hearing Vodka's words, Kikil and Gin on the side recalled the scene of being rescued, and their eyes became hot.

Of course, we will digest the excitement tonight, and then the throbbing in our hearts on the seventh pressure will continue to lurk in the organization like walking on thin ice, waiting for the day when the mission is completely completed.

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【Police Detective in the Detective World】 【】

But if you don't let me be a talker, I will have less room to move. I even have you as a companion, so it is more convenient to send messages.

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